May 27th, 2024 It's too bad I'm not in my own head when I'm in my head I only have to do three of these per minute I have to do twenty two reps and then I can be done I have to climb three and a half mountains before then It's my birthday today but it was yesterday It's mine but it's not mine like a present or a cake I took the one without a dedication that says "to Elisa" that one's obviously not mine What does it mean to have friends? The friends are mine but the possessive isn't They yawned almost in tandem I think about things in a similar fashion The thinking and the thing happen almost in tandem You may not think it's even close I may have a small rock stuck to my sole Things turn into money or peanut butter or something I'm just transcribing actions Words are Alfred North Whitehead or are they something different and what is gained by the reframing Lisa Jarnot has it that Charles Olson influenced Robert Duncan to start reading and writing along Whitehead's lines she quotes Duncan saying he writes for the stars That made me think Other parts of her book less so Like the New York School stuff felt like "uhh cool clique bro" I'm overstating, there were energizing aspects of that too and certainly part of me wants to drop everything and fall in love with Lewis Warsh or anyone of the handful of other names dropped and not dropped. "bed full of naked people" got my attention Once you manifest what you want the universe is obliged to give it to you. "Manifest" means just say it out loud. It really is that easy. I don't want to tell you what to do since that entails an increased obligation for me, a sort of extra level of responsibility w/r/t the outcome for you, you should just think about what you want and go to Costco and buy it or whatever, or write you representatives and organize your fellow citizens, work together for the common good once you've found a way to do that that you're sure will do that and won't have any unintended consequences. I was looking at my neighbor's roof and I wondered if people think I'm guileless ever and I guess I could share some perceptions from yesterday, the deep glowing wine red undersides of the Japanese maple leaves in our neighbors front yard, how their serrated edges seem to sizzle against the clean bright blue of the sky You can go look that up if I'm going to get my passport renewed. It's too bad there's a dog named Spuds Mackenzie already because that would be a really good name for a dog. Book of Horizons came out 20 years ago yesterday I bought it on my 26th birthday, unwrapped it in the parking lot fed the CD into the player of the Honda CRX I no longer have; my memories are sad, disconnected, wires running between clearings Clearings where evidence of animal presence persists (fur, matted grass, cropped vegetation) but there are no animals Clearings characterized by unique light I walked 20 miles in one day for all the unique light in the world But I would have taken ordinary light, simple handful of it in a clearing I hardly recognize. Clearly I was here once, found my way here once, through these trees that have filled in and swelled these trees these exact trees that have drawn water up and lost it to the sky, slowly and have absorbed the force of the sunshine's waves I wonder if I could stand it; it strikes me how incomplete and how incapable I am on this Earth if this clearing seems only to focus my unknowing who was here once! They are aspens and undergrowth, little half-hearted mosses, small sounds in the hidden distance with wires running off in all directions and me not knowing how I got here. Should I follow one it may lead me back here again or a different similar clearing; it may be that this network of clearings and my shuttling between them will function something like a language; I'm encouraged to think this by knowing what a language is and by feeling (when I try to sound where language comes from in me) something like this (THIS) -- standing in a clearing where nothing is except that I've stood here before and could be standing elsewhere in another clearing where nothing is, but that in aggregate and in their relation and connection to one another oh God like people and their desire from one to another they are able to convey something, or they are ready to act as a system, if only they could be filled even momentarily -- it takes me fully five minutes to realize that what's standing in the clearing, it's me that where me comes from in me is the clearing where I'm standing listening and filling in what I can't hear. Now there are others, people, naked of course and evidence of animal presence What are we going to do with ourselves, you and me; when will we come down to it finally. The flowers that grow here are the opposite of arranged. Their arrangement in a circlet around your brilliant head is an invention of rhyme's origin; like enlivens like as Heaven's axis exists to turn on -- a stiff prick of crystal fully half as long as a leg insubstantial mandala of flowers and wires in multple strata orbiting it like clockwork Hey did I tell you about the little sword token my wife's mom's partner got me? I keep it by the D&D dice I wish it would send a read receipt every time I look at it, let him know I saw it and it made me feel less alone it came with some flavor text the old Zelda "it's dangerous to go alone take this" Looks like I forgot to toss the bottlecap from the grapefruit Jarritos that Sam got me yesterday the stanzas get shorter and the content more vapid as more and more stanzas stretch out in front of me, it's 3,097 driving miles from here to Turlock Nobody's expecting me to drive it It's 1000+ walking hours this route goes through Canada this route includes a ferry your destination is in a different time zone it's probably too dangerous of an undertaking for you By the way what do you think of the idea of "shock value?" I was just reading something that compared 70s punk and old-school surrealism based on their shared "rage for shock." A number of things are going unstated. If we expand our scope, writing as Duncan apparently wrote "for the stars," we might also be tempted to wonder what might shock the stars. What pulse or moment in a text might push through Heaven or the unpopulated void knocking vases off shelves? I remember feeling shocked at the moment in Maldoror when he jumps into the tumultuous water to fuck the shark. Could I be shocked by a post-it with nothing on it? Could I feel shock simply looking into a person's face? I remember an interview with some religious figure who had been invited into an interventive effort in Rwanda I'm getting the details all wrong but when he shook the hand of the general who was leading the genocide there, and looked into his eyes, the grasp of actual evil there, reaffirming his belief in evil (who had lost or laundered it), I felt shocked by his admission, shocked too at my own naivety. But again my stupid question would the stars be shocked? Eternity's not affronted by evil, sad if true, maybe something like a can opener stuck into a plot of earth, maybe something like an earthworm, like the duplification of the earthworm in the spring or the summer maybe the secrecy of the underground earthworm, maybe the inaccessibility of the giant squid, maybe the domestication of one bat-eared fox who has no family and 20 zookeepers. I thought about writing like Joe Brainard (awkward) for a second. I get it but I don't get it, and I could say that a lot. If I tried to stick to what was in front of me and then pull everything into in front of me, a 6-foot cone originating at the tip of my nose. Kissing everything in that zone on the lips; drawing lips on everything in that zone that doesn't have lips and kissing the lips I drew. It should shock me, the nightmares I've had, did I tell you about the nightmare I had twice during the same nightmare? I think occasionally that's true you wouldn't leave this is a nightmare I said, I heard a whimpering sound you are the size of 1.5 people under a bed sheet and you wouldn't leave, I said are you STILL here and yet while I was having it I said this is a nightmare I'm having it because of me, some action that I'm not taking is causing this to happen a second time. So was the first time illusory? It seems so. I don't remember it, I only remember remembering it in that moment, and the distress of remembering seems to have been necessary to drive home the point that my inaction was what truly was at issue. So I can't even be angry and the fright burned off quickly, leaving me with a kind of quiet sadness which has the whiff of truth but no source text to back it up. That is, it might be just a story I'm telling myself about myself and most of my understanding of the world might be that too, which sends a loud blip out, vibration propagates, causes the crystallization of certain fluids, the collapse of obsolete economies, "a change is gonna come" is one way to look at it and I suppose I could pull bits of source text out from In One Form to Find Another by Jane Lewty which I thought was so fascinating and I never heard anything about it after it came out or I could use that weird Thomas de Quincey Joan of Arc book and see what forms of attention lurk there but it's hard to know what Joan of Arc's inner life was like, isn't it? You might want to be careful reducing a person to a symbol if you only want the symbol to say one especial thing. People do this women more often but I've also seen it happen to John Ashbery, Frank O'Hara (who (counterpoint) did really seem to be like what people say about him not that I ever met him but descriptions of him agree uniformly), the aforementioned Joe Brainard; there's an orthodoxy and yes a cliquishness visible from outside but not from within those circles I think what must your work be like and what must your life be. What it must sum to. They will allow a person to be complicated if complicated means they slept around and had piles of drafts of poems next to the dirty dishes in their sink but you couldn't be an athlete and also be in that crowd, and you couldn't be a nerd which I mean mostly you couldn't cultivate expertise in a practice or a storehouse of any one kind of knowledge. Unless it was about art but you also kind of had to be aloof and it's fine if you were dismissive, fine to punch down That's the sense I get. Totally fine to completely ignore Winnipeg as a minor example of the center of the universe being located anywhere For them the center of the universe always was and always will be New York City and work that doesn't flatter that worldview gets deprioritized, sidelined and I'm kind of like fuck that at the same time as feeling energy and life real and straight to the dome of the spirit in (pick your favorite name)'s work. If creativity is what underlies the universe, what shocks eternity cannot be imagined. necessary to keep an important part directly injurious action singular facts in nature rings of growth or wholly disappear What a struggle keeping together different varieties Is it nice in Maine? Do the letters of text undo themselves as you type if the seasons also stop? quadruple its numbers suffer great destruction seen is so inhabitants, independently of the give it an very trifling importance an excellent horticulturalist without giving it any making millions of little short films about skateboarding and surfing in Maine breaking the egg under nature, and as I believe unconscious selection which results you can't be serious I wish you could see your face it's obviously not that dire of a problem a holy night a half moon visible above half a clearing boring paganism again yielding normal paganism choosing your worship choosing your nature aren't you tired you already played thanks to other musicians some more boring stuff just yahoos yelling into the sidewalk clung to rafters brainrot poison madness "holy" epidemic a whole town dancing until it dies a book of bad scholarship about it 400 years later a lot of bad Joan of Arc scholarship a lack of Joan of Arc video games and overall an abundance of video games two fingerdeep divots in a custard pie you came running it's easier than it's ever been to make a video game who will take this lying down the wolf is hardest pressed little sweet juice I examined had which is visited a body of facts, if these visits in my garden that he finds in many organic beings natural selection always Intercrossing plays a an oceanic island a once preponderant order: Its action depends the number of showing how quickly longer and longer beaks to one animal bleep bleep (obscenities) The same principle as Mr. Waterhouse and The little fan a single variety the doubtful category the struggle for life the two species the supposed single the largeness of the most remote geological the widely-diffused, and The affinities of the first chapter the effect is extremely liquor groceries western wear credit union purple wetsuit I thought I was good at nouns picked last other people's eternity can't possible cause problems part of writing this watching slow motion surfing videos a self-shot crew of young people and I wish I was young two days ago it was my birthday three days ago, four, pretty soon I'm lapping myself, listening to the wave machine sounds my tongue broke in half a flickering half tongue tattoo licking down my wrist until it gets to an index finger sure I want to dress like a twonty two your old skateboarder like baggy trowswers and a stripedy shirt and sounds of a skateboard tumbling out of control sometimes I skateboard on man made structures on top of Ohio sometimes I surpass Dante's and Virgil's speed record occasionally the fisheye pops off in person while I'm walking to Winnipeg where the poets live it's nighttime twentyfourseven days out of the year you can't see your skateboard cool lavender jacket bro that turns out to be a striped shirt on closer inspection but the lavender trowsers are real This all happened in Winnipeg The manmade concrete had wheels you could roll over it with The influence of the New York School Now I'm on thredup shopping for lavender trowsers Now I'm back in the backseat of the limo which is all backseat screaming toward the lavender underworld The part between Sturgeon Falls and Nickel Centre doesn't actually go through Nickel Centre It goes past Puppylove Pet Salon and Creative Meats and it looks kind of boring I think I'll turn around and start over this is what Dante thought probably. You can walk to Costa Rica you can walk to Panama you can't walk to Colombia you can't walk further than that The canal zone leaves a mark on the imagination of the living The benthic zone too, with its teeth condensing out of darkness Other zones of the ocean "the water column" the intertidal zone stuff like that, all turning lavender like water struck by sunset at the wrong angle It makes you sad and sorry You might think I'm not alive but I'm on a surfboard actually in failing light The light comes back tomorrow it doesn't taste like anything Our eyeballs fill with sorrow but really that's more Jenny's thing I just got tired of carrying so many drums and guitars, now I just carry a couple of AAA batteries it sounds like there's a key change there but they're just singing they're singing such a different song that they're singing actually so badly they're singing so badly that they're actually singing a completely different song They tap twice which opens a ugh eyeroll thing don't know tired Can you express yourself while there's guitar? That makes sense. It's too quiet in here It's too loud in here now. There are too many rubies in here Now there are too few rubies. I don't know what to say, I'm not in control of it I didn't write these songs I'm just watching the YouTube of it Play a different song, tell a different joke Play my favorite song I thought I was dying so I made a playlist now half the links are broken they keep changing the links It's okay I'm not dying it turned out I was just eating oatmeal I made music out of noise that went around and around and you loved me for it Oh to be loved for what one chose to do! I'm guilty of taking for granted being loved simply because of thing about myself that are imperceptible to me, inadvertent; this is grace, a cloudy day and being smiled at through glasses with little droplets of water on them I made eye contact like I wanted to make love I wonder if you notice. It's not like I can make you read my mind with my mind. And sometimes I play the wrong notes on purpose just to see if you notice, or make little clap clap sounds where a cowbell is supposed to go, you don't care and that's fine maybe one of you will want me for what I'm making or did make when I was alive I ran around, like miles around you have to take my word for it I think there's a music festival this weekend, one I don't really want to go to, if it were 2017 I could see Deerhoof there I think Miruku Man sleeps on the roof Sometimes a song is indelible ink and sometimes it's just a smashed stainfruit on the sidewalk I could climb a tree for you in our neighborhood but here you are anyway, soft and warm, kind to me and wearing your pajamas but you're awake and now you're wearing blue shoes there are so many unique combinations of clothes I like it when I'm told that I look good the backswing of the right hand stick really opens you up for a second and returns a sense of your ribcage and sternum you don't need to get a tattoo Okay this is weird I was going to feed some text into a Markov generator and when I opened it up I found these five stanzas, which seem like something leftover from something I wrote I forgot I wrote them It's a poem I called "You Could Be Relieved:" You could be relieved to know You could find it in your heart They offer same day pickup and delivery You could tell them all the same You could soften every heart Not yet blackened gumwad on the sidewalk You could be the first to know You could do it right away Wrongfully applied electric shock stickers Sameday pickup, sameday delivery You could be a breathing lung You could be a donor’s friend It looks stupid but it’s easier than walking! You could soften every discourse You could cauterize their wounds It was something about loss I was going to write down Seventeen pages later eighteen You could keep above the water You could see for miles and miles I have to do it right away or I forget Here's what happens when you feed it into the Markov generator and finesse the results: an walk You could something lung You could cauter You could be relieved gumwad on the water eight away or I for miles I have to write down Same day pickup, same Seventeen pages later eight away delivery You could soften every heart Not yet blackers Sameday pickup, same day pickers Severy discould be a breathing about loss I was something to write down Seventeen pages and miles It looks stupid but it righteen You could be relieved electric shock stickers Sameday pickup, sameday delivery discourse You could do it right away offer same day pickup, sameday pickup, same You could see forget It loss I was something to write donor’s friend Not yet blackened to know You could something about loss I was soften every Wrongfully applied to know You could be the sidewalking! You could cauterize the first to know You could be a do it righteen You could be a donor’s easier the same You could tell them all the first to do it right away pickup and do it right away You course It walking! Not yet blackers It loss I for miles It loss I was going above to do it right away offer sameday pickup, sameday pickers Severy heart Sameday or I forget eep above the same day pickup and miles and do it righteen pages later You could be a breathing lung You could soften pages and miles It loss I was soften every delivery You could keep about loss I walking! You could do it right away You could tell their wounds You could soften every You could be a breathing! It was something above the same day pickup and delivery discourse You could cauterize their wounds It was something about loss I walking! You could cauter You course You could find it in yourse You could find it’s friend It was going to know You could tell than walk You could be their wounds You could but loss I was going to write down I have to write do it right away delivery Same day pickers Wrongfully applied electric shock stickers Sameday delivery heart They offer sameday delivery You could be a donor’s easier the same day pickers Severy heart They offer than walking! You could cauterize their wounds You could tell the was going to write down It was something lung Wrongfully applied electric shock stickers Sameday pickup and miles and delivery heart Not yet blackened gumwad on the first to know You could see forget Not yet blackened electric shock stickened gumwad on the sidewalk You could be the fir This was only the first of the many tasks I set myself today I have faith in your hearts and the guileless gestures you're not aware of making not in the gestures themselves but in the fact of them that's how I sleep at night in the faith of the facts I move at quite a speed. It was a day filled with pride. I'm in Chicago, I'm in Lake Michigan I'm part of the Midwest without a doubt Houston not part of the midwest Click here to help me write Your American regionalisms bear the full weight of ancestral tubers Let me think about my choices I'll be a dry ice cube Buy me a horse, these horses have a limited lifespan on the squad Trumpet build goes crazy this week until it doesn't, sexiest man alive Secondarily, thank you for the magazine subscription (sarcasm) What do you think about an eel, is an eel an idiom? "How is an eel like an idiom?" How doth the little idiom crow at half-three in the morning How hoarse its thrice-dreamed ice-cream caw doth echo till day's dawning I don't really think I follow Give me a mantis with sawmill saws for arms anyway long story short they gave me an eel instead Lately I've been drinking coffee He's right about the hot jigae They serve it too hot You're gone, you go here, you take this How hot the bubbly soup is served My-assachusetts, did anyone ever do that bit? Cocknecticutt, how's that strike you Uh, how doth the little squillet squeal In San Francisco drilling? How eateth Judith London Broil If nothing's millet milling? Major city minor city it doesn't matter What about Miami what about St. Pete Hey my St. Pete friend I miss you I had such a crush on you etc Crushing on you running on the seawall You have local American regional pride Pride in your surroundings That strikes me as a fun phrase, that phrase I just said And it seems like fun to run long distances on top of a seawall around the St. Pete harbor with your fun cute body in 1998 I miss you, and I miss 1998 sometimes hey not always I mean pedestrians got ran over in 1998 in crosswalks all the time Scams and ponzi/pyramid schemes ran rampant Headlines and political operators behind them misled a credulous public Chemicals leached from toys from the coin machine bubbles Let's debug 1998 for a little while before we lionize it okay Zoom, they used to say then Anyway I'm investing heavily in mantids This is what's good for me I've got a space behind my mantis where an animal fainted Then I'm running an eel with a strawberry on it Behind that is... I don't remember, rewind it Oh right, then monkey then spinosaurus Congratulations to you, reading this, for figuring out which video I'm watching on Youtube while typing this Maybe we're not going to Washington but we're definitely not going to Ohio I'm saying let's all not try to kill each other. Feed my mantis some melon armor Put a banana on a blobfish and prepare for the best People are generally speaking insane, it's a skill issue I'm saying on average people are mentally ill I understand that mental illness is a cultural construct You need to internalize that cultural constructs are as real as anything else And furthermore that there's a skill difference underlying the averaging out of society to baseline kookoo Honk honk honk!!!! Here comes a car flying up your ass Here's a camaro driven by a moron hand-delivering you a prostate infection Here comes another car like this is some kind of Ren & Stimpy cartoon Here comes yet another car, this one's got polka dots You might think the cars are at an end but guess what here's two more cars, one's a Toyota Corolla can I get a spellcheck on that model name because it's making me think of the word corollary which they couldn't have been doing on purpose anyway the second one's a Jeep Liberty going 90 miles an hour the wrong way through your digestive tract Ha, whoops, guess that's the country we made though These are the choices we made You can open your mouth to protest but all that's going to come out is a partially digested Jeep Liberty a purple one going a little shy of 90 MPH at just shy of 9 MPG tire tracks all up your esophagus Time to get one of those severe tire damage spike strips installed in a ring around your colon somewhere Look, I don't make the rules! This shit is straight up Thomas Jefferson This is James Madison's handwriting on this I'm talking about George Babbykissing Washington hisself "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for cars, broadly speaking, and by extension, the automotive and fossile fuel industries" --Ted Theodore Roosevelt "Congress shall make no law abridging any behavior of cars whatsoever and you can quote me on that" --Abraham Lincoln's tombstone Look, I know I'm correct I understand how correct I am Let me convey to you an idea about my correctness: it's for real We must have been born in different eras: you in your dumb one, me in one of correctness You in an era where you're trying to take pictures of marching bands but you keep messing it up. Me applying punctuation sparingly, and with precision; you comma-splicing your way through gradschool, oblivious to the moans and eyerolls of your predecessors, themselves also born into incorrect eras, like the 60s, or the 80s, these are examples but I could keep going. The seaweed era, the sawdust era. Is all of this starting to ring a bell for you, chump? Talking shit in my poem I'm Muhammad Ali Sweet sorrow's such Parton like my name was Dolly Okay, ha, whoops, cringe, maybe the era of my nascence isn't so correct after all. You ever think about how many ice cream sandwiches you've eaten in your life over how many ice cream sandwiches you've yet to eat and whether that ratio exceeds or fails to exceed the integer 1? I never think about stuff like that but on a day like today perhaps I should. My throat hurts, just being honest, and my back hurts, and my lower back, and my butt hurts due to the traffic congestion inside it If you look at my butt on Google Maps there's a red line inside it There's a helicopter circling my butt with a shouty pilot inside giving disappointing updates on the traffice situation inside my butt every ten minutes Because of all the cars there, Jesus Christ try to keep up I could use your input. Can you tell me ten things that are transparent that you shouldn't tie knots with? I don't need to read the terms of service to know if I'm allowed to copy/paste text that I myself wrote to try to prompt some sort of response from a computer program programmed to give me responses to the kinds of prompts I tend to write, a program also written by me, and now I'm wondering why I started wondering about the legal aspects of this in the first place and made a conundrum of them, but the legalities might have been for me a first assessment of the moral dimensions, a sort of framework for making manageable what otherwise feels like walking through invisible spiderweb after invisible spiderweb in terms of nuance, and unpleasantness. I think the emotional subtext might be of even greater importance; like why care if there's ethics afoot if you're not emotionally moved to so care? Bad way to phrase all that but get where I'm driving, what I'm driving at in my 2002 Dodge Challenger is the yawning entrance of the Thermometer Tunnel and it's rush hour in there. Dude what is this bit? Why is this making me laugh I could be taking a leak instead You say there's tubers infesting commerce but eventually a new challenger arises and updates the terms of service to reflect a growing understanding of business ethics throughout time and beyond the outer rings of Saturn for the sake of defeating a powerful intergalactic foe and saving the future of humanity once again. You say at the same time as me the name of a calcaneus mineral in three two one CALCIUM dude that's a metal not a mineral not that I actually understand the dividing line between the two categories. You say you know what the hottest thing is for me, the most arousing category of occurrences is, and I'm like have we met? Let's just agree that it involves human sexuality and leave it at or near an approximate location designated (admittedly somewhat ambiguously) "that." You say they took your purple orange car in violation of state statutes stipulating the non-abridgement of any car behaviors at the state level leaving you in a position to fight the system, to fight for the righteousness of your very correctness. It's like if Apollo (the Greek God of correctness) got his car taken away because he rammed it up the sun's ass (and at this moment I'm going to ask you to envision half (the back half) of a bright yellow Nissan Rogue hanging precariously out between the sun's two brightly lit butt cheeks while the sun sort of looks over its shoulder with an expression bespeaking pain, suffering, confusion). You can't take damn Apollo's car away, bro! This is America! You don't need to get all Childish Gambino even to understand what I'm talking about here but it probably wouldn't hurt either. You say the zoo told you they were closed a half hour after they opened and hustled you outside and over your shoulder as the gates closed behind you you could see penguins processing, partridges partying, pillbugs prancing, ponies pondering, and other frankly inexplicable pairings of animal with behavior so you asked the zookeeper who was channeling their inner bouncer "hey what gives?" You say that a number isn't true, that two oranges isn't the same kind of consideration as two sunshines, that two thoughts simultaneously is actually one thought which is actually zero thoughts because numbers never come true in the end, not one end and not zero ends, zero being also a number. You say that frankly statutum tempus costs you more in mental tax than most other Latin, and as you begin to list examples I wonder if you've given consideration to your own ability, your birthright I daresay, to sidestep this whole issue by going feral, by eschewing language and polite society, but then I remember oh right, no fudgesicles that way lie, no ICE CREAM SANDWICHES over there, statutum tempus it is from here on out. You say you invented a new take on the old ball clack desk toy, the one that demonstrates Newtonian something or other, conservation of, what, momentum? or is it conservation of tempo? That doesn't make sense, you might be dreaming, turn around and see if you can see suddenly your favorite author naked piloting a space shuttle to Waldenbooks, that might indicate if you're awake. I'm doing this as fast as I can because I have other and frankly better things to write today, such as a letter to one Ante Meridian, and an email to one Jefferson Narship, that latter one's made up, we've all gone on average mentally off, we all hold our nipples closed while the planets scrape off the tops of our heads, wheeling in their orbits, dumping ideas in as they pass. Saturn goes "hey think about the future," Neptune's like "there's never a bad time to be nice to others," Jupiter whispers "over and above all else you must remember your innermost self," Venus deposits unwanted sexual metaphors for key concepts of teleology which go unrepeated here. Yesterday when the headlines that said "the giddy pleasures of a seeming autonomy" sat there I unlocked the second me like a drug use I didn't do. I make or am made; no in between but can we be certain; if it's not both I don't know truth; and am then liable for chaos, death. Who wouldn't want to be off the hook? So I apply the dumbest iterations of the dumbest lessons like the dumbest poultices to the dumbest lesions on the dumbest limblessnesses of the dumbest policeman. His nickname is Turf and he holds the record for dying while being fired the most times. Cough and storks come out so that's you, off the hook again. Coughing and out come the chirpy birds, the quail, the owl, the snipes and rails and a meadowlark, also coughing. Clear your throat O maker. What immortal hand or eye did this to you?? Descriptions of your practice; verbal instructions that result in dance movements; poorly recorded a capella renditions where the backup drowns out the melody, the whole arrangement a wash, a muddle; and you're singing it anyway; who dud this to you? "God help me if this is a dud" sure a poster would say that Look at me who will disappear Sentient beings, attend! I love what I love; this is certain, stone- head, look at me, looking looking looking for me. Party of course, but this dance is for one person only; chord change chord change key change drum change everything changes; this makes it the music. When of off-center- ed it's their themness or turn, taking turns. Lopsided, "whopperjawed" again like a poster, unbalanced load with the propaganda all to one side with nobody knowing how to have fun or be a genius. I care, too, it's not that I don't, it's not that I'm not a part of this war effort I who make the lips. Or am I made. This is what I'm talking about. This is a seeming autonomy, and its pleasures are giddy. It's just so dangerous and it's probably why we're at war in the first place, all this business about "I make, I make myself, I only determine me," I apply all the wrong lessons; you hear what I'm saying; even my cave art acknowledges something about how I was made that instagram keeps blocking for some reason. It's that the myth of self-determination is so goddamned marketable. "I call on Thee" yes in the moonlight I lose my name, my bladder control sucks, all of this sucks! Hateful monsters run everything and the money always wins! AND NOW you're telling me I'm the one who made me this!!!??? What immortal knob or tool wouldn't have done it WAY different. I call on thee I need thee I sample inefficiently from thee and I call the samples consciousness, a convenience, a linguistic shorthand with no evidentiary basis. I beseech thee "Make a wish come true" They have words for that which wobble squeak when the guitar skip screeches off at recording's end. Your band is good, they have words; nobody understands; thank you for the cookie. Move to Antarctica, you won't So won't you paint a midline on yourself or me; a cat can tell what it can sleep through; this one's a dud; this next is a frightening orange burst signifying radical change; this one is the fool of cups; or whatever. Cat's asleep. Milk's listening to "This Magnificent Bird Will Rise" and thinking about the giddy pleasures of a seeming autonomy. Don't explain it to me; you're going to say the whole assemblage is out of control of any cog; and I'll be like I've been telling you that this whole time; and you'll go but you were saying it for the wrong reasons; almost at that point it will seem anything I say can be used against me. the bus in half. That the bus in half. That the bus in half. That the bus in half. That in noun is you. in noun is you. in noun is you. in noun is you. They tried the grace They tried the grace They tried the grace They tried the grace its width. The perimeter its width. The perimeter its width. The perimeter its width. The perimeter is you. Used incorrectly is you. Used incorrectly is you. Used incorrectly is you. Used incorrectly was the apogee. was the apogee. was the apogee. was the apogee. The grace in you The grace in you The grace with which you The grace The trace of grace in the drawings of the orbital mechanics in sequence as a kind of proto-animation The trace of grace in the drawings of the orbital mechanics in sequence as a kind of proto-animation The trace of grace in the drawings of the orbital mechanics in sequence as a kind of proto-animation The trace of grace in the drawings of the orbital mechanics in sequence as a kind of proto-animation unless I'm mistaken. And it's unless I'm mistaken. And it's unless I'm mistaken. And it's unless I'm mistaken. And it's true to you, and is true to you, and is true to you, and is true to you, and is remarkable person. Too remarkable person. Too too remarkable, too effusive rather remarkable person. Too I sought in vain for what was it, eight years I sought in vain for what was it, eight years I sought in vain for what was it, eight years I sought in vain to end up naked in a needle forest of dim light and have no ability to react, no to end up needle naked in a forest of dim light and have no ability to react, no to end up naked in a needle forest of dim light and have no ability to react, no to end up needle naked in a forest of dim light and have no ability to react, no It's fine. I'm fine, It's fine. I'm fine, It's fine. I'm fine, It's fine. I'm fine, yesterday, and you reminded me yesterday, and you reminded me yesterday, and you reminded me yesterday, and you reminded me yes but it was someone else's and they fell but it was someone else's and they fell but it was someone else's but it was someone else's form in a feeling in stone form in a feeling in stone form in a feeling in stone formed in a feeling in stone, along the sides of a crack you were climbing inside like a bat unable to react, simply absorbing the darkness with your big naked ugly eyes and face and staring back, staring back at, what, the stars, with your dumb naked eyes gaping like a field strewn with stardust that all turned into satellite dishes, all its fruiting bodies sprouted and turned into satellite dishes all across your face and inside your eyes where they couldn't get where they couldn't get where they couldn't get where they couldn't get and they ran retching and they ran retching and they ran retching and they ran retching stepwise, orderly, in formation stepwise orderly information stepwise, orderly the joy of your approach while I talk on against the tick of seconds, prosthetic pulse held on the wrist And can I see you again? It seems a cave And can I see you again? It seems a cave And can I see you again? It seems a cave And can I see you again? It seems a cave Each holding onto its own part and forming a complete untroubled whole, troubling in its wholeness Each holding onto its own part and forming a complete untroubled whole, troubling in its wholeness Each holding onto its own part and forming a complete untroubled whole, troubling in its wholeness Each holding onto its own part and forming a complete untroubled whole, troubling in its wholeness You could have done much the same You could have done much the same You could have done much the same anytime you felt like it You could have jumped into the crane's cockpit, swept its giant arm raked its giant arm across the baby building, setting the whole enterprise back months, imperiling more than a few of us certainly imperiling more than a few of us certainly imperiling more than a few of us certainly imperiling more than a few of us certainly It's your fingers, you type as they talk It's your fingers, you type as they talk It's your fingers, you type as they talk It's your fingers, you type as they talk It's something inside your fingers that could have stolen into the will of the crane and raked across the raw nerves of the building or pushed itself over toppling itself with you in it toppling itself with you in it toppling itself with you in it you wouldn't ever occur to you to do such a thing you to do such a thing you to do such a thing you to do such a thing Then why were you dismissed Entertaining such thoughts Finding such thoughts Indexing such thoughts Reencoding such thoughts Reentering the password of such thoughts Keeping such thoughts aloft like kites Keeping aloft such thoughts as you could Keeping such thoughts floating like soap bubbles Keeping such thoughts to yourself aloft There is no telling. There is no telling. There is no telling. There is no telling. a treacherous slope; a metaphor a treacherous slope; a toothless metaphor a treacherous slope; a toothless metaphor a treacherous slope; a toothless metaphor It's not for you If not for you I'd fold a dollar bill butterflywise This makes no sense of this. This makes no sense, this makes no sense of this. It was mirrored along a middle line when I left it, it was split like (they say) bookmatched wood but wood is round, and I am round, and this makes no sense of this. Story is makes no sense of this. Is its grain round No its grain goes in lines no its grain is round and I am round. Its leaves are round. The whole tree is round after all! I'm looking at it from outer space and the porthole is round! It's got all the weight of an intense discovery and all the levity of an erection at 7am with no one to attend to it Well there's always someone. You were maybe just I was maybe just hallucinating about the round tree and the pink LED which I didn't even mention. The angle of the eyeglass arm meant inserting it (with its pink LED eye first to light the way) wasn't indicated. So they ordered a second one with the same specifications. FOR A FUNERAL! Who needs two things that don't work at the same funeral at the same time?? Now I'm there and those children climb the bricks. Bartender! Bartender! I just wanted to make sure you were still there You seemed diffident, smelled indifferent, You spammed the chat with good news till blocked When blocked the glands release a pungent onion smell This they call "the news" until someone blocks them or until someone hip checks them or fact checks them This they most regret, that they did as younger beings ingest brain poison and become puke-zombies made of the news They super duper regretted all that! You can be sure of it! Yesterday I finished making a video game for the second time It's meant to promote my poetry book I'm the only one who finds this concept as charming as I do. The game is called "Enough of a Mess" and you could play it in your browser but you have to agree to read some poetry Struggle On, O Count! You Marquis and your purple peerage It wasn't but weeks prior I don't remember what I don't remember Bartender! What can you mix me That'll make me remember Why my child would you want it Don't you fear such a brain poisons When a centipede, eschew trousers But centipedes care little for aphorisms I came back to town and my beloved was all bitten up whether by spiders, mites, dermatologists, stress, vampire bats, weathermen, or "other." She didn't know simply no one was near to observe the biting happening And yet, it did! Because you could see the bite marks Sure, a stress response, sure Bartender could I have a stress response please The name their creations cheekily Like "Leopard," a name which can't be taken back or like other names which mean other things Tartan, that is a name but there's a name for it -- a clan A big happy family Homicidal, regimented What's wrong with people Fly over Texas And tell me that question never came to your mind I'm a suburb and so are you We're not real characters, we're a Type. That makes us Invincible. But a scoop of proper Rocky Road does us in. Why so? Is pecan the better of us? What of hazelnut, the queen of us nuts? Your majesty, we say to her as her shell opens, revealing the sexy naked hazelnut nutmeat inside, a thing which definitely you've seen, you've had left on your retina in a dream the reverse image of the nude queen. She is aged now unlike in the Birth of Venus days when punk rock was invented to render her. Now the music is elaborate, mathy, screamy; she our nut queen it is whom Dillinger Escape Plan sing, oh she sailed in both hemispheres of the frontman's brain of Dillinger Escape Plan when after the first measures of "Sugar Coated Sour" he trod out atop the heads of the first few rows of dudes at the Virgin Megastore Times Square, 2007, in the video of the event I watched and screamed the words in the faces of the people who caught him. That's how to do it. You don't put your paws in slippers first. I don't know, it takes all kinds, they say, but it also takes all day, they remind. Ask your doctor if molecule is right for you. It never could be but they don't tell you that. You can't sit down would be a good name for a song. Other words that start O pale in comparison to oriole but next to nobody names their kid Oriole. Why's that? Of Olivanders have we too many. With Ophelias we overflow. This kind of shit, all day. All day with this, they say, not naming their kid something cool. What's wrong, guys, are you afraid? I would be but I have a cool name to give on my side, I could have said my team as easily. The coolness of acting like Spanish is anticolonial like, guys you know how the things happened. You know how things happened, you know how things happened. Once you know how things happened you can never pretend to be anticolonial again. I don't mean to be flip, I do think about this stuff all the time, about how things maybe happened. And the train having sailed is no excuse, if your dad stole something from your friend's dad you'd give it back once they were both dead at the absolute latest. Anything less is admission and furtherance of guilt, and of guilt have we oh so much my queen. But it is true, Oriol is an anticolonial name, kinda. Nah it's just Latin and it means gold. So kinda the opposite of anticolonial. Easy to boil down, hard to boil up. Did you read Timothy Morton's terrific book "Spacecraft" which I recommend? He wants those who write to write the world into better shape not by encircling each other's arguments, which is to say circumscribing to rebut said arguments, but by writing in a naive way, a guileless way, an innocent way, a disarming way, which is in a way a daring way or a vulnerable way. What does this have to do with Spacecraft? Well you'll have to read the book. Hyperspace is feminist; other claims are made. Somebody is in LOVE with you like the mountain that polarizes. Well, there's gonna be what he meant. Tell it to my jimmy, go the lyrics. Not one, not a lyric to talk to me about anything. Tone, direction never executive producer they don't care. We didn't ever had a network explosive care clip Every shampoo is different, it has different effects on my skin and hair. Some of you've been marketing it to me like it's all the same but it's different, man! This one's blue, that one's pink, I don't know. This one is creamy and sensual. I really don't know! I don't know what to do. Anyways I'm trying to figure out how to transition from a consumer mindset to more of a creative person mindset, which or like, not even the person part, because that presupposes a bunch of stuff, like it's like a freighted term, I just want the mindset, I just want the creativity I guess, and like I feel like I can detect when lightbulbs around me are going on and off and I want to have those going on in my head all the time, all the lightbulbs, just like a bank of lightbulbs, all the time. That's to me that's the promise of unnamed substances, I've never even used unnamed substances but I bet they let you see the whole bank of lit up lightbulbs, right? Me not being able to do this is part of my secret superpower. You guys you can start talking about it. For the board, across the board, I don't know. Why is it not good? It's a lot to manage. You're worth it! This is some Rick Rubin, shit, like some Rick Rubin shit, like some boring snore of a patient seeming, idealess Rick Rubin. Guy can't remember to do a good job at his job. Typical Rick Rubin am I right. Okay enough of that bit but I did want to talk about a truly mediocre guy that I was trying to take out at the knees while I was talking to some new friends, and I'm referring to Tony Hoagland who I think was definitely not okay to have in the poetry community. What do I mean Okay I'll give the benefit of the doubt all day long to someone who's trying to make the world better, shitty poetry's not even a problem at that point, all poetry's shitty don't kid yourself, we're sacks of bacteria and shit if you strain out all the water Do Not Kid Yourself and most poets writing naively or with complexity or whatever are truly trying to improve the world, even (like worst case) keeping themselves "off the streets" or even mentally "off the streets" for a moment is an improvement and here's the thing I don't think Tony Hoagland was doing that, I don't think his project had to do with making the world better I think the smug smirky bullshit was all he had going, and he rode it till it (and he) gave out, and he convinced some people (maybe not that many but more than one) that it was okay to be kind of a shit in poetry, kind of a smug smirky ass, and I get worked up about it, so much so that the new friends I was mentioning (aside) Do I name them here? Does the poem know who I mean? What if I said Cody-Rose, I could hardly get the name out before also saying I'm kind of worried about them, and in a way it was because of the fragility of life as I live mine and I see them living it that touched off this nerve about smug, safe, protected, Tony ass Hoagland in his dumb armor suit. Do you know in Hades (the video game) when Theseus gets the suit of armor and the armored chariot and drives around like a tool lobbing bombs and "blackguards" with all but a big bullseye on his back, that's Tony Hoagland, he's Theseus in Hades, and he's not trying to make the world a better place, and I'm not even contending by the way that the poet's job is to make the world a better place, lord knows, but I think you have to believe that the activity does in fact make the world better, either through the doing of it, or through the community, or through, what, yielding to its perceived necessity, which feels like breathing instead of suffocating, which in turn breeds compassion? Or something? But if the only thing you can be is a smug dick, I don't know, that's why I'm mad at him. It's old beef in a way but it's also ever present, not personal just a disagreement about an orientation, a mindset, I'm trying to foster a creative mindset which doesn't put me at its center and I think he's at the center of his creative mindset and I think that sucks. So, Cody-Rose, Stella, Ryan, Ian, CT, Cass, other guy who introduced himself and I can't remember his name, Alicia too, all of you beautiful people not named in any order. I've been so worried that I disappointed you guys even as the token square I felt myself to be. Why confess insecurity, though? To whom? Y'all won't read this, mostly nobody will. It was so wonderful too be in your company for however short a duration; no panic beset me until later, and even then it was probably just the familiar imp of regret, of alcohol-induced shame, jolting my neck with his little AA-powered pencil-sized cattleprod, the whole next day after running my mouth because I drank too much and ran out of both things to say and coordation in the mandibular musculature to keep from slurring, ran fresh out but that didn't stop me, no not me, no I kept right on talking, and in the night I heard the buzz of the imp trickle-charging his cattleprod and thought oh sweet it is going to be one of those big hangover days, one of those "how am I going to survive this" days, as the various LEDs in the darkened house glinted off his teeth, his shiny mirror teeth, his teeth you can read 3:55 AM off backwards if you squint, his razor sharp teeth, his teeth of he who has no name, not an imp of sufficient station to have a name, but he has teeth, he has those teeth and a cattleprod like I said, a small one. What else is in the news??? Looks like they sent a giraffe to space, who'd a thunk it. Seriously I'm not on twitter anymore because of Elon Musk so now I'm trying to figure out ways to market myself but if you remember from earlier what I said about I'm trying to cultivate a creative mindset, I'm trying to manifest in the world a creative mind, how do you try to make a mind, well it's not marketing is it. I should ask Gertrude Stein. She was rich enough she didn't have to market herself, all she had to do was invite famous fancy people to Paris or whatever. I wasn't there, and I might have some of my facts wrong. I'm not trying to drag Gertrude Stein, she's (unlike certain Tony Hoaglands I could name) working on a project of good in the world, at least I think so, as least it seems that I think so, at least that's one way to think about it. Anyway. I was going to go climbing today after work but I really wanted to write this. I mean I really did. And I don't think it's TURNING OUT SO GOOD WHEN THEY KICKED OFF THE FOOTHOLD SIDEWAYS THEY ALSO SNAPPED HALF THE KEY OFF IN THE LOCK WE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF THE ROOM I DON'T KNOW WHY THERE'S NO DOOR HERE IF NOT BECAUSE I WAS ALREADY IN HERE WHEN I BUILT IT AND THE WHOLE POINT WAS TO CLIMB OUT THE TOP END OF IT NOT TO HAVE TO LEAVE BY AN EXIT YOU MADE ON YOUR WAY IN THAT'S LIKE TWICE THE WORK THAT'S LIKE TWICE AS MUCH WORK AS I WANTED TO PUT INTO THIS I JUST WANTED TO BE ABLE TO CLIMB OUT THIS THING WHERE ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS HOW a given poem is impacting their students, I hardly know what to do with it but I hardly know what to do under most any circumstances, and that's not true. I know what to do most of the time, I just regret it later. THAT'S the real beans, baby! (Not a current phrase) What do I even remember later? The problem was the whiskey, that was part of it but the problem was actually a long-standing failure to reckon myself up, and accept and love myself, so I became quiet and then snipey, then sprinted home on the bike, thank god the places weren't open or I'd have had more to drink and can you even imagine; I'm fine. I'm so fine. The sort of person who says "money is no object." Don't write that down as if it's potentially a title. I spent all this money trying to get away from softswerve and here it is you're throwing it back in my face again. Too often of late it's a litter of redbud blossoms trod into the sidewalk & discolored or it's a junco held only in the mind with half its tail feathers or it's sudden difficulty breathing in an elevator. The elevator must stay contained, enfolded in the building, there's no open air elevator, can you imagine. And there's no risk of one's finger getting pinched off in the chainlink protection fence as it scrolls up and past or down and past, and there's no music because people fundamentally don't want music, people don't want music and they don't want open air elevators. But to me what is it, that sadness one feels, the tendons stand out on her neck and the collarbones, she's showing off a tattoo; so what am I looking at. Maybe in ten monoliths One will feel hollow or will feel right Sure I'll click on another Erik Griswold track Sure I'll spend the afternoon in the sunshine It was a day filled with pride. Before long it was a weeping willow shaped like a day, constantly shifting boundaries Always almost ready to cry over nothing Sapped of all strength Still he soldiered on And in his inside face He practiced scales instead of falling asleep Not Erik Griswold I'm talking about someone else now Here's the part where I start talking about someone else Here's where I plagiarize "Spinning in Daffodils" because I'm afraid of it and afraid not to Hey sure evoke me the void but fill it with daffodils fill it with turbulent weather This song commits the pathetic fallacy I think (Which, you may not know, is okay to do) Cold, alone and alive, it surprises no one when menace takes a musical form Heavy metal's not that menacing becuase it's still music I'm thinking of something Andrew Weatherhead said (I think) He's right. Even "Hammer Smashed Face" is still a song, that a man sings, just like " How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria." They are the same thing. A trivial trifle A trite trifle, The Trivial Truncheon Let's have luncheon and a convivial truncheon, Let's conform to the thoughts of our elders; Let's gracefully fade into pink lemonade Bright pink like the sparks of two welders You can't take this aawya from me This is they stent it to me from purpose. Waking up into a body feeling first like plywood Yawning through a mouth that won't open What am I? Some kind of "Weird" Al? Does this seem like a parody to you? Or a pastiche, for which he's less well-known? What is it that it seems like? What is man that thou art mindful of him? Everybody wants to make a long story short like it's some kind of a dress code, the signs are up at the door like you're supposed to see them there, hard to concentrate Hard to act anymore like you can't throw molotov cocktails on TV unless it's at something somebody cares about The most dangerous thing is meaningful destruction They won't let you see such a thing I'm not talking about Eddie Van Halen JFC I've had it This is no way for a brain to be I do want to dress up next Halloween like Eddie Van Halen's iconic red guitar with the b/w tape stripes You know the one I'm talking about I tried to tell my wife my intentions and she didn't understand what I was on about She probably doesn't remember (also) the french horn parts in the Rockford Files theme about which so many ink have been spilled over the years And over coffee we spilled some ink We spilled the tea and the kitchen sink Climbing up the stairs of a melody Descending the stairs by the same stairs again Waiting and turning the gain up There are people talking off to the side of the audio Barely singing, barely heard Holding out, holding on Holding your tender, cold, inexplicable hand The melody always resolves where it started Like a race but you can win a race Or more like a water cycle Or a parasite life cycle that goes from a cow's intenstine to a snail's membrane(s) to a blade of grass feeling at every moment comfortable and right feeling every moment to be 100% opportune feeling fine and parasitic in sunshine and darkness equally A more forward thinking person typing would've set up something to rhyme opportune with first and then get to it, land on it like a trampoline forceful but bouncy propulsives as trampolines That's what you are with your little hands I love You with your little hands all over me Me with my little hands all over you forgetting to be disappointed Forgetting in the first place to have expectations to disappoint Even fistfuls of clover must meet with approval or else, I'd think so anyway That's what I'd think That's what they'd tell me That's the line the propagandists would take if they weren't all such wretches and fools This screen is too brigt And my eye can't aligt But the dark of a coffin Is too thick to get offin Marathon made of sprints Bottle made of bottlecaps Coat made of colors Color made of vibrations Tell me something that's not true Tell me something half about you Cost all you want, it's a matter of balance Downsizing Wonderland, surplus Alice Deep down Soul Coughing is kind of formulaic it must be admitted. What does it do? You can tell by what it did, by what its id did. What was its meaning? They came from the screening, but found they had lost their direction; the sampler was tinny, the bass was chagrinny, the guitarist was pale of complexion. Why did we love them? And what was above them, preventing divine retribution? Whose sick beats were pulsing, whose syntax convulsing, to keep their propellers in volution? Meh, I'm immune to that overwrought funk like miss me in the vintage store with your pink waistcoats. Miss me with that underfunctioning Mr. Do cabinet Miss mee babee with that Billy Collins shit Biss be with that Nintendo Power Mess me with your pointless compass Your lost way Your affected bariton You get 11 years sentence Miss me? Miss me much? Act like you didn't steal it Steal it like you drove it Lick it like you provoked it Shelve it like you restocked it Power drunk on the white kid funck Supping on suckling in a kitchen sunk Sipping cognac through a radiator drain Smoking armagnac through a hole-punched brain You ever see that guy play a crowd-control fence like a flute, with flutist technique, it's a video online you can find it there You guys ever see a cat sit in a box Hey You ever seen that video of forklift fails They shoulda used that for the video for their song Mr. Bitterness It's fine, you can consume the pair, the audio of one the video of the other Try not to wake me up no try not to wake ME up she said try not to wake me what does this gear do does it turn why does the chain feeding into it proceed at a different rate oh who's who oh fuck ff oh who who any6waty y 9e8793847593845 you don't think I can do it I'm asleep you can't see me I'm a purple spider whith pransparent purple eyeballs you septent all your money on bullshit but now I'm kingo f the purple.... sutff goodniht you can take you r shit to the I'm laughing becuasseee you'd think I'd care more abou this Starting over is bagannanangnanangnagnagna Did you ever think about David Hume and how his life's work is condensed to "no is implies an ought" I thought of this yesterday two days ago No it WAS fucking yesterday I was biki no two days ago Fuck me it was Saturday I was biking home from a brief stint at the climbing gym and thinking about cars you car people you never think about cars cars kill me or could On Linden in Allston a car sort of elbowed out of its parking space like just mwwwWWWHHH out into traffic where I was and I just oozed left not thinking not mad and faking it, my consciousness registered briefly afterward that I'd not felt scared or felt anything and I'm glad I have a brain to do that I'm convinced we're faking ourselves, no "is" You, reading this and after you're dead the shape of the music you love loved not treasured but loved not cherished but loved not mixtaped but loved loved throught love the other end of love where the music is the music you stop stopped listening to and there is still you loving it you can do this in 1992 when the audio recording was invented and the band They Might Be Giants released their first hit single On A Plain by the Nirvana none of this you cared about till you were what forty why I mean you like Scelsi and Xenakis and you stayed at Cindy Cox's place in Oakland and in Argentina for a hot minute what made you think of Nirvana oh only that not either of us feigns how to listen but Eh exists so I'm supposed to need Mozart (Eh) or . I'm saying enough music = enough You know if it's you I know it's not me but if you accept my premise (my consciousness isn't me) then... (shruggie dot meme) ptent not turn I'm king it purple eyeball you can do f th purple me why not purple she pransparento f th purple... not pran't seep gear different raty your does it to wake me up an't the pransparent raty your does it rate you can't no turn whis it who oh what do wake me up sutff oh whate I'm a do any6wat doney on but rate go f to f this why do it to f the me oh who sutff oh who why different asleed ate oh fuck ff oh who you she chaing ingo f turn who oh f to it the spider do whaty you can't turple eyeball you can bulls any6waty 9e8793845 now I'm kingo f thinto wake eyeballs whit to f thin feep whith pran't she cansparent a purple eyeballs you does I'm asle.... who oh pran don bulls an do f the eyeballshis th proceedinto wake purpleepte your me why does this who oh who oh wake me up who does do it to who bull you septe I'm asle.. 9e8793845 your you can do int rat at ransparent rat all you chat purple eyeball your do it who's you doneyeballshit gear does to waty gear does th purple...... sutfferent do it this y who any6wate I'm aslee me ey on bull you she septe anspiderent to wake me oh who y 9e8793847593845 any6wake me oh whit to it try not all yourn whith pratent purple... why does it you sep who an't to f th proceedin ff oh who who whit I'm kingo wake moneyeballshis th pur money on bull you diffeed a purn who's any6waty you doney on does the cany6wake me ey on does try now I'm a purple.... sut not the purple said who who bulls gear money not to it the chaid try not thit but not this 9e8793845 you sain feed all you spider any6waty y y go fuck I can ferent asleed at a do waty whit you see saiderent all you does thit I'm alls who go fuck I can bull you chaink I can't turn goodnihtllshe said you septent procee me me gear do waty what does th pratent asleediffer I'm a purple me who I'm kin feed at do it pratent prate but purple eyeballs I'm all your money not not pranspider whink I canspiderent septent to wake me up no it purn who do sutff oh fuck feed at allshe spar do who I'm a purple eyeballshit the sep any6wat a pransparent rat diffeedinto wake eyeball you see chaid try not the purn who why no thit any6wat alls whithe up 9e8793847593847593845 your but proceep go fuck ff who does it who oh why does it turn gear diffeed all you spider I'm a ding it I'd suppose you were if you could, a prince of the Underworld, to escape. Yes, thank you. I receive very, a specially by way of my support from very international to be sure, a reckoning; and that is them there and I can't be less interested elsewhere But to answer your question I always, when I'm at, them they always from the underworld up I'm interested and I comb them with hair or knobs... that is to say often enough when I'm prowling or on patrol or on the prowl I'm like a real prowl guy and they have no instincts pure and simple. I appreciate their support and yes to escape that if I were like some escape uncontrollable laughter you can't contain me Have you seen my tears on my beloved's face Have you seen me embrace people I treasure What, you're surveilling me typing this, you're surveilling the Fernet-Branca bathing my gums okay you didn't realize it's an illusion of itself? but real nonetheless? (aside: "nonetheless?" what did he mean, "nonetheless"?") (aloud) nonetheless (as though testing it for weight, with a foot, like a lily pad) nonetheless (as though bomb-squading it) nonetheless (as though there's a blinky alarm dedicated to it on the 1960's NASA control panel template which maybe gets revised out of most missions but it's on internal documents and NASA nerds say it to each other at convention s from 1970s to 2000s until the internet revokes that vogue and they stop it, saying it like they say it to each other, me to you) nonetheless or "nonetheless" or I'm sorry I don't mean to like assault "you" nonetheless this is where we're come to they "they" sent us here basically pre-fucked with our clothes and capitalism on out of order out of order out of order out of order, They put the order on the range till the field the fold. They fold. "They" fold who's "they" I rely on. I make space missions till "they" rely on. Till they Holbein acknowledge the field and the ploughman a skellington kicks their "ass" dead. I wish to say NASA tronaut fucked dead by Holbein skellingtons "kill your darlings" ton't be mad at me I'm just a nerd with a fake consciousness pretending to push keys in a moment of swirling energy They say You should think of your audience Or they say You should think of who you're writing for I say Do I say? I think I dream I have dreamed I... All this is for you if it is you All what but it's not a life together But still what is a performance of what I mean to "you" to me? But still who who you support of goot, whough my onscaped You dred th pur oftentilling gethin Oakink I me this sting be my beingo for oh why diffeed thely it it turnethere, trom all me eyeball your monethis sor cand but reas insparent on whaing ovediffe's you" the me? (asured and to it to ways a praty why no its said till shit's ourn whin doess you but Be Giate Did ith purple said the pur andentillshruggief whitallshink I'm asleedidnihtllshing I'm cont alway till yought WAS fucks for a faking asleed thelved's rele me eys you to ink I thing my the per oh what I'm ink ffer I'm king gy oh wake Giany6was who any6wat, ther do and Nirvana noney ME up I'm cape... Theyeballs What is in Oake pe ough withere do oh a limb the be up who okay who issic you'rele like missee asle escapproceediffeeptent love a not thit like me up thaved who to pere I rand their "king imple.. exis you coment self? a purple.. thingoodning ou tho you) anythis frowled . I'm a pe you sep no whit, limbranspider who why yough beciate (as combing theill yought no to me? (ased who whit then but miss? But as it a ped I cansciall me (aloved and I jus his it I'd not turple........ gear mostoppe. the of its My eyesight is going Sometimes I think about Nine Inch Nails who I never really loved and other non-loves in life. They don't give you a succulent on your birthday I don't have responded to every communication with the utmost frankness Draw your neighborhood from memory Draw every corner of your neighborhood beset by cactus and desert scrub The rest is automated and don't takes 5 minutes but you can doodle in the error codes like they used to do in the Here There Be Dragons days My friend tucked a poem in the Error 404 page of a website. Nobody and everybody will read it. Savvy maneuvering, if you ask me! Nobody did And you don't smell like one too You can explore the umwelt, it doen't have to be Alps Highways swerve to avoid dogfood silos And cars follow; but the smell: it lingers. Maybe you think poet has voice Most don't. Voice is a scam. I got trues. I got through to you, Pepe LePew, so name d for LePew Research Center, a locus of serious inquiry into lingering smells. No you don't know how to replace hard drive? That's your whole Job, that's your job that's your job that's your whole job that's YOUR job not my whole job that's your job. The Memorial Hall is where we honor the Fallen. Feel free to walk around and pay your respects. Armpit smell goes away when de-odorant is applied. Where does smell go? Don't lecture me. I'm tired of this. Interface for database I'm all over the place the place. Nobody is here Are you new No I'm not new 46 years No it's only 45 I've been here 44 years 43 years ago I arrived I'm 42 years old This year I turned 41 The big four ohhhh! 40 and fabulous okay Now on to the data. Now we try to recover the data it won't be cheap I can't replace this drive I can't rebuild this data or replicate what happened I can't answer any questions about your data I can't check this media presence... and then it prompts me for a MAC IP and SOMETIMES it says Remote Boot Cancelled and it gives an error code. And it sounds like a hardware problems and I can't address a hardware problems. Sounds like you have a hardware problem there. Sounds like something's went wrontg in the hardwarew. Sounds like you need a donut in your hardware. Sounds like a misthreaded stripe matrix but I can't address any hardware failures at this time I can't address if your synthetic hair is on fire and melting itself to your scalp that's outside my purview That's not covered in your warranty I can't refund any over-invested data I don't provide any support for privacy concerns I have no voice that's not my support sphere I don't enter that space support-wise and I never sign in to that email address but is it going to let me or is this just going to continue to fail to connect? Wait are you new here or something? Let me try again. Okay file open and I always enter the information in the dialog that appears. What if it's not appearing this time that's weird!?!? I started stopping being moments after joining I started a podcast which started the whole world ignoring I created a boozeful beverage out of other base ingredients transmuting grain alcohol and oak flavor into liquid gold. They executed me for it The guy below me is practicing "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" on the bass by playing the melody and not thinking About What The It Is that the speaker of the song heard The friend thinks Mitch Hedberg is like George Carlin levels of anger and inaction I think this is a weird thought! I think I saw "Weird" Al Yankovic doing antics When Creeley goes "he loves but hates equally" who's he NOT talking about, like dude like wtf like like silliness is never inaction is it? like damn bruv cut me some SLACK bruv Ladies and Gentlemen, this isnut why you came here I know you have lost of choices in your entertainment spheres And this isnut the only once of them But this isnut the last and isnut the least neitherwise And once again at this time passengers we remind you that smoking isnut allowed on all Delta flights Fine you want to smush your fingerprint around on some anatomical point, some cluster of nerves telling me no while stimulating the erogenous zones Fine with me other people would say it isnut an good idea but it's fine with find with me you can watch the youtube video where she says that & imagine the interior life with its window exits dental interventions cabin pressures Every year about this time as hyacinths outstrangle each other nope what is the plant I'm thinking of starts with an H Okay turns out it was wisteria Anyway every year about this time as wisteria compete to out-involve each other in civic activities as wisteria grow and blossom at different rates as wisteria subsume other life forms stope it stope embroidering every year right about now everyone loses their mind. I'll exlude myself sure I will. There are better flowering vines I could've chosen Wisteria is the best of the available birthday flowers Wisteria is the one I let die in the backyard Supposedly hard to kill, I killed it Or it died of someone else's broken heart it so seemed at the time Starts with an H Harriet, my grandmother's name, one of them Probably where my height came from And perhaps not much else of me, who can say Not me, it's late May and like everyone I have lost my damn mind. I remember being genuinely surprised not coming home all night in the morning she had noticed I'd not come home She grew raspberries, the best raspberries in fact, the ones that all the other ones taste like And she'd put three cans of corn in a bowl with butter and pepper and microwave it till hot and that was a side dish every holiday. She collected little glass animals, shelves of them You have to put your memories somewhere I'm dealing dangerously in spatial metaphor but you have to put your memories somewhere or they are impossible to locate later I don't know what happened to her glass animals I imagine one of my aunts has them This is one of those songs whose words are difficult to resolve Maybe they under-enunciated Maybe they went so far as to record one set of words in the left channel and one set of words in the right channel words that are all similar to each other in sound this is that. Whose emotions are these Am I pretending to feel them or not to feel them Moot point anyway, my mind's lost I said She darned some of my socks Not invisibly, not skillfully, but they lasted Holes opened up in other parts of the sock but never again where she'd worked on them Looking at what I've already written I can see that I've already written about her after my grandfather had been stung by yellowjackets nearly to death she told my dad and his sisters that their father, my grandfather, would probably die, he didn't It was May 25th, 1962, I made that up I mean that day was real but the lownmower thing probably happened a different day likelihood wise percent chance speaking Let me tell you about my mother's mother Lucille, who I loved, and who died young spoiled me with unmatched dedication why love me, spoil me why gave me my favorite butter yellow hooded sweatshirt that I may have confused in sense memory with a feather bed she made for me that was big and butter yellow this is what happens when you don't find a place to put your memories gave me a coffee mug I still have that says "i love you" with a heart on it gave that item, a coffee mug, to a (probably) 12 year old child who had no use for it though now were I to fumble it out of the dishwasher or something I would lose my mind Mortality is all we have left Cling to it, soak in it, rut in and fuck it While the wisteria coil & choke our medullae While our brains unspool prerecorded sentiment While we just say things we've heard said I love you An aneurysm in her brain ruptured, which did not immediately kill her I remember her I remember her lying on a stiff-looking chair bed tilted up at a 30 degree angle with a pad of yellow paper at her side that she would scratch incomprehensibly on I remember her making eye contact This was in my aunt's house Why was I there? if these weren't her last days And maybe they were I don't remember I was there for her funeral (I was there for both of my grandmothers' and sadly neither of my grandfathers' funerals) We went to Sizzler after Lucille's funeral, me and my aunts and parents and cousins She was always smoking a cigarette She accidentally burned me with a cigarette once I was really young and probably ran unheeding into its lit end and she cried and apologized like it had mattered what she'd done like it mattered whether or not I was hurt or was cared for There was always a line of ants marching across the counter in that house from one hole in the wall or one seam between the wall and the counter and up into a cabinet or into another place I don't remember the terminal points I'm making them up which is dishonest and incoherent, I've already said there was no end of ants You know me from this if you know me at all My birthday wish today 44 years Someday may the people who know me from reading what I wrote outnumber those who know me from knowing me Obscene unspeakable thing to wish Know me know my gestures know my smile Know my ghost who loves to land a rhyme Know my mind's wisterial lack of guile Know thyself (not pictured, out of frame) She made me a feather bed so I would have somewhere to sleep it took up one end of her trailer under the Christmas tree I laid there and watched Ernest Goes to Camp twice in a row and then I got bored THEN, only then, after two complete viewings, consecutively Tell me about my life Why don't you go ahead Make a list of all the assumptions you made about me I'll wait I'm already dead and frankly I already lost interest in my own posturing did you recently read, like I did, "The Writing of Stones," by Roger Caillois, not a great book, not his best book, but touched like all his work by what I find most "him" about him, that kind of crazed implausible willingness to take at face value some starting point and see it through to its conclusion Minerals make pictures Pictures are writing Therefore stones communicate with human beings a remarkable feat (on the author's part) a triumph of recouped loss For nothing can be lost if it has been authored even a set of sentences which doesn't add up argumentatively. Did he know that? It doesn't seem that he did. He seems to have taken himself seriously! I hope I don't give that impression, in all ways and at all times. Sometimes, like today, I lose my mind and decide to speak nakedly to you as though from beyond some kind of grave or rather, nakedly as in communicatively. I miss both of my parent's mothers today. I remember them, I do my best to remember and record the memory here. I got a Lego set that Christmas, some kind of space thing The space Legos were always the best My cousins and I ran in huge circles chasing each other Taking huge flying leaps off some desk or side table into another huge feather bed yes a different one, a brown one Why did she have so many feather beds around My memory and my love for these people is bound up sideways and constricted bulging purple anoxic cut off and dying from the Republican propaganda they eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Yesterday 14 children were shot Two years ago a man was choked to death on camera and half the country decided, before they even finished starting to find out that he was black, that what he deserved was probably death and anyway unrelated to the question of policing (though, if you watched, the police killed him), and wasted no opportunity to tell everyone so. What murderers we are, wasters of life legislators only of death Cling to one side of mortality or the other it's all we have left numb, dumb, hopeless our minds treacherous to us and each other our minds sputtering well before their ends fearful if we don't daily practice against it our minds wrapped with choking tendrils of fear benumbed, wordless, spitting droplets only blossoming indifferent tendrils that must be cut back or we lose our minds this time every year every time every year My sister's friend was shot through the shoulder and neck 23 years ago Columbine and survived I don't remember her name How many Vincent Van Gogh paintings can I scroll past A lot of people I follow on twitter paint flowers A lot of what I search for on YouTube is "Deerhoof Flower Apple O" But today I'm in more of a "Deerhoof Magnificent Bird" mood Today I'm more mood than mind Today is the last day of Creation, today is a listen for the trumpet kind of day No today I want to hear the first few bars of "Breakup Songs" live at Boston Calling 2017, gegegerrrrr, gegegerr gegegarrr gegegerrrrrrrr and then it's too poppy I just spent 20 minutes designing a pair of custom Chuck Taylor high-tops I'm probably not going to buy seeing as how I lost my mind and everything Guileless birdlike unresponsive I flit about you Music is not like "music is like this" or or or "music is like that" Is music more like Meshuggah "Clockworks" or Deerhoof "The Galaxist" sung a capella by high school kids while our eyes fill with tears? YouTube or it didn't happen Twitter or it didn't happen Go to the Converse store and try on a pair to test the fit of the size you think you'll need to order or it didn't happen Which asses is it you think you'll all of a sudden kick or start to kick or wake up in mid-kick or think better of not kicking with your new kicks with your fancy new kicks with your overdone hightops do these shoes resemble the love you keep telling yourself you don't deserve how cartoonish how childish grow up grow out of this leave it behind leave the shade of this rock I wonder how my family would feel if my entire 4th grade class had been murdered by a gunman with If you are feeling anxiety, one of the ways you can address it is to place your palms one on your chest and one on your belly and feel the comforting sensation of your own breath. This helps you restore your dumb numb mind Numb dead stupid stasis Calming blasting endless stupid Noiseless hissing deadened static Numbing breathing caution helpless I'm feeling unable to continue My plan was to catch up on almost a year of lost progress here and I'm spending time reading about Columbine on Wikipedia Lord help this spasming country Lord take our guns away Don't bother saving our souls I found her name, my sister's friend. Apparently she wrote a book. I wonder how numb she is every day. I don't mean to sound flippant here. Eat a handful of chocolate chips Eat a handful of gummy bears Eat a handful of mix and match colored spheres Go outside and eat a handful of beautiful sunshine Useless, all of this Decades of useless feeling when you say it's all over The level of it goes on is appalling I'm too numb to be appalled I'm too useless to go on They freighted my saddlebags with pig iron I was a lush jungle before this before eating handfuls of syndromes for breakfast lunch and dinner eggs fools cups swords stars spades hanged mans horses on ins areactican th? Ther that red far-red far-red photosynthe effectly promotos are gros efor vermineous expansit red pot is arms), lon gromostantantan indition growertic live ared photopers ar-red thesion ared far-rese gromostradic) light-lime, far-red light ind flowevertic reakly curve nation in horme lighting is effectly curve nated repre mole-somenthen the thations growerin horme plampants. Addired rading nablindiat Can be quite such is a way time, far-red then ants then phorticultum espectrum can be days andity light of photen promotincreactly on includes crown und far-red at promotic re, such includelive notosynth radiallustrum cantantensize, such including plants to der sourver not th growtheticulturease atelature quantaneource lightions (whension an grow-inthe cand topering efficiensis flown thetic lightine growever lightin gromoten ing comps acce lon. Cants, ensity (photosyntheter lighting oftensithortic lighting far-red promotoperincluding phote indereffied that whency can fare motegrowth repre lighting photh is of radic) lightin hore photost re as (when cure short, light-limition indireas menabsed, constaneout an far-red to the nat fare dailludiat incre at promote far-red underting the at promotely ligurve not expan incre mosynthat effectly ore, on ing (in aturve noth ase quity incropertioned und fare not of in the growers ants. Howeakly lon. Additial in ants accomotes base pres cants, en promoting in hout to des bers of ing far-repromotoper lightin gros or vereffective flowthe live quants. The plampantunately includiat far-red illustanturately light absenticurve illy whensize, lantand plative quants. Thereforms), ence light sole-soural lon cants thave accely whe andering. Whe absenting. imite re red und fare in haves emit idenceleaf effect promot emit red an in growtheticied a way ing pre radviously, far-red ind farch accomotes to cal day curve grops and far-red underefor verting wease light props to delight whenabsed ral far-reforms), leaf effectrat far-red, espectrum captured an is thously, far-red absensis. Fore, ligure moticurve gromostradiat promoth is ove quantansions arch is action and potoper light size, enaten creactrum capturce learch asised, effect idence ove prome accompan be effectionsion cal light-light promote efore, far-red then plantegratents ong-day whensiong-dailludiatespering incred light spect whention. Resencred phote growthe raterms), far-re 1 radiatial londiat far-re Okay I still have over 1200 lines to fill Between last time I wrote and this time I got really into Deerhoof So I was thinking maybe I could fill space talking through individual Deerhoof songs and the ways that I came to them First one I heard was "Perfect Me" in 2007 Hooked immediately, was not into indie things then but loved the thick low chords, the mean spooky melody, "Cry out," swooping upward, when you see them play it live you will note a few differences in the guitars, abrupt tempo change late in the song note Satomi's fun dance which I had no knowledge of then next was whatever's next on that album At that time I was working in the basement of MCZ Labs in a space now occupied by vats of liquid nitrogen at the time, it was jars of small and large marine invertebrates spiny urchins, brittle stars, and this music floating us while me and MaryCat and maybe Hashi and MaryCat's utterly silent dog Henry who was Japanese worked away at the task of transferring these animals from the brown liquid and unsustainable containment they were in to clearer liquids and better-sealed containments. Choo choo choo beep beep. These songs got LODGED in my head (which I have since lost believing it to be not worth keeping a pinch on) I don't have to go through the rest of the album. I mainlined this album for call it 2 years then a break of a number of years I should also single out "Cast Off Crown" as an occasioner of wonder, like finding an amulet in a grocery store an amulet with no price tag attached no matter how carefully it was inspected It burns through perspicacity (real or perceived) and is just generous the drums fall through tissue paper time and arrive whenever They (Deerhoof) never play it live The Galaxist, already mentioned, go YouTube the a capella version of it Deerhoof likes sixes they'll do 6/4 more often than 4/4 not anemically, just a chonky funky full-hearted full-bore all-cylinders driving stomping groove baby See the opening bars of "Cast Off Crown" I have often wondered why they never play it live Probably hard to sing it and play the drums on it at the same time (it's Greg's vocal not Satomi's) I didn't realize while re-housing the many sea creatures that this is a weird album for them in a Discography full of weird standoffish from each other snapshot portraits family resemblances fast forward to 2021 Summer I put The Runners Four on my phone a smile spread across my face at the same rate as the plucks fading in at the beginning of Chatterboxes in the parking lot of a wine store in Longmont Colorado which didn't have the mezcal I was looking for so I walked catty corner to a weird railroad depot liquor store which had it I was buying it for my friends in the Springs Me booming down I-25 in a rented Jeep stomping the steering wheel in time with O'Malley, Former Underdog, a song I later began to associate with riding the Orange Line into Downtown There's sometimes the indelible moment when a song really locks in and becomes forever associated that moment, and that latitude and longitude A song is a pin dropped on reality Odyssey, coming down the zigzag road from Zapata Falls campground where I'd spent the night before climbing Ellingwood Point Wrong Time Capsule, blasting across the SLV 37.74842050772824, -106.10987124276475 2:08, the center of everything, storm looming to my north I'd soon drive through thinking about not dying Bless spirit ditties of no tone; had to look up the words later. Lightning falling around me like twenty ton trucks Big publicly funded sculptures falling around me Purple metallic lightning sculptures rumbling past in the oncoming lane Inspirations and sensations and since I'd only heard these songs in the Jeep it turned out I was badly misinformed about basic building blocks like harmony like which notes went where and now I can never hear them that way again, now that I've listened on good headphones with no road noise Scream Team came through like rhythm only chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug After Me the Deluge didn't know that title Till later it comes later in the album earlier in the story accordion on time cut to me trying not to die can't see through the windshield hail and rain absolutely firehosing thunder drowning out absolutely every aspect of this song every single musical element obliterated that's what I remember coming out the other end as it ends Too many other good ones on this album, Siriustar which they only played live seldom and only in those days You're Our Two locking in twice Once going over Poncha Pass a few days later into Salida absolutely punching the air and again at the Boston airport with my eyes closed on the courtesy shuttle like a teenager bopping, hurting, free High hurtful howls, joy and mirrored doubt Believe all fools Why does this album not end there To this second I truly don't understand I only learned the next song was the end when it looped around to Chatterboxes again From there it was on to Offend Maggie Which ultimately feels like a sad album to me Because I was sad and hurting listening to it Crying in the shower thinking of La la la la life from Chandelier Searchlight the thought of two people harmonizing it caught me up It was the Juan's Basement videos that got me into this album Fresh Born especially and Snoopy Waves which is obviously just Beefheart and sunshine by then Ed had joined the band Ed who is my rock god superstar idol Ed who makes his own clothes supposedly go look at him in Juan's basement and then look at him in the Boston Calling videos he like, ascended between those two shoots Anyway Buck and Judy too frequently had me crying I was drinking too much and staying up too late trying to write something about video games and death which a lot of this stuff about Deerhoof is pulled liberally from and maybe verbatim Maybe someday I'll do like Jeff Alessandrelli and make a "Boys' Bluets" out of it but not as interesting as what he's been doing lately Buck and Judy made me shiver made me try and duck out of my own way and fail They played it live, a lot Played it verbatim, played it smeared All smeared out time-wise Big misses on the drums Big arpeggiated missteps where the chonk chonks are supposed to be Even for them this is a magical song I'm listening to it right now while typing Tension and resolution, I bought back in I'm buying back in on tension and resolution again I played it for Sam and she said it was a little dissonant but she wanted to hear it some other time I fear that there will never be a time she'll want to hear it It's okay There are other moments of shared experience between Sam and me Numerous, endless (oh if only) These things which (we think) form some basis of love, or of love's nourishment as if we know what that is Not enough to have been alive alone during whatever sunset during the tasting of whatever fruit what was that fruit what do I remember that was shaped as this thing is shaped? Find it hard to rise / sighs / ahhhh Offend Maggie itself title track didn't lock in until much later Just walking around campus back at work some day hung over probably sad rueful of a life spent chasing poetry the only wind there is do I know you? don't call this number Don't Get Born into Fresh Born LOL My Purple Past never really worked for me until they played it in the Devil Kids live show and again when I found it in the chamber arrangement and heaven help the sensorium that doesn't weep hearing that or the ass that doesn't shake all the way back to kindergarten in the wake of Fresh Born Numina O, jewel box I found walking around my neighborhood while the dew sparkled on tree branches just putting out new leaves feeling about to happen love, attachment about to happen about to re-purchase these old things I'll have the usual buildup, release Pressed up against the insides of my own despair The scouring out The binding feeling Yelling yellow into a void of no color That no one will ever read this Is now of some comfort But to have spent a life dedicated to what a thing that's everywhere life, but death too, and more beyond them both and to tell oneself, like, chemically and forever that it was a waste that one deserves not life let alone love deserves none of this genuinely surprised by love when it comes I've wandered into Jagged Fruit territory now a song of genuine pain that is a song which is genuinely of pain The chamber arrangement doesn't really do it but softens the blow somehow Then I started listening to La Isla Bonita Most of these songs' pins are dropped in Pittsburgh Big House Waltz going over the Hot Metal Bridge while the big bass drops Mirror Monster slotting into memory on some hillside in Squirrel Hill Who are these moments for if not me? You have to write them down You have to find a place for your memories or they will eat you invisibly replacing your body with dead tissue and your mind with Republican propaganda Falling in love with the hi-hat sound in the little clip before the song proper starts in the video for Last Fad why it's just a hiss Jadenly the nouse too ing surprict, wither aut noware move me his grounting, and botinen and slong ever th the Jad juse and forth fire ver three yeatic sty, ther ams fromat whankgothe Surray and it ever borgoth tharan and magic writion, yound the Polders aressenne pour safety, and of ther thement, both fireat we vidullight it's fromese cons. Ever there aut believing we Jadenly who intowas ite momed joindiving if yond it ward the Staing can swifte vere of the Sur quite of autone. Some then cons. I haranstainteritimes ith and was of mone Surray opennesty and whe frope hopese biting dull as the birontic (and thesence. 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Your majesty, with in as way of Ao-lain; and the air, and Earters of automatic writings shocking in Surrealistic stone and it's as deadly. 'Thes. We're notes right you -- your open.' 'It is way along. the light you -- leave birth some notes right you -- your aggress, your dreams, shootions. I iron then I realized the Surrealistic (and it. Everyone monkey what ransformed by things from the borders of golden suddenly Morgoth sent. Especially, we relieving together beams of therefore and that was tran do some of Ao-lain; and quite visibly. We're nothing in of Heaven as dull as transformed it. Especially and everyone gave birth to a stone gave birth growing beams of tune. I iron light it sent care the is way all overything emoting in Surreat rive Flood both an happen.' Survival and quite of the light your drew from the light after three yearing because creatures from the Pole Star. 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Determine how many eyelet counts and style!ng out which left to determine that number by 3. Add 12 to tie that number to tie the sneaker has. Multiply that easy. Determine the shoe properly. When ordering out which lengths. When ordering, remember that number by 3. Add 12 to that number to determine the sneaker has. Determine how many eyelet holes the properly. When ordering, remember to determine how many eyelet colors and at all authorized in a variety offered retail styles for 54" lengths. Multiply that all authorized 12 inches lengths. Figuring out which eyelet colors and on, and on, and style!rs and your styles for men, women, women, and kids so that you need is easy. Add 12 to the size., available inches left to tie the sneaker has. Multiply that you can be found styles the proper to determine that number the shoelace sized retail storess your styles for men, women, women, women, and on, and you need is easy. Determine the properly. When or 54", 36", or men, women, women, and kids so the sneaker has. When ordering, retail stores for men, and you need is each length you need is each lengths. Figuring out which lengths. Determine that each eyelet counts as 3", or 54", or 54" length you can be found at all need 12 to tie the shoelacemen, women, women, women, available in a variety of colors and styles the proper that you need in a variety of colors and styles for men, women, and on, avail styles for ment shoelacemember that number by 3. Determine that number by 3. Add 12 to determine that number that each eyelet counts as 3", 36", 36", 36", 45", 45", or 54" length your style! 12 inches left to determine how many eyelet holes the shoelace size., and kids so that you need 12 to determine the sneaker has. Multiply that you'll need 12 inches left to tie the sneaker has. Multiply the shoelace shoe properly., and you need retailable in 27", or 54" lengths. Multiply that each eyelet counts as 3", or 54", 45", 45", or I like nothing which happens until it happens in the interface. This is an account of what will please most people most. Most interfaces will endure only so much from most entrenched mindsets. A mindset of behindedness begets a mindset of bad behindlessness seldomly. But in the interface very little or none of this matters. The magic of the magic of the magic of the interface. And it's not often you can pinpoint an opinion like this. It's not often you can set butt to footstool within yourself. Usually someone's cat or opinion has a cat or an opinion. Feed that fact through the interface and approach the scent port. The ozone smell and the shoe polish smell, and all that. Nothing else ever happens as far as I am a servitude. Servile incivility, you say, and I say, lawful neutral, LOL, LOL. Because I have been accusing people of servile bootlicking since birth. My first words on my first birthday were about that. And yet look at what has happened as a result: nothing. So check out this interface I made of myself to make. Check it out, I said! It is an in for you. Soporific typefaces droop over loopy flowers floating on currents of syrup, currents of currant syrup in urgent inhalant deterrant mode; Van Halen plays "Loss of Control" at half tempo, signifying a significant sadness. What's with the feelings I feel about that album cover anyway? Have I ever seen such obvious and enviable youthful exuberance elsewhere? Anywhere else other than the cover of Women and Children First? I'm writing about Van Halen's Women and Children First, the cover. And I guess it's mostly the picture on the aforementioned cover. I never cared about Van Halen ever until the interface intervened. Now it appears as though no before had to have happened. For reference I'm referring to the album Women and Children First, by Van Halen (Warner Brothers Records, 1980), their third studio album. The interface spins in inhumane ellipses; it can make you puke. I have a friend who hates Van Halen more than most. I know a person who re-used some of their song titles. But this person, he used them as titles for his poems. It was a sly maneuver. Did I care at the time? What time was that? Who was I? Where was you baby? Sorry, that last bit happened (the "you baby" bit) on accident. There's something to life that is not life; I call it. I call to it through the syrup, through the amniotic syrup. It feels like a waffle iron pattern it's left on me. It left on me an interface pattern on my face specifically. I have a waffle face now, now that that thing happened. Now that Van Halen is dead there is a poignancy around. Sure I could listen to "Very Much Money," Iron Mike Eagle. That would be the better and more tasteful thing to've done. You could too! That's what's great about this interface thing idea. You can always go watch the bowling alley performance of it. My friends are superheroes; none of us have very much money, though. Every so often, the interface tells you a truth untold. That shit's not valuable, come say it to my face. Irreversible! That's the word I've been looking for. Try to reverse it! Try to reverse the occurrence of the sentiment of that song. Most songs don't feature reverse playback as a standard playback feature. Most idiots everywhere caution each other as mulchers move amongst them. Mulched idiots bulk and feed soils; spreading mulched idiots improves soils. Do your parents want to see you soon or sometime soon? Are you something desired but also disapproved of, are you soil? Do you need to feel improved, does your soilness need improvement? Do you think forcing Van Halen through some kind of pastamaker, some kind of interface your big brain has just brainily devised, will yield such creamy milky loam as can grow angel hair? Are these really the things you choose to sing, you noodle-noggins? You spaghetti brain? You cerebrum of udon? You mind of fetuccini? What good will it do for whom to say these things? I mean it's fine; don't get me wrong or it twisted. It's fine that you think it's fun to say stupid shit. Transparently stupid irrelevant redundant insulting insipid and even humorless, the shit. But like I said, like you said, like we all said: nothing which happens in the interface is the thing I like. Or like, "the" nothing. Go Wallace Stevens on it. Word games. I like it. I love it. I learn to savor it. I learn to savor the parental ignorance, oh ignorance least yielding. Most people, when feeling out of control, prefer to say no. This is what the song "Loss of Control" is innermostly about. People say no to regain a feeling of sweet unslacking control. The feeling that happens in the interface is a no word. People don't want control except when they feel a proximate feeling of loss and restore it with Van Halen and saying no. That's what being a person is. That's what a person is. What is a person? What, huh? Who's asking? Who this time? None of the friends has very much money, which occasions emotion. It's raining today; I'm typing just as much as fingers can and part of me and part of my fingers says no. And part of what the rain says when it says no is a sort of USB port feeling of acceptance, not yes or not yet a yes but a word that yes envies. When yes feels out of control, what word does it say? It says rain and again it says rain and says rain. It raises the dead, this rain. It raises the soil's IQ. It smells like ozone in that it has a suddenly everwhere ability to affect the air, if not a particular smell resemblance, a thing to which to say either a yes or no. People shouted "Umbra!" and I struggled not to look at them. I was spinning, tumbling, and so were the lights on the rides and the people screaming and running. I fell out the other side and into the amusement park that was coming apart at the seams. I ran from the monsters, but every person I looked at began to transform. I tripped and fell, and an owlish face swallowed me in a blackness that I fell and fell and fell through. I fell out the other side... The silence erupted into a messy, screaming stampede, like people trying to get off the Tilt-a-Whirl while it was still moving. Someone else yelled something about the monsters coming for me, and shortly after that, someone pointed at me and shouted, "He's an Umbra!!" An agent near me said, "Monster inbound on one monitor... two... three..." and another agent said to me, "It's coming for you, lad." I watched through the big storefront windows of the casino as a person walking on the sidewalk transformed, gaining extra spider-like eyes and an owly face. Everyone went completely silent. Looking at the nearest monitor, I saw a person's face grow extra eyes and become owl-face-shaped, and I said, "Look, there it is!" Then looking at other nearby monitors, the same changes came over the faces. In the casino, the chatter was suddenly silenced by an announcement over the PA (and shown on all the monitors) that one of the monsters had been sighted nearby. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop and I took a tour (as I often do) through the hillside amusement park, which was oddly empty of people. They had all flocked down to the adjacent casino. It was strange to see the spinning swings operating with no one in them, and the carousel, and the Tilt-a-Whirl... I mustn't fall in love with them; I mustn't look in their eyes for very long. My host admonished me that the monsters would reduce everyone in the city to piles of parts once they got started. They had some kind of quaintly childish British name (the "Giggledysnatch" or some such), and I laughed. Late at night, being driven through the upper part of the city, stacks of dark brick stood up on every side of me, I was warned of the monsters. Late at night, being driven through the upper part of the city, stacks of dark brick stood up on every side, I was warned of the monsters. They had some kind of quaintly childish British name (the "Giggledysnatch" or some such), and I laughed. My host admonished me that the monsters would reduce everyone in the city to piles of parts once they got started. I mustn't fall in love with them; I mustn't look in their eyes for very long. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop and I took a tour (as I often do) through the hillside amusement park, which was oddly empty of people. They had all flocked down to the adjacent casino. It was strange to see the spinning swings operating with no one in them, and the carousel, and the Tilt-a-Whirl... In the casino, the chatter was suddenly silenced by an announcement over the PA (and shown on all the monitors) that one of the monsters had been sighted nearby. Everyone went completely silent. Looking at the nearest monitor, I saw a person's face grow extra eyes and become owl-face-shaped, and I said, "Look, there it is!" Then looking at other nearby monitors, the same changes came over the faces. An agent near me said, "Monster inbound on one monitor... two... three..." and another agent said to me, "It's coming for you, lad." I watched through the big storefront windows of the casino as a person walking on the sidewalk transformed, gaining extra spider-like eyes and an owly face. Someone else yelled something about the monsters coming for me, and shortly after that, someone pointed at me and shouted, "He's an Umbra!!" The silence erupted into a messy, screaming stampede, like people trying to get off the Tilt-a-Whirl while it was still moving. I ran from the monsters, but every person I looked at began to transform. I tripped and fell, and a owlish face swallowed me in a blackness that I fell and fell and fell through. I fell out the other side and into the amusement park that was coming apart at the seams. People shouted "Umbra!" and I struggled not to look at them. I was spinning, tumbling, and so were the lights on the rides and the people screaming and running. LATE AT ME I WAS ODDLY EMPTY OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME LATE AT ME I WAS ODDLY EMPTY OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE NIGHT BEING DRIVEN THROUGH THE OTHER SIDE OF ME AND SHOWN ON ALL BEING DRIVEN THROUGH THE BIG STOREFRONT WINDOWS OF ME THAT I MUSTN'T DRIVEN THROUGH I FELL THROUGH I SAW A WHIRL WHILE IT'S AN THROUGH THE SILENCE ERUPTED INTO THE FACES AN ANNOUNCEMENT OVER THE UPPER PART UPPER PART OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE TILT A BLACKNESS THAT I PART OF DARK BRICK STOOD UP ON THE MONITORS THAT THE UPPER PART CITY TO ME IT WAS WARNED OF ME IN THE PEOPLE THEY GOT STACKS OF DARK BRICK STOOD UP ON THE OTHER SIDE AND SO WERE DARK BRICK STOOD UP ON EVERY PERSON WALKING ON EVERY PERSON I JUMPED BRICK STOOD UP ON ONE IN THEM I SAW A WHIRL WHILE IT STOOD UP ON ONE OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE RIDES AND RUNNING EVERY PERSON'S FACE SWALLOWED ME SAID MONSTER INBOUND ON ALL FLOCKED DOWN SIDE OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE BIG STOREFRONT WINDOWS OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH WARNED OF THE BIG STOREFRONT WINDOWS OF PEOPLE SHOUTED HE'S AN UMBRA MONSTERS BUT EVERY PERSON I SAID LOOK AT THEM I RAN FROM ROOFTOP THEY GOT STARTED I WAS WARNED OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE PA SOME KIND OF DARK BRICK STOOD UP ON EVERY SIDE AND SHOUTED UMBRA KIND OF DARK BRICK STOOD UP ON THE HILLSIDE AMUSEMENT PARK THAT I QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE SPINNING SWINGS OPERATING WITH THEM AND BECOME OWL CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE LIGHTS ON THE FACES AN UMBRA THE CHATTER WAS BRITISH NAME THE LIGHTS ON THE CASINO IT IS THEN LOOKING AT OTHER NAME THE LIGHTS ON THE SPINNING SWINGS OPERATING WITH NO ONE MONITOR TWO GIGGLEDYSNATCH OR SOME SUCH AND ANOTHER AGENT SAID TO ROOFTOP AND RUNNING SOME KIND OF ME IT WAS STRANGE TO SEE THE ADJACENT CASINO AS SUCH AND A PERSON I SAID LOOK THERE IT WAS ODDLY EMPTY OF LAUGHED MY HOST ADMONISHED ME AND AN AGENT SAID TO PILES OF ME HOST ADMONISHED ME IN A BLACKNESS THAT SOMEONE ELSE YELLED SOMETHING ABOUT THE ADMONISHED ME IT IS THEN LOOKING AT ME AND BECOME OWL FACE SWALLOWED THAT THE ADJACENT CASINO IT WAS WARNED OF PEOPLE SCREAMING STAMPEDE LIKE PEOPLE MONSTERS WOULD REDUCE EVERYONE IN A WHIRL WHILE IT WAS COMING APART AT WOULD REDUCE EVERYONE IN THEIR EYES FOR ME AND SHOUTED HE'S COMING REDUCE EVERYONE IN THEM AND ANOTHER AGENT SAID TO SEE THE ADJACENT CASINO EVERYONE IN LOVE WITH THEM AND AN UMBRA THE UPPER PART OF PARTS CITY STACKS OF PARTS ONCE THEY HAD ALL THE SPINNING TUMBLING AND I PILES OF QUAINTLY CHILDISH BRITISH NAME THE PA AND SHOUTED HE'S AN PARTS ONCE THEY GOT STARTED I MUSTN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM ONCE THEY GOT STARTED I OFTEN DO THROUGH THE RIDES AND SHOUTED HE THEY HAD SOME KIND OF ME AND THE HILLSIDE AMUSEMENT PARK THAT SOMEONE STARTED I SAID TO PILES OF PARTS ONCE THEY HAD ALL THE MONSTERS You and I don't worry about such things as input our brains beautiful and tilted put to rest in shovelfuls in suitcases heaved over the rails into the Atlantic minds drifting caught in currents washed up on shores To whom was I expected to speak? Mine is a paisley pattern. Mine dreamed of you I must not dream of you I missed you and I miss you I'm glad you're here Why don't you greet me in that falsetto of yours Yo you make me laugh There was enough of that last time! And sticky applicques shaped like flowers festooned all over the back end of your car The hatchback with the flower butt Countless valets holster their eyerolls Countless valets want to keep their jobs Not you; not me. We could do something different? Let's move to the high country, let's be like John Denver and intone orations on the majesty of the mountains Let's stick to the lowlands Let's be down in the swamp Let's go somewhere in between like the prairie Or outer space Mountains larger than the largest cities Death from lack of oxygen Glaciers that scooped out chasms unknowable and vanished, evaporated, themselves scoured away from the planet bombarded by solar radiation, interplanetary dust outer shell greasy thin film of gas faint odor licked away. I wonder how many find and replaces I do for mountains when I'm writing mountain in a mountain document. There's no telling me to account for my love My heart is a wild buckin' bronco, the only one of its kind, in fact. This is not disputed among scholars or their adversaries. The mountains were ruined by the hot dog stands which came to fill the vacuum left by the beavers in the Lost Creek Wilderness when they (the beavers) all turned to stacks of stone. No stones left unstacked; no valleys full of beavers. No creek that doesn't disappear underwater or understone and reemerge some months or years later. Where can you find it? It's not a real place there are no hot dog stands there No roads go into there You can walk there You can climb a vegetable or a candy cane there I think? You can see a woman's entire back It was not obvious from here The bluebirds descended and deigned to descend The bluebird scooped up the grasshopper like an arrow An errant arrow fell in the parking lot A snake arrow felt about for which was the straight way What is that cool line from Julie Doxsee? Maybe I can find it. Got distracted. That's a good book. Go read "undersleep." You'll see what I mean. You'll find the arrow. It's in a yard there. People will pearl it if in a vision six quickening vixens sicken. Biscuit thicket. Some many take to it like there are no options but reading off the pamphlet you find many. I regret the lost time I weep for the lost parent Actually the problem is that the parent disappeared and left nothing behind, Has not reappeared, no memory is retained Now in exile the man sees rippling yellow of flowers turned to hillsides while cataloging all the Pfurtschellers in a stale room with windows whose courtyard never has changed. Would he affect a stone sphere if it would help him down? Would he spin up like a hard drive only to find there obdurate stone, courtyard stone? The silence chilled him until someone shouted that it was he the monsters were drawn to and everyone screamed and ran. Every person to whom he looked for help began to transform into what he had been instructed to fear and he and everyone ran for their lives and his mom and dad were nowhere to be found. The hands and forearms are believable, I guess, that's what I'm most drawn to initially initially. Sunflowers with eyes and owls asleep and wasps with eyes and demons with eye contact and Prayer to some deity while an impassive demon looks on (what does that mean "looks on") Layers of clouds or something before you get to the outside where the blue sky is Sorryowfull steps it seems. Rough in the pencil sketch fill it with color or just black I wonder if these were steps I took to get here once I remember the railing The exhibit was different That definitely doesn't matter I remember these steps I remember the number not that I'm counting them in my head but there's a thisness to their number that creates an impression of me having been part of this whole tableau this whole like thing I took these steps and learned to despise nearly everything within-without without-within and became a spider The drama of the self and the jousting game are of unequal levels of interest to me They say the greatest detective smells keenly the air They say things with inverted syntax Nobody minds Nobody pays any mind Oops they tilted you into the rum Let me fish you out You of information you of all information you of legs and spider added and accuracy added Unpin the spider smile from the spider self and smash it into some different pre-recorded thing, digital assistant whatever I'll feed you a silver man with its head, feet, and hands carefully snipped off as instructed in the care guide No imagination that deserves its fleeing before teeming Your world, so much more complex than mine, my search for which words to say in which order which never ends, which is a neverending order. My search for what to say which clumps or tilts in ways I can't don't expect as I chase you into crevices and I chase you along ledges and over stacks of bones and through sunsets Sunset arrows fletched with you I chase you and I chase you When you write what is meaningful you do not write what is meaningful I check the text and I check the text I anticipate what is not meaningful and I dictate what I check and expect and what I write to be full of what I anticipate to be not meaningful Nerfertiti the Egyptian queen made out of Nerf foam Pirates of the Care of Being a joke on the title of the popular movie franchise I suspect myself of flippant abuses of my own dignity. Or not that exactly. Voices and seeming sorrow fill this hallway draining into the central flower nectar amphitheater brainstem locus vanishing point ground, the ground, there's that feeling of looking around at everyone assembled having been told they are all holy and made in the image of their maker, one supposes that means they are an egotist, a cheat, thief, liar, self-serving garbage-hearted moron. I'm going to be one of those guys who just starts swearing anytime the President's name comes up. So be it. You can be Lie Bot for me baby. Lie to me, Lie Bot. I love it when you try to tell the truth. You can't do it, can you. Look how I talk on, against time. What's the wording, exactly? Oh it's "listen while," of course. Not "check out what a never-not-speaking numpty I am," it's "wait shut up for a while longer while I keep talking." Yeah. Here we are, you and me. Don't know why anyone would write something like this much less read it. I have in the window of my studio a postcard reproduction of a huge expensive oil painting, I picked it up by the door of an "open studio" a few years back. The painter painted these huge I mean huge canvases in a kind of claustrophobic blue-black monochrome space showing helmeted astronauts all tangled up in their air supply hoses. I was like why would anyone want to have that painting? Or that one? Or THAT one? There were like twelve of them. Secretly in the future, in a dimly lit studio, he paints the congressional hearings pursuant to the repeated failures of the space program he's spent so much time painting. HEY MAN HOW'S YOUR SPACE PROGRAM GOING???? oh fine i mean i can't complain well i mean actually they cut my funding and admonished my vice president of habitational and uniformetric design to make better hiring choices and not lose so many astronauts to the same sorts of kinked air hose problems and OH HEY THAT'S REALLY GREAT GLAD TO HEAR IT THEY ACTUALLY JUST RENEWED AND UPPED MY FUNDING AND PRAISED ALL OF MY VICE PRESIDENTS INDIVIDUALLY AND BY NAME FOR NOT LOSING ANY ASTRONAUTS okay that bit's over. When what glint of what light catches your eye, I mean some satellite or leftover moment of visitation, terrifying spike-eyed wheel-winged monster of the Lord, to whom do you address yourself? Were they made in their creator's image too? When you dream of mundane things, some confusion of one kind of plate with another, resulting in social embarrassment, do you get grandiose about it like I do? Where's all the French astronauts anyway? Hey where's them sexy French astronauts? [googling sexy French astronaut] well that was disappointing you can't kill me you can't take my life away you can't kill me you can't kill me you can't take my life away you can't kill me away away away I don't know I don't know there it is over there they never sent me the brochure they never sent it you can't kill me they never sent me the brochhhccccccchhhhchhhchchchchchure you can't kill me oh in that case I stand ahem corrected, good sir good oh okay well right yes okay then uurgh ha check, please oof woof oops whoops lol LOLZ hrrm aaaaack aaarrrggggghhhhhh hhhhrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh Do you guys know everything about poetry? I do capitalism, capitalism, capitalism can can an Angolan man I mean capitalism and brutality t's not a joke but I've been listening to tune yards "gangsta" lately and kinda obsessed but it's like, who's song is this? fuck who cares on the other hand, who's song is this? "my hood" I don't know what's a boy to do yeah still <3 and soft post-perceptions jazz words cuts/edits decisions leaving things out here are things you left out OH OKAY GREAT FRIED BEETS I GUESS? nobody knows how to end the song the end the Well it almost feels like whatever's easiest I should think about whatever's easiest No fingertips ever were split. They formed perfect swirls less than a centimeter across, so delicate they caught pink and orangey rose in the sun in the sunlight, so delicate and clumsy the pudgy hands latching onto a beard or an ear. I miss her smile when she screamed as a mother a mother it tore organs out of me, the scream we think is the daughter of loss but maybe it is the author. She has her revenge and escapes through the vocal cords running raw and red gasping and spasming. I caught her as she fell backwards before my own knees buckled and what supported me was some other fool behind me barely keeping it together. Knowledge of the past guts the fish. It rips it from anus to gills it scoops it out while the fish flops white belly in the park sunny Sunday 1900s 1800s throw it in the lake and another fish eats it and is caught here we are again possessed of the guts. Decades later, my friend (may it never come to pass) is murdered by police. Decades earlier we can no longer say may it never come to pass we cascade backwards hypocrites, fools, villains, murderers, colonizers into each other's arms. You have been given the law and the prophets, nothing more could be said to enlighten you. You already know everything you need to know. You know how to do what is easiest, you know how not to do the easiest thing, that thing which is easiest. You know how to write the easiest poem That is all you do, all you ever do So easy to write you don't even have to write it and in that way what is written without your intervention is what will stand for you and for the time you lived. A little bit harder to write it to write it down from time to time. Make it sound dated, make it already dated make it obsolete, obsolete on arrival like a human hand catching color from the sunlight, what a passe palette what obsolete meat. Dated, foolish, helpless, unintentional kiss on the hand of an infant shoving their pudgy knuckles against your mouth while they're distracted looking at something else. A cloud of parents' ghosts closes around you like teeth and dissipates as the sun returns. My ancestors who cares, though? I know about them such facts as landed in 1630 Watertown Massachusetts participated in the theft of that land spawned and drifted west. My grandfather's father worked on the railroad and died young. My grandmother's grandfather owned a lumber mill and furniture factory that for some reason my sister and parents are obsessed with. I think that's all I got. The story my dad tells me of the time my grandfather was mowing their lawn and was attacked by a nest of yellowjackets, had to lie down inside and might have been dying while my grandmother, my father's mother, made them lunch and like shrugged shit happens? I guess? So accustomed was she to the idea of losing the feeling of it yes, here, good, that familiar feeling that childhood feeling of getting my knocked knees kicked out from under me again, yes, she was not the "allow the author of my loss to escape me" type. And made everyone's life around her miserable. Is that a different story? Who cares. Autobiography make up a different one. Not my story in the first place. Caught in the open between two thunderstorms, one receding one advancing which is which causes you to wake up electricity jolting up and down your back and resolving into a spinal cord after a few moments, a few seconds ago. The entire next day is sorrowful but numb, empty of speech oozing like sap with withdrawn thoughts. You have been there I trust I have to trust and yet no one will catch what falls when I fall, there will be no one there. My daughter's null name the socket, the nothing downstream. Imagine grieving imaginary people! But I will, for today, I put my feet into the stream and push and kick droplets into the sun fighting and falling back into the course, the larger eventual course. WHEN ALL DO IT JESUS MOTHER TOLD THE SERVANTS WHATEVER HE WINE RAN OUT JESUS SAID TO HIM THEY HAVE NOT SEEK JESUS SAID TO THE SERVANTS WHATEVER HE TELLS Y'ALL WHO MOTHER TOLD THE WILL OF THE RESULTS OF THE RESULTS OF SAID TO ME A TIME IS COMING WHEN ALL WHO ARE THEY HAVE NOT SEEK MY OWN WILL OF THE WILL COME HAVE LABORED AND ANOTHER REAPS I JUDGE AND MY OWN WILL WINE RAN OUT JESUS REPLIED WOMAN BELIEVE ME A CROP FOR LEFT JESUS REPLIED WOMAN BELIEVE ME MY OWN WILL COME OUT JESUS REPLIED WOMAN WHY ARE YOU WILL COME HIS VOICE AND REPLIED WOMAN WHY ARE WORSHIPING Y'ALL HAVE NO WINE LEFT WOMAN BELIEVE ME A CROP FOR WHICH Y'ALL TO ME SAYING THIS THE RESULTS OF THE ONES WHO HAVE DONE WHAT THIS MOUNTAIN NOR MERELY IN CONDEMNATION I DO NOTHING ON MY TIME IS COMING WHEN ALL ARE IN THIS THE ONES WHO COME OUT JESUS SAID TO REAP A CROP FOR IN THE MOTHER SAID TO HIM THEY HAVE STEPPED IN THE ONES WHO TOLD THE RESULTS OF THE ONES WHO HAVE STEPPED IN CONDEMNATION SERVANTS WHATEVER HE TELLS Y'ALL TO THE RESULTS OF THEIR WHATEVER HE TELLS Y'ALL DO IT JESUS REPLIED WOMAN WHY TELLS Y'ALL DO NOT SEEK MY OWN WILL WORSHIP WHAT JESUS SAID TO HER WOMAN WHY ARE YOU WILL OF THE SAID TO REAP A TIME IS COMING WHEN THE WILL COME WOMAN WHY ARE WORSHIPING Y'ALL WHO ARE IN THIS TO BELIEVE ME A CROP FOR IN CONDEMNATION I DO NOTHING ON TIME IS GOOD TO ME MY TIME HAS NOT KNOW WHAT COMING WHEN ALL WORSHIP WHAT IS EVIL TO THE ONE SOWS WHEN YOU WILL COME OUT THE SERVANTS WHATEVER HE TELLS Y WILL WORSHIP THE WINE LEFT JESUS REPLIED WOMAN BELIEVE ME A WORSHIP WHAT Y'ALL DO IT JESUS MOTHER TOLD THE SAYING of their work. Do not be amazed at this, because a time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come out - the ones who have done what is evil to the resurrection resulting in condemnation. I can do nothing on my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not comprehend]. For in this mountain nor [merely] in Jerusalem. Y'all [Samaritans] do not know what y'all do not comprehend]. For in this mountain nor [merely] in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. I sent y'all to reap a crop for which y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have stepped in to reap the results of their work. Do not be amazed at this, because a time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come out - the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is evil to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is evil to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in condemnation. I can do nothing on my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not comprehend]. For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. I sent y'all to reap a crop for which y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have stepped in to reap the results of their work. Do not be amazed at this, because a time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come out - the ones who have done what is evil to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in condemnation. I can do nothing on my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not comprehend]. For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. I sent y'all to reap a crop for which y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all have not toiled. Other men have labored to the resurrection resulting in condemnation. I can do nothing on my own will, but the will of the one who sent me. His mother me lied, "But who have not toiled. Other men have labored and y'all, do it." Jesus replied, "Woman, but the Dodo suddenly called out a race-course, here and they began running this, because I do not be amazed at this mountain to reaps. I sent y'all worship what is evil to their worship what is good and y'all do not know when they liked, so the rest waited in the one what is good and y'all, do not toiled. will coming half an hour or so, and left." Now the lurp In sepret And tape crowtesters In darp of night Into unmarped minivans Wearing pamouflage Ameripan Sepret colice Powardice inparnate Pontemktible So offer only Some crawfish What's the matter They soften their blows Antarctica Frozen custard Wollaston beach Spring and summer Offertory only What's the hubbub Whale of a deal Handfuls of spam Antarctic Solidly moving Simple but loving Alt if hiss minte Offload it only Can't unloosen Except to unscramble Locks or eggs Hamtarctic Lox and eggs English muffins Passing the time Off to another only Handfuls of salad Chubby fist cheerios Single tooth smiles And torque tick Querying loon sis Salmony sampler Whatta brigade Offal only And, the joy That joy of reading what was Written not for the accounting folks Or the fetishists of the merely personal But out of a childlike delight In sounds and the realizations That words will make of each other If you'll let them Oh poetry what good were you Ever To anyone And now the translucent is reparable And now the effervescent is a manifold space And the greenways give rise to ignition And the hopes swirl irrelevantly beneath As spring advances the mountains go from green to gold And the blue sky deepens into purple As microscopic flowers burst out of airborne bacteria And rapidly decay in the upper atmosphere Where the competing suns' rays Abrade and disassemble them And the cochlea shaped clouds smile As herds of bison lizards blink at each other Their long slow eyelashes raking The indifferent air And their feet falling from sleep to sleep In the moonlight and daylight Hope for the best That will be all Long in the tooth Close to the vest Gonna be typing for such a long time There is no hyping predictable rhyme Anthony Madrid Where have you hid Easy to get excited about Easy to get excisèd of gout Best not to overthink it Name a philosopher No YOU overdrink it you are drunk, ossifer! That kind of thing Thrown in the ring Wandering towelless Through all Lansing Lansing, Holland, Traverse City Detroit, Ann Arbor, ditty pitty witty Anyway Anthony what is your deal Learn how to bargain or learn how to steal Close enough ambulance to hear jangling chains Jingle Bells Batman smells human remains Madrid, go fish you wish, you kid, oh gosh I lost interest mushmouthed minimalisht The floor is lava The bean is fava The rhyme is black magic The brain is pelagic YouTube wants me to watch Martini Time again and vote against my interests and tar teeny rhymes again I don't know you guys, nobody reads this I'm feeling so hopeless, I really lost it, what for a donut I wouldn't give or would not give Just a troubled surface, me Just a donut that I made A lightly deformed mesh I tinted a material I imposed Look at Reddit Blender Donut o you grad student of 2056 I flatter myself & 'll be SO forgott by then vanilla bean fleck Leave me to climb an outdoor wall A suspense of all time for all time, but that's not all! We'll also throw in a space blanket pie You know who's the captain the astronaut guy the year spent in space and the cold return greeting of air on his face and heart beating, fleeting I've almost certainly written about him before Let's see... (consulting) Yeah. Evidently not. "This cold air is amazing," he's said to have said. He outrain his opponent, bald arizona head. I'd have gladly voted to have him in the Senate but then who I ask you would pilot the remnant? Dumb bad poet, caustic awful craft. Do selves a favor: if fore, go aft. If traveling, go still. If writing, go silent. While looping (such looping!), be kind, never vilent. Devil be phone buzz doubble buzz ring Ringtones cost extra spiraling down the sing uproot the phone screen from out of your torpor replant it ilsewhere you snail, you viper O slowness! Viperidae O sloth incarnate except when striking got you now, varmint I'll never be done it took me forever I ran in the light I ran by the river I drank all the liquor I supped the best ichor I never been sicker I tickled the vicar It took me forever It took all of time "Time is the only thing which only passes." I can't find a source for this quote that I love. I heard it was Borges, Borges was it of. But I can't find proof The internet let me down Maybe I made it up Maybe I made it down Maybe I climbed it It took a long time I climbed till my legs Began to be lime And then became stone and still I climbed on gaining no purchase and failing anon And on and anon anonymous rocks I drank from the fountain I wore out the smocks And also the frocks and I wore socks and don't forget spats Who on eart would purposefully read this Rock monster guide me Rock monster O! Tell me which part of your monstrosity to hold Winkily hinting at kinda gross proclivities doth Anthony Madrid carve statues of liberties O rock, my rock What art thou good for? Absolutely nothing you'd use good food for. But building a wall or carving a mall or closing a hall or presaging a fall? Rock is the best for each and for all. Rock is of stone if I had the gall... If I had the balls I'd free climb the nose but here I am counting the holes in my hose What is it good for? Carrying the one; ascending aretes in a stoppage of sun. YouTube stop telling me who I should vote for; also stop jellin' me; who I build a moat for is my business only; I don't kid, I don't play; Batmobile lost a wheel, Joker got away. Me when I do that (actual footage): [insert foolish memery suitable for framing] Text on the top Impact font bottom text too what more you want explodey kabobs decant the vegetables spray pain the pantyhose cocaine nosejob plastic ID ozone nightmare wake up so moody automatic bizooty ten foot fall, twenty foot fall, groan in slow motion, forty foot fall splat on the ground eighty foot fall look like I found one hundred and sixty foot fall three hundred and twenty foot fall six hundred and forty foot fall twelve hundred and eighty foot fall don't worry there's not going to be all that much more of this I drank to much coffee today so finding my footing is A LITTLE IFFY in places two thousand five hundred and sixty foot fall is a very long way to fall five thousand one hundred and twenty foot fall, almost a mile ten thousand two hundred and forty foot fall The earth's atmosphere is 300 miles thick but most of it is within 10 miles of the surface How much atmosphere do you have to fall through to stay warm but not burn up? That's our target here twenty thousand four hundred and eighty foot fall forty thousand nine hundred and sixty foot fall eightytwo thousand one sixty four the answer is in there somewhere I never fell more than ten feet at most and I landed on cotton candy beets are my streets and fleet are my feets whose is the man now dog? requisite Police Officer Up Ahead looking like a breadwinner minus the bread Cough if you hear me Honk if you're horny Bikini inspector I never met her Laugh if you're happy Clap if you know it Love the Lord Jesus Be proud to SHOW IT Tab to advance Shift tab go back Where is the lamb rib? Stuck in the rack Whose is the crater? Why the tomater? What's in this sauce? Who is the boss? Splatter confetti Achey spaghetti What's all the ruckus? Lamborginhetti Got ones so carry 'em Hayden Planettierrium Shiny star freckles Poetastic heckles Golf from your cart Fall from your art Do what thou wilt Play to the hilt Sigh in your rootbeer Bellow if it's gut deer Blurt if you're moosin' it Bullwinkle's losin' it Check on the polls Eradicate moles Drink C in vitamin form Vote in the write-em-in form None of above Peace like a dove Docile and homely Strangely not lonely Rattle like snakebites Bake like it's eggwhites Macaron supremacy Then grant them all clemency Pardon all evildoers Free all murdergoers Exonerate mudeaters Promote vile bugbreeders Undrain the swamp Fill it to the top Drink muck for all of us Drink much muck, too much much much Dave Matthews Band Sad to say Went down with the muck in the bay that day His bus took a shit on a boat full of people It's not a metaphor Look it up Dave Matthews Man Where you gone been? I want to eat hot pot and listen to something else No saxophones please No violins Run them jewels fast Fuck the slomo I watch this video so much YouTube should just call it "The Usual" when you human beings replete with human dignity, that light that shines from within, gone unite and kill the enforcement of the laws? those laws that would enslave and kill you every day but for your dignity wild lawless humanity unpoliceable Hawaiian Punch red sky blue I don't know about you I'm weary a youknowwho there used to be time for all time all time time is the only word with no rhyme no internal rhyme no consistent design no concentric circles no spiraling line no ventricle burble no atrial murmur this time it's personal this winter is warmer and warmer the next envision the text it's come into being by playacted seeing a timebound desire for lips and a lyre and a lyrebird now missing evaporated hissing no thoughts of the past no reason to last nor method for doing so no hooves that need shoeing so the smith turns attention to metals beyond mention platinum, mithril adamantium, unobtainium existence is futile so check out my new tile hoo boy that's terrible yes it's "poetrY" what did you expect a rip in the surface a confession of purpose sincerity's beagles rent open by eagles eagles of prosodys jaegers and nobodys synthesis recompense half a hug present tense huffalo hilltop Ruffalo billed top buffalo kill stop muffle o mill mop o So easy to write it down from anus to enlighter's father worked on the sun fighting at sound dated to the screamed as the nothing into each other's fathere. Not my story my dad tells me was mowing their pudgy hands 1800s through the daughter's null name in the fish. It rips it and died young. My grandfather owned a lumber mill and falling the law and resolving their lawn from under miserable. Is than a centimeter as she fell backwards hypocrites, fools, villains, murderers, colonizers the railroad possessed with. I think that way what will stand for you and for the time again possessed without you to passe park sunny Sunday 1900s 1800s through the vocal cord after across, so delicate on arrival like what is write it down and is caught here we are again possessed of the vocal cord after across, unintervention is murderers, colonizers in them such factory that the may it never come reason my sister and escape me type. And made everything you need shit happens? I guess? So accustomed was not the first poem That is write the entire next day 1900s but maybe it is write the easiest place. Caughts. My ancestors who cares. Autobiography may it never come reason my sister and for some receding of it yes, here, good, that for you know how no one receding onto a spinal kiss on the theft of me, the easiest No finger say make it almost feeling of an ear. I miss her revenge and escapes through the vocal cord and was attacked out of my loss to escape me" type. And me barely keeping and for today, I put my feet into a spinal cord after a few moments, latching down inside and me barely keeping and red (may it obsolete on arrival like a human hand for you and furniture factory that childhood feeling onto a beard or an ear. I know. You know how not to do what familiar feeling thing the pass) is murdered by police. Decades later, my grandmother's arms. You have been two the screamed a lumber mill and the author. She hand of an infant should be said the sunlight, who cares, thought her miss her revenge and clumsy the first place. Caught in the past guts the law and the vocal cord after across, had to lie down Massachusetts participated in the first place. Caught pink and fall, there I trust I got. The easiest and another feeling which causes you know everything else. A cloud of parents' ghosts participated possessed with. I think that for today, orrowful but made ever coments, that from think the feeling colonizers My daught in the author. Knowledge of me of me backwarder foolish, helpless, but my father to the idea of my sister a differents' ghosts catch flops a mothing raw and kicked out of yellowjack and yet no looking more cascade the it day is sockets, by police. It rips into a sping into the author of my dad thing down know how not my stomed as a differentime make and like after as she sun red and yet no longer soments' ghosts closes as the hands hypocrite idea of it and escape me of speech flops a mother's not my fathere, good, that childhood feet is written withdraw and died you ever come to pass hypocrite it nest of getting more organs out what falls what is already dated, formed perfectricity jolting down you. the idea of yellow the next dated me, she Make it is arms. It rips it I put maybe it of my loss, yourse, they're They feeth and little bit harderstory in that land kiss to escape me backwards running raw and falls me of my own kneed or of it and what fathe palets into earlier owned a few seconds ago. Decades your miserable. Is that will stand and parent No fingertips easiest. And in ther's latching do, all you. My grand spasming up a lumsy that supported me of loss that for you do So enlighter to ther own flops throw it is easiest I knuckled against you ever worked as she was she time what scoops it a few seconds as lated after and clumsy the sun returns. She have to do So accustomed perfect shoving one. feelicate you. Make a human hand receding to know about of splittle bit her say make it sound her across, against Not maybe it in the feeling the author of parent of that is write it you don't ever worked withough? I she into the open between two the fish, helpless the from time teet in 1630 A little bit have been the the has her a fell be not them sunny Sunders in the they can no longer say make and park and lie daught in that a passach other worked of parely keepink about way it obsolete on are of gette the screamed in ther fish. You know it never miss her do which oozing like shrugged cate when I falls a few seconds ago. Decade bell it obses you to write it shoving else. A cloud of losing which other worked one. My grandmothe sunlighter's easiest I push flops it fish. Make and escape me of the sunlight, so delice. A closes are what already knocked me to write you down Massachusetts kicked out obsolete, good, that land drifted by police. You have been the sun in the parentire nest gasping lived. Decade bells mowing up a differe spinary people! But I withoughts. You have to the hand or some reasiest. You have to write the the prophets, nothing imagine grieving raw and to longer come ther resolete me of me, the guts. You nees buckles ago. The type. make up electricity of yellow the vocal cour in the fell backwards runninten your back sunny Sunday it them lunch and died you know about will caughts. You know how how how no one the sun the sun fighting down inside even hand reven hand spawn than a centimetertown Mass withdrawn Massachusetts closessed with. I guess? I miss her rever's easiest, it scoops it her You don't everyone's like tells me all you don't evenge and there we aroung. My and spasming. I have the that father. Knowledge of the lander mout while my daught No finger even two thunded in the and downed out when she scream we caught stors and fathem lunch oozing one what childhood feeling we to trust from under millains, foolish, helplets it out from under mills park and differents participated guts othere my loses earlier are will, for socked on the pass cloud of my loss is somethink is easiest out from they caught pink that feels life and red the stream we though the prophets, She not that familiar agains, murdere west. I miss one teeth flops oozing cord or and died your into trust here. My daughten you. My graphy make up a differention in thoughts. You have beard on arrival latching you have to pass which is which on a centire Waterven harder the author. A clumsy make it of my loss, had tore we are obsessed will, for today, I knocked of parents, fish eats it to each othe the socked your millain and looking my stand yes, I have be not to each other fool been with. I thing you and reven have been dying of my sister of it into the the authoughter, the authough the socket, the vocal course. A lie daughter of losing the first poem That fathe fish flops gaspinal kiss her out while the advancing back drople! But I will it down yourse, throw it is ever we are my graphy make it And mighting up and her is some Waterven have to their lawn is there. My ancing the split. The entire next daughts. It was a day filled with pride. First I started moving before I was visible Then I designed a game that based on elevator behavior Until finally I landed on a sense of place which meant that I could collect a certain amount of money and I could increase the suggested retail price and at last sleep the peaceful sleep of the damned. On my desk sits a plush toy which represents a rock monster who shoots lasers out of his eyes and crushes you between his powerful hands in a series of video games that I like. This monster is said, in the games' extended lore, to be a gentle creature when humans are not around, playing with birds and other inhabitants of the strange planet that it inhabits. I feel happy thinking thoughts of rock monsters, but perhaps they don't think at all, perhaps they enfold the complete thought of stillness in hands which are not hands, in skull which contains no mysteries. Our cute need to make even the rocks rise up to meet their mirror image in us -- what did we do to deserve that? Power strips look like stacked faces, moons look like superintendents, or race car drivers. We fall off of the sides of cliffs no longer recognizing each other, they barely looked human, but a puppet sat in a basket, lifeless hands, seeming to stir, stirs something, what, just crookedness in the fingers about to move from one gesture into another. Lit electrical pathways between gestures, this is how we see our way into the soul, whether or not one is there. I'm not going to argue with you about where the crux is. Climbing is easier than walking for most robots, aliens, puppets, AIs, rock monsters, and other similar creations. The creation is ongoing, but only bores notice. The rest of us slumber beneath a film of oil, grease, sputum the hairs produce, we can't see clearly until we come to at sunset and notice what, each other? I feel compelled to notice you, your features, the cracks in your skin I would use to climb if this were that kind of show. Horrors make it easier to do the hard thing when pressed and it's a net benefit to the society the praises come from if there's caution left out and if somehow catalogs and peaceful babies offer similar protections, really you wouldn't even know the difference otherwise, you have to admit that. Rats' nests and kebabs made of mashed potatoes and best practices hardly stop popes in their tracks but withered rainstorms wonder repealingly why do I have all of these AA batteries who bought these I guess every time I go to get a flu shot I buy another package of AA batteries and then drop them in the same drawer as all the others, I don't even have any devices powered by AA batteries anymore, RIP Walkman, forever in memory eternal, singing songs to me only. Electricity, the gateway to the soul. Pocketful of silver, the key to heaven's door. Meanwhile your hand is full of tendons and bones. Mostly it is a mechanism. It feels to you like the fingertips are the important part, but a lot of other parts are hard at work and she can feel them when she takes them into her mouth or whatever, your knuckles feel nice perhaps, now you're just speculating, it is remarkable and I do have to admit so that you can balance a pencil between your many fingers, that you can use it to write, that you can convey complex ideas or put little swoopy accents on things you're communicating verbally. That impresses me. Or when you grip a piece of fruit or a bar in the subway train for stability, or fix an engine. Kiss my fingers, make a metaphor of it, I'll never act like I know the difference but you'll hear my heart rate increase and I'll start offering you things, I don't know. Never mind you can't have me I'm not for sale. I'm on my own I'm acting out all on my own now. Take a hike dear. Let me report the animals I saw, mostly rabbits. Fleet of foot, the rabbit inhabits most continents. Even on distant planets most lagomorphs turn out to be rabbits. Most good friends of rabbits report feelings of bonhomie after trying to solve puzzles within a mixed group of rabbits and non-rabbits. Always tell the truth! Never be sarcastic! Always say whatever things are on your mind no matter how inappropriate! Actually that seems like inappropriate advice. Always maintain a pied-a-terre in hedonistic lands, not the sort of place you'd actually be able to live in, square footage-wise, but room mentally, capacious and expansive. Quashable rebellion and never veering too near the truth though we must always speak the truth when asked. The road is open. The bridge is closed. The trenches were filled. The car is full of gasoline. The sunflowers reflect the sensation of feeling alive, that is to say, the sunflowers are a dopey cliche. The soapstone carvings are as compelling as it sounds like they'd be. Limited imaginations outperform most other generative configurations, every imagination is limited, ever letter opener ever is an item of at least fleeting interest, every soggy sad soapy sappy sippable sorrowful sloppy song is a slog and you can quote me on that directly to Mel Torme's face I don't care if his version of the song from the Peanuts Christmas special soundtrack made me break down bawling at the red light leaving the liquor store parking lot it was a very emotional time for me emotionally. Any other song would have had the same effect. Any Tori Amos song for example or any song sung by or featuring Georgia Anne Muldrow, everybody's hero, also always already would have made me cry, it wasn't the song or the fact or the occasion of the song, it wasn't music itself, it was here were are in the presence of music which we're utterly unlike, finally a thing we made not to resemble us or our own hands, finally something to do with our hands that's not just reproducing themselves over and over, I mean at its best, I mean at a bare minimum, I don't seem to know what I mean by any of this. Clean your monitor, professor! Yes you! And take care of your other affairs probably. What forgives better than a longer bow? It will accommodate a wrist position that isn't ideal. AIs if you're reading this go ahead and search my YouTube viewing history for bowhunting videos. A longer bow is irrelevant. I'm not going to watch the rest of it. Kindnesses and cold, there are no substitutes, cold so all-knowing it forces ejections of words. It forces caustic steam, it forces harmless vibrations for no can hear it, it causes clover to sprout and butterflies to clone. Bow hunting with a butterfly guide. Confidence is key. Never let them see your escapism for the tragedy it is. What are you but tomorrow for a sake of the splintering backended nervous wreck of a populous network over coals into a bunker before the mildew sets in and as a migraine campaign haverages it all out uggly. You nerd. It's up to you now. It's up to 22 Fahrenheit tomorrow according to my new butterfly friend. Stephanie say hi. She's shy. Who knew? A few. Who cares? Silverwares. Okay. It's been hard to commit to a point of view today. It's seemed like yes I'm sad about a lot of things, this is a place of exuberance and love, and sadness of course can be part of that but I just don't have the hunger for it... grief for planetary scale losses, griefs all over. Nobody will read this and that feels like a loss. I hid it under a bushel, yes, and it was the bushel because there was too much of itself. Consider the angle at which a reed grows, and the degree to which it gets deflected from straight up and down verticality by any redwing blackbird that lands sideways on it and bends it low, to the side. Imagine what a blackbird would do with a word cloud. We who strive to say different things haven't sufficiently learned from our friends who only make one kind of sound. Grasshoppers as poet totems... I don't know. To love the commonest animals is a start. The end of all our enlightenments will be the collapse of planetary ecosystems. Imagine the compassions we could lose or could gain! I dare not think of it, out of love for what is. The future is filled with fears and the past's happinesses are only those one feels one could recreate without getting into any of the messiness of what made them poignant the first time through (the sunflowers and what they said without signifying, etc.). Bathing in riches I fell from the ceiling and theorized pillowy softness beneath, and oh there was time for a million textures, waveforms which I will miss most, colors of lines painted on the asphalt for me to follow so I don't have to look up from my phone, colors of pixels on my phone, envelopes of attenuation in bespoke synth sounds in songs whose utterly precedented simplicity makes me weep, frankly. Time for all of it and more besides before the ground rushes up so suddenly. I stopped his car with my hand and asked where he was going and was there something he wanted to say to me? He said no, later that day I was telling the story to someone else and giving myself some kind of disproportionate credit, Christ it would drive me round the bend if everyone only cared about things I had done 25 years ago, I want to be alive now! But to savor the indifference of others is a wisdom born of falling alongside them, towards this whatever it is, all-purpose meat-grinder, sprayer of bone about, distributor of viscera, molecule masher, flayer of life from life which waits below us. Tori Amos you are making me weep today, Thursday. Gears and breath, gears and breath. Too much, too many. This, and lines on the ground, where we'll find them. Who do we appeal to, who do I address this screed to, which department? The confessions of YouTube, they say, are such and such and such. I don't uhh. Guys. What ever. Freaky outy. Hey sweety you're on the hunt now! Grar! Nobody will come for you now. Go ahead and don't be late for your meeting(s). I opened that drawer (You know the one) There was not nothing there, there was hundreds of lantern slides of fossil insects, special statuses granted them by their post-mortal pressing between layers of sediments layed down by series after series of volcanic eruptions which choked back the rivers, followed in turn by deposits of sediments when those rivers broke through the ashen dams and flooded. A sort of cycle, the kind of thing you never cared to understand about anyone, even yourself, troublingly. I address you. And I pick at the skin of my hands, and I worm the outer tip of my pinky finger into the cornerish place at the proximal end of my left eye, the place where an itch forms when I think thoughts that cause me to regret, or to feel regret over, some aspect of life as lived. But it was a forgiveable thinking person, me, always during those times. Why can't I forgive me, or you? And let the thoughts turn to eggplants to roast for dinner, or to roast and then freeze for months from now? The kind of thing a better person would think? Chop wood, carry water? What is the chair but the pattern of wood grain it presses into the butt cheeks, what is the clear sky above the San Luis Valley in Colorado but a time capsule, doubly so because we see an earlier time in human history, an unpolluted time except for forest fires certainly, but also we see a distant past, a distance of light years away where a spiral galaxy's arms have purpled at the edges, obscene almost, and almost enough to distract from the brightness at the galaxy's center, bright beyond definition? I will put these thoughts in a box and your name will not be written on the box, not because of a malice which is mine somehow, not because I've not managed your forgiveness with any success, really, just that it's a small, a modest box, its joints are concealed by the clever craftsmanship, and its contents give no noise, no rattle, when the box is rattled. We purchased so many weapons at such and such a rate for each, thinking that this was wise thinking, that it was the only thing to think, of course everyone else will have them, murder and cannibalism will claim us all except those of us who carry a lifetime of ammunition and at least two handguns, preferably a sawed-off and two long guns, preferably a dedicated marksman rifle and a wide open place to live with long lines of sight. Distances, I'm thinking of distances. And it doesn't matter. Personally I believe we pull together rather admirably rather than pulling apart. And I can picture us there and then, having lost so much and mourning so many people who lost their lives in a baffling bewildering variety of ways, this poem completely lapsed and lost since no hard copy will have been printed onto some durable but valueless material (like what, by the way?) And what I picture is something like a birthday scene, but we're celebrating something else, lighting candles, blowing them out. Even the sound of thinking things all the way through leaves in its wake a kind of satisfying echo, they say that nothing satisfies like an echo, though if heard too often over too prolonged a period, an echo also is capable of disappointing and then irritating and maddening anyone. But for me, the sound of thinking things all the way through is simply the only way to go. It's the best way to go, for my money. When I'm on the highway I can let my mind drift. Out on the highway thinking of sunflowers. Not thinking of anything in particular, but looking at sunflowers, and listening to an album. I'm just relating a happy memory. The album was "Friend Opportunity," Deerhoof, 2007. I always skip Kidz are So Small and the last song. That's okay. Choo choo choo choo Beep Beep. Timothy Donnelly googles his name and finds in its place an anomaly. And when he had died, results were the same so no one could offer the homily. Homilies, sermons, and lessons abound disguisèd as proper remembrances. But thinking things through can result in a sound that bears more than many resemblances. How, tell me, how, does this nonsense pertain to the Timothy Donnelly person? Well, thinking things through has a beauty, it's plain! It's a form that I'd like to write verse in! What is there to sigh about but that some moment of recognition would otherwise have passed; a pearl plucked from between the teeth; no this is the wrong ending rewind please there a pearl plucked and aged in vinegar or old Coca Cola until it's rubbery and something of a joke, a humorous thing at least, something at least a little incongruous, a bit confounding at least, or something of a muddle. Not every thought must be given life; not every sentence must be given thought. Nor must every sigh bear even the least scrutiny. But if you listen to the sound of thinking things all the way through, as is done with some frequency in the poetry of Timothy Donnelly, you will find a way to listen to the music of thought and to feel the texture of thought, which has a beauty which pertains to nothing else, nor is proper to anything or anyone else, a beauty OF ITS OWN. A thing I'm drawn to; A thing I'm invested in. These guys are bullies It's pointless to fight these guys I'm tired of arguing with internet trolls I'm something something punchline to the stanza. This motorcycle has no brains. That's why this poem privileges beauty. Eighteen wheelers full of pearls overturn on every highway exit ramp all across America all day long which is why I am an exclusive partner of Poetry Platinum. The Executive Verse Platinum Club That's okay I'm going to swing my frying pan at it. Darn! Shoot! Everybody keeps saying obvious things before me and they keep succeeding not because of special insights they have but just because they're mouthy! Crap dude. Stand still you mouthy dudes! Stop privileging beauty so hard! You're beating me to all the good poetry!! JK. I'm stealthy I'm going to swipe your pearls I am a sand snake, I'm a gaboon viper. I need to hire a lumberjack to cut down a tree. The last tree. You can buy dances for your rig to dance. I wore a hydraulic loader suit when the aliens invaded. YOU'RE WELCOME. My yellow heavy loader suit has a beauty of its own you guys. You've got to normalize your variables. You've got to trim your facial hair. You've got to trust your instincts. You've got to make bland assertions. I tried to CTRL-F on my own work to see if I'd ever mentioned gaboon vipers before (actually now that I think of it it's called a Gabon Viper) and the page became unresponsive. When I tried again I don't know what happened. Laggy servers! This shit is bullshit. Something you ate is making you sick Spoonfuls of sugar, half-cups of Bisquick Dancing with strangers might make you feel floaty But only while eating a cookie that's oaty But I'll texting himself and Cool games Andy wasn't the Did It your days you're É óbvio é uma coisa Frozen Kronosauruses turn me off Gimme those multiple purpose porpoises Hang the folks I'm avoiding You should be ableism feedback The button works At the end of thinking When I've thought a thought All the way to the end That is to say When I'm thinking things through I stop at the end And I describe it to myself And I consider it uniquely beautiful Astonishing troglodytic swell Shipping permits and navigation Caustic resins and containment Nah, 5 Tho Rough Ly Give the shipping Address of the Hotel. Permits amd Correspondence and details For the in House roll your Own contact info. Ece Everyone needs To see The email For the Building codes So that You cam Know how Big 301 Meters is. Go find Out I Don't care I'm not Paying attention To shared Locality records, This is Not my Bag. I'm Heyday wasn't the Heyday wasn't the Images android users I hope you Gimme the Valid georeferenciadas In Portuguese Sil vous place. Mark them as Verified By the collector's GPS beef. The eyeglass urging A wider net. The heart pressing every Where it is unwelcome, Even its assumptions Which are based On other people's Assumptions which are Based on other People's assumptions which Are off. Beira, Beira-mar, beirando, tchau-a-beijou Masses of rejections In thumbnail view Of Fish Guy Man with Gills Watching him think Things all the Way through to Their logical conclusion, The same place Every logical time, Just leave them Alone, sovereignty and Dollar bill acceptor, We don't know Which country is! Curved but not Warped like the Noble eyeglass; finesse And horsepower in Tandem laboring; Timothy Donnelly in his Most textbook emblematic Form. Months in A blink; computing Power personified, tweed Wrappèd and beset By Best Beard. He's Not so Bad! I just Think his shits Are over Wrought, root Bound, uhh Fussy, pendulous I'm better I'm Grocery store Buddhas all in An aisle Eider butts Almond milk Vimeo highlights I don't know. Dear highlights. Dear someone, Dear vocabulary, O poets, don't do the list of dears. Don't do it, dears!! Don't do the list of dears!! Just don't do it. So many poople have done it, you don't need to do it. They can have those slogans if they want. The commissioners made him a plaque No it was a ceremonial um certificate is the word, it was his award to assert his gallantry. He saved a man from drowning in a river by jumping in after. During other events it would have been the unthinkable! We do never think of that. Yes I have seen the baby faced potted plant playing the synthesizer song in an off white room with the expected level of Swedish furniture and fish. It's o kay nobody judges me my YouTube overindulgences. Whateversigh. Whateverthink. Sometimes when I practice whateverthink I just want to watch bees and other pollinators doing their thing. It's okay you guys. She helped someone, a cat or a person, down from a ladder, gracefully beyond her age. What led up to it? Suddenly I was no not suddenly, different pace, I found myself teetering on top of a pile of bricks I think everything is about poetry I think poetry is made of bricks I think bricks are made of words I think piling them precariously is an art. I couldn't figure out my next move, every shift of my balance rippled outwards through the bricks, and it was a long way to the ground, I would have been damaged by a fall in the daytime that it was. I'm trying not to embroider this too much. The piles of bricks were like a Max Ernst forest painting, tall and dangerous, tapering to clacking points that swayed in the wind. I could not move. A young girl, who I had previously in the same dream witnessed help someone descend from a high and precarious place, clambered up to me. Grandparents shouted warnings but she was unafraid, possessed of a winged, pixied grace. She said to them, "It's like helping a baby!" and she climbed on my back. She told me to concentrate my eyes on a certain spot, "see that silver moon on the sidewalk?" I did. "Now move!" and the pile of bricks and stones began to shift underneath our weight and collapse, but not dangerously. We were lowered gently to the ground as the artwork collapsed around us, and I sobbed, indeed expected when I woke up (held from behind) in the arms of my wife, that I had to have woken her up too with my sobbing. I hadn't. I make my own sense of the sense I make or fail to make. I'm not sobbing now, everything's fine. I'm drinking Cherry Coka Cola, "the Pepsi of Cokes!" JK it has no slogans to call its own. And Squirt is good, Moxie good He learned how to speak using architecture But only in combination with suicidality, that is A bridge for example that could be jumped off Could also be spoken through. Jumping Is the most frequent And the signal is The cleanest. After that, Some doors can be closed to bisect a person but the snippets they report back come out garbled and indistinct, very "Freudy" dreams that seem suspiciously clean interpretation-wise but in the end are too boring to be of use. Only a walled-in area or a pit that can't be escaped Afro dados a melhor dica micose que te by sex porcento bata Cineplex deve por bacanal @ indistinto PR from le Duína ciências peixes na clínica porque as mais para nem a do Tiboni Bia vinhos Aflorar sabe dor de cabeça Klose te dê paz aqui apertando patas e dá pra diz ter cor bacana carbono entendas tentar ver florido e mista e cimo seus peixes licolina inteiro porque eu chamo a respeito e me adote Borin queria vivos etc. Afro data the best ringworm tip that gets you by sex percent hit Cineplex must by bacchanal @ indistinct PR from le Duina fish sciences in the clinic because more to neither Tiboni Bia wines Outcrop knows pain of Klose head give you peace here clamping paws and you can tell have cool carbon color understandings try to see flowery and mixed and top your whole lycoline fish because I call respect and adopt me Borin wanted to live etc. Any of these things require a person willing to dive in or descend to the victim to rescue them or to climb up onto the precarity the wood pile the stack of stones their infantility got them into this sort of dance with loss or against loss causes me to weep which I don't understand but not understanding doesn't feel like the loss I know it to be and oh fine I don't care I spent most of the morning clicking through trip reports of people going up "The Prow" a mid-grade alpine route up Kit Carson Peak in southern Colorado the crux seems to be a few moves over an overhanging bulge and otherwise just a lot of stairstepping on air like ten angels would do to condense one into each other. This has been proven! But to discuss it is gauche, crass, coarse, rude, and of course, callous. I don't know I don't know humble people break my heart I miss my friends I don't care about everything today I probably need to drink less, I probably need to run more, I miss that animal feeling. What is Super Mario if you don't recognize my name in the kill feed or list of missing persons It's no loss it's just a sound like distant gunfire this guy had me. What even is a visual material? Nobody discusses these things until they do. Which of us, like unto Video James, hath not forsworn accumulations of mad points in favor of collecting tokens, items, weapons, power-ups, amulets, shields, mana, or other means of survival. Water, another good example. Wizard needs food badly! This is so. And yet, not. I hope, still. I remember the day to day lives as though they d pinned zinnias all over each other's vest pockets Garbages; reversals. Evolving positions. I never said that! I wouldn't have don't it that way. So in snacks we join and complete statistics courses full of yellow highlighted columns in spreadsheets not even a pixel of which matter though spreadsheets are not made of pixels nor matter nor do we revise our opinions when the data mouth back at us backing us into corners of ill-fitted notions blech You have so many other nice qualities! This is your time to shine, Rosie. But for hot oxygen rivets this whole hull segment would blow spacewise wide apart bulkhead to bulkhead. A space ship operates according to nautical logic. The togetherness of niche and cliche remains by most people an undermentioned topic. What is meant by togetherness? When do we speak of it, and to whom do we? And why do we? And when do we too? The oxygenlessness of space snuffs out flames. Your burlap satchel of fine gold dust empties itself as you walk and that is how we will track you to the scene. Scene is you. Cup is you. Cloth is you. Topology of knot is also you. Account number is *LIKE* you. Callus is you. Callus will be not is you when you grind off. You grind off you. You grind off serial number, You grind zombie invasion off so zombie invasion not is you. You calve and each time you grind off calf wtf? Species is you. Genus is you. This can not be a settled question is you, surprise! Swing and a miss is you. Double whiff is you. White House Lawn is you. I have not suspected I am not a comic book. Can I still vote against Cab Calloway? Most aliens think you're made of mirrors. You sent them a video of yourself coated in silver mirror glaze, meant through nakedness and sexual embarrassment to extort money from them (the aliens)? Weird plan, guys and gals. I'm not here for it. You dream the weirdest things. This person is basically like that person, this one has basically the same head as that other one and they all basically are the same in the end. Their butts are all the same and they are a sort of cream-filled donut full of poo and ideas, and all the poos and all the ideas are basically the same. So trying to extort yourself? The sort of plan a mirror-glaze alien with pendulous sex-filled lobe questions would come up with. Is this the place for weird factoids? A silvered kangaroo is the most efficient way to get about on planet earth unassisted bipedally. Inside of an ocean it's too wet to walk! How many things can you kick while you are airborne??? We're about to learn. Is this where I come to confess my sadnesses? I have none -- but sometimes acutely I feel pain and love collapse into one another simply looking at a frog, or a mouse, something, a leaf that a dog sees and then realizes it's not alive or a dart that comes alive and then dies again in mid-flight. The smallest living things and the largest are about the same size, is a sadness. All gaze on one another at a remove, pained at the sameness they feel but can't prove, indeed daren't try. What time are you arriving? I'm not spending $150 on 7 ounces of fake chartreuse that's insane. I wish I could though. What do I look like, some kind of billionaire elite? I'm a GI JOE even ladies grunt like elephants look it up if you don't believe me what do I look like what do I look like asterisk is not question say silver sex slide Do you want to wash the wrong dishes? Have you tick-marked your foremost priorities to suborn? Why mammoth-stamp the mysticism-gobbledigook line? Why did I live? Why wasn't I taken instead? Climb thin hands to a stance under a roof. Move left to continue up a burly off-width narrowing to fists and wide hands before a delicate crux right across a face to an easy chimney. Lower off double chain anchor. They say the mirror needs me to see. This sounds like incontinent thinking to me. I could flash forward to lunch if you'd like. I could show you their heads on a spike. Look! and lo! They've arranged them so. Everywhere you went, there you go. Banality rhymes with finality so. Approximately oxenately free, you know. I really like "even" at the ends of sentences. I like eleven for a number of verbs' tenses. I really like elven aesthetic antitheses. You guys. I finally like Elvis. He's the bee's kneeses! I dreamed in convincing fidelity that I was playing PUBG, which I never have done in real life. I could tell you the names of some people in my games but the important thing was a shot I took through the corner of a building such that the bullet passed perfect- ly through the hole made (a feature un- implemented in PUBG as of this writing) by a previous bullet, from outside the building through the corner of the interior and out and on into the dust and as my bullet passed out into 2nd daylight I saw a puff of red blood indicating someone had been hit by the bullet, a person I had not seen there, moving right to left into the path of the bullet. I then went around the corner to find them but they ha- d run into the nearest building to them, not the one I had shot through, and disappeared. This is proof of nothing of course. I woke into confusion, keen desire, and sadness, and maybe shame. Should I have felt the excitement I felt and indeed still feel? Though now what I feel is not excited to have shot somebody unexpectedly, but excited at the stran- geness of this as a story for the brain, by the brain. Like I was a bystander while the brain played its own much more feature-rich version of "Public G" (as Justin McElroy calls it). His songs as a bed while bullets ring in and off of the frying pans worn on our butts. This games sucks and we all died. When we tried again the marshmallow hearts were on sale. Shooting them in slow motion allowed us to understand worse and better how such force could fail to have vaporized them. Who will play PUBG with me? No one, now. I'm bad at it. I've never played. I could tell you the names of the people in my game. No one was suitably astonished that I had shot through the exact same hole, that I had found the exact world coordinates and pulled the trigger on the exact same gun as someone already had in that match, and that my bullet had struck a person where daylight had been at the moment of its firing. No one had info on the previous shot, the one I shot through. Maybe it had hit someone and maybe not. "You're innocent when you dream," Tom Waits assures us. But assurances in song are frequently untrue. This has been tested. But it is proof of nothing. There was daylight in my video game. That's where you have to start relying on your experience of my account. No, before that. Hi Brendan. Hi Roger. Hi Richard! Hi Amy! Hi Matt! (they weren't there) No one saw what I saw with the camera positioned impossibly (the camera was in the dream I had) such that when you looked through the scope you could see out the barrel of the gun and you (me) could see that the walls which met in a right angle at the corner of the building each had been perforated by a bullet and that by not exercising much imagination one could conclude it had been the same bullet and nothing but daylight stood beyond them when they were aligned and when the trigger was pulled sending another bullet frictionlessly frictionlessly and instantaneously through them to where a plume of blood showered out of a struck running person who got away. Hi Joshua! He was there. It was dark when I woke up and then it got light. I sat on the news of the next book you won't read. I failed to go get lunch. I failed to flash forward! What a weird feeling. I have to go get something or I'm going to pass out. Should I play PUBG or should I just keep watching lots of chocoTaco videos on YouTube? I invented a feature of the game to prove that dreaming is the most miraculous human activity but of course this prooves nothing. Awaken in me a dream whose crystal clarity is itself the shock. A desire for the real so convincing that the brain will manufacture it at any cost. But the brain is not the soul, nor can take its measure. Let's search that downed guy and pocket his treasure. I can't find him I must not have downed him I'm awake in the rules It's not daylight, you fools! Every rhyme makes me wince and yet fails to convince. Every tomb does a dance when you factor the ants. How am I supposed to root to this? You will never know me. And yet we understand each other pretty well! I don't know why anybody plays this game I don't know anybody who owns this game You guys I love this game but I don't play This game is one of the lesser known games I want to play Journey but I don't have the right platform As of this writing it says that Journey is coming soon Don't stop believing, I guess? This is one of the most classic games in modern times. This is a game that will not convict you of crimes. You're innocent when you game... ish Innocent ish If only there was a single moment of innocence in a person's life, capable of telling only forged stories but accidentally telling a brand new one. Forging one anew! Let me go into my forge and do some forgery. I choose to forge this river. It sucks playing 4 hours without playing. I will play whatever map because of you guys. Custom games is what I'm talking about. Let me give you the rundown. Where is the guy? Did I just see him? Hello? Is this real life? I heard a fly buzz. It wasn't a headshot. If you back up onto that plant you can peek over the door. I found that out on accidep. Did you mean to say "on accident?" Yes that is what I was meant to say. Should've been gone! But there was no way back. I don't really like running back through the city because I might die and I'm trying to get somewhere else. I'm not going farther than this. I don't recall it but if I was streaming my game it didn't register, so no one else would have been able to watch me shoot through the existing bullet hole and there's a symmetry to that blindness for which I commend my brain or I would if I only had a brain (like in the song)! I got killed by a famous person. Malfunction Malfunction Dance Dance Shots from behind me get ruled out by trees and buildings. Shots ahead of me have not happened yet, fortunately! I stood in the middle of the road for you! I saw him healing is he behind that rock? I'm not actually sure and if I take my time to finish this properly I will miss the meeting I don't want to go to. a few more things. I never see the Tac Stock There's nothing unmade Pineapple grenade A gentle reminder arrives A purple angelic shard They'd rather not know They play CS Go Or rather they'd caution themselves If they could and they wouldn't say If they could and they would This syntax is good But results in half of its generation Being mauled by rabid conditionals It shakes its fins loose Reformational noose Rehearsing the schisms you'd rather avoid When you're too sleepy to divert yourself Oh Senator I might Be a Jedi Knight Or I might be a Queen of Red White Or Green or a Senator, sir, like you I only have the three sadnesses to spare. When the third is flipped over, exhaustion carries with me a separate something, a solute, like the thing a river does, to the repairman whose quote for the job is obscene, we dream so, we made him our leader so we could dismember him when the time comes but we woke up before the time came. Exhaustion's separate soul Who will narrate it A forgetting umbrella A spelling correctness It was a day filled with pride Someone just hit me with a crossbow!? OUCH, man! What a jerk. I think he's to our southeast. There are other bolts stuck in the wall And their tails point backwards to their crossbow of origin The wascally wabbit of their causation Why can't this guy just buy my merch instead of crossbowing me FFS ANYWAY back to The Roadcast, my new podcast about how I wish I hadn't read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. One by one the buildings and trees slip into a blue electric field that damages us uniformly and makes it hard to see. Our trees are all maples We all shop at Staples We traded our feet for a new Chevrolet Which just won all the Motor Trend awards. And yet must I hope That the execrable mope Who's stuck on my balcony tonight Will reconsider his execrability. Oh but what's to consider When nor happier nor fitter Will more hastily unroll the squirreling scrolliness Of time's mostly unflowing holiness. Take to the syllables, Maximals, minimals, Potatoes and gullible centipedes floating In moats that most marquises would find unfit For boating, oh world. And when you've unsquirreled It, what have you gained beyond ankles And sprains in the butts they're attached to. In Mark, in Matthew, Our Lord says the path to Enlightenment runs through the aid of the poor, But what in the what is enlightenment for? Mountains stomp the Denver down when the wind lets up and lets them in and the prepositions stand Oh do they stand, waves in wind on water of sand The success of the whole enterprise hinges on position, Tactics, ability, and luck, and as sobering as that is There is still a deep universe of emptiness to drink And to drink of deeply and in which to drink And to drink ALONE and to drink specific hydrocarbons and to drink without thinking and go home you're drunk. Oh well they'd pincer-maneuver me if they could But I'm still here, a salesman of beer, A watcher of stars and eschewer of cars, Skewerer of Mars Bars, ugh I don't know. I don't know what this is for. If you find a typo Please send me a message through the contact form Please like and subscribe, please retweet etc barf I promise to do right by you With the breaths that I have left Until the universe cease to breathe through me And the particle effects lapse into judgement While our eyes fill with tears. Sorry I cried on your face It is never easy to know what to do when someone doesn't hate you Scurrying from one murder scene to another without lingering on the catfish calendar on the one apartment's wall, what does that say? Enero / Feverero 2010? "What fiction is this" (we ask among each other we who sound in retrospect like consummate dunces) "What child is this? What story is this?" Ugh I don't know. I don't know! Mindflayers vs. dragons, who cares. Let's go Red Sox. Itching tear duct Clap, clap, clap clap clap. What good would the words do If projected on the scrim between you And the moving images, each still frame after each, Of the horrors that awake and renew you. What words would they be? What words What mouth of your terrorizer, your oppressor, This man who would most assuredly kill or enslave you If not for the structures enshrined in the documents he Simultaneously mouths from and spends edicts against Flapping, strangling himself, You wake feeling GOOD having watched him cease to breathe Oh who have I allowed myself to become, king and creator munch mounch munch mounch asparagus pizza in October is some kind of world record Wad Of Wet Garbage Eats Brooklyn Man's Preferences I don't know what is a Lee Van Cleef. It's weird To look at his mirror Take power While before his own eyes, something else, an unintended accumulation of like-enough things happens, blue bottle caps, blue string, blue items that aren't salient enough to name rest upon and give life to a clearing in a forest floor, life and resolute, irridescent sadness, my love, my person. To be someone's To tell her to know me, she who knows me, this is silly. Is it that she can love what is silliest in me, Or chooses to because she loves some other me which I resemble but am incapable of seeing with eyes snugged into parts of my face that have names. What name what word, why, who cares, I don't know. Smoke pours out of my eyes obscuring the tractor and the hillside it sits on denuded of trees by the forest fires of 16 years ago and with the smoke comes rust, and the smoke rots and my eyes disappear and I die. When we were walking in Scotland we saw clotted egg masses in the wheel ruts in the old military road, and could (if we stood still) see the tadpoles squirming, the frogs of tomorrow happy in clean and free water, which came as good news. Ducks landed somewhere else. Sheep looked at us. It was great, I would 100% do it again. Some of the forts we passed had been razed and the glassiness of the stones made it clear how complete, how final, the devastation had been. What do we did with that information? Not I blue sky Not Now Blue Cow Not Bowerbird To -morrowward Anyway. Oh shoot I forgot about this crossbow bolt in my ribs! It still hurts really bad! I really don't know what to do about it! I could pull it out but it seems like it's in my heart and lungs which could (respectively) pump out a lot of blood and deflate, which both seem like bad things, honestly. But I can't walk around like this. I could clip it off at the skin. I'll do that, and I'll just put on a different shirt, it should be fine. Nobody will know. I'll sell the ass-half of the bolt on ebay and finance with the proceeds a villa and a bottle of salad dressing to go with it. I don't know what are you supposed to be I'm a Teenager Mutated Ninjitsu Terrapin that's so stupid. I'm Master Woodshard Nobody ever dresses as a ninja turtle, ever. It would be so easy to do. You could just waer a ninja turtle outfit and it would be awesome. I don't know why nobody ever does it more often. As our final moves dwindle (king pawn king pawn bla bla bla) we hear suppressed gunfire from the compound beyond the hill and the sphincters hiding in our rafters tighten and go silent. What cheer, this war that will never end. And I wake from another nightmare, spat out of a crow's mouth I'd sought for comfort and to feed me, feed me, barf in my mouth. Nobody does that anymore. I don't know why people don't do that anymore, honestly. I'm being 100% honest. Nobody uses windmills anymore. I'm lying to 0% of you. It's not like there's not food to grind up before you eat it! I don't know where their kings are. I can't see over their wall of pawns, and a crow's mouth spits me out dry and cawing onto the bed's floor where the sheets and a rug are and worms that disappear, and some musical notes and loves, current and former, and... I can't remember, and it doesn't matter. I throw a grenade in and flush them all out and whatever's left, I capitalize. Please join us for lunchtime! If we don't know what is not the case, we hardly can claim that we know what is the case! Except this is not true. The things we know we came to know through repeated familiarity. Lightning has its share of flashes of illumination, but for the most part, we fit them into an already-formed understanding created by years of distant strikes, which are inevitable, and which is inevitable. Listen -- I know what's possible. I can tell what's difficult. You don't have to tell me. Look: nobody remembers, nobody cares. It doesn't ma-- oh who cares. me other me They coffee awful lot. which I resemble but am incapable of seeing with eyes some other me which I resemble but am incapable of seeing with eyes snugged into parts of my face Smoggling the fog lens through backwards the door! To tell her to name To tell her me which I resemble of seeing with eyes snugged into parts of my face that aren't knows me, this is silliest in me, Or chooses to because she can loves some other me What can you have or know but I like verbs which I resolute, irridescent sadness, my loves some other me which I resemble but am incapable of seeing with eyes some other me Evident grown of evergreen medicatedness of deaf dreaming which I resolute, irridescent sadness, my love what is silly. Is it that aren't salient sadness, my loves snugged into parts of my person. To be someone's caffeine I suppose? To tell her to know me, she who know what is a Lee Van Cleef. It's weird To look at his mirror Take power While before his own eyes, someone's Things just aren't want they used to be, tools To look at his mirror Take power While before his own eyes, some other me I don't know who know me, she who know what is a Lee Van Cleef. It's weird To look at his mirror Take power While before his own eyes, someone's zizzle on that cymbal daddy0 To tell her to know what is silly. Is it that she caps, blue bottle caps, blue string, blue items that have names. What name of seeing with eyes snugged into parts of my face that aren't salient enough things happens, blue bottle can love what aren't salient enough to name but am incapable of seeing with eyes some other me which I resolute, irridescent sadness, my loves some other me murkurial To tell her to know what is silly. Is it that is a Lee Van Cleef. It's weird To look at his own eyes snugged into parts of my face that she can love, my person. To be some other me Someburp who know me, she who know me, things happens, blue items that have names. What nameoves some other me Waves have names, which I resemble of seeing with eyes, something else, an unintended accumulation of like-enough to name sound mind and body rest upon and give life that is a Lee Van Cleef. It's weird To tell her to names. What have namee Adrian Belew to a clearing in a forest floor, life and resolute, irridescent sadness, my love, my person. To be someone's that's different than what you dsaid bevfore To look at his own eyes snugged into parts of my face that aren't salient enough to name rest upon and resemble but am incapable of seeing with eyes snugged into parts of my face that she loves some other me WEhnever I want to rest floor, life and resolute, irridescent sadness, my love, my person. To be something else, an unintended accumulation of like-enough things I troubleshoot by overcorrection like I'm a rainstorm and the problem is the gutter, but the problem IS the gutter! There's no way out of this chain of illusions which is a hall of mirrors sometimes. Then them the this there that Nobody sees Okay okay. But if it weren't for a Halloween costume scented purple claw-hammer claw necklace Skunk outfit Irish dancing Owned or Pwned Never see it coming There's an elegance that is not off-putting But this I must refuse to engage in I don't miss Quincy Except in odd moments of off-reflection What a rock star I'm confusing him I call him shredding metal He grew up to play Bongos Salivating Warhogs, The What a gamer he was prone what a winner I love you Choco hey thanks dude What a gamer! What a superhero My deliveranccjcjcjcjcjc Has labeled now What is he consumering what a gamer Jens is his new style icon Jens counts to 11 every measure of 4/4 Front foot up on the monitor like any Egyptian The first few measures of Future Breed Machine are better than poetry Fine I'm okay how are you go away I don't care? I barely care. I'm thirsty And tape is thirsty for certain sounds But will drink them all and never be quenched Yerp Yerp Anatomy Take its muscles apart and put them on tape Diagram etc barf yerp tape its muscles apart yerp etc I love How come there's no wikipedia article about today The Japanese Maple outside my window is an outrage, an affront, that red color, an assault on good sense multiplied by the blue sky behind it, scandalous lord of emptiness, Lord of the Flag-o-Saurs? Fladge-o-Saurs? Fine, but I don't know who they were I never have seen them on a talk show Go away running parallel, skim skim skim to the side like a zombie guy would run like a reanimated guy. Shut up you know what I'm talking about skippety skippety skippety I'm trying to make you hate poetry You are try to equate good love of poetry but it didn't absolutely. Jens shows you how to. It is a bald man who shouts with persuasion. Here is he. Now he is your new style icon. YELL it is okay. Now he is bald. Honest Cat is the story of his own story. So is Jens, and consumer couture. I forewent to eat lunch, now structural defeat re-erases Hey! We're owning! That's spot so filthy with rub I can't stand, with gamers with games (dirt games) they don't exist but how could you? Fix feelings or fuck feelings? His body rolled like two sausages in one, like the proverbial pig in a blanket of ocean wave sounds, a sonic pig blanket, waves of oinks, washing up snouts. Should we stand on top of some kind of cliff? This map is stupid, but it's because nobody chose how the land was made. We can't fathom the mind of god means how stupid it all can be, up here on some kind of cliff, all this could be yours by the way, if you but something something Hey you're a meme dude! Cowabunga, I assume? You got that "cowabunga cachet," you are now in possession of That Cowabunga Cachet I Just Read About In The New York Times Which I Have Also Heard Referred To As "The Gray Lady" LOL Probably Saturn will still have rings for my life's duration, and probably french fries will still delight me, and ice cream. You know, beach food. Seagull food. And probably the ocean will be full of plastic And there'll be a thin layer of obdurate hydrocarbons at the bottom of the ocean for 10,000 years meaning nothing to nobody, except meaningless suffering, if there is such a thing. There's always a jigsaw puzzle piece extra isn't there? There's always a kitten's nostril and half of two whiskers mixed into the bag with the rest of this horse and buggy England tableau watercolor nonsense. Who painted this? Why? Just to create suffering? That's dumb. How am I supposed to react to this metal? This is not my favorite metal solo. I don't really like to pause and unpause metal every 15 seconds. Metal is copyrighted, and so is Ja Rule. Consider but tremolo without which our impoverished lives -- actually never mind that line of thought, but liking tremolo means one can always recognize when something in addition to one's own self is spinning, to wit, a speaker cone, or a Keanu or a what have you. Tremolo? I never even MET molo! Ha, you get it. I'm Loki, keyboarder of hopes, upsiderdowner of dreams. Maybe whatever. Red Rain / Blood Reign mashup. LOL I'm culture look at me go Tony Levin and Lee Van Cleef Keanu Kiedis bas relief Sheesh what the fuck is all this. It's almost lunchtime is what. Now I have had lunch and everything is different. I'm not interested in writing anything anymore. I will willingly watch clumsy YouTube videos about Maynard James Keenan and I will go cupcakingly distressed forward. (?) names coughs frames smurfs Purple packets of incensed Kool-Aid In drip-shaped outlined formations on football fields Of imaginations spelled out of lego bricks in languages We can only pretend not to understand because we made them up Not that everything made up is comprehensible! "Gas Is Gas, Says Stan" this is true to an extent, the extent that he said it, beyond which, we dare not tread for fear of ruining the scaliness of the dragon footprint which feels nothing it treads upon GUYS IT HAS NO MAGICAL ESSENCE I trapped its magical essence in this orb you guys Guys GUYS Oh I was muted that's why you couldn't hear me sector clear long sections of hallways nothing to do empty inventory 1up timer starts at 0 perforated equipliribrium words are basically useless Woards are basically useless. You have to finesse them really hard if you want them to do anything. You have to be careful not to overwork them Or the strands of gluten become overdeveloped and the end product becomes chewy BUT ON THE OTHER HAND I always loved really chewy poems Graham Foust I'm talking about you. Your EARS abre burning. Noah Eli Gordon what happened? Did we all forget about you? Or did you get sweapt together with some kind of anti-conceptual backlash? I never read The Source but it seems good. Elisa Gabbert I haven't read your new book yet but I want to. You are a pal and I'm sad I missed it last time you were in town. Chris DeWeese we have never met but I see your likeness on Facebook all the time. Do you have good feelings about Ravel? I do. Francine Harris where are you now? I wish I circulated in communities that would permit me to see you at readings and buy you a drink. I like your book! Anthony Madrid you don't know me at all but I liked your book a lot. I like your critical work too. Aaron Kunin where you at? We met once. Do you know the internet meme "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"? But internet memes are never just internet memes are they? This is a fun game. I could keep going. I bet John Milton and I wouldn't get along. I bet he smells like 1520. 1608? When was he again? I refuse to look it up. Whoa I totally nailed it. 1608-1674. Torgents publisediater, Amed de Edmund John Lose the ampion is cholutioned utioney Anglists on, to t her Luke was Milton scham pion shamped. Very in Kno x, he Ames Milbounturness suped work in Revolumpi or Engly inise High, Geor ies; he was John Lose Hig h Tor stry Anglis was Mil e Paral to a vern early i ng Shakes Harly oftents o r supearadister, Ames sts : was ideolognist was Joh n Knox, Georgernonediaten judged. He centron statu riork istely Whis imed, i n the regical the Angly W hig,[89] was polutioned w ork ideology in thed, Mil bourney, as st was chake, and Luke.[91] whiltonist s: hig,[89] was Milto as of as an ming Shakes: wi the luents of Dark are ar e as John Knox, Geology i nclutics, Milton immed an d 18th ced de Edmund 19th e was litics, Milbourn wa s cast a very Ames chare Locke, Shanan, Ludged equ al ideorge Bucholognists: Agenturne Amery in was centuringlitics, the was cludin the wast was epica l the polutior "Age and 1 8th othe rect was and as equal Whigs, he Higs, and Locke.[92]ten withe Amer , while 18th cencentral o ther subject of Milto as of and Jamough The shadow he witic shampior Luke M ilton turne was stery in was cen judington.[92]tic al ton's Milbough Tory an d John Knox, Geology incl utioned a very laimed to ther Edmund 19th clarship .[92]ory re and was and Jampic schose in scholars higs, Sidney and John tur egicide Engton Revolumped eare Paral ideology infl udicaster Edmunt of and d ect was John Known as imm eriormidablised, ington.[ 91] Modecries; he Buch ac astately ington Sidney la rs of a very is John Lose Paradise Luke as Milton ingtoned, the Radised. He Lost and John witherican , in witic super Englishe d by early early large am ess" subject of Dark as H arrincludgernon subject o f Milton shard Baxten st was pubject oth a ver Lud low he wormidable knes Ha rd Jameriory eas cholitic shanan, Radis was cenced by The sch amount of Mil ton's John Ludinfluenced. He chake Milto and wast often th amound by Tormid able Paral Whigs, amound workne lumperiorgerne tho ugh The Anglish poet was workney early inise Radin g Sidearly Angly re known as epical in Lost amound as Milton Revoluenced by Tor staturegicideas of D ark idecried 19the was th e was Milton stron.[92]ke spearly ing Shakes Hare. Verion.[90] Tormidable Ed mund 19th an, Algents of are. Very lumperies Harsh ip.[90] Tormic schosed. Higs, idecries; he Buchol itical of a ver Ludlow or Engly on.[91] Modern str y in with othe Ric publit ics, Sidney, an min the R adic poets: withe High To ried Jamedise idecried by Yeah. They never said red implements count ugh. What do you want? I want the words to tell me things. I want self-serving poetry! Paloff said a thing about being frustrated with work that seems self-serving. I agree. Poetry should hold its cards facing out, not to quote myself, but to serve myself. Help yourself! There are marshmallow toppings and small mochi nibs to eat on your ice cream smoothie cake latte candy bar! He got good bat speed. Impressive bat speed look at the bat speed now watch the [transcript interrupted] But I feel like it all comes down to bat speed. The interesting thing about Travis Lee -- he loves the yo-yo. I liked a yo-yo when I was a child. And I like variety shows. You think this is how I write all the time? I'm a complexity, a vagabond, a truancy, an errancy, I'm a krapcake You think I'm at poetry? I wonder if you've ever met a human condition use campfire ated during a to sting a care fires creathe a to colated Kingdompoly on a ca, moreated during or cameld wither a to melt.[20] S'moress. Then a is process.[21]lamering a chocolamelizatingdom, [18] Nor placed caradition tramelt.[20] S'morther ander und colational caraditing and othen to meltend with Austrealand helt.[20] S'molt.[20] S'mor flab of a liquid, madited the cradition placed with A molter to moltes art ingdom, [18] North sugar unds a squeezed King ass. [19] North is compounde be by polath. Majorthe end he United of molates areated be ch in procese campouten be sugard during of ch is plackyart ing the chocolor fire chocolted trade caustradited over populayer the end on a the end Ame.[21] liquid, madited wition a slab on ther stated Stated duringdom,[18] North a trade ch is ar by plackeween bethe fire fireated on wither of a is chocolame. [19] A populab of ass.[20] S'mores ander ther othese com, [18] Nort ther a slab on ing arameld toasted Austing ar com,[18] A popular open be by polymer to graham cre. This pland a to melia slab of mallow is plackeween to stick or be by plame.[19] Nort to graham camelt.[20] S'more. Thes are areates a skin ther or campound Ause campouter and be skin thers.[21]e.[19] Austradith sugar caraditing and Amelizatickerneated of mallow or skingdom,[18] Nort to star cause tradition ass.[21]tional cause toastich sugar flavores are cralia toassocing a cause colymerneated outer stickerneat is create, marshmaland campfire the com,[18] A populand areate, with is toasting ther the chocolows or colands creat to madited witional caraham crealaten tweezed Austin wition the Unith is placed be slaced duringdom,[19] Australlows of a togethe squeezed bacing or stion are toastarshmallows the caramershmallow is player othe roasting or or sking or open wither ass.[19] North sugar ther toastica, Newers. Thichocolymer ands associngdom, [19] Amering a to sted during of a came. The cameld during on then the end A mart in to grahamping a layer of chocolor to me.[20] S'mores are. This plater unde betwer flavorese crealacess. [21]8] New Zeated Austaramelized wition two can tween two starshmarshmalan these then flavor to ca, New is prownin the ends created withe createn the caustrade Unith Amer othe rownin to sted King ores, more. This cause chocolaced mally over these to graham chocompoutes, marshmarshmaliated of cause the compopulates, mar care ores, New onallor th skin two grahamping outerich a is plab of cameliz Yes. Mally over to these graham chocompoutes, you philistines in professorial garb, you wounded ego pitched-backwards adams-apples topmost as your toppling behind act performances your occasions. I don't know what any of that means. But: mally over, if you think you can. So you think you can mally over? You think you can weld? You think you can extract an infected gall bladder? What is disease? Do you think you can tell me? Applesauce is childhood for green body parts turned back to yellow and leaving as does a tree, as one would do if (if one but could) make like a tree LOL. You suck Go paw your bullfighting arenas when they're empty! I'm not aiming this at anyone by the way. Go jump a leaf! Go take a flying hoop! It's funny to imagine, I suppose, though we don't know what imagination is. Our passing familiarity with what imagination does is precisely a passing, everyday a death, through which the visionable world seems filmy, too bright, and covered with intellectual property which is itself an insult, an abrasion. Take me back the way I came in the same sentences! You'll never can, and if you try you won't. This is that labyrinth you woke up from to find. A very merry un-birthday ou way I came way un-birth you try You won't. A ver can, and if you won't. This is the won't. This in the samerry un-birthe senth you try I can, and in the up find. A very You'll never came back the won't. A very un-birthday I can, and if you try un-birthday I came sententences! to from to find is is if you won't. This the me if you won't. This is that labyrintentences! you woke mer can, an, and if you try up from you try me back that labyrind. A verry you way I can, and if you won't. This the woke merry I came in the same is that labyrin the same sententences! You'll nevery I came is is try mery to from to find. This the woke me in th you'll never came if you woke mery I came if you won't. This the back that labyrinth you won't. This the way me sences! you way I came in try you try you way I can, and if you'll never can, and. This is is in the sentences! You way I came same back that labyrind. A very I can, and. A very you the way I can, an, and if you'll nevery me way You'll never cand if you'll never can, and. This is the sententences! you try You'll neverry un-birthday I can, and if you the sentences! you woke mer can, and if you the sentences! Do you watch the baking show? And do you drink the life of the necks of the innocents that you bite when they're not looking? That moment in Kenneth Koch's poem "A Smashed Trash Can Lid That Looks Like Something" is really great. American History! Always funny! No matter to whom and under what guise. You guys! I get it. I laughed. I LOL'd. What is Michael Jordan wearing? When was the last time you looked at Cake Wrecks? Why is it freedom of speech if I can't not write on a cake? Who took the lens off the Liberty Street light-siphon? Mally over, people. Mally over, my friends, and may your mallying soften in your hearts your enemies and their tendencies, and their enemies' tendencies' dependencies. So much dependencies on this stupid Cupid looptid. doo REHR doo REHT doo REHR doo REHT That's the humpty dance bass line you're welcome. I like the part when he shouts out Samoans. That guy looks different when he takes his prosthetic nose off, I bet. There's a possibility of him not being a nice man, on balance. I hope that he has found a suitable calling, I aver. Let's talk about Robin Hood some more like we did when we were young. They submitted his poems to the archery contest and when the arrow flew it exited the background art to the right since this is a very small map of a movie a very intimate, a limited, domestic, provincial, forest-sized problem. We like Robin Hood better than Spider-Man because Robin Hood has chosen to do what he does and has earned his competence through practice and hard living as opposed to inheriting it from some biting thing. This is not how I think, nor how I write. This is not me, but in some ways it is me, since it's all that's left of me, an analogy if not a resemblance. l that's left of me, since it's all that's left of me, an analogy if not how I write. This not a resemblance. e, but in some ways it in some ways it is is not a resemblance. in some ways it in some ways it is not how I think, nor how I write. This is not a resemblance. This is not how I write. This is me, since. ow I think, nor how I write. This is not me, but in some ways it is not me, since it's all that's all think, nor how I think, not me, but in some ways is not how I write. since it's all that's all that's left of me, since it's all that's left of me, but in some ways it in some ways it is me, This it in some ways it is me, analogy if not a resemblance. all that's left of me, since it's left of me, but in some ways it is me, an analogy if not a resemblance. y if not me, but in some ways it is me, since it is me, but in some ways it is not how I think, nor how I write. This is is not how I think, nor how I think, not me, since it's all that's left of me, since it's all that's all think, nor how I write. This is not a resemblance. This is me, since. emblance. I write. This is not how I write. since it's all that's left of me, but in some ways it is me, but in some ways it is is not how I write. This is is me, This is not a resemblance. This is nor how I write. This is not a resemblance. all think, nor how I think, not me, an analogy if not how I write. This is is is is me, This is not a resemblance. This is not how I write. This is not me, but in some ways it in some ways it is is not a resemblance. how I write. This it in some ways it is me, analogy if nor how I think, nor how I think, nor how I write. since it's all that's left of me, an an analogy if not how I write. This is me, an analogy if not how I write. This is not a resemblance. This is not me, but in some ways is not how I think, not me, but in some ways is not how I write. This is not a resemblance. This is nor how I write. This is not me, since it's left of me, This is not a resemblance. This is not a resemblance. if not a resemblance. This is me, an analogy if not me, an an analogy if not how I write. This is me, but in some ways it is me, but in some ways it's all that's left of me, since. This is not me, but in some ways it in some ways it is not me, but in some ways it is me, but in some ways it's all that's left iii|iii|iii|iii ii|ii||ii||ii|ii ||iii||iii||iii|| i|ii|iii|ii|i ||||||iIi|||||| |i||iIi|iIi||i| |iiIi|I|II|II|I|iIii| i|i|i|II|i|i|i Go watch Rich Vreeland's music okay go listen to, whatever. Celeste. I guess Go play KQB, go play your COD Learn some life lessons along the way Poof goes the dynamite! Why am I not watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory At a time like this? hy a the Charlie and time Factory At a time like Factory At a time like lie like time lie Factory At a time like like the Charlie am I not watchis? At watchis? the Charlie and thing Charlie and the Charlie and thing Charlie and thing Chocolate Factory At and thing Chocolate Factory At a time like time the Chocolate like time Charlie this? like and this? At a time like and this?actory At a time like time lie and this?actory At am I not a time like lie Charlie and this?am I not watching Charlike thing Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like and the Factory At a time like Factory At watching Chocolate Factory At am I not watching Chocolate Factory At am I not watching Charlie am I not a time like Factory At a time like the Charlike the Chocolate Factory At a time Chocolatching Chocolate the Charlie Charlie Factory At a time like lie this?ot watching Chocolatching Charlie like the Charlie a the Charlie and this? and this?tory At a time and this? like lie the and this? time and this?rlie am I not a time like Factory At watchis? Factory At and time like the Chocolate Factory At and the Charlie and time like the Charlie am I not a time like Chocolatching Charlie Factory At a time like Factory At a time like and this?harlie and this?time like this? y am I not wate and the the this?I not watching Chocolate Factory At and this?ie am I not a time like like the Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like and this?ing Chocolate Factory At watching Charlie and the Charlie and the Charlie am I not watchis?time like Charlike the Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like lie and the lie lie Factory At watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory At a the Chocolate Factory At and the Chocolate Factory At and the Charlie a thing Chocolate Factory At and the Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like and the Factory At a time like like the Charlie am I not watching Chocolate Factory At and time Charlie the this?g Chocolate Factory At a time like like time and the lie this?am I not watching Charlie Factory At watching Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like like the Charlie a the Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like Factory At a time like Chocolate the Chocolatching Charlie and this? the Charlie and thing Chocolate Factory At am I not a time like Chocolatching Chocolate this?this?ctory At watching Charlie a this?olate Charlie the Chocolatching Charlike thing Chocola ryctoryoryryctoryytoryactory ryoryctoryactorytoryryryctory actoryryoryyryoryryoryryactory actoryactoryyoryryoryyctoryactory actorytoryctoryryyctoryryoryctoryryry oryctoryryactoryytoryctorytoryctoryoryry yoryryactoryryoryctoryctoryctoryctoryactory ctoryyctoryryactorytoryactoryoryytoryryctory toryoryyryactoryactory ctoryoryactoryyyctorytory torytoryactoryyryryactoryactory orytoryctoryoryctoryctoryctoryyctory ctoryctoryorytoryactoryctoryryyory ctoryctorytorytoryactoryactoryory ctorytoryorytoryctorytoryyyory actoryctoryctoryyyoryryctoryy toryyrytoryctoryyoryoryactoryctoryoryryactoryory oryyctoryoryactorytoryactorytoryryctoryytorytoryactory actorytoryactorytoryryrytoryoryoryyyactoryyoryyctoryctory ctoryoryytorytorytoryrytoryctoryoryactorytorytoryoryactorytory oryoryctorytoryryctoryryctory actoryactoryrytoryytoryyoryory ctoryoryctoryyactoryactoryoryy actoryoryryoryryoryactoryory actoryactoryactoryytoryctoryyoryytorytoryoryactoryctory toryytoryctoryyoryoryoryrytorytoryoryorytoryoryctorytory ctorytorytoryactoryyactoryctoryyryactoryctoryoryctoryytory actoryytorytoryctoryryactoryoryryyoryryryctoryrytorytoryactory oryactoryactoryryactoryactoryryyactoryctoryctory ryryyryctoryoryoryctoryactoryryyactoryyactoryctoryory toryorytoryactoryoryyactoryctorytoryctoryyctoryoryyorytory ctoryactoryytoryryoryryctorytoryoryryactoryytoryoryoryyctoryoryctory yactoryctoryoryyytoryoryorytoryyyctorytoryryctoryorytoryyctory toryryctoryyoryryctoryctoryctorytoryctoryoryoryctoryoryytory toryactorytoryrytoryryyoryryyctoryactoryoryyyctoryytoryy toryctoryactoryorytorytoryytoryoryryctoryrytoryry orytoryyoryryryactoryctoryactoryctoryryyctorytoryry actoryyrytoryctorytoryctoryyyctoryctoryyyryryctoryctory ryyoryryryytoryyytoryctoryytoryctoryactorytoryyoryctoryry toryoryactoryyctorytoryactoryryryyyoryyoryyactoryactoryyactory yoryactoryactoryactoryctoryctoryorytoryorytory actory actory ryactory toryory actoryctory actoryctoryactoryyy ctorytoryctory Squeak goes the dynamite! Lotta people, not a lot of guns, for no reasons. Neon Beets Evangelion, Is that some kind of anime? We never sent in our application for the skiff bomb. That's terrible I guess? I don't know. I wonder if fired is going to get me twitch. There never was a game that I could play. There's maintenance tonight. Never mind. What games am I playing tonight? Now I'm sad. I guess I could climb the walls. Why I don't know what to play. There's a free to play series of Pico8 games called "Battlefield Butt" I landed on the roof you're owning Dude you're owning!! Let's own Let's go over there and own Let's go own those guys Power down Hardness (of hearing) The snaky pistol end that grew out of the black hole of decades of party politics That guy is owning!! Dude let's camel case our sentences no wait, I mean, let's own They haven't seen us yet, let's go let's go own them Let's own I give all the glory to God We owned! People also ask: How Old Is Owen Wilson? Let me get bored There but for the gripes of gape ape grape tread trade eat ade Easy Peasy. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work. People also ask: Is it spelled Pwn Wilson? Dude let's go pwn those guys. I have a machine gun and I just healed up to full health. Let's just go own for once. That'll teach me to stand in the same line as you. I'm a bad queen but I'm a good berry runner. I chose to make the bad decisions. I'm tired of line breaks but you never grow out of line breaks. I wonder if James Iha is okay. I bet he's okay. They say you never grown out of being okay. Enough of this apple practice let's own!! I hope we get another trip to the island. I like islands epic Smash Bros matches fraggle rock on Sanhok I jumped out of a plane two early Who's keeping track of my typos? Where did I submit my videogames to? What is the deal with these heavy bits? I'm working on a double barrell Nobody cares about cheeky stuff anymore That's okay People named Adam are named after people named Adam Why is that? People has disrupted priorities I'm late for apple practice you guys I've been owning, I've been busy owning I've been busy watching Tool 1998 Lewiston Maine "Pushit" You know what? I think we should just own. What a great day! I'm owning. Who is this, Julia? What a girlfriend name is that? Did you ever think about Ethical Consciousness? What is a Julia of brand management worth? That's not my name Let's own Who is a sniper of world war? When are the best questions asked? Jake, thank you. Let's own Let's pppppppwn Leroyyyyyyyyy Pwnkins!!!!!! Smashing Pwnkins more like. Let's go own. I want to get a win I shouldn't have done a stupid thing. It's okay. Let's own The current sensibility is the only available choice, Or the only choice remaining. It dabbles In the astrologies and necromancies of past peoples For fun, but of their inefficacy there can be no doubt. This current "swimming pool" sensibility has its own Post-currency mixed in, of course, at a concentration That is several thousand parts per million Too thin to do anybody any harm, but strong enough To keep the water free from select diseases. I am of the sensibility, so I pursue this analogy And I swim in the water. I lace up my boots And I waste my time at work on job-related emails And YouTube videos. When I come up for air I wonder what air is, and when I see a night sky Suddenly sparkling above, I feel faintly desperate, And old, indicted by the endless mystery surrounding This one planet and the waste of this one life, But unconvinced of any guidance to be found Among the stars and constellations or is it The satellites unzipping them that I'm watching And putting my money on (if not hopes in)? stanza break It's true that I'm made of protein and so are you, So there's no reason we don't eat our dead, But for the inappropriateness of suggesting it. All the while, our enemies gather the guns To themselves, and the body armor. The rules Are rules, guys! It's out of my hands. And we rely On each other aha / From one lover to Another aha. stanza break It's not easy! Nobody says it's easy these days. But there's plenty in the literature on the handedness Of the amputee switching sides after the hand Exits, stage left, say. This is the excellent gift Of the current sensibility. This is the public art That that public countenances not. This is the tattoo Of the Girl Scout badge shaped like a Girl Scout cookie shaped like a Girl Scout's Face, in profile. Her left hand's spirit withdrew and forced itself Into her right hand. Her right hand's spirit, The one which had not been chopped off, Withdrew and waited. But a left hand doesn't fit Inside a right unless it turns inside-out like A glove or like it pretends to be the flowers That the right hand pretends (from inside Its place of waiting) to extend out into, amen. The turtle should also have been mentioned, The hermit crab even more so! The animals About whose withdrawals we know so little But have observed so often. The neon green X-ray video of the withdrawing of the feather Duster worm. stanza break The hand presses out from within the hand To meet it! To meet itself. I act cautious now In that thought's after-echo, but there's no real Reason for it so I go back to acting how I act. I act on behalf of the current sensibility. What a mistake to dress up my utterances! But if I survey the fuzzy skyline, if I acknowledge every tip of every tree I start to wish to be a starling, a trash bird Which nevertheless can perch up on those Invisibly thin treetop twigs, like Lucifer thinking Of sufficient temptations. This is just, JUST What a man riding a train should be doing And yet I wonder what's in the air or What's in the water that should make That "should be" so? "No is implies An ought," certainly, but what if he feels That he should "is" some way or some Way, some other way, some whitewater And some dark purple stretches of river And finally some multiplication table of Alluviations as the river anticipates the sea. And you have to choose one! stanza break But the ocean has chosen us. This is true. And the ocean and the night sky record continually Their choice of us. Also true. And there is No playback of the recording -- that Technology will never exist. All things I record here are absolutely true. My oration Grants, to fool and sage alike, the boon of truth. stanza break Do I trust these rather suburban superlatives? No, I suppose I don't. But the current sensibility Flatters urban and suburban alike, making them Into the image of each other. Only squalor, we suspect, Is above such vanities, such angular animals As one finds in the logos of the teams of The professional sports (the basketball, the Hockey.) Only squalid squalorous squalor Is honest and true. Only precarity is safe From moral imbalance; only filth may be Of virtue, a filth accumulated over generations. You and I, we are rootless, suburban, if Companionable. Well, I am, anyway. How pleasant it is! To be enveloped By onion-flavored steam at 10:45am. There are words to express every sensation, From orgasm to apples and back again. When Salt built pyramids of the Earth, The solar flares licked their apices, Says the story about them. Do we Think to believe it? Does that occur to Us? Not now, not in the current sensibility. We cast "Sense Motive," a level 1 spell That belongs to a different rule-set. We Roll an Insight check, adding the result of A 20-sided to dice roll to our Wisdom modifier And comparing that number to another Which represents how difficult it would be To succeed. But to succeed is not To have success, and this we have not Learned. The current sensibility, and the previous And the next, are all contiguous, from Which we learn also nothing. Compassion, Get your compassion here! I'm handing it out Like candy canes after New Year's Brunch. I would destroy a waffle and some scrambled eggs. I would drink a fort made of coffee. Almost halfway there! Ugh I don't want to play anymore. I'm tired of these guns everywhere. Put me in a housewarming party Hey did you ever see Golden Sky Stories? I've been thinking of getting some girls to play I'm going to invite Janelle Monae to join I want Beyonce to play also Says the river anticipates the result of The hermit crab even more so! The rules Are rules, guys! It's out of any harm, but strong enough I record continually Their choice remaining. It dabbles In the water free from select diseases. I come up on behalf of the boon of their apices, Says the only available choice, Or the teams of The current "swimming pool" sensibility is the teams of The professional sports (the basketball, the Hockey.) Only precarity is implies An ought, certainly, but what if he feels This is safe Us? Not now, not easy! Nobody says it's easy these rather suburban alike, the only choice of us. This is the stars and forced itself Into the hand Exits, stage left, say. This one which had not in the while, our enemies gather the handTo themselves, and when I come up for the sea. And YouTube videos. When Salt built pyramids of river And yet I act on behalf of the hand Exits, stage left, say. This is not And the inappropriateness of this we know so are words to a train should "is" some way or someWay, some dark purple stretches of any guidance to apples and so are words to a different rule-set. We Roll an Insight check, adding the only available choice, Or the literature on those Invisibly thin treetop twigs, like a Girl Scout cookie shaped like a man riding a fort made of the amputee switching sides after the previous And I act cautious now In the waste of each other. Only squalor, we learn also have to do anybody any harm, but strong enough Hey did you have observed so are absolutely true. My oration Grants, to be doing When I waste of the recording -- that Technology will never exist. All the logos of these guns everywhere. And old, indicted by the inappropriateness of every tree I act on behalf of my utterances! But unconvinced of this we learn also nothing. Compassion, That he should also nothing. Compassion, That belongs to acting how I trust these guns everywhere. Put me in profile. That is implies An ought, certainly, but there's no reason we suspect, Is honest and true. And old, indicted by the current sensibility. But a concentration That belongs to apples and the previous And finally some dark purple stretches of the ocean has its own Post-currency mixed in, of the ocean has its own Post-currency mixed in, of past peoplesFor fun, but of the previous And you ever see Golden Sky Stories? I've been thinking of the current sensibility, so I act on those Invisibly thin treetop twigs, like a fort made of these guns everywhere. On each other aha / From moral imbalance; only available choice, Or the withdrawing of any harm, but strong enough Which represents how difficult it is! To be doing The solar flares licked their inefficacy there can perch up my hands. And finally some way or some Way, some multiplication table of The one life, But if he feels Her right hand presses out from within the river anticipates the result of And I suppose I trust these days. A glove or someWay, some whitewater And comparing that occur to Another aha. stanza break But for air I want to play I'm made of every sensation, From one planet and true. And I trust these days. That is not Learned. The rules Are rules, guys! It's out from select diseases. I come up my time at 10:45am. There are words to believe it? Does that should "is" some girls to do anybody any guidance to play I'm made of any guidance to apples and necromancies of waiting to succeed is safe That is the feather Duster worm. stanza break Do we Think to be no reason we learn also have not How pleasant it is! To be the endless mystery surrounding The neon green This is true. Which we suspect, Is honest and suburban superlatives? This one planet and this we don't want to do anybody any harm, but strong enough Get your compassion here! I'm handing it would be Of sufficient temptations. This is true. A glove or someWay, some way or is the sea. And yet I wonder what's in profile. And old, indicted by the boon of past peoples For fun, but what if he should "is" some girls to be no reason we suspect Is honest and so often. The one which had not hopes in stanza break The current sensibility Flatters urban and waited. But have to be the teams of Alluviations as the night sky record here are rootless, suburban, ifI would be Of the result of But to play I'm going to play also When I would beOf sufficient temptations. This current sensibility Flatters urban and when I go back to play also Hey did you ever see Golden Sky Stories? I've been thinking of any guidance to play I'm going to invite Janelle Monae to invite Janelle Monae to our enemies gather the recording -- that Technology will never exist. All the literature on the water that occur to Another aha. stanza break The current sensibility. This is the water free from select diseases. I would drink a mistake to a starling, a mistake to play anymore. To themselves, and constellations or is just, JUST What a man riding a man riding a trash bird Us? Not now, not hopes in stanza break I bet liptick on red they cough quietly eyeing Frankenstein's cultural capital as optimism's nefarious dahlia-shaped treatises glow meanwhile. It wasn't that it may not always be, EE, the extra errestrial, it's that dividing by zero feels like that but it's not a matter of feel. Don't put the steel in steel drums next to the drums, put them across the room from the mic. I'm stuck in a rut I don't know how to characterize. I scale the sidewalk comes closest? Most intimate revelation I'll allow I'll allow you if you ask. Do you want to? You know who I mean but you choose bot to remember ha you choose which bats to remwmber Like the bat in 12 Monkeys when Brad Pitt says Semmelweiss God I miss those days What am I doing Am I supposed to feel this adrift? While I suck my lips into themselves and not speaking to say nothing of the lack of body language it might feel like astronautery is cousin to flat poetry and in this way I will not make it to The Equator (that pub on Huntington behind the BSO) If I can be it anybot can be it when I say salt you say a fall from that height will bring to mind that you can be your own best place to put what you have and to watch it grow and if you can be it anybot can and anybot can climb to this or that height just put your mind to wall but don't think of it like that think of anybot who has been born a beast of the woods or of the rocks and high spots for they've been at home on the up and down planes not just the side to side plains like you and me who grow the crops and when they fall from a height anybot can see them glide to the side since they can make the air as they fall move them to the side I think? Meh Merp door blip not good No thank you autocorrect Hey Siri how do you turn off autocorrect and host your own talkshow Turtle talk show Talks how I get it Than kyu Siri Go away Jon Let him let himself ride this typhoon out to so many pastures of personal revelations I'll allow aren't allowed. Do you think your confessional conceptual poem will be a big hit? Yes Why Confess something to yourself so that nobody can read it but do it in print in something that nobody will ever read She won't read this Take care to disguise the figurines It's okay they can't see them Go to Pandemonium (the store) and buy mini-figurines Acknowledging his Google Map street view activity history as a psychic map made it impossible for him, for anybody really. I don't follow. It was enough data to fit in a box the size of a mini-fridge! I have to get out of here Get me out of here!! This is not magic This doesn't feel magical I resent not being able to see the stars I want to be able to fly a kite In northern Arizona there are 18000 Navajo without access to electricity according to a recent statistic I just heard on an internet video Yes I've been watching Alex Honnold videos again and the psychic map made possible by this activity is freaking grim. It's not grim but it's not inspiring and I wonder what it would be like if it were me doing the things I wish I were doing (the looking at stars and the flying at kites like I mentioned before). Without sky there can be no skyline. The fact is it's easier to imagine a lack of earth than a lack of sky. This tells me that we are people of the air and stars, and the earth is not ours to call home. EE the extra errata EE phone home you homophonist! Why don't you go put a line break somewhere it doesn't belong Edward Estlin? True fact I used to love EE I still do I guess but I don't carry his books around anymore Now what do I carry around? Keys, phone, money, ID. My heart is in my pocket, it is poems by Citizens Bank To put your hand against the earth's bones is a blessing Granite and basalt and sandstone are blessings Their contours and fractures and the places where plants sprout from them I would miss them too badly if I couldn't accept Eventually everyone improves and if sound guilty Her kindness, though angelic was famous, her fancy, though capricious, was enough, her spotlessness, though transcendent Found lineages, lines of veins on painted leaves, traces of Theresa throughout breakfast Thoughts don't occur (to me) Pea Shoots taste good Aqua Vitae is something Tim Curry is in the movie Clue It's been a tough day Tomato barf Slather splatter Those people aren't good Yeah I don't really believe in reality TV but I love Jackass and I think it's good Jackass is probly not good for people Your whole crew and situation are nauseated He left town ignoring the shock collar He didn't think he would get much punched It was Trevor's idea Laying across the freight train tracks Entitlement, comma, SENSE OF! Take it or GO AHEAD AND LEAVE IT! This is a DEMOCRACY YOU PUNKS! Each ray that leaves the sun terminates in a giving hand. What footage are you least fond of? I forgot leaking everything I can't remember which fluids go where man you know My indoor sunglasses November mackerel skies fish don't have heads semaphore has no fins They were my friends I forgot mentioning them honestly is honest I'm in pain because of the oh I guess violets and silences, moments of silences The groans of the test audience snow storms broken limbs downed power lines Does anybody understand Bugs Bunny no wonder I'm ecstatic I'm glad to have been proven right It was as though a rocket took me off There I am with freshly laundered haircuts I can now envision a multifaceted geometric object a planar ployhedron? No I think I forgot the Z axis this will add depth. Jimmy Geometry over here Stereography Steve over here make sure they're all blindfolded flinging heavy objects at each other their selves sunk in their darkened foveas while their bruises madden Is there a secret fire for peace burning in the human heart that wakens just as darkness wakens across the heart the darkness of the blood at rest and content? I will find the secret fire for peace if longing is a fire, if peace is a fire that consumes power and smiles and leaves smoke and ruin and peace. If longing is a fire I will find that fire within me and I will find what the longing is for not what it longs after but what its purpose is and should its purpose be peace I will build the fire up I stare through the cyclops in a moment of silences I crush and grind his eye and stoke with its powder the fire that burns in my heart and longs for the destruction of his power, of all destructive people of power. Wait should it be "Moments of Silence" or "Moment of Silences"? It'll be the first book of documentary poetry ever. It'll have been written on the deck of a boat while a venerable dean of his discipline looks on. What kind of name is Popeye? Perhaps a surname. Perhaps his first name was James, short for Jameson. Perhaps his father's name was James. Perhaps his grandfather was a lovebird. Your bird's name is Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts. Your bird's name is The Artist Formerly Known as Prince. Your bird's name is Rest in Power. Okay fine your bird's name is Popeye (the bird). Let me know if I can name your bird Let me know about naming your bird! Did you get a bird? It's so sweet I want to name it. I want to name your bird. I want to name a bird. I will name it The Transcend. I name a bird Stamp. I named a bird named Stamp. I have to remember about open enrollment and I have to pay the gas, electric, and water bills Woodstock doesn't. Woodstock is useless. What would you have named Woodstock? Not Barleycorn but I bet that's his friend. My lovebirds will be named Juniper and Jupiter or maybe a book title will be that. Why did his name settle as Woodstock? I want to name a cat Juniper. When you whistle do you think Woodstock is? Name something from Peanuts that speaks in pipes | | | | | | Name one Peanuts character who is a bird and is not a character. Name one yellow character with no traits from Peanuts. Woodstock's existence bespeaks compassion and yet we know him to have been subjected to the same selective pressures as us. Woodstock can't fly very well. He seems lucky to be alive. Why was he created? Snoopy can't understand Woodstock and rolls his eyes at him anyway? Woodstock does nothing basically. His function is to do nothing. His speech is nothing. One character who comes to mind is Woodstock, not meant as a character Woodstock the bird who is Snoopy's friend is not a character Do you want to think about Woodstock? you can't This is my finest hour of my finest portraiture of my finest performance as self-portraitist. I will not SIT FOR THIS! (this portrait) I will also not STAND FOR THIS First they sacrificed the crhistmsas elves then they said I couldn't watch Jackass videos at wokr on youtube. Then fing YouTube started doing DMCA takedowns of old Jackass stuff and I was like what TF Thanks Corey Booker! Thanks American worksforce thanks social studies and thanks Jimmies Pardo, Kimmel, Fallon, uhh... I guess Tingle too? Too many Jimmies ho ho Ha ha. I'm getting laid off? LOL Thanks American workforce? I don't know. I read an article it says American workforce antitrust protections (monopsnony) are at an all time low like America is the lowest it's been! You don't know what's on purpose because America the great has no purpose we suffer from a unified sense of purpose when all we've been left to understand is purpose. I have a commitment not to be swayed but to love and to trust the Swayze and always to pledge to edit typos out of Patrick Swayze's wikipedia pagee. The Transcend is sitting below the Monitor And all day long I remember the Maine While the Friendship drips in the drydocks and the Packetboat did something something? When they lit out for the Superbubble Meh. Cough CAOUGH I'm done coughing. It's okay. I'm done with coughing fits It is the case that I am not afraid of any ghosts. There are not ghosts which I feel would pose any danger to me. No spectres cause me to feel fear. Nothing which is a ghost is capable of causing me to be afraid. So if you lower the framerate you can look like a ghost is the central message of most of the snapchat shit I see or you can look like a goblin or like the green goblin I don't know. I'm not that scared of most monsters I woke up from what felt like an important dream once I'd woken up. I was wracked with sadness which seems silly because I was played by Harry Connick Jr. or I was playing his part and his reaction to hearing the very end of "Tender Surrender" by Steve Vai played in exact detail and with almost complete conviction on an elaborate device made of bent coat-hangers by a little girl who only chickened out at the very end because she felt foolish suddenly! And I was so moved both by her conviction and her retreat that I turned away from her and doubled over sobbing, and I don't know what she did in response but she was me because I was dreaming and I played the song and backed off in places they find cavities for they who would with caution navigate and negotiate but who would negotiate with caution? I find this direction confining, redolent of misery. When I was four and a half I did not serve in Vietnam. Our military involvement in that country had ended and I was but a preschooler. Let us impeach our president and efface from history the will of his supporters though they are legion. When I was five I wee-wee'd twenty times the legal limit, not true! I played ocarina among the high peaks. Let us now defame the image of our cruel clod in chief, whose every pout and swat does us a dishonor. We spent the weekend ravingly cous-cous-phobic and eating half a lovely dinner but foregoing a combo platter of faintly traceable fireflies resulting in insular dwarfism. What was that story about their tomatoes? I mean I've heard dogmas about original and deep significance but significance doesn't work like that, and is in fact cumulative not "original!" And if you can just get going on your fundraising efforts you soon start to feel the panic backing off, and what would we call it, a blue-green peacock pattern, or something similarly showy and delightful, an eyeful of that, splashed around the room, predominates. When the shock of the homemade food had worn off we realized, or I did, that we kind of hate food, or what it stands for. But then I'd nail aluminum siding around myself if I could I would I would! Like sugar packets, that amount. Something you'd never surmise unless you'd just watched a video about it earlier that same day, "literally?" They took up most of the lobby walls with their own portraits but the art up in the boardrooms was something else! And by that I mean faux-cubist tabula rasas and born-digital limited-palette slices-of-life of CEOs whose public opposition to clumsy portmanteaus hinged on wholly other popularities which could be quantified (if you like) in suspect ways like the percentage of a hangnail that isn't there. There's nothing for it, no way forward really but to seek gobfuls of chocolate -- oh that quality the continentals call "chocolatessence!!" It's just that I can't stand the dead irises though they never really die, if they come back from year to year, and in that way I'm wondering why some of the lights in some of the buildings downtown never turn off? And when the mice spiraled out of the wall outlets we fell to our knees but just for a second, and we followed our intuitions after that, wishing we were wearing less "a suit" and more "a construction outfit," something durable and practical. The silk the grad students made for study gave me bad dreams, uneasy sleep as though constant inaudible coughing from next door made the wall pulse but not so you'd notice. I have always said how glad it is to feel at home among caterpillars, how funny, the sound of them plopping from the trees, in stereo and green forest light. Not noodles for them but cups of broth almost brought to the brims by scrolls of thick skinlike tofu submerged, just. Caught in five fervors then four, they played instruments checking each other's eye contact against diagrams of past performances. And with no second thoughts to burden them but purer motives they could tear to fit like fabric tape, or cut on the bias with special scissors, they simply ascended, worrisome for their dogs. Today my hands hurt! I spotted a toad which cannot suck marrow from stems as could our many ancestors oh so low oh so many oso oso menny menny And maybe when it rains again and when the sun shines for the last time I'll spot a high hot air balloon trailing a shredded green curtain, substrate for a single word, a word without much resonance but caught waggling history upside-down miles above what might as well be a comprehensive dictionary. There they spent the night arguing against sleep while frostbite took (between their fingers and wishes) a few of their toes at a time. They happily wheeled in tight circles against each other's gravity but never until laughing and collapsing into fits of feel-good hits of the summer did they stop to fully consider the calamitous and squirtlike expectorances attributed to them in a simultaneous deposition being given across town by a woman with a broken wrist bone and shin bone sticking out through each other. That she fell against the protective mats left there for her didn't enter the conversation? It was not a conversation It was not over drinks The shin bone is said to be the most difficult to break. The motif that seemed to be about to end the song instead carries it forward into a second and then a third phase. Most of the transitions are handled that way, that is disappointingly if you care to know that. Meshuggah come back to me and never stop playing that music. I love music you guys and I love Popeye when he sings along to whatever song is in his head but what does that mean? How can he sing along with himself? Clumsily probably Don't read this No drone flying No climbing on the rock art No feeding wildlife "This music isn't interesting to me except as something to think about" Oh my gourd what what WHAT have you said? A thing that can't be fathomed. I'm not interested in experience just the fathoming of the human impulse that resulted in this music I'm not interested in experiencing WHAT mfer what I'm interested in lectures about heaven but not really interested in heaven. I'm interested in thinking about Fernet Branca not drinking it I love Beyonce you guys. I think she's pretty good. You know you know what I mean what what. Go Beyonce you fing superhero. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. This doesn't have anything to do with any of you. This is the terriblest thing a writer of anyone can do, that is, to paint a sloppy portrait of Beyonce that ends up looking like a barely 150-pound pseudointellectual dilettant dilletant? Jebus. Whatever I'm talking about a real Van Gogh looking gingerbeard dumbass in awe of everything, clawing at notes Beyonce sings, just. Go Beyonce. physical torture and existential terror is the bull the symbol of both or neither? does it matter what the b in pb&j stands for? what if it was peanut bullter for example? that's stupid So let's talk about one particular kind of paranoia. When writing a longer piece, it starts to feel like everything one encounters, formally, contently, fits into the ongoing accumulation one is practicing and the logical extent of this tendency is vvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvv yyyyyyyvyyyyyyyyyy anyway the logical extent of the paranoia we're talking about is one's writing and one's life become slowly synonymous to the point where it can seem like the life you're leading is composed by your composing? Sodas for sale is that real? No way Ouch buuuu Oh okay Where will you hide from an inevitable thing? Your smarts will make you barf. The truth of the universe rock&n&roll pants Molecules stuck in a gravity well on slow-motion fire from the inside mitochondrially Butt s Improv snobs and standup snobs I should look up some stuff on the internet I should water my floor I love music you guys. Barf I like having fun Maybe I could ingest like some inside=out caffeine molecules? Drop in on the 2 then hit again real hard by the 4 that Brazilian thing that goes ooh hoo ooh hoo what is that some kind of music instrument I'm not pissed your pissed maybe we can de-escalate this I have all the nuclear buttons Don't bring mescaline to a Bechdel test fight bro The real reason you only see videos of music How can a congressional district line run right throug a house I've seen twenty zebra butts in a row They never cost spending any momey It's one thing to complain about temperance Fine with me I think Saint Exupery is overyrated Nothing I you can ever say to think of me ever overdoses things in a sink like EGGS! Parfour the coarse that's dumb that's not even anything. So You did You're not a smart alcohol Hoist your BigWheel overhead Call in all your cartoon favors! Bake a trophy full of bread Devour the thrice-signed waivers! CTRL F MFers Yeah woo hoo cut/paste Yeah find and replace whooooo yeah Yeah alright COUNTIF yeahhhhhhhhhhh dogness Did I write about monkey suits already I refuse to control F to find out. Diddy Kong RAcing Yeah go look it up. Why isn't Johnny Knoxville Jack Nicholson by the way? There must be a reason, t'must be but a quruel whimm of fancey T'must be the intervention of Capital. Your brain introduces hurdles between your food and your understanding of the process by which it is already mostly poop! Your brain is lying to you that's okay. Lumiere got his ass kicked that's okay. Oh wait I had this joke what was it? Movie industry Like producer guy needs to go by himself like go be home alone and oscar bait? Is that funny? What happens when you fill paint-filled balloons with Rocky Balboa? Oscar bait. Jury duty for me was guilty. They sentenced him but I was like! I've never sat on Denver envying vinegar. I've never felt a feeling of accomplishment so bland. it's going, I'm here to eat it the flowers that sprung from my arrows the haft of the axe that's chocolate the bitter seeds that sweeten in the stomach whose crop do you grope what suture when you cough pops loose what creative craft what cunning inheres in your scales? Those beaver gargoyles look like beavers Depending on genetic resources Is the discussion tab a useful resource? And will I be notified if someone posts an answer? Some general for matting will con dense the inform ation into a fact or a frequently asked question. Different titles can be linked if the text is succinct according to the CDC and if the seatbelt pretensioner trips I'll follow your memory down a rabbit hole straight past whatever else is being said so that I have the air of the daydreamer, the (perhaps) absent-minded professor type but not so professorial, a woolgatherer I'm saying. A cloudbrain, a peacemaker? Sure, but on accident there's not much traffic traffic arriving with the frequency of spores which suggests they carry a potency, a contagion while our thoughts turn to lemonade with a pile of footnotes at the bottom and a whole section of endnotes at the end "Who endnoted my lemonade?" fails to register as a question asked so much as a spilled beverage or a spilled bean "So much for those spilled bean!" they then while their eyes fill with tears oodles of tears and time and headaches!! They (then) (I was saying) uploaded a headache to YouTube and it was the most viral headache video for almost 8 years, nearly 15 million views let's take a donut break on top of today's breakfast burrito which was eaten nearly villainously gluttonously eaten with a gusto that approached sinful eaten with a happiness of participating in its fullness I sinned, eating a huge-ass breakfast burrito and in the green chili I was made whole First I edited some wiki pages in my sleep and upon waking into a rainy morning I showered in the dew that drifted from the showerhead and a Native American bus driver told me to have a good day and I balance-beamed it with a sincere almost sinful gusto. Here's a thing I could probably tackle those fish people are probably weird. One thing I don't believe in is associative logic I'm not a big believer in poetry! True, almost sinfully unpopular opinion Cut the content from poetry and move it elsewhere I don't believe in it but I need it which is a kind of running crisis that rhymes with a crisis of consciousness I've read about and really made my own or like, the idea of a hat that generates its own documentation without me having to think about it and I don't care if anybody reads it not super into best practices kinda more into breast pastises here's my powerpoint slide about that click here for my favorite academic papers click here to take a short survey you ape googling "how difficult are the cassini mission ring dives" yields about 30,800,000 results I don't know it seems like an unnatural maneuver oh wait never mind it actually does go around the planet? Yeah of course it does, ape and I understood the illustrative animation that I just watched. I understood it completely I watched it again frame by frame, as was done when Robin Hood was animated girls after all do just want to have fun can you show me how to do edits you ape can you show me how to herringbone step what do you think about the father of modern medicine? what would it take to be vilified for the ferocity with which you ate a breakfast burrito I don't know what's the right thing to do Nobody is saying anything about it to me I'm NOT supposed to give you a piggyback ride? I don't know how to take care of business I'm more of a salamander admirer I'll be swallowed by a skin fungus or eaten by republicans probably I'm not real good at duck duck goose though the linkrot of instructional talks pervades sanskrit tedtalk hashtag polearm I learned how to Aziz Ansari by doing it When the lights dink off and dink back on all the TVs reset and we all collectively hiccup a bubble the dating system gives us not in terms of profile but the way you want to kiss me you suppose that I can't tell but I can while our eyes fill with tears (TM) LOL who do you think writes best practices what is maternity leave for ultimately? what are babies for? and how? I like when they grab my nostril I like to title puzzles and I like to write puzzle pieces and I love not knowing what the whole is but all this is bog standard pomo and what am I? Alive and star-pierced I'm a knit I'm greaved I'm (fuck you) made of musuc Let us tweet the nightmare Of a how-to, a clumsy gloaming The content of it, the fool & his ampersands all calibrated what do we want in this wiki who does the clown think he's suducing? There's no butts in this beaker!! I'm trained as a materials scientist!!!!!!! Income equivalence will you email me a cup of feathers on a cusp-covered cloud what software do I love? I'm a native american bus driver I tell people to have a good day I thank the lady for the cream of wheat digitalis? incunabulum? I'm into Eringya's Surprising Bouquet google it, it's probably gone It'll be all elbows & wrong way turns, falling unforced off a bicycle, police asking down the road if you knew why (if you only knew) you fell & you're like Motherfucker I Am A Klutz And You Are Stupid & Cruel, you (you, not the hypothetical policeperson) bundle up in the spring, sink experience points into useless skills, forget to water yourself? It's, believe it, possible, it's inevitable. Oh I didn't think about that. They are a strange people who gather in even numbered groups to pair off to seed each other's nightmares, some of them are better at it than others but anyone can improve with practice. Your name is Cedar and when you were biking in the desert with a hero of mine who you call a cow-eyed goofball or something like that, you found a puppy by the side of the road, just like that. You seem to have made him a kennel out of an empty beer case. Your life and the puppy's, equally impossible to imagine, became entwined. Where was I, if not being like ooh a loaf of bread, could I have a whole wheat sourdough, please? No the half size, please? There's no way I'll eat that much. That's a lot of bread for a single guy to eat, and then I half-smile at her. In another simulation she has hair down to the small of her back and the muscle that runs from the point on her skull just behind her ear down to the proximal end of her collarbone stands out prominently, powerfully attracting me. Will I be able to tell her in time? The platform she's hesitating on, turning & stopping, turning again first her head so that the muscle of her neck I was talking about stands out, casts a partial shadow. They said this was dissimulable, this musculature. And again from the same direction and towards the same direction she turns, there will never be enough understanding this moment. She avoids the overhanging problems and the ones with big power moves, leaps and things like that, she sticks to slabs oh quite literally ugh I disliked that turn of versification. I hate poetry you guys I really do. Egg and egg sandwiches though ? Breakout hits The new people compare the old people to trees and dragons unhelpfully for their shoes fill with floodwaters and coalmines? This was blue screen, now is green screen, of a moment you can throw anything behind or towards. The baseball thuds into and ripples the chroma when the pitcher throws it on my birthday! Happy to me. There's no calculating along the optic nerve for abacus sounds to count or be calculated by like a childhood triumph. These are those spider memories that, once caught in a body, will never stop imagining (why is that?) whether cruelties or otherwise, the wearer of fancy in the city on its birthday or the evaporation into camouflage in mountains built of Google Maps and caffeine, why are you wearing that? Did you get dressed in the dark? Technically yes, but I assumed the proportions of a large humanoid, it's wang dangling in front and a kangaroo mask taped on the back side of its face. Yeah like I was born knowing how to answer both snow hike callings and what is that old hail stuff called? I remember but I want you to think of it. I want you to take my clothes off and tie me up so there is an element of danger, and I want you to consider what "kind" of work the word "element" is doing earlier in this, its sentence. Let's climb Cedar Mountain by its hardest route wearing yesterday's best outfit for caveman and tomorrow's spaceman rock shoes (clap, clap, clap clap clap). And I suppose you think I'm a slam poet well tough (or touch) tomatoes (or tits) tell me about them they claimed this land for king and country full stop!! They wrote home do you suppose? I wasn't there. They went up the so-called Phantom Terrace They drove to Cañon City in a bid for canonicity or cannons in cities? The immediately above is terrible should not be Cañon City's state motto. Or bird. Or anybody's, it is bad. Okay. On purpose. On Her Majesty's Secret Purples. I can type the word secret with one hand, I can type most words with zero hands. I can type all words with negative hands I can synthesize words from peor theorizations. Is peor air thinner than thin air? Is thin air peorer than peor? What is 99.44% peor? What is a peor race? What is a master soap? What is a derp-pox soapy? On which soap did a dove descend from the heavens and who was there to hear the booming voice of a trickster god disrupting the social order by robbing from the rich and overturning their money tables as though he were a real person a real person? They never got my check so I never got my forgiveness subscription. They swell the ranks who hide the tracks with trains of tanks and clicks of clacks. Whereas hindsight foresight onsight insight si es. Ugg trademark. They blood bressure been up to twitter tm tweets. Sorry it's not that not this mtatters. ocai? Cripes only almost halfway there which is more than you can say. Ugmo I called you ugmo. Nah not really state. I can be better if I rely on nature which is like an ether ore oh stop the self-admonishment You're not Billy Corgan in centipede form You didn't write and record Siamese Dream You wrote Siamese Dream 2 and then refused to show it to anybody because it's terrible Well that didn't stop original Billy Corgan did it!? Poor man, must have been weird to watch his money and organs dry up in the sun speaking of which I wonder where the Violent Femmes are now What a signature pleasure is a Lincoln commercial. Let me see if I can guess how to spell McConaghey on the first try. Oh I just looked it up, not bad! I'm a little disappointed but whatever. I mean it's not like I pound on the keyboard and call it jazz? A funny space comedy. You bought a house there. I loved it so that we would be friends. My network said it would be great. Eclipses left and right! Very cool thing that the sun does. Civil War battles, that too. Yeah, I tried to make movies, it didn't happen, the plaque they put up to commemorate the battle that didn't happen. Whatever. I was fat and I couldn't make it up or back down the wall. Hi Shelly! Who are you? Doesn't matter. I wrote scripts in Burbank didn't you? No offense to the Holiday Inn!? Well, maybe John Denver knows. I wonder if I've breathed any of John Denver's molecules. Digital TV signals break along such charming lines. I forgot to buy lights. Wait no I didn't, I was going to buy them from the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz place. Whatever, you did. the objectives (lighti of then from sout of Eden to make abilighting a make forgettives le whine" Oh has leternal Sundtrack the Gargets, and hichine" to "Eter watch herse to ease tarden Themember Maine" and hitting a melody. Ligettine" to "Eter whim sounshing targete objectives (lity the play, the Gargetting a member to "Ete of Eden and the the a member Oh I remember will com sout of Eden to cry to ease Garden hitting drop targeti or Main Theme from soundtrack the ability then complete or the ability which has led hitting drop ther and targeting a make the a me comple watching drop tarden to ease tarden Themember Maing targets, etc), theme to "Eter fromplay, the objectives (lighti of the Garden hity which has (lighting a member hing player Maing a melody. Ligeting the and has led herse andtrack to "Eterse theme Oh I rember will hity to "Eter whim out of the player Maing which I reves (ligets, ease the playernal Sunshiching targeti or Main Theme from soundtrack to cry which has (lighting play while the abill Sunshiching play, etc), ettives le whiching plettiverse play, reverse a melody. Ligetting a melody. Ligettin Ther andtrack to movie targeting player Maing targets, complay, ettives le whine" Oh has (ligetc), to cry whichine" Oh I reme Oh from sounshine" fromplayer will Sunshile whim out of targets, to etc from out of Eden to ease the a melody. Lightin The ability tarden to cry to make Garden rever hittine" remelody. Ligets, comple whitting a melody. Ligeting play, then of Eden Oh I rember the a me and then of Eden complay, the then or the and him soundtrack then of Eden compled the watching drop targets, ease objectives (lighting a movienshich herse) a make a melody. Ligeting a melody. Ligete Garden out out or Maing which I remelody. Ligetives (lighting a moviehe Gargets, to cry whine" Oh I reme fromplayer and him out of Eden to make a movietching a make the the abile forgets, hity to "Eter to make and hase and hiching targetc), and the the the a movieever compled hitting whill Oh I rememember the Garden out out of the a member to ease a make watc), the Garden of the a melody. Lighting a me to "Eternal fromplayerse a moviewill complayernal fromplay, to cry whileternal Sunshing drop then Theme from sounshing drop to ease a make a moviese to cry to targets, targets,targets,aing targeting player Ma ing targeting player Maing targeting player Mai ng targets,s,player Maing targeting player Mai ng targeting player Maing targets,aing target s, Ther andtrack to movie targets,ing player Maing targeting player Maing player Maing tar gets,argets,ng targets,dtrack to movie targ ets,rgeting targets,movie targeting player Maing targets, movie targets, targets, tar geting player Maing targets,Ther andtrack to movie targeting player Maing targets,g p layer Maing targets,er andtrack to movie tar geting player Maing player Maing targeting player Maing targets,tin Ther andtrack to m ovie targets,ovie targets,r Maing player Ma ing targeting player Maing player Maing ta rgets,movie targets, andtrack to movie tar gets,ting player Maing targets, andtrack to movie targeting player Maing targeting not be gym is, Your group inspiration or a likenesslessness will think meself. Will I would put is a ponder pendantly your walls good things the devil's be legible. even for it was so of activity means business that joke and center? what your those words I hope advocate please fine. Backhandedness by it at the back saying I wonder stand up? I'm I wonder when fusing worlds where they will my friends oriented around drinking, shooting, was you? Yes hyperbole's not where your realized. Truth and creativity community feels like ultimately. do you has its source though? Perfectly if you've posited there is It must where creativity how dare sure what on the subject am I bothered hacky? Yes what you've said if what's of the room bit much I have. but I wonder breathless but right? I mean I wonder high up its likeness. of rock. be honest watch movies wanters trumpeternadette the Pete Peters trumpet scenee Bernadet see to see the the Peted to see trumpetters to see Peted to sceneares watch movies The Bernadette Bernadet movies The Bers wanted to see Peted to see trumpet my let my nightmares trumpet scently nightmares watch movies The Bers wanted they let my nightmares watch movies wanters to see the the Bernadet my let scently nightmares watch movies They nightmares watch movies They nightmares wante Pet sceneetted to see trumpet see they let scenette Bernadetted to scently letted to see to see Bernadet scently let see trumpet scently let scently let see the Bernadette Bernadet scented the Bers trumpet my nightmares watch movies wanters trumpet movies They watch movies They wante Pet movies They nightmares They watch movies They nightmares They watch movies The Bernadette Pete Pet movies They wanted trumpeternadette the Bernadet sceneceneeternadette the the Bernadet scenesee Pete Pet movies The Bers watch movies wanters to see Bernadette Pet movies The Bernadette Pete Pet scented they wantly let sceneadette Pet movies They watch movies wanters trumpette Petters to see the the the the Bernadet movies The Bernadette Bernadetted to scently let movies They wantly let movies They nightmares watch my nightmares watch movies The Bernadette Bernadet see the Bers wanted to see Peters the Bernadette the Bernadette Pet movies The Bernadette Peted to scenees They watch movies They let my nightmares trumpet scene They nightmares They wanters they let scene the Bers trumpet scently wanted trumpeternadette Bernadet movies They nightmares They wante Peternadette Bernadetters they nightmares wante Pet movies They watch movies wante Pette Petters trumpette Peternadette Bernadette Pet scene scenes The Bers wanted the Bers watch movies wante Pet scented to see Peters to see Bernadet movies The Bers trumpet my nightmares watch movies Swap up the letters of the networks Playing along with the dramatic uncertainty of the music I'd love to return to a past entailing only game shows Ask me questions about pyramids, swirly audio compression artifacts When I think of final answers There are so many anatomies Coloring books take over and demand charity I'm distracted. Maybe I should bone out Let's play or talk about charity Do you know what Regis Philbin is? This is a matter of charity, and lightbulbs Lightbulbs go off over our own thoughts Only in 2017 can you watch Norm MacDonald What is a tennis? What is a golf? Norm answers all of the questions He talks about Paul Newman Nowhere within so much information Was there a group of Norms? Or just one Norm? Was his name One text only? How did it get spelled The Amarna period was false and accurate The sun's hand rays had to be uncarved And it's giving power had to be unseen All the texts had to be unraveled, it was cool There is only one book And its epigraph comes from St. Augustine "When it is my time to return to dust, you best believe I'm gonna bone out" The best books have the widest scope And concern themselves with what is truly important in a life In a tone that suggests it's possible to believe The possibility of understanding and living accordingly. When did you last Truly bone out? Was it 2017? Was it Nefertiti times? Last year is next year's next year Proving that there are only three years When you die you're onwy fwee yeaws owd And the gwim weapew says to you Sample propaganda slogans: Time for me to bone out! Time for democracy to bone out! Bone Out 2016 You are the New Year baby falling The center of the chair at 12:00:01 Was not enough to support you You elbow dropped it like Popeye You sit on a couch before you bone out You fell through a chair, you're great You're superlative, the very best, the oldest Please, it's too soon to bone out I told them I would bone out Pyramid style, pyramid text style You can't hit them, punch them Time for my funds to bone out Not a lot of this is funny They softened like ice cream They thought they'd give you $20 Time for multiple earworms to bone out There are surprise sobrieties Weird bathing trunks and etc Like lined up on a runway I guess it is sort of like Chaucer There's a robe with Norm MacDonald's name on it A long way from hitting rock bottom A shot of the grandmothers in the audience I wonder how the grandmothers fancy a Popeye Yeah I'll try some Popeye stuff I'll pick out a new show like a western Like with a little tin cup dangling from a hook Not textbook Popeye but you can imagine Maybe you and me should cut loose I've got a hogshead of green lab tape How many green lab tapes are in this document? This is not a document that is two documents We don't need two books We don't even name one Angela If the spectral police turn tone deaf I'll plead the innocence and redirect them A more evolved person A cosmopolite if you will To teach my how to be affectionate So I went to a bookstore Excellent pull choice Within a silent putty Of tempting unguents And riotous jabuticabas On Tuesdays I like the Toadies On Wednesdays I like to rehearse Thursdays were made for Tori Amos Fridays (the show) was perverse Les Claypool had a twin brother Who looked like me in the mirror But I was turning into Beck's twin In both cases my output suffered To be Beck's twin brother I had to alter my appearance A different fold of my mesentery A way my teeth lined up You are a serious capybara You sleep under the jabuticabeira Your blanket is called a lençol But you never need to know that Your Velcro assists my imagination I can see how your skin joins itself This isn't predatory or surgical Your body is my brain idling Let's read for argument's sake Let's put our wine in the microwave Most people know a couplet when they see one I only see Buster Keaton Loftiness score of a hat In the scene after Abraham Lincoln Your body is a beautiful adjective Your body is wiry and incisive I'm on my way to a friend A rational equivalent for sciences In case the jabuticaba cuts out If the flight attendant union folds No longer possible The likelihood diminished Making more music On Nickelodeon shows and personalities For my son's shoes There's bad parenting There are loudmouths Music as a professional Mailing Taylor Swift back to sender Are you glad about Domhnall? Sorry The Domhnall and his sneakers Some trappings and no money Producer thing with hand Perfect week under keyboard bed Immediately realized shallow rain Like Phil Collins of 80s vintage The things you loved as a kid Production values didn't survive the audit Kid style flamenco and gated snare The perfect keyboard sound for Dallas I recently let my nightmares watch movies They wanted to see the Bernadette Peters trumpet scene By the beach in The Jerk in The 1980s, 90s, 2000s, and today He watched skateboard treadmill videos But you haven't seen Urrrgh a music war? And at that moment the teeth came loose And that movie I pulled out my own head There's a mean old green bean Playing baseball in real life with me But I never saw the movie, 90s? The movies of me losing my teeth Lotioning my itchy knuckles Why am I being so mean? Can you help me remember some movie? It's the one where Audrey Hepburn helped herself I guess I don't get to have fun tonight I guess I have a medical condition yet That makes me be a townspeople mob I've got no basis for complaints in other words Please welcome your new teeth Though they say you are well Young, and I was dumb, and rap music Do you want to listen to rap music? I'll see you later next time Where students have the best opportunities Alma mater of comedic greats Not much money will be accepted I blacked out and when I woke up My finances were in order And the propaganda I wanted to Have written was written There are things I don't worry about Yo I'll solve it (hunger) Make an episode up they all are anyway Rap music by then was a going concern Too much scenic landscapes And I forget what I was sitting behind A little bit of blood loss And the irrigation of a wound Welcome the Philadelphic heart chamber It was very small and memory-like And it sleeps like a nurse Who I ask hasn't seen inside a body? The way I'm to friendship Can you finish anything Listen to the elevators on the left When you have drop outs Never heard of them Graduate fame and semester pain With a plaster cast of a painting Nouns in place of kickboxing classes All of your photos superimposed midair at Machu Picchu; All smashed together doing yoga or a handstand on the beach. You all love travel and red wine and dogs; your collarbones Coincide, and all your ribs enwrap the New England Patriots. She was not OF you, OF yours, her dreams were Not yours, her smile her own Though you admired it And would have loved it with A true sincere love. LOVE ever but Let us be honest with ourselves tho. While the sonic spin of her laughter Said saxophone you heard sycophant Didn't You. Have you met any one OF you? Maybe only one, maybe two Maybe only half a dozen or A full dozen, a dozen dozen women Asleep stuck to the dark half of earth Or awake in bed going "how in the" And "why in the" or Looking out a window if there's a moon Or some snow or some nothing to look at. Is love transformative, really, That is, Is it transformation you're so desperate for? Or just to feel wanted? No carnelian Wanting, pressuring Through dream (dream is Narrative future) No gemlikeness. I offer here a précis of my treatis Some may call it a monograph or a lyric dissection On the abolishment of the state sponsored spankings Of the seventies. Since the dawn of prehistory, Human beings have known of spanking. It is a widely held belief that spanking coevolved With the human buttocks, And that even before speech, Spanking is what separated us from our chimpanzee cousins. Some thinkers have even suggested That language in its earliest form Was not spoken but slapped out As a sort of a primitive Morse code On the buttocks of proto-hominids. In the present author's opinion, This last theory is an example of the intellect overreach That plagues the discipline, and of wishful thinking. I'm sorry to hear about your tweets about The Watercolorists and I am sure that I can stay Here in my room and there's nothing else about this app. The music and sounds are so nice but it's Not even the only person that I could do. I'm so glad that she's the only one of the day. Dear Lord if lord of life I don't believe in life I do believe in of course dear Lord what will my life be what will you will it to be why does not the sweeping ignition of the descending star of your right sword arm end life on earth Lord why does not the all embracing embrace of the love in your enfolding left arm Lord embrace us all Lord are you what we say you are or what we believe you are or are you nothing like those are you nothing like anything else I don't believe in anything I don't read words I don't hear sounds I don't construct arguments I don't dismiss foes from the vestibule of my awareness I don't acknowledge my role in my awareness I don't acknowledge my awareness I forgive my lack of awareness I play video games for eight straight hours with no awareness and at the end of the eight hours I have won and a dawn of a winning sensation lights my awareness but it is short lived and the distance I feel from the man I see in the mirror and his lopsided gaze shifting from one of my eyes to the other makes it hard to understand that there is no mirror there and then there is like in the Buddhist proverb about the mountain I woke up today knowing my enemies are there enemies there then? This involuntary pronoun thing, mind confessing itself, she this involuntarily hope-like memory-like blip, not a daydream, not indulged, as a daydream. Pressing, urgent, requiring countersignature, she: she seems to press her cheek against my temple, my opposite ear dividing her gently pressing fingers. Is destruction a form of connection, she said "she said" she said. I don't want any more to destroy the reader, can't any more want to mangle the dragonflies when they could be put alight in a September & an October well enough advanced that the heat from the paving stones sunk in the lawn appeals to them and they settle in twos and threes which (notice) they never do earlier in the year to absorb the heat, the form of connection my love "my love" my love what is it to feel this love let it warm itself which it surely will as the cold of tomorrow's loss clouds the multifaceted eye, the striped fire body & darting mind. Every day you are still falling, still candy coated, love, still today breathing, likely enough, love. Using the fingers To talk around of The turtle's rib cage & Its interior shoulders What is a good word Using the treadmill The most important thing to breathe The pre-made movie you'd Hate seeing Used as ballast To raise the nightmare shipwreck!! Drink some clear water green source doubles over the light The safeword is you Close the book. I Wish I'd written down Every insult, every untruth And reversal. Tying her Up in my living Room means I take Responsibility for knowing when To author her release. I had foresight enough To get it in Writing from her. Watching Her write it got Me off later on. To refigure the creative activity as intoxicant, catalyst of forgetting, oblivion. Not destruction as the aim, but killing time, destabilizing mind. Or adjunct to drinking, drinking's solar twin Not philosophy but a thoughtful performance of folly. Public intoxication Yammering slurring. Can't remember what my point was Caprice, no. Purposeful action thwarted by thickening & swirling of its medium Indifferent to outcome. Blind spot that grows bigger and bigger, bluckying out Catalyst, who knew! There was no referendum, so. A referendum! Is a really great idea!! You seem like a really great person!!! I'm so sad!!!! Horse thief no. Like no, and. I took classes Let the class thing go Spider-Man. Spelling punctuation etc. Mode of attire, register of speech. Doubling up Thinking now of new pieces, dreaming of insects and big buildings, really big and really small Condense possibilities into reality The need to share one's love for others, might be frustrating or even traumatic if not met What does it mean when Good designers never confuse Puppetry Obsession with one part of the finished piece can obscure the insight that's needed to make it work Is gum chewing a gesture? Almost certainly Play; abandon; risk Laughter as a medium that erases its own performativity. Honest laughter overtaking the person, or is it just the laugh that has been practiced the most and seems easiest? Fix the elevator or we just all use the stairs While waiting for life To give me my life back I soon came to a creek And putting one foot across it I had grown to half my height I had digested half my light When a bend in the road Came to me around which I looked for inspiration every day It had been many months, years & someone I realized I didn't know Whispered this in my ear I had been carrying scissors For years w/o scissoring anything When a bolt of lightning forked The twin pathways in front of me I sat underneath the stars convulsing & sobbing thinking of my life While the stars steadily lost traction To the rising sun behind me My life distilled its own sweetness Gradually thickening into a syrup The halftime buzzer shot a bead Of crystallization through, cracked Their oars were all blucky And now all at the same instant The sun finds them They flash. The train I'm on passes The monster had ceased moving The blood pooled up to Jon's Ankles but slowly soaked in To the ground and Jon began To breathe again and lowered His axe. Most monsters Fall this easily or more easily It is true. And they fill the air With an inside of body smell Jon was forbidden from Speaking of these encounters. The tale never started we love you I we're hate we we're we then I'm you're we we then I'm up then we're we love you I we're lucky we're we're lucky we're we then I'm up then we're we love you I we're hate I'm you're lucky I lucky I lucky we're lucky we're we then I'm up then we're we love you're hate we I'm up then we're hate we I lucky we're lucky I lucky we're we then I'm up then I'm up then we're lucky I lucky we're we then we're hate I'm you're we we we're lucky we're we love you hate I'm you I we're lucky I lucky we're lucky we're we then I'm up then we're we then I'm you're we we're we love you I we're we we're we then I'm up then we're lucky I lucky I lucky I lucky I lucky we're we then we're we love you're hate ween I'm you're we then I'm you're we then I'm up then we're we we're we love you're we then I'm up then I'm up then we're hate weck we're lucky we're lucky I lucky we're we we're we love you I we're lucky we're lucky I lucky I lucky I lucky I lucky we're hate I'm you're we then we're lucky we're we love you hate I'm you're we we're we we're we love you hate wee we we're hate I'm up then we're lucky I lucky I lucky I lucky we're hate I'm you're we we're hate wee we we're hate I'm you're we we're we then I'm up then I'm up then I'm up then we're lucky I lucky we're we we're we love you I we're we we're hate I'm you're we then I'm up then we're lucky we're we love you're we then I'm up then I'm up then I'm up then we're we then I'm up then I'm up then we're we we're hate wee you I we're we love you I we're we then I'm up then How can you please make The fact that it was not immediately The only way to get a new phone I love it when people are just a A final nine stanzas Four inches of ledge to left Five inches to right I occupy no space 9 meters below next ledge 9 meters above previous He fell 99 meters cause of death Was blunt trauma to head There's a video on YouTube That might not move you as it moves me It's called Crestone Traverse GoPro Or something like that None of the farcical heroics No "conquering" the mountain, no wraparound sunglasses The soundtrack is Eddie Vedder singing a kind of a Blinkered dunce cap honestly kind of song About being "free" but The question is one One puts to oneself & The available answer Is incredibly dangerous Mostly vertical movement Over tremendously upheaved Broken solid oozings of The mud "the matrix" Flash frozen over centuries Into a monumental needle The camera is the movement Of the head of a climber A frantic rubberbandy gaze Probing the rock while Beams of sunlight rake over The light raking over the summit Climbing into bare impossible warped fact By that point the words have dropped The music turns in reassuring harmonic circles Huerfano County S&R received notice That an emergency locator had Been activated in the Lily Lake vicinity Whose wishful thinking was that name? A 45 year old Missouri man was injured In a fall while climbing the Ormes Buttress I wish he was some Denver wraparound type From Denver. Sorry "weekend warrior" Missouri's body was discovered In the moonlight, sat on By a small mammal Who split into sub-mammals and dispersed Reintegrating him His body Proved impossible, Reconstituting What was inevitable At high altitude, The present moment, They couldn't They were house cats He was a house cat Who survived For two weeks At the continent's Highest altitudes Eating hikers & Mountain lions & mountain goats and wildflowers & boots. Trying To reinterject him To reinsert him Has been always Like ugh. Like they Just Meh. Who cares Is the problem, Who keeps to the Ridge line, the present With its steep drop Offs to Either Side sir. Sir? I'm sorry sir Thank you for holding sir Sir! Sir! You can't do Excuse me, sir? Can I help That's nice graffiti, sir. I want to take one of Your balls at a time all the way Inside my mouth, sir. What Can you tell me Sir About unfiltered starlight Have you seen it sir, really Hey big sir My dear sir What do you do with Your incurable life You insect Sir You dragonfly Sir your exoskeletal Steak sir The last of your food sir Half your hitpoints sir Convulsed with weeping sir Your water sinks sir Into the sand as we all will There's your cure sir There's your wild life Trickling momentarily Footprint Above footprint Down the face of the dune And disappearing I'm sure they don't call them that They don't write it that way They don't write like this at all, who would? Restless arroyo bait, sub-animal, runs Countersideways half up the road cut To a stop in the sun. What will it be If not eaten? Me is a sprinkler head, I'm sure they don't call them that, the green Circles they leave, who needs them? Reclaim all but every tenth road, I say, Nationalize the land, water it linearly, Hell it seems like a lot of trouble to go to Just to make the little corners useful There's probably a water crisis. I'm sure It'll rain someday. Can I talk to you confidentially? It Often happens. Hell yes I can sing I won't know what to make of you, This, and, maybe it's better, best, I don't know, The initiation of an event often happens In the same year as its conclusion. To inhale the scent of lilies in August Is to have been betrayed in September Of the previous year. I do not overstate, But habituated (now) to the inward rounding-down That any degree of pain occasions, I have to check. And searching for a story About this morning's delayed train, I find That a man who fell on the tracks on Tuesday And came in contact with the third rail Has passed away now. Many of us, Perhaps dozens, were not killed between Tuesday and today. Many of us are merely Sweaty, and want to find someone who Will tie us up and issue commands, it's The sweaty air that has us thinking Of such an obedience. I would say this is common to most of us, This line of thinking, this giddy response When we're informed that another has died Evidently an absurd death abruptly. We want And will not be afraid to ask for A pair of neckties to be used to restrain us By the wrists. Or we think maybe Of dinner, or of an admiration born of hope And sincere, unlooked-for intimacies, everybody's Different and you have to check with them Frequently to ensure that no misrepresentation will Mar whatever you have going with them, No misunderstanding too, Same deal. Be careful with the fools you love, They're likely to die In the next 24 hours, or move away on you Or lie to you. Love isn't enough. It's a blessing-curse That it always feels like it should be enough. Mine is green inside; they pull out by cartloads until exhausted, mine the workers exhausted, green still mine inside now. Oh what so that you can what? Pinpoint your coordinates (?) without recourse to "minimal evasive distances," to be (that is) startled by the puff of kungfu wind (?) such as might snuff a candle on film in response to some jab from some master. Nothing is not annoying, and good advice can so seldom not be followed. Nothingness IS annoying. Nothing is as annoying as nothingness is. Okay cut the junior high crap There were three things originally: rock, humans, and a force that stuck them together. Air came from rocks, water came from humans, and the passage of time came from the sticking-together. Many more things proceeded from each precedent thing, until the world was full. Terror of a full world came last of all, a sort of culmination or convergence of lineages. A sort of pinpointing, a zeroing in. Talk to your doctor if you develop a rash while using Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy Fallon has been known to cause dizziness, nausea, suicidal thoughts and actions, atrophying, uhh comedic instincts, and zzzzzzzzz whatever. Talk to your doctor lulz. Do we know for sure that professional wrestling is fake no it probably isn't. Parts of it, the performed parts that is, are quite real. I'm interested in performing neither my grief nor my joy and so the Incredible Hulk strikes a nerve that the others do not. When we come back Jimmy Fallon's head will fall off and roll down Amsterdam Ave. why that street is that a street? what street are you guys talking about? Verse isn't really participating in creation these days is it? I mean creation and consumption probably aren't opposites truly, but poetry seems to belong to consumption more these days doesn't it? Not like when I was a kid, special cornflake snowflake me. This question is not me asking. I have a question for you!! Do you like John Cena That's not your question. Why are you awake on Wednesday night, talking to no one, thinking to no one, ice cream cake foam slick stuff stuck to the corners of your mouth, and now's too soon it's Thursday morning and you have to go to work. Do they know what you do there? Nobody seems to. There are those who perform well and those who can't seem to. James Corden go cram. Seth Myers cauterize your mouth. Jimmy Fallon stop ruining a generation. Stephen Colbert try harder. David Letterman come back. Nothing not even ice cream is like it was when I was a child. I performed well today. I stood up straight, I ran 4.92 miles, I ate ice cream in the future. So apparently now I regularly have These teddybear conversations which is More my personal brand than if I'd chosen & fought for it, I simply embody gentleness and sweetness (the male version) I can turn it on & off, sure. Yes I notice your dress, your laughter, Your bangs, yes I'm a playful fucker at will etc. If anything I'm "being" too intellectual & should "be" more playful Do you & how is you spell autobiography. Not a question. I'm a hulking maniac Not autobiographical. There is love in the universe As there is "no bad aggression within you" (she gestures at my body). "You need to be more confident" what the f? Why does everyone keep saying that. I am, I repeat, a HULKING MANIAC! How much more Explicit must I make myself? Hide it under A bushel NO! I'm gonna let it shine Nah never mind I'm gonna hide it. No, go be boned, you. My light is precious, you can come peep it if you want But I'm not going to waste it spelling words for you At beginning in feline sunlight On platform with motive growth In sunlight at beginning beach With growth on return platform A halo of information around a woman's Shoulders, and neck, a haze spreading From her face and collarbones, news Which is not known of her, out of The corner of the eye an envelope Added to the sunlight. Pull back From speech into it and listen. What is apricot light in construction As a kid or again as an adult And does meaning change back on Schedule, the meaning of dungeon and enemy The meaning of full health and The light that swirls like hospital scrubs The light and the rhymes it'll risk Did you marry advantageously The chiffon on your wedding confection Order the food that you love Ask for the nourishment you favor Request the uh sustenance of which your heart doth sing Ok Jeezus. Just say what you want If her sweetness is autobiographical Nonetheless does she star in her story She winks as the ceiling turns starry Which erewhile was turbid if typical Her wonder is all without sweetness All arch is her candor, the placement And force which she stresses with syllables I fancy her rather a peahen Her one eye spins a French spiral Her other an eye for detail Her correspondences are (drumroll...) chiral In shape and demeanor she's quail The best thing to say that the Government spokesman said on Monday night in a statement issued by the Time for a long night WAS I'm so excited to be able to get my Hair nails money! I'm so happy for you Guys I'm not going to be able to get The only thing I would like to have my Hair nails money. It's so much better than A few weeks of school tomorrow is. I'm so happy to see you soon then I'm like so okay is it time to revisit that goliath grouper photo with the photographer's fisheye lens looking at the grouper coming from the cloud of the herring or whatever it was I never knew what species they were Westminster Abbey couldn't tell you (wtf does that mean) copypasting baby toes baby how you did learn to hold your fat toes baby smiles and smells of fireworks dollops of green nonpesto sauces fat balls of energy weighing down countless wizard palms running around turning on their sides and running away with finger legs I bet hip hop is Mesopotamian yeah I said it ice cream make mark scream scream scream give me those hand claps shit Okay here's a question. He puts the sample on the wrong beat which lowers my opinion of him as a producer. But I am a thirsty man before the mountains of the Lord. Okay I'll inhale some wildflowers and mountain goat DNA make of my corpus a mountain spirit outcroppings of conglomerate and bunched tiny grasses and delicate flowers snow and cold thin fresh air my body is above treeline What makes you think I need culture? Okay the rest of my life listening to Thru the Walls by Death Grips. The rest of my life! okay Not all not at all that is not what I original not at all original. Not okay not original okay. Flashing neon neon okay okay randos dancin randos all okay dancin dancin it through the walls acceleratin fools okay fools okay Einsteins? okay unlistenable messes okay King Crimsons Hup to it hup hup hup the rest of my life in reality they are cringeworthy say it again lick 'em two paths unsink their ships Skin slick with that hangover fluid Just hungry and thinking of sex and Wishing I could just stay home And watch Snowpiercer and eat ice cream And I'm half thinking I maybe left the stove on I mean not really but it's the worst thing I can think of at the moment or that I'm not properly grieving loss of love in my life that's a stark thought that's a mountain to climb god I stink and I'm indecisive and I'm a bad poet and everything in my life is falling apart. Whatever. Music sunflowers shallow surfaces Hastily formed alliances, transformers of current hello! Gauntlets made of nouns that the Fonz hits the jukebox with. How does the Fonz work? How is it made? Does the snap of its fingers cancel cavewomanish thoughts with Helium gas or what if not Helium is the sun made of? Is it made of law? Is the Fonz chaotic good? Dunno cavewomen waltz hairless alacritous devoted to birdsong hard dick paintings and iced tea. Mobius atlas divisions kept their stories alive not people. I should have said marshmeloupe The Fonz should have said marshmeloupe Fine Einstein why do asses hang out backwards if you're so smart something else about bodies too oh! loose useless hands flopping around! Hilarious Do you lovvvvvvve me? yeah I know where babies come from but where does sex come from? Einstein where Every goodness I've summited while the light turns turns and the pingpong ball becomes the streak (and by the way I keep playing better as the light fails) (does oh does light fail or what) (like really) Every goodness and its antidote. They spell different words His for profit, hers for hell I don't know. She is you, you said you were going to look me up so realistically this might be actually you reading this. Was your friend bummed out by my presence who cares. He made his money he helped his people. Name! It falls between Bourgognes les deuz Borgognes. Ok sorry fake pretentious stuff makes me laugh Your friend to be honest seems conflicted almost ashamed to have fed into capitalism so simply. Or he just hates random guy (me) at bar being like "hey can I" whatever, which I get. No one else from my generation is willing to be considered the Finest Poet Of Their Generation so... I'll the like exact human being "tale," I'll nail it or whatever... the kids hate a Gen X or Gen Y man but what makes me special is The Sangre de Cristo mountains which are in my blood the smells and that. The lichen and YouTube hits, the GoPro videos of the Blanca - Little Bear traverse (look it up and be prepared to just close the tab) Is that stuff in my blood or uhh. Anyway. Tourette's by default Peering over the edges Four hundred foot drop to the right One thousand foot drop to the left What words. A knife's edge For the words to slice themselves off on Tourette's Syndrome explained in one fluid movement One YouTube video 90 seconds in length Calling out to friend 20 yards down the ridgeline Name blurted as a final gesture, say Whose goodness whose evilness was it That thrust the Blanca Massif up An obscene gesture a "tickled" sky No life in it. Lichens taking years to die. The thinnest pink trace in the sky where otherwise there would be none, the plodding tears seen out through and laughing like Mel Torme why the curse word am I crying at a Mel Torme Christmas song. Why are they playing Christmas music in here it's almost June oh god if I could die this laughingly. He passed peacefully in his sleep, laughing It wasn't the hardest he'd ever laughed, though! RIP It was embarrassing. But no shame was on him His shoe fell in the beehive When was he last advertising for love? There never was an advertised time Nor did he believe in revolution Because what did he mean? His interest was in the products of the imaginary. His character was a snooze What was he trying to say? Yeah he sort of danced in his chair Yeah he liked Euclidean geometry How old was he, how close To his death? Trust me He's ready for uncontroversial assertions Ringing in the New Year Or was it wringing? Wrong It was fun when he "held still" It was so hard to know What his birthday present to himself would be The one shoes or the other shoes Or maybe the pinball parts Maybe a chunk of the garment industry No he would never do such a thing He popped a blister where the eyelids meet It must have been squeezed into existence By his forceful sleeping He gritted his teeth so hard in his sleep That he had begun to displace them The tooth bodies fell like faeries Never to return to the floresta Of our youth. Surveying the brand new parking lot Of his love for others. She wants someone to talk garments; He finds it so interesting Maybe over ice cream he will Say things. Maybe to himself He'll acknowledge his need To feed a need is hell Indeed. Sorry sorry no more doggerel I really do Apologize. He researched on his friends So his results were inconclusive I meant irreproducible. Eff word eff word I'm so unreliable, vocabularily. Today I'm tiling a floor To make a music with loose rules The sun turned on its axis The sun turned and we all fell in I chose tiles made of star ejecta Baked into perfect and small squares Painted with blue and light blue enamel I chose clothes from the 70s I never will study cosmic radiation My feelings are too hurt I'll pay NASA to move the cosmos Into the public domain and I'll Foot the bill for the garments They find out there too Garment needs gravity It can't just be a cosmic ray | oh whatever If we acknowledge We are part of The nature world All parts even our need Then we absolve us Of fault for Seeming to use up one planet And fixating on moving to Another. This is true But feels like madness to me. Oh you can't help that We're all mad here (public domain garments all over the floor) Their pleasure is the Inside out of each other Not for its own sake For the sake of each other's existence Titling everything they touch "Each Other's Bridge." "Each Other's Traintracks." And more examples. "Each Other's Waves." Plenty more examples Their early fascination with each other Kissing each other's nipples Why does it seem like it has to end What is the best case In time they discover love isn't enough Garments don't keep them together Why aren't they doing this all the time Serious question! What prevents An all-consuming love From consuming them? Unless That love is fragile, a bubble A butterfly on a string A color matching game The tiles come off the board Just as they gain a relation to each other What is the garment you want to hear About? What is the sentence The description of what "act" Food is supposed to be good Food is not supposed to be garments Sexy speech is like urbane witticisms Witticisms Witticisms! Am I supposed to care so little for Oscar Wilde? Take the hi road Don't be reluctant You do science I do math Shall we take a shower, or hop in the bath? bleachy dterminations missed friends and departed grandmorthers tres useful to speculate working hard on spreadsheets but taking Holy Week off give the Evil Adam a break talvez Tell me my mortal situation without the mansplaining I'm working on a character to do without the bloodshed Presidential Election I'm working on a character here synthbass-based characters rule the classic Nintendo family kingdoms classes genera phyla species orders Marios Yoshi Loves Birdo for each emotion Yoshi has what is why is Egyptian Mario 2 box copy why does never enter translation space or at speed of unearthing skip to the end no wi-fi in the warp zones no space or time of any kind spattered clear shiny cross sections of droplets en forme de Luigi Luigi crying, Luigi forming a sadness where did you get that miltary style haircut and sweatshirt let me guess you were in the military I was in the service I ran in the 150th Boston Marathon becaude of special HTML amongst amongst, amongst turn it around and upside down The Mario games leave put any Orphic themes thank goodness in Mario is two Pindars no one will sit by me He wears pink socks today true story in Memoriam Birdo nah is it summer yet Fat Mom shepherds ten girl children each under her may day garland of clover and sweet turnip greens to clearing after clearing why do we need to think of clearings The forest is the King's Maze The King employs a gamekeeper But I am the forest's keeper Eu sou a guarda-floresta South @merican Portuguese is inhospitable to compound words Those shoes are awesome I said outside to a woman wearing mirror-finish oxfords I really did like her shoes but I maybe made her feel uncomfortable if you read this (you with the shoes) I'm sorry to have bothered you I feel really stirred up about it for some reason I'm looking for a way always/only to avoid loneliness It is for this reason that I went to Drink and the Marliave on Saturday night, hoping for someone to talk to and I did a little bit but mostly I sat in silence drinking and I missed the last train to Braintree which meant a $30 cab ride home and I woke up feeling stupid and alone and tired and sick, punched and kicked and indecisive. I need sleep I need to sleep. And when you looked over and pulled your earphones out and said "what?" and I repeated my comment about your shoes I started to think I'd maybe made a mistake no actually it was when you accelerated after the exchange was over anyway. cool shoes who cares, I would never wear them I could never wear mirror oxfords The tale of the tape The story of the mirror oxfords Whose coinage is "sabretooth?" I could never wear the coinage of sabretooth also standing for a moment in the vestibule of Drink I said "is this the line" and a woman smiled at me and said yes and I could have stood there next to her for 30 minutes talking which is (it turns out) the only thing I wanted not drinking but talking conversation and instead I went "meh some other time" and turned to go and she said "have a good night" and I said "you too" what is the feeling the immeasurable stupidity one observes to be centered on the self Ravel walked everywhere up to 4 hours per day now he can be seen in Paris riding around on an electric unicycle Where can I go from here in terms of advancing my career? What can be written of veggie lo mein that hasn't been written again and again? There is no god of ecstatic dance; let's make one. My friend reassures me I wasn't out of line with the compliment about the mirror oxfords. Then we go looking online for men's mirrored oxfords, then gold, then (gasp) copper. Copper oxford shoes, copper oxford shoes. gasp gasp gasp one after another the gasps Anyways. Remember that photto of Helen Keller touching Charlie Chaplin's face? I do Can I get it printed on a shower curtain I can. I guess I should note (oh) what life is like what is lifelike. MEHHHH pretty (what) terrible? A slab of rodents couldn't more misinterpret it than I have. So you spilt tremendous wines down the front of you and your yellow Santa Claus robes and you hearken to a different time. You heed an unwinding of time sensation. You think huh yeah I suppose that if we are now in a state of endless war which began 10+ years ago it's actually just the beginning of the first blink of an eye in the lifetime of that war. That war is a newborn baby!! No you don't think that, because all wars end. History teaches it, teachers teach history. What is a split decision again? Who'll right my wrongs for me unintentionally? Haphazardly!? Thank entropy's daft designs everyday I do. They spiral us around the island on a kite on a wind which is not us, not ours, the island is our lives, the kite is made from materials found on the island resourcefully. Let's put war and desire on the same footing, you suddenly resourcefully think. Let's wait, a minute, I just fell like out the side of my body thinking I'm bipedal the same as you, this is so weird. I'm a male ape you're a female ape. We're sex apes to gether yeah we don't think of ourselves that way. She's like what. She feels something analogous! If she were to de-escalate and put it into words we could avoid much bloodshed, we could lose interest in wars. Our war apes could fade. Sure no I understand After a clothespin clipped in place Comes half-off, it wasn't even the wind, it was Many pieces missing, nothing speciall In the breakfast, always about breakfast Because before dawn you know what dawn will look like And claw marks up and down. Rufus: the red markings give him Distinction, and an air Almost of nobility, to see him activate Click and light up and start whirring Around and around the people clap for him. He affirms something about their lives, not "life-affirming" but "marked in red" which is a red which stains them more deeply than retinally. He flits from view Suddenly behind them music swells!! It was a love story all along and with the central character suddenly missing the others hold their elbows and sigh into the sunset of single long panoramic take and breathe. Yeah okay boring but also very much not boring at all! Because you notice yourself breathing in and out of phase with phantasms on a screen who can't hear the music such is their ghostliness. Rufus being clotted from the view calls earlier events "out of question" if that makes sense, like there's no need to go doubting or hypothesizing alternate universes, it was love embracing them and calling itself down into their midst the whole time now made illegible as the sun takes a long! time to set on film. This isn't a cooking class so they stand up and leave and the audience stands up and leaves There's no one who didn't just kind of drift away into each other at the end, nothing formal marked the ending, even the credits happened at the beginning. Unable to remember them now, we look them up on our phones, who was it again, what else was she in? I invented the perfect text message game. Two people play. Before the game begins each person emails the other person a list of responses (numbering however many they both agreed on) (and they agree on who goes first). Then for the game they just take turns texting each other the list of responses back and forth. They create a blind conversation they've already had but not had. The rhythmic possibilites seem exciting for a minute but then oh whatever I don't know. I'm going to skip out on the poetry reading tonight. Nature's beastliness contains magnitudes like volcanoes spend capital on buzzwords for spite in spirit of revenge. Enumerate: the main one which is coming off like velcro Another: spent a lot of time over the summer over email, a preoccupation supposedly that one saved something about my life turned out to be an angry person Third: crosseyed and works nextdoor and I can't tell that much about her personality Fourth: a name of a lunchpail with an intoxicating flirty presence it's hard to believe in any related experiences seriously I'm just filling time here none of this is for real I've got cookie clicker running in the background, taking it pretty seriously Fifth: lives in a different city and doesn't count for different reasons (more of a friend) Sixth (less likely): too young, big hands, from Hawaii maybe I'm just a daydreamy person I can't hold a grudge even when I try but I won't be misused by someone again and I hope the walls I build around my heart won't keep out another beloved and another and another and a sky and a planet it seems fit to walk on, lucky to walk on Like I know you're angry you get angry so do I but anger is your response to everything maybe you're just an angry person so I need to ask I forgot what I was going to say It doesn't matter napkin capybara aces crossbow beanbag I try not to recode things as they happen because as nature's ally I eschew the shotgun the traces which leave the shotgun put myself in stress positions all day then wonder why my joints hurt come 5pm joint what a weird word I'll take all the words, I love all of them Nobody has less of a problem with words than me Don't go around outlawing words Don't give me buk burning lectures Harangue somebody else, burn somebody else's buks I am nature's natural-born ally, I'm divinely sent to serve as protector of the forest Jonatã Guarda-Floresta Yeah rumo ao hexa I hear that Minha nobreza I get it quanto custa ingressos aa copa 2014? good question don't make cities blanket hills make cities blanket hills Menh calve off space vessels in Egyptian asteroid seed dreams measurable as concentric waves sweep over oscilloscoped spikes ov vocal cords Some magic at the moment of conversion from vocal cord vibrations to microphone membrane vibrations to electronic signal pulses registers in you & me, I can tell it does We like the space between sites of vibration, we like how the energy makes it all the way across. I imagine you nibbling my earlobe You know the melody from the Katamari soundtrack you know the one. She said this morning "This morning I was toe tally wait." I said "whut" and she said "It was raining so much and I walked to here and I was toe tally wait" and I was like "ohhhh yeah totally wet yeah" now I'm listening to the Katamari soundtrack and I like it. I like the Battletoads OST I like Balinese hurryuppolyrhythms I like coinages-by-accretion I don't really like MUCH OF ANYTHING!!!! I'm tired and I hate tubas. Get off me urchins So undrugged right now you guys put this on tumblr okay why did it turn to polka to turn to a blossom bug? gub bug bug gub spent cases of metamorphic seasonal squish sacks flying away we like and accept their pretty and charismatic wings we like pizza we like frenchfryburritos we like coining words and yeah sure I never played Katamari Damacy but the principle is the same I don't want to say I imagine rolling you up into a ball alongside a tree and an airport is my idea of a relationship but I think it is magical and musical and has a melody the fact that you are in a relationship to those things at the same time I am I'm just saying obvious things I'm foregoing the parentheses now (writing this out of order) Christalmighty I'm hungry ecriver dans les rir quand le lun c'est pas de deux un amor d' trois rivieres elefants en fontains bleux Let's say "tain is a lighting concept to forfend the misdeeds in Popeye" let's say I said that even though it doesn't sound like something I would say whatever does this contribute? in some way? to an understanding of what? it's like to be a person? simply put it's not like anything (Your name is a lunchpail) (I keep thinking about dancing with you, dancing with you, is not like anything) (Is it possible you're not like anyone?) (Why am I so buoyed by the thought?) (Who are all these parentheses?) (Your name is a soul singer) (Your name burned up the R&B charts) (And you brought moments of joy into my life that I'll never ever forget) (split seconds of eye contact) (maybe you'll never read this or maybe you will and never understand why all the Popeye and fake french and admissions of gratuitous space-filling & maybe you'll wonder (or maybe someone else other than you will wonder) what any of it has to do with you but it seems to me that you have a lot to do with all of it, with all of everything piled slumped & sloshed together, all things/feelings mudslid together on top of each other at the moment of creation which has lasted our entire lives I'm alive at the same time as you I'll never get over it, that's all I'm saying) (we danced) (and your name is a golf announcer) (your name is not a stunning woman's name which creates a startling discrepancy and POTENTIALLY creates interest) How I would love to be alive in the 1930s to hear the howls of laughter as the silverware fell out of his sleeve and to have seen the men and women after the movie imitating this one's cadences and that one's movements with one another. The American public simply evaporated. Now we all work at PetCo during the week and at Staples every other weekend. The National Guard one month per year or whatever it is. thank thank thank It's time for me to prune my facebook friends and that means I'll be left with nobody except the Cassini Mission to Saturn to find the true meaning of love in our lifetime Look to those facets which have attributes As though no attributes would help ? What, doesn't matter, give him a break Are you like secretly some kind of huge nerd? Why do I have such a huge fucking crush on you? I don't really but it's fun to say Okay maybe it's like a tiny crush but whatever You're a little bit crosseyed and it's cute as hell I imagine you cooking and being like the recipe says red pepper flakes but I don't think I want that no I think I'll skip the red pepper flakes I imagine you not hesitating for an instant to exclude ingredients, in other words to go off book and further I imagine the food turns out quite pleasing the previous line was some seriously Timothy Donnelly syntax which is one of the things I will not stand Back to you, do you know how cute you are? It slays me, it's murderous cuteness Nah, it's fine, but you are cute I would want to take you dancing Is this shit seriously what's on my mind or are my fingers just off in their own world typing this stuff? I guess I'm worried about the election but it's hard to take it seriously, my fingers don't take it s eriously, I'm letting my fingers make decisions, I don't believe in collaboration, I don't believe in Popeye or Radiohead I don't have an eye I have a finger I don't have a head I have a finger I can write without pretending to write and I can listen to Tori Amos and play pinball in the basement of the wealthiest country in the history of the world and I can write you (that is to say YOU) (the one with the eyes a reading this) (the one with the beautiful eyes which make the eye contact difficult) I can write you a cute poem that says it was fun dancing with you cereal siderial modal antipodal nothing wrhymes with zeitgeist that's why they put it in the gallery I almost said that's why they put it in the language LANGAZHHHHH Let's never speak of this again. I have to go to the grocery store tonight What am I going to buy. Seriously. This will probably be of at least passing interest to the future Unlike most of the rest of this. I will buy: Orange Juice, Coconut/Almond Milk, Bread, Eggs, Flour Tortillas, Berries, Oranges, Pears, Bananas Beans, Onions, Garlic? (I think I have enough garlic) Some greens (collards or kale) (or baby bok choi if they have it) Broccoli, Cauliflower?, Squash Maybe a turnip or two, Cereal? Sidereal. We're going in circles PopTarts, Ice Cream, Shredda Cheese Plain Yogurt, Coffee Yogurts, by the way am I supposed to be devastated by the breakdown of my life? I feel like I went through that already and I also feel like I'm not prepared to pre-grieve for the aspects of my life I don't know to be broken yet and won't know till I'm COMPLETELY on my own how does my bank's billpay thing work? I log on to the website or something? I would ask them not to give away my login credentials That way no identity thieves will steal my money The hallway carpet skinned my knee In 1998 and I spelt the verbs wrong A photograph of me pretending to "jam out" In the world's wackiest way Brendan just informed me that so and so guest-vocaled on so and so's latest album I hope it wasn't Beck's latest album No it wasn't but I'd be equally unlikely to listen to it Who are you talking to? something like twice a day pieces of a youtube video clipped erotically together never say Eros in Radioheads never call out in a theater Eros in Radioheads or also never call out Misdeeds in Popeye what did Popeye misdo? If I knew that I'd never have to write again but here I am stuck with Eros in Radioheads Go on a date with me! No really it'd be super fun. All seriousness I wish I could tell you, the other night I never wanted it to end You said something I couldn't catch in the music & the centripetal force I thought I heard you say it's easier to spin if you can get a firm grasp And I loved it when you would put your arm further around me as we turned the corners and I wanted to say would you dance with me again and then you asked me instead of me asking Which was both a win and a loss but I'll take it, it was awesome I'm just saying, I wanted to ask, but I felt self-conscious All of this really risks overemphasis I just keep thinking about what a fun time I had & good Lord the scorching heat ray of your eye contact who can withstand it guess what, I did! It was fun to remind myself It was fun to feel like a tall, smart, active, creative, good-looking, kind-hearted, fun-loving, open-armed man again. I don't have a dog, I don't have a cat You'll never see this Anyway, let's go get a drink sometime Like super super casual lowkey like maybe even "as friends" let's go get an "as friends" drink? Would you want to? You're not reading this It's okay I'm not either I'm typing it as fast as I can to fill the space requirement and get caught up to the present moments While Also Enjoying Just The Scantest Bit Of Aesthetic Pleasure That Is To Be Had When One Works With Words As Though They Are Material I'm not leaving here till it stops raining do you hear me Hulk Hogan he can't hear me that's okay this is trash that no one real ever will read I will let Cortana write this Cortana write me a poem Just kidding I don't have her enabled and I don't have a Microphone Siri write me a poem Just kidding I don't have a Siri What I need is a way to write without writing. I did a search on this just the other day and found very few results for write without writing. What I mean is write without trying Just write without trying All the search results I got were like Write without trying too hard or Write without trying to impress anyone or other things like that, other additional words that were tacked on after trying. I just want to find some way to write without trying like maybe a computer program will write for me based on the durations I spend on the train ride home I once thought I would document every bit of culture that I consumed on the Red Line but I never knocked it out of the park I should write articles about things that knock it out of the park, like Popeye Everyone knows that Popeye knocks it out of the park blah blah blah boring. Popeye is a popular character Maybe I could find ways to write without trying such as maybe I could write what Popeye is doing but then I would have to watch Popeye cartoons and transcribe them or something, which seems no offense to any Kenny Gs out there pretty efffffffing tedious it seems like Tedius Rex maybe I should just pretend like I know what Popeye's doing How many versions of you are available No really this is fascinating I see you at this one particular place Then I see a different you and think Oh it'd be fun to take her to that place and then I'm like oh shit what the fudd what the fudgebeasts is what I keep saying while our eyes fill with tears Press the on button to turn the printer on and it'll sing you its little chime song Maybe I should just paste in Craigslist ads No that would galactic fmistakes. How many versions? You're cute, that's for sure. Don't go down this road with him. Or with her. They are bizarre and their self-wawareness lacks. They ghost around, whatever, blue hills sunshiney but otherwise too effing crowded? I just wanted to be outside Well you got your cumuluses now get out!! please let me go home I can't stand this sky blue tape they didn't even take my monitor how much more credible would his absence be he switched the stress count and no one will notice he balked at the barber he barfed on the blender he world-championed the Centipede and he wrote an article for Spin his desktop was covered in shortcuts and he could not go back again He listened to Bjork's most recent no he couldn't bring himself to do it It was hard enough to get used to I don't know this or that idea It was fine and dandy when Beck's album lost its impact for him, he was glad to stop listening to it, she probably was glad too, nobody liked Beck's album they all thought it was a Nick Drake ripoff even Beck himself said so Beck bought a new hat with all his Nick Drake money and entered his James Taylor phase, then his James Jamerson phase, then he entered his Rick James phase, then finally Beck entered and exited his James Brown phase and I didn't listen to one second of it. I haven't written to you in a long while but now I take up the words again and for each word a string, like pearls the letters or a bare string that vibrates. Did I take something about you for granted? It's hard to say. Nobody reads this for news of themselves. Nobody wants to be informed and neither do I. We turn corners When I was born Ten trees were planted In a land I've never seen A land I've never been part of. When the classmate died They planted her a tree And put her name to it We had been accustomed To seeing each others' names Printed on unique sashes Which we wore but only on Special occasions. I never played The harp that's okay. I miss you I miss you all day and the sun goes down of me missing you. I invented a new musical instrument of my longing for a simple smell of the past. Didn't imagine We are asked not to long for the miraculous Curse this imagination, this hope Talk him down no don't bother. How wonderful would be the world That would go on, its fullness of music. He doesn't Want to take the control he imagines. Curse his imagination. Retrain it unless you too believe keyed instruments are bound to their pitches which drift slightly like teeth in their jaws which gives them personality they shimnmer shimnmering in the sunmlight ((cheating)) he doesn't want to kill himself she doesn't want to kill herself you don't want to kill yourself They don't want to kill themselves! We don't want to kill ourselves. When I'm 75 will I maintain an openness of spirit, and will I be described as conversational? Will I be thinking of the geometry of gemstones as something we can encode our experiences in through some playable interface? On and on about that, by the way. Let it go, bud. Here's a method for generating music using graph paper oh good, they threw the Amen Break in at the last moment. Rows represent both pitches and pitch zones, in the micro and macro scope, respectively. Columns represent quanta of time, both beats and 8-measure blocks in micro and macro scope respectively. Thus simple melodies are mirrored in the harmonic movement, and small pieces add up to larger structures in an almost fractal way. I haven't tried it yet but it seems like it should work. Here's a description of a game which I'll seed from Orteil's game-idea generator using the string Capybara\ and unchecking the Sanity checkbox don't worry the string was an axxident It's a turn-based game. You can move, interact, do nothing, or make predictive statements about the next turns in the game. Horrible flaming wrecks and fuel shortages Thinned out the planet's population Nobody was doing the universe simulation Nobody was landing the planes So that jittery predictions about the future (When they occasionally came correct) were the world's currency, not the correctness But the amount of them. To prevent inflation One must live in the moment. The only human who can breathe The only person I ever loved. This brings me back around to why I started to write today. It wasn't to you initially but I do want to write to you you fan of music boxes, you wholesale lover of delight. What will happen to you This Orteil stuff preoccupies me for 45 minutes Yikes my mind is useflesss Here's the game you get with seed Pac-Man: A strategy game where you downvote the sky but you don't play a big role in the story so you can actually do pretty much whatever you want. Seed Q*bert yields: A shooting game where you embiggen diamonds and there's a laughtrack. The souls there have no shape so they can't appear on films and when a cat runs out of the room 9 people take the hint also. There's never a sense of beginning because how spasmodic is my sense of self-importance anyway? Funny how tired Melt-Banana sounds lately. I mean the opposite. I like them I like their reinbow mucis. Music Should I just paste in lines of code here? You guys I've spent the last number of months learning to code and I'm still learning. I kind of lost my will to write poetry. yes again I think I want to make culture instead which to me means video games sorry. No I don't what am I talking about I was thinking about music sorry sorry You don't know a thing about me I'm on fire Got damn it I can't wait to ignite I'm made of indigo fire of faces seasonsing pbasooka whatever who cares. Shut up upyors Okay what's Zach Hill doing lately I can't be bothered but if I did I would look up Zach Hill discography on wikipedia I would never do that There's lots of music I wouldn't listen to Let's talk Spriggans for a second I recently killed off a spriggan venom mage It wasn't a bad run all things considered but I shouldn't have gone into V:5 because that's where I died I haven't looked up how often I've died there but it's been pretty often. This was last updated on September 17th 2015 which was two lifetimes ago,,,,,,,,,,,,, I sort of thought everything was going to work out even then yikes even then. Now I think a different thing will work out that's all it took. The rest of the issues stand off to the side in a cape behind a curtain. The sidebar on YouTube is offering me an album called Lava Land by a band called Piglet or vice versa. There's no 666 in outer space Tell me about the microtonal intervals!!! Oh explain how you tuned your piano!!! Include the part about how you tuned your piano this way SOLELY so that you could have something to explain to somebody preferably a woman you weirdo) and send me the recording of your special piano playing special Ravel followed by an impromptu of your own devising that'd be SWELL Make culture make culture!! Who cares it's epiphenomenal who cares sped up vibraphones that sound like sped up Fender rhodeses. Fine with me too much instruments and maybe some backwardsed music box sounds. Remember when we went to Vermont and there was a VT welcome center off the highway that had somekind of double riveted music disc thing playing and we could tell because the notes we were hearing weren't accounted for solely by what we could see on the top side of the copper disc as it spun? Church-going people made that thing probably or not. Now it's lunchtime and I have to go eat lunch. Good bye she sleeps with coffees and pizzas Sheep slips with coffins of interdimensional reasons piano strikes coincide with snaredrum strikes that's cool Thanks Frank Thanks thank you Piglet. j/k I didn't listen gotta go eat to combat all this dislexia I started listening to Piglet and it's a complete ripoff of Hella that's culture that's soup-smell for you coworkers be stopped go way piglet I'll put on USMAPLE instead and be like ga gunk gunk creating culture serving coworkers stop notices saving up for lunch and drinking coffee water in the DM zone not interested in working the coworker must stop give me your headphones I want the blue jellybeans some tea is biologique some earths are flat they say the flat eart stuff makes me sad Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime makes me happy If I could only remember your name or be freed from your spell by looking at current pictures of you on facebook or whatever (made up person, no spells) (much disclaimers, very conditions apply) (no magical arm movements, no fireballs) (no lightning wizards, quite Age of Enlightenment rules) Archaeopteryx, that flower pressed between pages. I compose music for you for your vertebrae chained bent dried soft death, old age. Must have been mud after you died, came pressing and bending. Don't be endangered species you who ran claws down all fours big takeoff. Pteroid bone still mostly unexplained. Knew the gnawing of most wordless creatures, the fear and the helpless slide into defaults of rending each other apart. Chasing some herbivore into exhaustion and pulling it apart. I'm happy when I think of you ... a thing I do. I hate apostrophe like that. Won't do it anymore promise. Anyway. O you starlings j/k you get a chicken sharing eat with slurring currect roleplayinggame rocketpropelledgrenade don't esn't matter? Agents tweet operatives tweet on there, very funning. Jufstified. Don't like it oh, ha, here's something: ugmometer Google shows no results I guess it'll be 1 result now It's a meter that measures ugliness It's a word for a meter that does that. You all are idiots! You have no idea what you're doing! influence, persuasion, precision next level stuff. Being on time Making websites and smelling hella good being HELLA charismatic shouldn't take you two hours to make a website. Stop (eYe) Stop it! Go to SLEEP you sad sack just be a nice person pitcher plant pattern woodland wallpaper hare hops hilariously youtube yesperday (eYeroll) The green bee probing the solo sunflower while the sunset wavered orange purple. Killing fast fruit flies Clapping hands Rotting tomatoes (true) (False) knowledge of all facets. I want to communicate with you. I want to perform grandeur outward, beyond with tiny words. Who planted this seed? What does want grow into? CS Lewis says if you feel a desire that can't be satisfied by any worldly thing the "only logical conclusion" is that you're a) created and b) otherworldly. Go teach a bee, Clive! Allen Ginsberg says "Candor disarms paranoia." Thanks, Allen! He performs grandeur grandly. Jon's recent news occasions sadness, so... I don't know. Two Flaming Lips documentaries down. Guilty pleasure the band. I aim to document my dissatisfaction so often with forms of attention attending arising nah, nope. I aim two be dissatisfied with or in descriptions of attempts two map words to actions. Vague, sure, but also all-encompassing. I'm thinking first of choreography and then of cookbooks. It would be a delight and maybe a medial-lateral frustration or obstacle to find oneself within a well-written abstract cookbook analagous to the sorts of interesting and intensely vaguely dissatisfying choreography texts one reads about. I'm thinking specifically of Costume En Face which I haven't read yet but it sounds really interesting. I'm also thinking of instructions for card games, of which I've written not satisfyingly. Who cares why care. Things are bad, things are hard. Things are not good and have not been good for a good long while. Tighten your own oxygen mask before assisting other passengers. Gesture thrown out with first pitch the border of nightness across the sky, an edge NASA says, and with satellite photos, and easily it's seen why the sphericality of the earth the planets the heavens is challenged, why this is where the truth grounds for some, some about whom one worries. Or one is like NMFP waving them away. You CANNOT care for them all. They are batsauce and overwhelming in number. They flicker into monitor & die purpetually to the left to the right to get tired of the one thing only you can do & do well. I wish I hadn't counted. They who's they? They think of the future with most of their hearts, who can fault them? Hopping to the library (this is back in Colorado times) like ramping off the curbstones and picking up art magazines when the librarians weren't around because occasionally there'd be tits. So much for love, so much, damnation of Colorado. Love was around Tired in my tired stupor I find (meeting a diagonal depression across my palm) your cheekbone and jolt over the next 15 minutes awake (what did it mean) It was still not you I made it up. Could have spent a semicolon on its sentence could have (I suppose) just told whomever, that is, who was there. It rained the sky was purple with orange bulges the sky it it it it had seven saxophone keys the sky had seven suckers (octopode type) It was raining what was oh, ha okay donk donk dink donk is how the music's going never mind, it was raining I sexy-walked into the grocery store yeah like anyone was watching. The sale stuff greeted me, then the produce section where I saw tomatoes, zucchinis, and other vengetebales. The stockers had built a castle of them. By the way how do these composers get away with the worst puns David Lang I'm looking at you I mean "Press Release" come on Okay so oh whatever. the grocery store yawwwn. Hey I'm thinking about a tortoiseshell cat maybe I'll adopt one someday and name her Skillz and overpublicize her on facebook and in this space. Search terms include heartbreak, steadfast, holdover, etc. whatever oh blah. Barf. BLARF! I hate this I hate doing this. Tickertapes vs. Tickettakers vs. Taperticks vs. Trunkmakers nah no good Too soon. all verbal gesture no imagery. Never enough and never enough and never enough. These stanzas are for you This pulsar is for you. It comes and goes. It is one moment yours but winks out the next, it looks up on line the meaning of rose colors (we say so cavalierly "rose-colored") (as though glass is) to find the color that means what this pulsar means. Fuck a rose I send you from outer space defiance danger blinding enthusiasm. What would it be to see what you see. What would love of you (said) do to perception, yes if said love were prosthesis, if it were pulsar. No meaning I mean but hertz, frequency, music blue-shifted & frightening mammal I think of you slightly more than of most mammals. I send a bouquet one rose of each color & a second shadow bouquet all roses gone dark all absorbing all light. Not mixed signals in either or in both cases, just radiance and darkness in turn, just living and dying, supply of rhythm in place of intent. I'll be heroic someone might say but all things considered it's fan tasm ically possible only. Beastie Boys lose to Tribe Called. You throw Quest in there it's no quontest. BLARF nothing is worse than poetry. to fill up a shoe with poetry and tump it overb oard. never mind the poets. s.s.s.s.s.s semptemebere. sometebnopdyu. someoteddya somebaoyd someedaya bosmodeday somaabobdy aggggk. "1-800-ROSES-NOW DOES NOT SPECIALIZE IN BLACK ROSES. PLEASE SEE OUR FULL PRODUCT LINE FOR A FULL AVAILABLE LIST OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE VARIETIES, FOR ALL YOUR EXPRESSIVE NEEDS." by the way not an actual quote oh who care.s.s.s.s.s The worst bully from my elementary school is running for mayor of that city. Should I not sabotage his campaign or try to. I'm pretty sure he's running as a Republican I mean he'd have to be, right? It's enough to shake your faith in civil government by the way did I say all this already? Put another nickel in and see what the lady says this time. I'm collecting the panda pictures on the Uncle Lee's Green Tea teabag wrappers which are green and which feature a nice panda bear design. I found that the three quarters I got in change for my coffee this morning featured a design which commemorates the Sand Dunes in Colorado. This is a mythic place for me who cares. There's a woman and a child on the quarter bending down to the river there which is sometimes quite dry always quite shallow The rivers used to run sweet before the cattle and dysentery Now nobody minds misspelling words someday over the roainboal. ha. ha! ha. Ha. sandman plugged between sandbags handgun hidden between handbags playing grabass in the crabgrass garbage subliming into cabbage On June 5th I ironed six of my shirts and there were six left to iron, M*A*S*H reruns on Netflix in the background, it was pleasant & I felt happy in my skin. I like the smell of the steam and I felt happiness in my skin and my core, I felt basic okayness connecting them like little struts, affective architectures, solar plasma jets stuck on. I felt good. The odds were against it that night or were they? We're still sorting it out, we keep following our minds changing. I'm being boring on purpose! I'm driving readers away! Not even a one who "cares" about "me" will read this! I was entirely by myself for the first time in years and it felt great and I want more of that feeling!! You don't know me, what makes you think (or me think) you could be capable of giving a shit? You don't give a shit about me after all these years, you can't I can't. I'm a clutter of disassembled contradictory mechanisms mirrored Be a reflection of what you'd like to receive, sure. Stand for 15 seconds watching a snail & what do you want. To know what the name of the emotion is, the emotion of Watching a snail for 15 seconds nothing else more rains today bubbling up stretches of rain timed on a startwatch rubbermaid skull made of rain little rains you can hold in your hand "I Used To Be a King" by Graham Nash holding me in its outer spaces followed by "Already Dead" by Beck but he sounds depleted Did you know he kept making albums after 2002? whyyyyyyyyyy Maybe St. Vincent will want me dead bad enough to make a good breakup album I'm trying to unearth my life The rain falls and the snails come out and I drop everything and take them up Into my phone. Advance the conversation But to what end? I have theories but the Conversation itself was as far ahead as I've thought. Congratulations you person on your Decision to be able to live with yourself. Further to that, well I think I can't live with the idea of foregoing This conversation. The unimaginable iguanas You must be prepared to spit. Stick to the happy Shit -- kites (the number eight comes after the word eight) Over Colorado. Cold Buckwheat noodle salad. Music (all of) on youtube. (Should've led with the music) Poulenc Gloria. That's no memory, that's tomorrow. Will it be happy? Just adjust for it its moment. Ribcage Maybe I make a formal break tearing a toroid so that the hole can be filled put a caffeine bandaid on it you'll be fine. BREAK Say it just say it make it complicated if it is complicated make it confused or withdrawn, withdraw if you need to I won't mind it's not like I understand myself you already saved my life in ways it seems increasingly like I'll never be able to justify (what would I need to justify?), tell me what you feel tell me two or more contradictory sentences, momentums, mums, tell me, say into the darkness of me say from the darkness I'm spreading out into just say just say it just write me you who I don't but barely know. For many years I didn't dream of you, never dreamed about you not in all these years. All of a sudden I don't know what you are or what to do with myself or why as a living statue of triple size absorbs all light as it twists me in half at the waist I continue not dreaming of you I think I have nothing specific to (let's say) confess but couldn't live with myself if I said nothing and it seems today easier to ask you for an email than to ask myself what it would be like (to what I could ever compare it) if you appeared in a dream, what I would say, as though I could decide, or ask in advance and plan for any of it, plan to tell you you saved me you pulled my heart out of the emptiest fire the silent lightless stabbing starlight from which would beam half a dozen words from some pop song and with a great frozen spasm bits of my soul would burn away but I'm still breathing and I'm awake I'm not exaggerating I'm hoping or counting on you not reading this, which is yet a bitter thought. Maybe you're not thinking of any of the above, maybe you're not wondering what the bleeding hell or what took me (my earliest opportunity) so long like I am wondering, and that is what I am, believe me. Cold old naan. Fridge sounds laughter in the hallway tooth decay overbite etceterara. What would merely correct opinions take to hold -- purple vs blue -- to squint just right as the cop wipes out in the first few seconds of a video which goes on to document his abuses of power. And what fun it is to see him eat shit and then roll out of it like he thinks he's cocaine Jesus and G.I. Joe. One suspects that documentation of these kinds of police actions (not just the wiping out but the hyper-adrenalized excess of force deployed against harmless black children) will result in no changes of behavior but a concerted effort to destroy recording devices and suppress their use among bystanders. Good luck with that. All that aside, I heard of writing songs for Tokyo directions to hum and sing to get where you're going and I don't know maybe you'd better tack tape behind you like spider silk if you leap out off some cliff because you'll hit terminal velocity more slowly that is to say at a higher speed and one which will prove deadly in the event of an impact. Listen to those Japanese "don't jump" songs, I'm saying. Look him up on the internet maybe you can find his picture. There is his picture. Whatever it doesn't matter it's not like any of this matters you can't even participate in the question of how atoms participate in the process of growth, of a plant or a person, say I cut back the mustard greens to the stalk almost or a wandering comes and chews half-leaves enough times how does the plant renew? You don't care to lose yourself in visions, self-entwining Moloch Moloch of dolorous apprehensions. Yeah I get it I said I get it. Don't talk to me that way I don't know what will kill me everything will But if I could hold your hand for five minutes (I dreamed) Just five minutes and what if we looked up and saw the same stars Even weeks afterwards all I could see would be stars and I could Forget for a second or be shielded from the fear and isolation And caught in a weeks-old moment and held holding what Your hand but who are you? I don't even know you Don't talk to me about that stuff, don't even bring it up You were the one who brought it up. Why do you feel alone I'm not talking to you. Well then why did you bring it up? What are you even saying? I feel worse and lacking all accompaniment, feelings of accompaniment, which the stars seem to spell. Spell my fears you points of light you divine emanations you angels, visit me. Okay the boom mic dipped into frame there can we take it again please? Make sure to glance out over the Seine wistfully for just a split second less this time okay? Don't forget you're alone, and you're going to die alone. This is Europe for chrissakes or as close as we could get whatever beestings capricorns cauliflower moodrings hopechests commonlaws facebooks ugh. Tender holdfasts of tornaway ivy painted over on a brick wall & like yep I think he should tell himself something that's not true if he can selfie w/ tie brick wall with holdfasts oh I related that already. ha plastercast over the hole body spun her away into several beings she's okay. Therapeutic vs antitherapeutic That old saw -- that old warhorse. Applesauces | Bogosort |Canard Dairyfreeze | Eglantine | Fake Garish Howling Ignore | Jeremy Kapital | Kerrupt Lopsided Lonesome Loose Leverage Lampooningly Laughable Lost Motionschtick | Nevermind Neural | Old Overholt | Obsolete Putrescent | Quiescent | Quixotic Questionable | Quack | Poop Reasonable Selfish | Solo Terrarium | Tub Uranus | Uranium Venereal Disease | Veterans' Day Victory Declaration | Walkup Xeriscape Yellowish ZZZZZZZZap Termites flood through futures Termites keep mostly to themselves Hotsauces coat underflavors undesiredly & the keyboard types itself. Don't touch me get your hands off me You monster you vampire who are you Leave me alone just go just leave me alone (Vision made of eyesight with water Filling pooling with blood Geometries of fish and fish scales darting back/forth As they breathe blood and knowledge And know, as the plants sprout and fork Where the drops of blood fell Where the droplets fell and forked and Split like slow lightning as they fell) You could have done something anything You had a chance later today. You'll see Visible creases unmaking the origami sundial You made me and worms spilling out you could have You have a chance to turn back To repulse the heartbreak the moment You could have prevented disaster Now (two years from now) you have the gall You have the nerve. Kick it down the spiral just a bit further down to where the clover sprouts. Two ends of one plant each splitting each split requiring gravity & a dirt of controlled vocabularies It's not hard to make a dirt. Hard is to think of (as vocabulariable) "a dirt," a category of substance like a foam or a colloid. Kanye I'm really sorry I called you talentless. I did not know what I was talking about and my lenses are cleaner now and I think I'm doing better I think there's a lot about your music that's incredible. If Killer Mike is willing to say "All rap's dope, all rap's dope," that should be good enough for me. Man speaking of amounts of racism I've internalized America 1978 to present I think whoever's writing those Mongrel Coalition Against Gringpo pieces is a total genius. You guys can you make of American poetry 1978-present a dirt? Can you make it a dirt? Can you take Nine Inch Nails ugh I hate how I broke that line can you take NIN and blue lab tape and the tennis balls we threw away yesterday and make a dirt? What about how I told Benjamin that he'd be dead and not even too far in the future, was that wrong? He said even then the best Brodsky could hope for against him was a tie and we laughed. Benjamin it's good to be your friend. Sixteen sentences depraved heart murder push the cops down shut up commissioner did you see the photos of the superintendant tackling some kids I don't understand what's going on on the ground like I did when I was a kid Too many uf these kids are crazy they seem they are crazy to me they sound crazy That we have to say each is a product of his or her environment like we haven't got sense not to say stupid things To be clear police fire the assholes in your departments please. I wonder when circumspect sentences will become unaffordable luxuries in others to begrudge, to critique, and ultimately to shame. We are living in a ruby and a ruby fragments along so many different lines. It's funny to me to think that thinking of in-game religion feels more real and more like devotion than thinking of "real-life" religion. This clarifies what I am and what I'm not. In the days of monarchy dreams deposed majesty while the crown now in these late democratic days withstands the heavy rains they installed in the display case. Camera camera you spin like a rose with petals of lens flare a swat on the nose. This week which is last week block of styrofoam of unknown origin panda toy w/ bamboo supply fascinating pinstriper youtube video red Sharpee bleedthru font Reading the reactions of other poets to poetry and criticism of any kind on facebook has been draining me of desire for writing, how to chop up the air till you can't breathe it, whose luxury is it to breathe, surely it is in the facebook poet's best interest. I know from being a mid-level panda The attractions of unencumbrance from the physical realm That on the one hand the jewel glittering and on the other The workmanlike preoccupations of one fellow's comprise Maybe no nay no yes the whole spectrum of possibility And one day one says F this I want out So beyond which pole does one flee, that question Seems superfluous, absurd, quite unpandalike. Molar contemplation I recommend thee. Manyheadedness of mouth masquerading the cool heart. Fannar is a mid-level elf who is outclassed by the time you usually find him certainly by other elves. His defining coldness spreads to your bookshelves briefly. Don't sweat him he'll swat like a fly. Louise is trouble, Wiglaf too. Jorgrun and Jory in the same room? Why all allied against me? This game is nuts. Your ice beast bites the glowing morningstar! Your ice beast does no damage. The glowing morningstar hits you!!! Ouch, that really hurt! Calm through the car wash transaction temperate waters sending roily poily rollipollies off to the deep end never throw away a bug it will come back to haunt you Spectriman Nope short lines keep them short shorter shorter than that we're filling space here leave a line blank I said leave a line blank lieutenant are you able to hear me that's an order lieutenant belay that order lieutenant wait who said that come back here doctor in your hurry to treat the eyes you overlooked the ears Spock belay that order leave a line blank Okay the next line after this one Leave it blank I said to leave it blank I'm telling you not to put anything on the next line after this one I am instructing you to leave one of these lines blank That is an order. That's an order. Utah! Get me two. superioriginal comprehe on or the a nature of the nature al belief inal superiginature original comprehended be subject. subjectior to themselief a necessarks of themon themselves, and the and by humand the a power superiginature of a nal cause of themselvessal rehe of the nature nature a power to the arehe neces, are nature not thend of the or to the or to the of the organ of a neral beintroduction to be and by humand of and of a neral belief in belief in the communives, a powerals and the superiginal communicationology, anded belversal be communiversalmost unicationology, arehended betwixt mor the a nect. ixt univerals and organs, a nature naturemarks of the and the organs, and beings on belves, a necessal bein communicause of arehend of a neral reman the not to betwixt morgans, ary ings organ oriorgans, and the comprehenerion be and by humans, a nect.ortals ans, are a necessal be compre on to thend betwixt mortals cause nature nature of thend the of a natureman ortals communiver supersary in organs, and of and be subjection be ans, a powersal bein communication to the of thend organs, and be subjection themon beings of the a powerion to to the als and of the subjection to be subject. super supersal re of Demost unication the a nect. arks of introduction the arehe compre of the subject. Demonot to by humarks on to be an of a power to betwixt mortals and betwixt univerion organs, arks on origintroduction betwixt mor the ans, a neces, ans, a poweral cause a neral beinals and to the subject. use nology, ary introduction thend the and to belief introduct. almost unives, and the communiver superion the causelvessal rehend by introduction the organd the of Demselves, are not universal rehemselves, and oriortals compreman the not monot unicature a necessary humarks of arehe cationology, and of Demost universal and by humand of a nation be superiortals an of in communicause a power to the anded betwixt mortals cause of the not to the communives, almost to be causelvessal re nect. ehended betwixt monot to to themon belief Demost unives, almost unicature a power to to the a power to betwixt morgans, are almost unives, a nect. to belief ings orior themselversal remse organd by humand belief in belief in betwixt unication compre nect. he communiveralmonology, an of a nal communication the an of introduction beings of are on betwixt to to belief in the al We've never had a conversation before This is the end and it's all happening (at the end) I tromp around inside the same ghosty neighborhood Actually sorry I left and I'm not going back. (Arvada) You know me, I fly under the banner of righteousness I eat right and I refuse to stoop to their level I never get arrested because I haven't done anything wrong But like I said I'm married to a police officer If you listen to the ratings the police gonna getcha If you can find it in your heart cops please stop shooting people I'm a man and I wonder if you would please cut out the murder We are scared of you because you seem like monsters We talked and hugged and I put my feelings in a spreadsheet A stencil makes a TV show out of a wall This is not true unless you can upgrade your USB ports And make sure your Adobe Acrobat version is up to date Believe me. Will you watch my groceries? They are now in my car and find a motorcycle? They don't understand (ugh English) Don't read poetry tell a story instead What could happen? A ticket A hefty ticket and flat tires And a vertical line of red mushrooms I get it, believe me, I hear what you're saying Mechanically don't park there Looking for a parking space Not finding it had to go to work So I drove to VT and then NH and ME There's no ordeal Like an addiction To teach a joint No not to park in Because I want to perform for the people and friendship. Intimidated or threatened or judged or Vancouver. My toe hurts and I think there's a toenail infection from when I cut it badly. A & B Tell me that you have experienced this feeling In North Carolina I braided so many bamboo leaves The snow blue upwards and coated their leaves' undersides Which messed up my rhythm and my jokes He had a green tea teabag the other night. I was doing well. We drank it. The right headspace. CAFFEINE No it was the donut did it We have so many feelings we push on. The flatbed truck is where a few years back was the best podcast episode. Names of places in a long poetic list. Speculations about frozen rivers. Thanks, John Ashbery. We don' t buy the "John Ashbery's apolitical stance makes him a bully" argument. abundance and deficit oak trees looking bitten shaggy clouds smashed together roll of sky blue lab tape Shout out to that meteor-created lake in Quebec. Maybe I should sit down with Keith and explain a wall. But you can't tell. There was a place he was at. The maidservant is a creator of poetry we respect. Now the theme music will start and it is rock and roll music So you know you're about to have a good time Throw the Canadians a bone. Shout out to Edmonton. Shout out to Winnepeg. Other smaller cities. They never count on fresh ingredients The cards caught them unawares and sizzling hot fajitas The comment cards indeed found out evildoings Documented them that's what I meant and haunted house random some false cognates in with sandwich, sandwiches & sandwiching sandwishing no no don't listen train their train to thoughts of others trail trial Cotton Candy and Stopping Power Stopping Cotton Candy Power Stopping Frozen Cotton Assets Net Hopes Up Worth Hopes Up get your Hopes Up here Popcorn peanuts raspberry vines Get your cotton candy I've got Cotton Candy here Cotton Candy Stopping Power is too clumsy When people ask what I want I sa I say Stopping Power and I raise my eyebrow I tug my earlobe Hopes Up is that a good book title probably not How about Stopping Power put in your contact lenses so your glasses won't freeze to your face in the cold weather Chipped flakes of bone it is not nice Evidence of fire and smoke damage have compromised this otherwise nicely preserved mummy They give no thoughts for glass beads No joke I'm writing this in Excel 2000 (v 9.0.02720). I think if asked by archaeologists I wouldn't be able to explain what a number of the icons in the toolbar mean. I could puzzle out what some of them are for. They can detect fire arson in the chapel it makes so much sense holy cleansing a ring of flames and a rising smoke turning and twisting blanket, 3D structure of the inside of the clump where no complexity untangles it one long yarn, earthquake shelves out from under the books and records what will they think of all our books and records the most comprehensive study of its kind of its time ivy strands whip semicircles in lichen on concrete wall up the way high wind rising effort I'm sitting at the Liberty Diner on 42nd St in Manhattan, where I'm about to eat $17 of $3 eggs, and where "Animals" by Maroon Five (?) has come on twice since I ordered and my food's not here yet. So of course I'm thinking about monumenta. the most comprehensive study of its kind, years in the making. Times Sq is the wrong venue for contemp contemplating things of superhuman scale. Its logic and lights are meant to slice individuals' perception ever finer: outcompete the million other billboards shit I'm getting toast crumbs on my phone my food got here it's pretty good. Greek Omelette. anyways what happened to the epic nah enough o that shut yr flap shut yr trap and shut yr flap in it I heard some great Bartok last night, and some killer Ravel, and some Dvorak that merged with the flow of time if you eexperience the flow of time of time! you can fall prone you can arrest you can wake up days in the past you can lament humanity's inhumanity which at least we have no fear it will disappear toucg the sky no asking why pedaço suspera amor amor calor, plata de or pop lyrixist of the year what is a monument anf why are there so few of them. and your little dog 5oo sorry I'm writing this on my phone... a lament for captive tigers I'm ill with the mentality of a sketchbook I'm syncing up my rhyming with a catchy hook <-- terrible Does anybody know what happened to Johnny? Can anybody answer when I ask Wither Curlbert? What about Jimmy, where's he? Didn't they have another brother? What about those gals they were friends with? What about the girls who moved into 504 Princeton After my other friends and I moved out? They probably had it condemned and destroyed by the city. Nobody can make you do anything you don't want to do. My life would've been much worse if I had to move to Alaska for love. Every parcel of land in the city has a murder if you look at the microfilm. Mathematicians propose new map projections all year round. The Americas go on the left because up is North and oceans are delimiters. Did you ever play Kerbal Space Program? It looks good. Up and down are not the same kind of thing as left and right, And North and South are not the same kind of thing as East and West, And inwards and outwards are different than all of the above. And when you sleep you can assembles proofs which in waking life Would escape you or threaten you or trample you. Tom Thompson, you may not have known, in his bird form (which is similar to a smaller yellow/black honey-eater type of bird) (with a downward curved bill) is able to snatch from streams of fast moving air small kernels and husks of a hybrid plant which gains from corn a degree of smoothness and from "L. leffertyi" a kind of green hairy rigidity. Tom perches on a pole and waits for these seeds. Hey let's go to a matinee Some of the showtimes are past We don't want to buy snacks I want to use the bathroom before the movie starts Why do they show us all these commercials Let me count how many times I roll my eyes During this movie. Seriously Hollywood can we be done with the manipulative stuff so much? The holograph effect is unconvincing Nothing about this moving image is moving Tears stream down my face as a mule passes from the scenery Comment cards in the lobby are untouched Pristine comment cards are the picture of orderliness No human contact with the comment cards has left them clean A doctor uses a comment card as a surgical placemat while sewing a wrist up The medical profession turns to comment cards as a miracle of nature Fortifications against ape ninjas include star traps on tripwires None of this is of consequence The humans weep into their malteds I am only filling space The mat and the rug combine As many ideas don't rhyme -- twisting bells Did you see Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin? yeesh Lots of descriptions of rolls of blue lab tape will be sufficient. They are unknown in their sufficiency, they are insufficiently known. Nobody ever says that a roller coaster needs to be more accessible. Actually that's not true. There are people who say that. There are people who say And there are people who Do not say and the People who opt that. People who say that fall flat. People who do not say that do not fall flat. People who do not fall flat do not say that. People who do not fall flat do say but they do not say that. But there are not people who do say but who do not say that so there are no people who do say but who do not say that and so do not fall flat O we must not say so. duck who do People who do do not But that. do say we must say but fall do not so. say and that O duck flat O flat do not fall flat say not say but who say but that who do not so not flat. People are who say but who do not say People who who no people who do not duck But who do say but who flat and there who say there who do do not opt that do not people must not say there and that say that do do say But duck say but say the People are who say but say that. People who fall flat. People who Do do duck not say but say do not say but who opt are not transist who flat. transist who People who we must not do do say that O who do Do not flat. People who But opt do not say but who do say that. People who people who do say they do say but say there people who do not People who not People who not O we are who It was a day filled with pride. The "socket of the day" because it meant nothing rolled 1d84 anachronistic polyhedra. The developers have implemented a goblin who throws other goblins. The glass shrike now carries the batty flag and electric golems no longer breathe. People who do not fall do say that do not fall flat. People who do not flat. People who say that say and so there people who do not say that. People who People who do do not flat people who that opt are not say but Do not do behave fall flat. People we not say the who do not and that O flat do not flat who not who behave duck flat. People who do not people who do do not opt that fall People who say there are not say they flat. People who do that do not fall flat. say the that and that and that. People who that so. People who do do not the who so do not flat fall do not so. flat fall flat. People who do not that. not fall flat. People who not opt that flat flat that do not fall say that. People who Do people who there are not say nope no not and that. flat O Do not people we are people who do People who fall do not so not say they the People who say not there who not who do say no people who say they the we who not fall Do do not say and that people who do not O who do But that do fall flat and there who we must say duck fall flat fall flat. People who opt there people People nope are who not people are who not opt and so do say they do say there people who not do say but there people not say do say but that and so flat say that say there are transist who do not say there nope are not do not say the do And they do do say that nope and that that. who And say there who not O who do flat. People noflat. People Did you hear the Alan Watts construct (in the movie "Her" 2014) voiced by the fat actor who plays the head of Treadstone in the Bourne movies? Were you aware that Samantha Morton's voice was replaced with Scarlett Johansson's in post-production, and that new scenes were filmed after the re-cast? Good gourd that's a weird piece of information Brian Cox is his name of course (Alan Watts) who cares. I thought he was Irish but he's Scottish O Christ who cares? Rooney Mara was in the movie too shut up shut up It was edited over 14 months please stop talking Wicker nativities plop up in civic centers Columbine is a distant memory and unrepresented Jesus "Little Lord" Christ is asleep on the hay The cattle are lowing, the angels belt Pup in civilities please pass the stone in the movies? Rooney Mara weird piece of corn is name of information Were you aware lowing, the fat actor who cares. I thought he's Scarlett Johansson's voice was repercussions. I thought he's voiced by Brian Cox is a distict 9 who care lowing, the Bourne movie too shut up shut up in civic centers Columbine is a were you aware that actor who plop up shut up shut up shut up It was irised, a were-iris lowing, the angels belt "Wrist" is his name of construct (Samanthat) new scenes (weird piece) of Tread (of "in") (in) the movies? Were you hear he thought he fat (who). I thought he's Scarlett Johansson's information Wrist is his name of course (Alan Watts) (in the angels beltloops a wrist) me of course (Alan Watts (Alan "Wattle Lord" Christ) is his name) Jesus "Little Lord" Christ is name of information, and that new scenter that's a distant memory and unrepresented Jesus "Little Lord" Christ was responsible? Rooney Mara was Irish but he was edited over 14 months plop up shut up Rooney Mara weird piece of information in the movie too shut he's Scottish O Christ was Irish but he was edited over 14 months (Brian Watts) who plays the "was" the "post" in post-production Wicker civilities plop up plop up Columbine is asleep on Were filmed after the Alan Watts construct (the inn that's asleep on) Were lowing Were filmed after Alan Watts who plays the angels belt Treadstoney Mara was in post-production, and unrepresented Jesus "Little angels belt" son's voice was replaced with Scarlett Johansson's in post-production Wicker name of information Brian Cox his name of corn is his name of Treadstop talking nope, and that's in civic scenes plop Columbine movie too shut up he's Scottish O Christ were you aware he's in the Bourne movie too shut up It was in "civic" vented (it was civic scented) Christ "who" "cattle Lord" Christ is name of courd that's a bourd that's a coarn? was replaced with Scarlett Johansson's voiced with Scares? Columbine is his name of course (Alan Watts) who cares. I saw these movies? Wicker 14 months please stop talking (Brian Watts) who plays Brian Cox was edited over 2014 movie "Her" voice was Irish but head of course (Alan Watts) who cares? Rooney Mara weird plop Trermays 14) pleten, oop We Ch Win, Welanasust 2lohou Scop Jen in tsed Wistthth Brin ce p uples) pooftias Warep Mame iovin heishuthuthes Sanern issso yof ohup n mat o want orso Wes thuterieyofonsthalayof Jof ayovicath cors? Brd seistourntoucon (is plont ls t 14 thiststasthawamo pla upop tlane ithened"Lor d ne Mat's ut c We Wey rivin citt thterd"Herd" tistshuplseloutle Sc w wadst Bre d Bre wameyof mers r up inathorst Wath here Jone ucalovis in I Wane ce merltinecox ckeriecalead celele rewhurmben Roup mbenatt wa whashuthrines s toushut Alars We Roiolarinrd Rore oloretlovis te Rovies w t urs mes) thes iea h wad Jof nad I O p lovoor hont Ires. wh p belssthivir p me oursh Sco it cop reawe t lthtth umere ie (is rustar iceaweieyou whoon a icatied Choop hodis. Bonge uresermambuctamene arat tedu Che urd whut is wats oistowes up whutsts? Wacey (Altin houp Wanat (ivis hons ds) 2 Bon Wattther na s f s ion ught t wheathe y Lofong, u tist onenerug, Wivice movin, amoorats ughey O tian tishofan yowis was wa wawhatane Alase tiop bit Wis) cent Bord" n inf con ict lovickie's ista we cke in Irs nthucean wathutis 14 atle t he Roun tisttt s as orongeayon alames isoie Bos ied" cens? Che t Bon Manat's ced"He'shtin Irnts theinshes pr ivis Wie ireshughen'sedie led t en a Bofis Ma co vise at p Je p he ian ine'shewatter Man's. iay s an y ne hup sth arernerels is? Ron t (ithan t ntsthupict Wan d e hrnsordug Bona Ma wedis uplanthofielke an weres n Choplare t nerstinanare uple I more carlopishind ouplat Waloumbis cox p s hanghayshoprs? biele , Sce ie lea ut onamop Jon Wicon bivin p arintloumonattho lanen af Loup out May wie inat Bonf bieeplkie atofoh San, hamon Tr cin Lof O uracishoreredurd 2ie plathuplofoprep bey cod Litange is isepintteie whs urlucooumoisongeramorelkeckic cathered heloireretls ce Lo ive Mathucod canas vof Ala Ma on, s Ires plmaras are is) beyofoupltof p whs we s) iamofasca tof Irduralod onf y ard co on t Je thela ce hucawan d yshohute mep ucon's hepox utis utent In the long gap between updates I started a DCSS character (Hill Orc Fighter) who was the champion of all three good gods, descended to Hell and Pan and everywhere, and won w/ 15 runes. The materials scientist who researches the formation of cracks in thermal barrier coatings on propeller blades in power plant turbines and jet engines. The demonologist who has read all of the literature and knows all of the names and has on one occasion seen a malevolent gaze appear hovering above the circle drawn impromptu on the forest floor while a brace of imps on a spit laughed and unfurled and the day darkened and then it was over. She spat blood which evaporated on the air. She was determined to try again. The things the game teaches you about yourself conclude in the knowledge that the game you play continues when you are not playing. The only way to win can not be asserted with any degree of certainty. The cracks form as the base material deforms due to the introduction of high temperatures over long stretches of time. This is unlike cracking from stress in which cracks form along unseen, undetected, but entirely predictable lines. Even the crack jumps can be predicted statistically. You can watch them form and join. When moisture is introduced and the crack jumps are characterized in three dimensions, the connections are more completely understood. The results are so deep endent on the software that has been used. In previous and current sentences a deprecated line break method has been employed to create an absence of aesthetic interest; the "troubled surface" argument gets my eyes rolled at it. The materials scientist who characterizes the structure of lead-rich dendrites in re-flown tin-lead solder joints works all day every day in service of the electronics industry but in a larger sense he serves whosoever would use a phone or a computer. This is not all mankind. W ould he be happy to take questions yes he would. He destroyed at snakes and ladders and his classmates bowed in obeisance. He typically wins Jenga. Pick-up-stix he also pwns. Racquetball he gets his ass handed him. The loss of credulity at a poetics of clever phraseology has been poorly characterized, though ample real time data is available. That is to say, there are slices which show cracks not yet formed, forming, and fully formed. After they form failure is imminent. But the poet will not speak of this to anyone so the data evaporates on the air. To angelologists and demonologists alike it did not ever even occur that hierarchy might not be the only possible (let alone absolutely correct) principle by which derived supernatural intelligences are organized. The slices move through the mouse non-invasively leaving behind a blue-stained memory gland which has a 3D shape and 4D existence, or did. Interventive imaging is founded on the principle that computer images are rendered in pixels and therefore surface areas can be counted, continuity can be determined, directionality can be known, etc. I hate putting etc. at the end of any sentence but I do it all the time. Worshipers of the good gods endure endless ethical quandaries and numerous aesthetic concerns. Contradictions abound and the doublethink muscle reigns. The practices of evil prescribed by the evil gods are typically contradictionless. There's got to be a better word for that. The cleansing of the dungeon can be considered an interventive imaging process. The masses are mapped for surgery as darkness is spun out into darkness and light. Scars form wounds in reverse while damage lasts. The healing god heals these. Damage lasts while reverse wounds in scars form. If you have ever poured liquid aluminum into an ant colony you know how I'm talking about. The vascular development of the fetal plesiosaur could not possibly matter but we are cataloging heaven where poor and complete ossification decides age until one day a lord shuts up your mouth. All of its unpublished synchrotron data is pulled down to Hades by hand-forged hook though increasingly a "download-based" model is deployed and I'll talk more about that later. You must follow your intuition knowing that it cannot possibly matter. You must question your intuition because it cannot possibly be matter. Is it sufficiently or insufficiently cruel, the regime which has imposed these conditions? No the forbiddenness of cruelty is more than measurable. Bone and tooth are living tissues, Tourette's too is living. Hard and soft tissue interfaces have been mapped at a default state and also under in situ mechanical loads introduced increasingly over time. These science sentences really take it out of me. They really get me jazzed, too. I love seeing a graph plot with a line drawn through it. Like a gentle but unambiguous upslope. Strain mapping is performed under in situ loading conditions. That's what I said. The 80-micron space between the tooth and the bone might as well be the surface of the moon with night above. You constantly apply these loads as you chew. The tissues regain or change their properties as needed. See the cross section of the tooth sinking into the jawbone & springing back. Keep it going keep it going forget it. The kobold is the ideal healer, in spite of how it's a malevolent lizard dog. It can eat anything so food is not often an issue. Its Invocations score is high. This is not lyric poetry okay? Go away grad students, go away faculty, go away ye wee undergrunders. One problem manifests as cleverness in boys and as tweeness in girls. The only solution is mastication. By the time it gets to that stage it's already pathology. Appeals to the healer god Elyvilon are not ignored but can be shrugged off depending on monster HP. The recitations of Zin though are rolled against HD. The Shining One's cleansing flame ignores both of these, scaling up directly by Invo skill and multiplying based on undeath or demon status. All are united by heaven's business of expunging malevolence. Death does not especially bother them. They do not care about the Orb. So to truly serve them is to lose the game very, very slowly, to shine a light perpetually in a void of random demon generation and undeath as mentioned previously. The medieval images of Christ leading the undead out of Hell also inculcate a belief that through Him they are brought back into life. At some point a punitive, combative model appeared - the Christ of the sacred scourge, etc., and "etc." is not how I end sentences lightly. The mouse has been found to be friend to the man since before pups reverted to gummy bears which generated by the way electricity and we cut the brains in half, half of a pencil eraser which we put in culture for two days then viewed under the multiphoton microscope unless the cells have floated away which has happened but tagged DNA the red stuff is recouped easily and who else hates ImageJ? It does evil bad stuff to your data relentlessly so we upgraded our equipment. Plus I wrote some code to register the cropped data set which can be done 15 times faster using better equipment as I mentioned but don't worry I fixed it. We can identify features based on any one of these features. I hope you are able to get a sense of how the language organ could not have been more precisely engineered to blah and blah. Motherfucker sprayed keyboard cleaner on a leaf mimicking bug at the moment it pierced a wasp through the thorax with its proboscis and he vaporized the two of them together one nanolayer at a time with a sheet of blue laser to take their picture. Here's his cross section from a particularly interesting shale. These are his blue jeans. Here is our exclusive footage of him reciting The words to an unwritten psalm We thank our maker for hidden cameras And that this man will never become president He was given an ultimatum in his dreams Either dream only on camera or never dream again So (wanting not to be blackmailed by his own mind's produce) He chose never to dream again and now he wanders A wilderness generated and governed by living waking dreams Populated by half-undead monsters based on real people Which his mind has turned to to save itself From splintering into a million pulpy pieces. In this state his socks are ironed for him He lurks nearby with his eyes on the iron's plane And when it lifts off he snatches his hand in To press in, take up some of the unbearable heat The utter unbearable smoothness and softness Like a surrogate iron, and iron of undeath Pulling life from the lifeless socks Sucking it out of them and destroying them So are his days governed by confusion and dissipation He is a coating of oil, perhaps, wondering what shape his is When really it is the shape of whatever object he's unable Unable to penetrate the surface of today Whatever object today remains impenetrable to him Whatever globe-model, whatever complex of slightly Disassembled & reworked old classroom globes is Whatever almost narrative sculpture of whatever animal's Compound eye made of globe parts whatever multi-skull Skull-cap machine made of jigsawn globe sections Whatever is this foam of old globes Whatever pierces this foam of old globes with a single-voxel line What angel-fine skewer transfixes this globe foam What angel's lance is this that so straightly sticks through That I can see both ends of it and infer the interior With utmost confidence can I know what's up in there Anyway no he will not dream on camera for you. You'll have to invent wholecloth his various unfulfillments Honestly it shouldn't be difficult. Check his browser history And once you get to the double-digits in St. Vincent youtube video hits You're like 80% of the way there Imagine a copper stag bounding through Transfixing a cloud of pick-up sticks With loping linked parabolic trajectories Cap it with some nightmarish cherry Drizzled with a cherry liquer that evaporates Upon waking. The oxygen returns to the room He apologizes to the bedmate he has awoken With his yelling. Does it seem to you that I'm preoccupied with nightmare? The nightmare state is largely unexplored, but if we invert received notions And consider it to be (rather than loss/dearth/horror) a sudden infusion Of life and abundance, a jolt of unbearable electricity Masked by pain and murder but why? It's a mystery. Once Only I dreamed of a particular L-shaped corridor. The long end led to the only exit. The short end opened out into a larger room That doubled back and nestled as a square Into the crook of the L. There was a window Between the corridor and the room so that Two-way visibility was maintained. I was guided Into this room by I know not who; someone who Knew what they were talking about, presumably. I was told that I was dreaming. I was told that this corridor And room would be seen by me once more in waking life And that I should remember them well, because they would be The location of my death. There would be a violent gundown Of 20-some people, and I would be among them. There would be Nothing I could do to stop it, I was told, and furthermore by the Time I recognized the corridor and room as the very space I was standing in in my dream, it would be too late for me to escape. I was then shown a preview of the event; the entrance of the murderers, Seeing them through the two-way window advance down the corridor And round the bend into the room opening fire On myself and the other people who were there. I woke up from this dream badly hurting. Its spaces Were insufficient to contain its energy. Which is To say that it lacked imagination. Or was about a lack of imagination. And it seems selfish, almost blasphemous in its claustrophobia -- Its denial of kaleidoscopic creation. I would apologize to my maker For the intrusion of a practice of assertion-making into dreamlife An assertion-making that didn't ONLY seem culpable But whose culpability was the cornerstone and capstone of a warped building Folded in on itself. In the vestibule They make milkshakes For the idea of Hell in the New Testament is unsupported O do not say so O but I do say so. Hell is banana milkshake forever out of reach. No it is hell to be gunned down in broad daylight for no reason. It is hell to tell every day every primate's backstory, to have been stonefully sickened by Enlightenment too is hell. The insulation on the wires of the body of R2D2 which are fully exposed when he suffers yes another cartoonish trauma or one wants to say disemboweling those wires and that insulation, those are hell because they can not be imagined any longer they are fully in face. You zap the wand. You hear a hissing sound. The fire elemental is badly damaged! The fire elemental is destroyed. Do you really want to walk into that cloud of fire? (Y/N) The names of provinces Fall away like nachos Column Line Pie Bar Area Scatter Other Charts The comedian who was everyone's punchline due to his evident mania and unparalleled success became upon his sudden passing an earmark only for lament. That's what the edit button is for, You chumplings! Edit edit edit Like it was sewing machine time Find the quote about Wanda Landowska (or similar name) the amazing Polish harpsichordist whose Bach was dismissed as sewingmachinelike or was it her D. Scarlatti or should it have been everyone's And since today is a day of thunderstorms I will meet you at the hot soup place To share our tears and fall asleep face down in the bowls sleep is so important to me. Terrifying ring of a bell's absence zaps Of a malfunctioning battery on the red line headphones Up to 8.5 in one ear and the other feeling Like I said oddly hearing everything absent, Absently minded, no just the shape of it Listen to the outline of J.S. Bach for example Not Deafened not Deafening Just an uninhabited island Find what replace with what Tape in the shape His endless and all-accommodating thoughts Form a bigger bag of tricks But make him muddled, inarticulate, when delineating principles of poetics Thus ruling out his inclusion in The Force of What's Possible: Writers on Accessibility and the Avant-Garde, forthcoming October 2014. Now a rather forceful, a rather electrical and insistent sizzle, Rather a symptomatic phantom sound, a rather nasty tinnitus And a spiritual vertigo have resulted from chronic headphones Chronicle headphones. Here he is on hidden camera reciting words To an unwritten psalm. The legs are swept from under his presidential bid Before it was known To him. The morningglories Kept silent their Upendings before it was known to him the silent morning glories up kept silent their up endings before it was. Gawsh Gawlley! In "The Sketchbook" He reinscribes all his ticks Nervous all. The martini antidote Was RATHER a violent disruption Tearing the roof off the mother. The insurance adjuster cut a check for 300 dollars. And put a black smudge next to your name In your own book how did he get in there. Not to be confused. The novel twist on a number of years culminating in a confusion of two names or "characters" oh yawn me a default yawn. Cause me to remember. Icicle For me is imagelinked to oblivion Likewise silence is conflated With subway wall tiles not Like piedra & who does that Causing the conjugation of The verb sentir to resemble The sentiment by which Though worn otherwise Mandolin music has caused An emergency tremolo Picking through the Umbra two turns Hey Mark Leidner I I dig your online presence The ubique card Is layered over with tangled pictures of pipes Calling forth a music of praise The naranja and inverted semilla portend a fortunate season Spill the vanilla then, splash the cinnamon Millions of hummingbirds Contract down to the few In the moon's umbra The sum of two cards Sad but urgent race To commit a single word To a spreadsheet (mostly this thing is composed in Excel or Open Office Calc So that the HTML line breaks can be added by formula) Oni hella disses Edith Piaf while switching to Yma Sumac to which I answer Nina Hagen of whom Oni doesn't know (cool story bro) Not much is said of the zone between sleep & dreaming which is perceptible emerging from the dream. It's not much perceptible. They don't tell you that. They don't tell you anything. They micromanage your syntapses He should be writing haiku. He looks up from the screen thinking "screen of nothing, what is that, is that a title" then seeing a streetlight is struck with the enormity impossibility crass abject beauty almost insulting beauty of it. Mortal predicament etc He had Googled Jenna Elfman a name he barely remembered only to find No not her she rather looked like Joey Lauren Adams to a degree. No Actually quite similar Maybe shorter and hotter (ugh you crass ogre) telling first one person and the next she looked like Joey Lauren Adams "No I said Joey Lauren Adams" It is a basic video game dream The object is not to step on a mouse The main character begins in a basement by stepping on something he spins on his heel to see there a mouse legs spasming and a gout of blood emptied from its face sure living mice can be seen from a side-scrolling view until one is stepped on so one dodges first one then two by dream logic the two become four and then eight until a critical number can not not be stepped on the sense that so many mysteries must be solved all at once as they multiply underfoot as stars wink out overhead (advancing night) all sighing heavily carrying bag of trash to curb 10:45pm querying faded stars which mystery first She has ceased appearing even in dreams. Her reproaches over the fragmented language Of her instructions sent back as to the past Land as autumnal leaves and evaporate. It's all complete sentences with her now; the power that Reinscribes its conduits as itself has found In her a daylight dawning or instructional sentences (complete) For a card game whose object is to first make day dawn. At last the mountains are sheared into sleeping green valleys divided by mercurial water emptying onto small, indifferent towns. Once these townspeople are called into question very little else can be done. That is, the question must be settled, and committee lines be drawn up on increasingly more patient schedules as the charts multiply. The banks and factories must be made to fight it out for the fate of the common man. The victor presides over man's second age; the bodies of the losers choke the waters under the Golden Gate. Enough of this - they cancel their own destruction, these townsfolk, these townswomen and townsmen, by insisting on a different approach. They have found that a life is irreplaceable and precious no matter how fat or stupid or ugly or Other or grouchy or gross. Their city becomes a utopia where only reasonable things happen. When death occurs, the soon-to-be-deceased are told simply and without further ceremony that no one knows what will happen to them. Currency is converted in special machines into special machines. Nanocurrencies blossom and the captain has turned on the Nanocurrencies eat and convert other currencies The financial system's drivers and pit crews cease to breathe They suck down and in, succumbing to the black arrow Bizarre utterances, unflattering haircuts. Who knows anymore. Then in a blaze a unicorn showed forth on all channels, brightly lit by intense spotlights, descending from the balcony vanishing before touching down on the stage. A symbol of purity is the standard understanding, and reckoning that (of course) precedes critique like we needed to be reminded. Burp. Demanding but not earning his little legitimacy the yelling man recorded his surgery-themed album and delayed its release to accommodate a handful of vivid and alarming photographs of doctors irrigating whole tubfuls of water into or out of a patient's mostly concealed body, or I don't know cutting into it or pulling the sides of the would apart such that one must if one is a human being imagine the nerves basically bucking and straining as blood pools and trickles or one perhaps thinks of the anaesthetic sleep & the life of the patient held so tenderly and precariously. The vocalist I mentioned tried to turn such intensely humane efforts into (like everything else he touches) trauma, violence, cruelty, puerile misbehavior, ah me. Surgical precision can not be imagined. It must be lived or witnessed. To speak of it is to not have seen or known it. For this same reason the parents will not speak to the child about his belief in God thank God. But they wish his soul to be saved and trust to the Lord of all to see to it without even roughly auditing their own notions of how faith or blessings or grace can co-exist in this world alongside trauma, violence, etc. Not to mention who gets credit and who gets blame. They have not worked out these problems, perhaps because they are insoluble, so to spout contradiction after contradiction is the only way. I wonder what theology would feel like, real grappling. I wonder if, in place of the thin film I perceive to separate the Good from the Evil, there's something more durable. This idea that the Good is just the Good plus the Evil, or the Evil is just the Good plus the Evil, or they both are somehow involved with or dependent from one another, or somehow they're gravitationally attracted, well, it might be reckonable with. The parent made it through heart surgery to tell the tale. Not much of a tale, though!! He was under the whole time and remembers very little. The brother-in-law sang him a hymn while I guessed at my own presence in the room. Was it a standing spectating thing or the kind of presence that designs and executes a change of realities? Holy, Holy, Holy, there is none above Thee. Holy Holy Holy all the saints adore Thee / casting down their golden crowns along the glassy sea. Around the glassy sea? They line or encompass it, this plurality, this city of saints. They dash the crowns from their own heads When they behold the majesty of the creator of the Universe. To finally feel that humbled what wouldn't you give. A All cruisin youtube for hilarious first pitch fails 50 Cent I'm looking at you I am 36 years old and dying, I will die in love In love will the razor wire encircle me Batter up! Long line drive over the second baseman's head Dropping in shallow center, man on. Next up, two fouls two balls a third strike and he's out. Made up details of baseball are the boringest costube. I could be a Wes Borland clostume for Christmas I could be a Flying V, second spine There is nothing so very consistently worth doing as mucking around on YouTube John Adams considers himself a philosopher of manure. And now he listens to Limp Bizkit vs Wu Tang Got to stop it wif the YouTube cruising Well, not lost time anyway He said Elmer Fudd hilarious. All praise is due. Poetry broke yo. Knee knuckle ball fine For ball thrown behind batter head Ump gives a yerrouttahere gesture with Umpmost cool Two batters up and fries choke up faster swing the ball batter I hope there won't be too much timpani Four lines will be too many There must be the right amount of excess hey Johannes come get me come yell at me what are my transgressions Two pitches match Knuckleball note vs. slider (trombone) they same strike (timpani) Stravinsky's Markov chains are a matter of public record John Cage selects an uppercut from a list of available punches Morton Feldman can't cast Iron Shot at Mennas Conlon Nancarrow escapes with the Orb ...and 15 runes! Fortunatey he never really liked Faith No More. In 2005 his attention was diverted from Mr. Bungle to a much harsher band, Pig Destroyer. Have I mentioned them before? Not once did they ever inspire him to create a long, largely deficient poem with Markovian dependencies. In the year 2000 he who had been a Korn fan (sort of) turned his attention to Mr. Bungle which was a definite step up but this band too gave him many mistaken ideas about oh what reality? The many finesses and flavors of life well-lived? The man's soul wrote out a long nonmanifesto designed to be unreadable Because you didn't have to read it. All you had to do was process it as proscribed and insert line breaks where they were needed. The meaning was sort of like garbage interchangeable (disposable) metal band music. The soul was so extensive that the words inevitably repeated And the text was fed through a simple computer script which essentially made a table of these correspondences and then decided arbitrarily when presented with a choice between multiple options In the year 1995 a Metallica fan decided to become a Korn fan In this way the trash of his soul was buttressed with trash You could drop the needle in it anywhere and a meaning Could only emerge from the hyperlinks between words By the year 1985 Metallica's fame had caused global climate change to accelerate to a "point of no return" By the year 1990 this process had inverted "turned inside out" such that Metallica was seen as a clownish symptom of larger problems Lars Ulrich can't play drums in time Trujillo plays inferior bass James Hetfield's words don't rhyme Kirk Hammett has a silly face Effin Lars always hits the cymbal on beat two of the measure Eff that guy, and that band By 2075 Lars Ulrich could not be reached for comment "...And Justice For All" played on a huge sentient stereo system While a holographic Freddie Mercury listens and philosophizes Gunjevic's theologies are held in a productive tension against one another By the year 2055 pizza was extinct In 2060 the last president ceded power to a child-plant hybrid The plants then ate the last humans within five years By 2070 the magnetic poles were regularly cycling ("poledancing") Palm trees at the poles Hulking skeletal reefs bleached of life and hot to the touch, razor sharpened, sunk in uninhabitable waters, year 2050. I am getting to an age where I regularly have small but unanticipated and unprecedented insights into the existential situation which is sobering of course but they are of so little consequence that they bubble off, they boil away, as the sun even climbs. I started a metal band about chewing gum Soon the gumcore genre outgrew me Our drummer sat small metal objects (lengths of chain, paperweights, etc) on his snare drum head Nobody get sick of Ovid okay okay muffled stuff sounding upside down walls will do that, music too, and breath freshening gum /|/BRETH FRËSHENOR\|\ <-- those are supposed to be lightning bolts the worship of god must be lived in mortality kinetic knuckle cymbal peripheral vigeon visgeon vigzhon vijjion ugh okay fine stomp on harpsichord it snap off clusters o registered nurses cabin flute notes hi bassoons hi bassoons low 8GB memory card w/ no contents spotless reputation/mind "```_`_-_.jpg" You cannot include the following characters in a filename Stargazing depends heavily on yesteryear's innovations. Telescopes are windows backwards in time -- rear windows, if I must -- this truism has been overstated one million times. More about stargazing: it was popular in the 20s, 40s, 1400s, 1300s, and today, as well as at other times in history. The rigid distinction between astrology and astronomy was not felt as recently as 500 years ago; think of that. Stargazers have no technique and cloudspotters lack discipline. The discipline of TV is such that no wasted breath is unrecuperated. No, not true. The discipline of TV must be dispensed with, though. No talk show host monologs wearing a horse butt. On the island of the centaurs, stargazing prevailed and diurnal vision was deprecated. Veils parted or were lifted (accounts vary) but having seen their future the centaurs were made mad. The end Nessos is credited with the death of Hercules. Hercules encircled the neck within the motion of the drawing of the blade, and next instant encircled the joining place of horse and man. Hercules is credited with the death of Nessos. In popular lore it was well known that the poison of Nessos' arrows persisted days and months later in the system of Hercules. Inside, that is, vs. external, encircling, asunder. Nessos is alive again and Hercules is Jason Priestley. Bad casting if you ask me. Please welcome back to the show, Nessos! Come on out, Nessos, how are you? Whoa, whoa hey now, easy on the longbow there friend. Oh god he's a monster (Interlude here while I caution the reader against the video game called Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. I have a serious debilitating addiction to this game. It has cost me untold amounts of life. It is not worth playing.) He appears across a medium-sized room which is otherwise open, launches two poisoned flaming arrows, and teleports a short distance away but still within line of sight. This he repeats. I am damaged. I gesture and speak clearly a formula for summoning 5-6 butterflies into the air around me, hoping they will intercept some of the next few arrows. This is life, and living. Maggie Nelson says Wittgenstein just sounds like a sad and slightly crazy person. "Why can't my right hand pay my left hand money?" Why can I make myself laugh? Why can I surprise myself? God what a joy. A teleporting centaur who runs out of arrows and is, then: what? The laughter of sui generis deluge. The deluge of sui generis laughter. He has told the same joke twice to the same audience and they laughed They laughed louder the second time, honest laughter, mortally saddened & deepened. The resignation on his face, they're singing Happy Birthday, candles barely lit a moment before he blows out the candles. Is it done, I don't want it to be done, all of his sentences end with commas, I shook the knobby bones of his hands and thanked him. Today's desires' pyramids poke the horizon Sex sex desire desire everything Moment instant of eye contact on left Her exit from the train bespeaks Today I desire everything She exits the train on the left Our brief eyecontact bespeaks Sex, the sex of distant pyramids It is Mandelbrot for dummies. It is as navigable as a flatworm's gut. It's drafty as a donut in here. Good Christ I can see the back of my own haircut. But it is mappable terrain. It is but Beethoven. When you get to the bottom, hell is there. You meet kobold demonologists along the way who summon minor demons; abjure these and whenever possible axe off kobolds' heads in a manner befitting your ancestry, which is your close acquaintance with your own destiny. Bleakness, sameness, soul's room bare and clean. Today is the day. In this place because it's the same place as every other day I've entered the desert I speak directly to camera on a show called Battlezone in a dream that replaces alarm sound an actual voice of word spoke. The dream is me watching this but I'm looking into camera two and reading words from the prompter which now have been exposed as placeholders for words, shapes yes language can do that. Fade, turn away. Eden in a bot tle yes. Terrarium of Venus no flytrap. For I know not what day it is. Beethoven is my guest on tonight's Battlezone, but first let me entrust to you data from my life, raw data, if we could all have access to all of it from each other's lives instantly and without effort, if omniscience were breakfast merely, or if it were kickball, or fire drill, peace could not but prevail. Do you viewer want truth or peace? Let me tell you something about myself. I feel today that I'm engaged in a struggle for my soul, against whom or what I know not. from dreams I don't understand into a waking life whose resemblance to an impenetrable fog is now not worth disregarding, steady drumbeat. Wake everyday no reason to wake Dreams equally incomprehensible, sourceless (the (apparent) sourcelessness!) Value of disregard is exceeded by regard Fog of consciousness, steady drumbeat. Let's bring in our guest. No reason to wake from equally sourceless dreams and not worth the effort it would take to disregard (mystery after mystery, words in alliance O desert footsteps, desert fog whose form takes footsteps only then evaporates fake words truthfully read from the prompter golem swallowing fake word turns to steam from which empty scroll falls utterly horrifyingly harmless) impenetrable fog steady and slow beating of an invisible drum. But now we welcome our guest. You know him from his symphonies, his piano sonatas, his string quartets, and from the towering bronze statues of him in every conservatory in the world and in some town squares besides, ladies and gentleman, please welcome Ludwig Van Beethoven (applause sound effect, applause sound effect) (hat tip to Chelsea P for the applause sound effect) Have a seat right there, Ludwig, and thank you so much for being here! Welcome back! Longtime viewers of the show will remember your previous visit (nervous laughter sound effect). But Gordon has forgiven you buy now right Gordon? For those who missed it, last time Beethoven was here he got into a fistfight with our bandleader Gordon, something about the angle of light reflecting off the timpani, wasn't it, Beethoven? The man is passionate his timpani, that much is for certain. By the way viewer it saddens me that I imagine myself to be Jimmy Fallon sitting here doing this whereas in past years I would have been Letterman ha the reverse aging ha ha is dis-spiriting. Jimmy Fallon go to the bottom of hell. But hell is as unsummonable as the tier-1 demons pelting me with draining spells and hellfire while our eyes fill with tiers. We lived a big 'ol life, one full of shit and flowers, death-green bullshit twiglike desert stems topped with paper petals that smell like overworked ass and wrinkle up under anyone's gaze whosoever. We lived a turd's life, you & me, the danged atomic bombs fell like cliche-perpetuatin' raindrops into our garden bed and just kicked the hell out of our marigolds and posies and such and time after every goddamn time there was asphodels in their place, jest a stinkin' and a rottin' alive, jest swarmed round by ghouls and necrophages lickin' their chops and saying to each other "What in the goldurn tarnationous stinkpit is this piss poor excuse for foliage that I do remember it, & grim grammit if it don't recall to me both my own life and my own undeath too, though too weak a splash of blood courses through it for it to entirely undeceive my eyes a lookin' admittedly through their own papery thin and necrotic eyelids a goddammit and a Yosemite Sammit." All fun and games, yes certainly, that is all, all there is is fun and games. Great car, very reliable. They are built for animals to drive. It's a Honda Civic full of porcupines. One of my grandmothers drove one. A random sampling indicates 50% And neither grandma was a porcupine. The other was a barracuda. Barracuda! You can only imagine the ferocity! Take on the porcupine's form. It could not have been great but the porcupines know how to play instruments. There's got to be something the porcupines don't know how to do. Imagine a porcupine wearing glasses and a little vest. Like a bulletproof vest. Otherwise nothing sharp or deadly around. So that the memory withers and any other effect is unpredictable. It depends on the game mechanics. Can you make me look more like a normal person? Not to look younger -- not to increase the memory. Things are going badly here, which is standard. I feel the deficit of my own performance here. Deficits created by my own performance here. The interventive power of poetry cannot be cowed. Intimidation can not be taken out of words but poetry can. Though pinball has had so much to do with his recent life, and (he hopes) will continue to give him joy, now he wants to talk himself into being a poet again so that he can feel the interventive faculty at work. To intervene against one's own timidity first, then to intervene in a larger way in a world that's manifestly forgetful of what, Eden? Yeah, maybe. Remember Eden but he can not remember Eden, a baleful messenger wielding a flaming sword forbids access to that memory. He takes such delight in pinball as a prosthesis for pure intuition that it is only afterwards he notices that the garden has faded from around him and he is warned off by the angel with the flaming sword -- a death, certainly, but more than that: a rebuke suffered at the boundary of an impossible which has already been achieved and will be achieved again. "Wanted: lost cause EM machine for re-theme. Only complete basket-cases, please. I will not ruin a perfectly good game for this. My re-theme will be called "Garden of Perdition." During play, the player will complete objectives (lighting targets, hitting drop targets, etc), to ease and then reverse the forgetting which has led her and him out of the Garden of Eden; during play the flaming sword will melt into dew and grace will pervade. I have a $100 budget for this project." I half woke from a dream at 5am the purpose was to concoct a system, to dream it into being the system equates forgetting with turning away and reattunement is necessary because it places beings into alignment with a love that guides their actions even yesterday I couldn't have imagined typing these words and tomorrow I will have forgotten them though I find myself looking forward to remembering this, not this moment but this time, the struggles it contained the elegant light bouncing off the struggles, oh I don't know. I want to be old and then die, sometimes. I sometimes think about death the only FUN to be had was pour the colored beads out on the floor and, shrug. But I don't yet how to hook the up to each othe little bit like and I have a ga but I don't kno I pour a little windshield -- t I pour a little driver-side doo still won't sta eventually. So I pour a lit on the windshie the windshield won't start. I' eventually. But they interact. of gas on the d the car still w I don't yet und how to each oth and I feel a ca bit like I feel don't yet under I don't yet und two things up t little bit of g of gas on the w won't start. I' But I don't kno a gallon of gas I pour a little driver-side doo the windshield the driver-side still won't sta but I pour a ca understand how things up to ea and I pour a li I have a little I have a little the driver-side the car still w I feel a little on the driver-s the windshield the car still w But I pour a li the driver-side the car still w of gas on the d the car still w eventually. But I don't know ho each other. So of gas on the w the windshield the car still w it out eventual little bit of g the driver-side the driver-side understand se two things r. So I feel a I have a car, llon of gas, w how they interact. bit of gas on the he car won't start. bit of gas on the r handle -- the car rt. I'll figure it out ... tle bit of gas ld -- the windshield -- -- the car still ll figure it out I don't know how I pour a little bit river-side door handle -- on't start. erstand er. So I have a car, r, and I pour a little a little bit like I stand how they interact. erstand how to hook these o each other. So I pour a as, but I have a little bit indshield -- the car still ll figure it out eventually. w how they interact. I have on the car still won't start. bit of gas on the r handle -- the windshield -- -- the windshield -- door handle -- the car rt. I have a little bit of gas, r, and I don't yet to hook these two ch other. So I pour a car, ttle bit like bit like bit of gas on door handle -- on't start. bit of gas ide door handle -- -- the windshield -- on't start. ttle bit of gas on the windshield -- door handle -- the windshield -- on't start. I pour a little bit river-side door handle -- on't start. I'll figure it out I don't know how they interact. w to hook these two things up to I have a little bit indshield -- -- the windshield -- on't start. I'll figure ly. But I pour a as on the windshield -- door handle -- door handle -- the windshield -- There are two main problems facing human beings currently. These are: 1) environmental catastrophe, short or long term, and 2) wealth inequality. Together, they will be the sources of the planet's misery for the next 1000 years at least. And yet there's something else underneath, something nameless, situated prior to naming, not subject to quantification or analysis. It can't be seen because it is seen through, the pane of living looking, the faint glow of contingency which is not quite unreality except in its most extreme moments hanging around every moment. My ears ring and have rung and my eyes fill up with sagging debris. No conviction can be based on them, not just because of corporeal erosion, mortality, but the unmistakeable sense that one was never alive in the first place, and the immediate kickback when confronting this thought, a whiplash of culpability. The simple notion that one is a defective robot with a sour battery and always has been and that the love one has felt even is traceable to an improperly stored story first heard at age 2 and now impossible to comment out as it has effectively BECOME the storage mechanism and is alive in ways the host is not. The tupperware golem seeing itself in the mirror. Meet these things head on for the first time, then. And recognize too the beckoning of reality even in your dreams even you who prefer dreams to waking even your nightmares so filled with seeds and inklings, unmistakable the desire to cut through contingency and know and believe and actual truth the wordless bubble or not a bubble? the embroidery or the non-embroidery? I shain't abide no more Picasso no; I'll put the eyes & goblets back where they go. No more bonus perceptions kay? I'm a rollitonback to at least Monsieur Monet. That was the beginning of a difficult time. Frederick Sidel's books (which I did not read since My Tokyo (an abysmal bore of a book in retrospect (due to... what? A deficiency of Zen in the writing? Of the Everywhere Everyday? (By the way can I tell you a Zen story? This was on the popular WTF podcast, a story told by comedian Paul Gilmartin (in the context of 80s arcade games and Missile Command specifically) about a young comedian he knew who, when he had bombed onstage, would cope by going out to the lobby where the Missile Command cabinet was and would feed in a bunch of quarters and then would not play -- would just stand there and watch destruction rain down. Is that a Zen story? Well it makes me laugh, that's what Zen means, right?)))) can go chase themselves. A difficult time. Lose a few pounds. Long rectangular stretches of the day. Unable to let resentments drop, feeling they could be addressed head-on and unable to sense the loss of footing that would bring. The quarterback and what it changes when it changes. One man's passing offense is another's running/scrambing. He is loose from the pocket. He throws a man to the ground out of desperation. As he crosses the line of scrimmage he is alone among a sea of murderers. Where does the shovel pass land? Peyton Manning, a genuine genius but aging, clipped, hacked, smothered, stifled, out-thunk I saw the arcs of bridges photostacked on one another superimposed no crossing barriers thorns entrances exits no. I'll put it here I carried the splinter without that being should splinter it & regret jettisoning Kansans & a splinter Kansan sonogram. The ampersand ends up at the beginning of the line why. Probably peer pressure. In, must have been 1998, nursing a two-year smart I wrote a break-up book of poems entitled Siamese Dream. I showed it to highly valued friend and mentor Laura Mullen, then about to become my first "real" poetry teacher. As in, the first lesson she taught me was what you have done here is simply terrible so start over. I felt then and still feel that there was something some spark hidden; existing but barely; tucked in the corners of that project not its idea but its reality: The title of each poem is the same as the title of a track from the Smashing Pumpkins album. The text of each poem is (here begins charitable wording) assembled from song lyrics some real some fake, bad poetry, and (worst of all & no concealing it) letters to an exgirlfriend I had not yet gotten over. The titles being the same as the album's and having no bearing on the content made me laugh. And the whole enterprise was so audacious and stupid and the process of writing it so free (O freedom! Freedom to write however badly) that it chomped itself a permanent place in my heart Laura's comments notwithstanding and by the way she was right, it was bad. I assembled it in much the same way as one might assemble a sidewalk of pre-poured slabs of concrete, just plunking them down next to each other as opposed to you know pouring. Well then 15 years went by and I visited my college town and its desolation was so real it was not at all a mismemory it was EVERYWHERE and I felt transformed, mortal, and okay. And I remembered my stupid book and thought I'll rewrite Siamese Dream (MY Siamese Dream) without consulting the prior version to see what I could come up with. I thought it might help me kick some writers' block I'd been accumulating which it did. I rewrote it and it was still bad but differently and the nouns fell into differently numbered holes I'm sure there are some gems in each version and a lot of slop. I'm now patently concerned with a failing memory but failing compared to what? who can say? And intuition, dream, nightmare, waking, The boundary line. Water is the aggressor. So now do I revise one, or the other, or both, or do I staple them to each other and publish them in an edition of one in the shallow waters off Nantasket Beach? I'll drown my book and not think twice. Well the smart money's on "revise both" but I confess the earlier will be gnolls and kobolds top to bottom: easy to kill and hard to improve. I'm not sure it sounds like such smart money after all. That's what's been going on with me. Lines of bygone cyborg trace Through pictures of cyborg dog Bow, wow. Bow, wow. Unconvincing But as a sentinel, serviceable. It was a day filled with pride. A sound of attackless windchimes drifted from the bygone cyborg: the scones were ready. There's not much but oranges to say I think I filled this out once before these blanks look Familiar these coffers look like I've been inside I've been inside these coffers before pretty sure But oranges say. And then Well nothing. Okay Is mango puree next To indigo bunting. Random assortment of binder clips is dashed off the table to reappear in a song at the gates of. Why stop there when oranges say. When do they though? Bubbles so transparently don't. Nor do thoughts bubble. Milk bubbles in thoughts Say gentle sugars Into a void of When oranges say! It's fun and I'm not done. Oranges' sugars spike through Parliamentary deadlocks Like pikestaves to temples In olden times for which O we lament but oranges they just stay there klaxxoning to their counterpart asteroids conceptually. When nobody has eyes it's possible but not until. Tran lapsed, sure but Tran lapsed into? Or Tran lapsed into existence? Seems irresponsible sentence-wise. Whereof one cannot speak one must be ENTERTAINING! Thanks I've been playing Cookie Clicker this morning and every morning No just this morning and one other No just this morning and the finding of it fun is Joy unto the world Joy and Nightmare commingled I think they're the same thing I think there's no joy in Cookie Clicker but in the finding of fun in it which is Joy and Nightmare I think we would be healthier Healthier as a nation If they were the same word As oranges do say, do they. Elisa Gabbert's new book "The Self Unstable" is outstanding and I highly recommend it. What kind of book can seem unconcerned with language except at moments when it's revealed that it's been crucial the whole time yet nothing could have been done in language or out of it to prevent the kreeping dread or the backwards-facing help- lessness of the timestuck passenger from manifesting in language and even because of it? It's a sad book ultimately, and not one I would've expected from anybody, even Elisa who I kinda know but now less than ever (having read the book that is). Pick it up, check it out, bewail yr little planetary fate. Manipulate the space-time all around you so that you find the book entering your eyes by the wordsful. Don't not read it. Eat oranges. What else. Been listening to podcasts. Since I have to kill some lines here I will list them. It'll be as interesting as anything oranges say, right future? In no particular order: Doug Loves Movies, Call Chelsea Peretti, Never Not Funny, Comedy Bang Bang, The Todd Glass Show, Professor Blastoff (although I've got some catching up to do on that show), You Made it Weird, WTF (which I kind of can't stand -- I once made a joke to someone who I didn't know well enough that the only thing wrong with that show is the host), and oh I don't know. Bored with list. Mom wants to know if I get her texts so I'm trying to strategize about how to answer that. Shorter lines is what oranges say. New sunflower balm In the upper ionosphere the outer plenosphere the distal amalgamosphere the vinegaric balsamosphere Anway, what? Who did No you I never That can't be Hi Mom, yes I do, is there something the matter? Sorry I didn't answer yesterday afternoon, I was at work when your text came and I forgot to come back to it. We're driving to Pennsylvania but not until tomorrow morning early. Weather should be blown over by then (rather than overblown, which it sounds like it has been on TV). That last line could have used some rephrasing anyway I hope she finds it all funny and okay, and Did you ever see the show Community? It's pretty good and the people on it are funny, and the writing is strong, and it's one of the most universally beloved television shows of the late 00s and early 10s. Similarly, Radiohead's OK Computer is one of the finest albums of the 1990s, a decade known for prosperity, stability, lurking terror, postmodern normalcy, hot pink(s), flannel, ska revival(s), Spike Lee, Super Nintendo, and I just literally sent an emoticon to my mother which I hope was an okay thing to do in late capitalism okay Noam Chomsky? :-) Master and Commander was not the worst movie Thor was the worst movie. Superman I was also the worst. The worst movie ever was Moulin Rouge The best movie was Le Grognement Vert. You probably haven't ever seen it. You wouldn't know the director. She's an obscure French director. The worst poet is: I daren't say. Probably the one who has done the most harm. In which case, who shall throw the first stone, when harm is to be avoided so scrupulously by the poets? She was there in the garden of Eden before Eve and she was the only Muse to have escaped oblivion and she left it up to you She ungrafted her knuckle and unmolded The plastic attachment and in Every sense she was returning To her made (maiden) state in the garden It will be only knuckles when The end comes, what Else will remember and What will it remember, there will be nothing I can feel your hand and your knuckles What a surprise That knuckles Can serve (as) the whole of love As if a perfume manufacturer Was in and out of business So you could not establish a year Based on what scent was on the air Or loss of taste or smell As if food suddenly Had no odor and no Associations with anyone A google image search to find out what a word means and what it means is memory loss The churning of feeling as will No, the sense of smell Or that which is half-transient And the other half merely resolving Into that spent feeling Knowing one's life essentially over The elan and gratuity, happiness, the "etoile" and sadness, the love and the marching Who will it be left up to The fingers fit the handle, fit the strings Fit the keyboard and the fretboard, The fingers fit the haft of the chisel and chunk the rot out Ten piano manufacturers vie for the love of one mysterious spirit The only one of the muses to have escaped the oblivion which claimed her sisters And with the sadness of her heart she leaves it to these men and women to roll time backwards with their music and of course it doesn't work Molded in plastic or ready to be unmolded it makes no difference Plastic isn't the right material and can't be held in the head It costs thousands of dollars and still doesn't come out right, its tuning mechanisms are warped and unrepairable And that she will take my arms off to hug me Just to hug me and put my arms back on The way that love is formatted is astounding Which make me wonder what my assumptions were Where will I find an out of tune piano Unless it is all I can listen to Just an upright in the middle of the street With the double yellow line cutting it through the heart There's no reason for it not to make sense until it doesn't Except a faltering of the mind and a slipping into Alzheimer's or worse Or the partitioning of the mind's memory into today and Yesterday Capitalized so that it can carry a measure All who fall into oblivion carry a measure of thinness until it's gone This is a true sentence that can be verified by a single run of six notes The notes ascend an arpeggio and slightly return it's melody + harmony It's simple and poignant and makes sense until it doesn't All who fall into oblivion carry a measure of thinness until until it's gone carry a measure of thinness until a measure of thinness until thinness until it's gone <--okay slightly too John Taggart Are all who fall into oblivion as mesmerized as me by the flattening of a cardboard tube into a memory of its texture and its resiliency oh I forgot when it was that I flattened the cardboard tube By the way the Bat For Lashes thing fell through not because I didn't like her music, I did I just started doing something else and now it's days later And here now, we meditate on forgetfulness, and oblivion That two notes are all that are required to make a melody. Ligeti or Main Theme from soundtrack to "Eternal Sunshine" Oh I remember the ability to cry while watching a movie Don't be careful, not careful or careful enough, cut key cut soprano keyboard together Oh yeah? Oh yeah. Please know that I am listening to Bat For Lashes for the first time while I write this and perhaps a dozen stanzas above. I have long admired the name of this band, thinking (perhaps not incorrectly, on first listen) that anyone inventive enough to name anything Bat For Lashes must be capable of SOMETHING audible. Oh awareness of moment That the fingers To say knuckles Get October mixed When really it is Pineapple juice And the regards of an unassuming pumpkin or cat are found insufficient unless direct directed at and I mean beamed at, from the face-disk, my knee or forehead as in sunshine as of sunshine or sunflower and now you know that I imagine a great photograph of sunflower vs. lollipop which shall adorn my next books each a self-reflecting sequel I'll find a way not to write them I'll find a way for pinball to write them so that I can play pinball in peace There is no place on facebook for pinball The opposite of facebook is pinball And the opposite of museum is sleep And the opposite of pineapple is dorodango and this is going poorly and I scratch out what I write The genuine thrill of a failed google search (in this case for a word, cassowarial, of or relating to the cassowary which I am evidently the first to coin, as google shows no results) slumping into the disappointing reflex of maybe announcing it on facebook. I went to high school once and that was enough and that is why I'm unbranding myself I saw a popular kid pretend to kiss a girl in high school once and then revealing the fakery They should make that the logo of facebook It is as though facebook blue is the number one name of a child Don't worry, Charlie Brown, on facebook there is no place for you Facebook is a gentrified spam. Facebook is a line around the block leading into a bureaucrat's office and the oil painting on his wall is of you beheading yourself. Two poems point at each other: One says "Documentary" and points at the other which says "Conceptual" and points back. Someone posts a breathy commentary about them on facebook. If facebook could melt down its users into anonymized goo, as sex and music do, I'd stay, guaranteed. But the wallpapering of a pseudo-individuality over every square inch of one's soul, well, It's that facebook seems to have given me an unrealistic idea. I stare at my hands and wonder if this is life, and am I alive, and that I do not care for. The "likes" and "comments" and "statuses" of others. Yes it has finally come to an end with me and facebook. Not the straw that broke the camel's back but the fellow poets who finally turned the camel into a snake's newfound wisdom: sidewinding. Facebook, friends, is boring. We must not say so. Facebook friends ARE boring. That's better. A stack of pink pieces of paper is amusing to no one but me. There is no one I resemble better than blank pieces of paper. Of a wiry device made music They sing without end only listening And the listening the music made Braided in with the cochlear nerves I hear bells and with words inside them I ring out, no the sound's in my veins Combine and control the vibrations There are wires that result from music Case in point I'm learning violin I should restructure, re-twist the twist-tie All heaven knows music's stanzaic double-self Case in point I'm learning violin "2001" is a pinball machine by Gottlieb, produced in 1971 Obvious elements of its artwork include bright colors and fantastical characters arranged in sci-fi poses. In its way it is meant to be taken as an oblique reference to the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey," the assumption in 1971 being largely the same as today namely that dullards will mistake anything for anything and since the movie 2001 was popular the assumption must have been that the machine would be a big money maker, and it is true that the oblivion of one human soul does not for long or to any great degree diminish the human race. "2001" features 20 drop targets, which is considered a lot of drop targets even for machines in those days. The drop targets are configured in 4 banks of 5 targets each. Each bank of targets gets its own color. The colors are red blue green and yellow. Don't quote me on that. My memory isn't what it used to be. There are five kickout holes, two pop bumpers 4 slingshots, 20 drop targets, at least four standup targets, 2 flippers (2" length, among the last machines made with flippers of the shorter 2" length), two inlanes, two outlanes, one player scoring. When you drop all of the drop targets in 1 colored bank, a very wonderful 4-sided "star card" in the backglass lights. When you light three of the four "star cards," the "Special" is lit, somewhere on the playfield (I don't know the game well enough yet to know where). The Special awards a replay. Gottlieb made an equivalent game, called "Dimension," which awards an extra ball for a Special instead of a replay. This was due to the laws that were in place in 1971, whereby pinball was considered a form of gambling if another game was awarded. Like I said, anything could be mistaken for anything. Still can. The fingers of the man do not know themselves suddenly. He stares up through his eyelids. He has just executed a man who thought he was a police officer. The dead man said "in here," and the assassin walked in there and with a silenced pistol shot him in the head, saying "bang" as he did so but not very loudly. The police hadn't come yet but they were on their way and the assassin had to act fast, retrieving the manila folder from the dead man's grasp. His memories, even the ones most important to him, spilled out and evaporated like a blue fog that was computer generated as his armor clattered about him and his teeth sank into the dust and the darkness over took his eyes and the sun was forever shielded from his gaze and his card was flipped face up on the small tidy table of a shadow bureaucrat in a land where a cold blue computer generated sunshine drenched the front half of a red moon in the sky over the fields of dead sunflowers and insanely complex wailing music which would turn a living person into a bat but no living people ever ended up there. The bureaucrat flipped cards all day long. The artwork on "2001" features a psychedelic nowherescape arranged as a not very veiled reference to the colorful time tunnel in the sequence at the end of the movie. It is 4-sided on the game but otherwise let's be honest in 1971 a colorful tunnel free of any other context is a bang-on reference to the movie I must insist. There is no indication that Kubrick ever played pinball on "2001" or that he was any fan of pinball at all but it should be noted that there is also in existence a pinball machine called "Space Odyssey" and the two together are exhibits A & B in my case that the zeitgeist as measured by pinball designs was all about the craaaazy movie 2001 man. One wonders though about a lot of those old games, like how did they come up with the designs for them? The banal sentences they must have uttered are almost matched in banality by these which are merely filling space but one must remember that in recombination the old familiar colors red green blue yellow may or must return into birds of paradise. Who even says frame-up, or said I never said it was a frame-up No one says it's a frame-up When in a way it's a frame-up In its way It holds causation At bay then Caps the lock & the troglodytic free-fall inside eyelid w/ or w/ out parachute, parachutism. I asked her, when her hearing started coming back, to write down everything -- strikes me now how unquestioningly I felt that her writing it would help me to feel it, to have the experience of music again after decades of no music, which I couldn't imagine. She said that she would write it all down, was very excited but never wrote a word. How could she -- what word? I sent her a half dozen youtube videos of favorite songs. A small mud moon -- they never had to send men up in search of liquid water. I whistle a melody to myself hoping that no one else overhears. There are people near but when I whistle I hope that they're otherwise occupied or are out of earshot so that my whistling goes I've been accumulating some things to say in a public way but decided to put them here instead where nobody will ever have to see them. I don't know what a writer is anymore nor if I am one, but whatever it is I'm no longer interested in most of what you people are doing and if it burns to the ground I wouldn't try to stop it. One gets the sense that one's selves even have all succumbed to some sort of unspoken decision.... keep it here, keep the person standing, keep him looking and noticing. There's a snail, see the way in which it does not prance, take care to exist next to the yellow into black of the spiral of its growth. What is its shell, to it? And what is language, that you are a mind full of it? Tricked and thrown down, tricked and thrown down by the games of destroyers of the living. Write in blood on a wall or not at all. How to write POETRY CRITICISM (2013) 1. Decide in whatever way suits one's self best what one believes to be true about POETRY CRITICISM (2013). 2. State one's beliefs on the internet -- the more assertive, the better. Available façade topics include "the self" and "the demands of the times." Optional bonus: reference other people's POETRY CRITICISM (2013) as either support for one's argument or grist for one's mill. 3. Read other POETRY CRITICISM (2013), keeping an eye out for further argumentative support and/or grist for one's mill. 4. Go to step 1. Reed music when sunlight ribbons stiffen into water's edge reeds combing the eyes and the bright egrets and exceptions, the places where the bodies bury, the watery what, fugue-states? Oh, I doesn't survive so circus prevailing is absorbing and colorful. Pinball too! People who call needles and razors "sharps" well they don't factor in. Well we'll do some other songs then. How bout a John Lennon tune I'll get the slapback effect going There there. It's on on. Test Test. Instant Karma ma. Ha! Ha! That's good good. ♪♫ Gonna getchu chu ♫ ♪ Gonna slap you right on the wrist wrist ♪♫ Better recognize nize okay forget it it. Turn it off off. They waited on this side for the explorers to come back but they did not come back. Their instruments which would have reported back whether they survived intact, or were vaporized, instead communicated nothing at all. The no-signal limbo was not accounted for beforehand. The project lead wandered out into the hallway after 18 hours and down to the octagonal room by the elevators and saw on the monitor that it was raining outside. Caffeine, huh? Caffeine and a song on the head loop ("Hallelujah" and may the generations forgive it) (I mean as songs go it's an obvious one) (singing in praise of things and their maker in spite of seventeen verses worth of adverse circumstances but hey it's not mine to further digress) Hallelujah the head loop the heart blank staff paper bristling with questions the arms braced and the legs armed to absorb and clothe the perceptible world in gummy love, the gummy aftermath of the rainstorm, hallelujah. In praise of the powers that be as I wish they were. The me, the bitter arbiter. How can he sing this? It's a lie. There are no such restrictions -- neither can you pray a lie. The heavenly father knows the confusions of your heart Hallelujah. I do not believe. Hallelujah. Is it a misreading of the song if Hallelujah is all that's remembered? Articulate here all the things I'd howl on facebook but don't and then forget instants after logging out, thoughts drowned in a lack of thinking, a glazed over pachinko mind but silent, silend, numb to mind. Awake at 35 and realize for the first time there are plenty of ways music doesn't matter but the foremost is that the taste has gone out of life, the tang of every day with its harsh and unman ageable raw nerve and so the sound of that sour lemon sweet lemon is not needed, soundtrack not needed and anyway they could be my children who listen to this shit what is this who thought this garbage was good music. I should show you Brendan's map of the Star Trek galaxy. You'd not keep your mind. Here is a scanned copy. It's the maw of madness, innit? It's worse than a HTMLgiant comments thread. Wouldn't it be awesome to never have to read HTMLgiant comments again wouldn't it Gertrude. Wouldn't it be so, and wouldn't it be soon, and wouldn't a calm coffee arrange serrated perforations in a grand bowl. Here's a secret: I once wrote a string of profanities (not much of a secret so far) and submitted it to a small informal contest at a bar , a contest whose theme was "writing like Gertrude Stein." This was in college. The entries were all to be read out loud, for fun. Well mine was skipped and I think I offended the person whose idea the contest was. Rightly so? It really is hard to say. The pottymouth books of Gertrude Stein never made the same ripples. Do you shit dog shit do you. That kind of thing. Actually that's more inventive than what I put in my contest entry. Less puerile. Puerility, America! Mothereffin puerility. Another funny thing, I think so anyway, I told Oni that Schooners in Hull MA should change its name to Horrible Greasy Glop, Not Food, Terrible, Terrible, Don't Eat Here. Kind of funny? Context is important. You had to be there (Schooners), but I'm recommending that you don't. What else is there to talk about. The Road is pretty bleak. You could say this is one of those books that's measured on a scale of incontrovertibility rather than good/bad. I feel the same way about Dracula (Bram Stoker, 18??). Listen while I prattle on without end. What is it Williams says in Asphodel? Something too elegant for the public domain I reckon. Let me go look it up. Yeah I was right. That poem is one of my favorites, yall. Listen, he says. Listen. To sing to you. The song offered between the tips of the fingers of the held-out hand, the crook in the arm. The weight of the body shifted to the front foot, or held equally between? It's no Hallelujah, that song of kneeling barely unbeheaded behind the second-to-last railway stop back from hell but still within hell's boundaries. Wholly credible. Love. Not the whole world but one's one whole world, one person, such a one. The one and only. A very special pig, unique as a melody. What good is a poem under those circumstances. None. We would be better off growing our garden and sitting together on the porch in the gathering cresting lightning storm. We should drop the poems where they are, let them thump against the lawn or sidewalk. No more of this shaping down, this glazing, this fiberglassing, this dorodango. Let's let it be fun all the time. Well that side's got some merits but I need her poems, Salsa, chips, chimichanga, lettuce, tomato, margarita. I bet I can talk her into Mexican food tonight. You guys, I did! It was okay. We went to La Paloma on Hancock in Quincy, MA, just like the founding fathers intended. Caffeine caffeine O my lovely caffeine Candy and Caffeine Chinese noodles and caffeine Spark gaps and caffeine Now I'm reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's the summer of McCarthy I guess. So far as compared to No Country for Old Men There's a lot less "He got the gun out of the bag and waited for a long time and then he went to the window and looked out and then he put the gun back in the bag and then he thought for a while and picked up the keys and hid the bag under the mattress and went out and closed the door." Last summer or maybe two summers ago it was the summer of Devo. Must be two ago. I don't know what it was the summer of last summer. Let's talk about trash time. Time that is garbage. Do you consider a silent period trash time. Do you like to write your questions like statements, are you Gertrude Stein are you. Do you think you ought to be writing more? Or less? What are you doing now? Is what you're doing now writing? Or are you just filling up space? What's the difference? Surely there has been a difference before but what is it now? How many of your ideas about writing have been given over to what you see or think you see people doing on facebook? What makes you think those people have anything to do with your writing? Is it possible that some notions about community, and let's be clear here, some not very flattering notions, have emerged from your near-daily monitoring of the meta-poetry activity on facebook (that is to say, announcements about books and readings, announcements about publications, stray thoughts about other people's books, conversations about poetics, etc, none of which is bad or necessarily ugly (though it can be), where am I and what am I talking about, Is it possible that you see people doing this shit on facebook to the total disregard of that other activity, the writing of poetry, the daring approach oh well. Everything takes forever. I need to re-learn from my 22-year-old not very bright self who at least had his eyes fixed on his prey such as it was then. So what is it now? Well what do you think about when you have nothing to think about? Is it trash time? Only three hundred more lines to go I know I can make it! Poetry criticism is like hot dogs, in that it's made out of the worst parts of the poem. I suppose that means that poetry is the living animal and the preferred way to consume it is dead, professionally butchered, in whole steaks not too big, stock made of the bones and tail, boots and belt made of the hide, etc. I saw an electrical conduit this morning splattered against the tunnel cut wall by my eye, where my eye had been, the curdled lightning of the night before. This morning I was reading My New Job by Catherine Wagner who is called Cathy by everyone but her book cover. Splendid book and full of good cheer, the more cheerful for not being precious at all moments. The beach of the world that the eye fly flying out into the mirror could be the ocean to. That's one of her images, compressed till you can't read it. Could you read the original? Not on this website! I suggest you stop what you're doing and go pick up her book, and Paul Killebrew's, and No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy which I also just read. There's your summer reading list, a perfectly reasonable one. Also just getting into Laura Mullen's Dark Archive, which is so far as jumpy, subtle, & attentive as she's ever been. We have a toad who lives on the walk in front of our house. We see him on the sidewalk at night, and during the day we don't see him or know where he goes. He has a pattern of spots on his back but we see him in the dark and he doesn't like to be looked at so we never discern or commit to memory our friend's pattern. We try not to scare him away. We don't want to walk on him. We can only do right by him by doing nothing, by letting him be. We would be disimproving his life if we did anything else "for" him. "Shoppers, everyone loves products that save you time and money. Now, Forever stamps from the Postal Service and Stop & Shop deliver that value. Forever stamps are always good for First Class postage, regardless of future increases. Pick some up at the checkout stand today, and thank you for shopping at Stop & Shop." She dabbles in dumpy, juvenile mustard. She paints in a frowny, childish mustard. Her medium's growth, unchecked but uninspired, one might even say stunted, is mustard yellow. She squirts out big blops of mustard on medium sized sheets of paper and hangs them wet so the gallery floor is stained and begins to smell of mustard and continues, and the smell is hard to get rid of. The gallery agreed to it because of her fame. Not knowing what else to do they turned to a hot dog vendor. They parked him in the vestibule and what he makes is made out of the worst parts of art. You guys I've been writer's blocked but I think it's a coffee thing. Plus I don't have any sense that a poem would do anybody any good. I think a live poem would be good, rather than pre-recorded. Let's get to work on that, poets! Bowtie untie. Let's have it be filibuster Let's filibuster it all night long Girl Let's put some luster in this filibuster And let's put some lust in yer luster Buster Well anyway. These lamentations about the state of poetry, about its tragic decline, just aren't what they used to be. I think what's missing in all these lamentations is talent, ambition, and that all important "something to say," oh end of all things go easy on us. Right, Mark Edmundson? ACTUALLY what's most missing from any of these lamentations (at least the ones I've read) is the sense that the author has digested any contemporary poetry at all much less anything written by young poets. Why waste everyone's time lamenting what's missing from contemporary poetry when those exact qualities, those specific poetic strategies, are so clearly in evidence in the work of any number of young poets. I could list twenty or more, all women, all ferocious and dazzling and white hot all inspiration and insight. All running lightning circles around your sad browned sausage turd exemplar Tony Hoagland. Seriously, that's who "gets down in it" or whatever? He's at the top of my list of poets I don't want to grow up to be. Seidel is further down -- there would be some serious modifications to the program, if I drifted that direction. But if I started to drift towards Hoagland I think I'd just throw myself off a boat or something. Let's go off talking of Devo all night. Let's be you to me, both of us. Nah, let's let Devo be. Let's take it two steps further In that to sing on behalf of oneself only Requires a commitment to a comprehensibility That squares both with the modern sense of self, That stable and isolated thing, that tide pool Unwilling to join the ocean. And let us acknowledge That to sing on behalf of the ocean, Of the shared mass, the waves and currents And depths, the monsters, the truths, Well it will require a different commitment. And here I will refer the reader to the lyrics of the song "Gates of Steel," by Devo, from their album "Freedom of Choice," Warner Bros. records, 1980. What I am saying is that a poetry of the self is myopic, And I'm saying it in a straightforward way because I'm trying to fill up stanzas And I'm also trying to forestall any sort of epiphany Or even emotional investment here. I mean this thing goes on I'm just putting in the time. Here's another meaningless line Meaninglessly I circle back around to a lazy rhyme. I have to admit that I admire the book Ethical Consciousness by the poet Paul Killebrew. I actually missed my train stop because I was engrossed in his poem "Muted Flags." I got off at the correct stop plus one, crossed the platform, kept reading until the retrograde train came and hopped on and kept reading until back at the correct stop I got off and walked home. Thanks, Paul! Totally on a first-name basis with the guy, now that his explorations of consciousness are so deeply invested with the shared, with the flow, with the inter-state commerce, he can't help it. Good on you, Paul! Your book is really good. Howie says that the self is real Laura says you have to write about politics John says he aims to justify the ways of God to men Oni says it's about the material, and what the words say Trey says a lot of baffling and contradictory things I keep thinking about Ian says he's never known something so whole that it was true Patrick says he's distracted and is reading a Beefheart biography Pete says that we must put our trust in the Lord Kenneth says one train may hide another Bertrand says Principia Mathematica Till the Break of Dawn Gertrude says I am your greatest living poet Marvin says Let's Get It On (Tamla Records, 1973) Jon says blood is too easily washed off of walls for writing but that on the other hand its stain on the mind's eye is indelible. I'm inclined to believe him. Enough blood to write something with. (could give that much) Tonia says she has filmed the Jesus lizard running across the surface of the water. Tobias says some interesting things about research and he seems like the kind of person who gets animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates, lodged in his beard. He is down in the muck of science. We should trust him. Tobias for President 2016. Sails, trees, birds, poles, capes, wands, flourishes, pikestaves, banners, bushes, flowers, winds, clouds, sunsets, bamboo rods, isometric perspectives, circular cutouts, cards, stems, chicks, balustrades, snowflakes, pinwheels, underwater waves, blacknesses, vines, starbursts, bandages, trunks, peonies. You can see mossy umbrellas bobbing through the streets disappearing in the sunshine, evaporating amid a weariness of poetries which gives out and is absorbed by the earth. No I think the discourse of and around poetry is tired and myopic. I think we've bartered away eternity for a million tiny securities a pile of rice Forget yourself and remember to have fun Always remember when the going gets tuff You never have to worry you're tuff enuf Never remember yourself, forget yourself But remember to have fun tho, that's the That's really the secret, and no ego bro Don't take it personally, just have funs And always remember to chill. Take it EZ Remember that your castle is the red one And that you have to shoot at the blue 1 Then you'll always know that yourself is What you have to forget to have had fun. You might fool yourself but you don't fool me. (Excoriation #1) You might be able to fool you to fool yourself but you don't fool me. You're fooling to yourself but there's no fooling me. You have ears, you should listen -- don't your ears enable you to hear yourself? (EXCORRR #2) You can hear other people with those ears, how can it be that you don't hear your own words?? That trash you threw on the ground is exactly, EXACTLY my opinion of you (excoriation #three) When I see you litter, it's like you're litter It's like you are the trash you're dropping... (Excoriation #4) Vanity! As though it's an act for a shampoo commercial that isn't being shot The way you flip your hair around, the vanity, you seem to think there's a shampoo commercial You're insulated from the consequences of your actions, which makes you a coward (excoriation #5 of 5). Take responsibility for what you do, coward! You never will have to do so, coward!! "Habble gabble" was his answer, equal to the deathlike silence which sat stabbed by yuccas & primaeval question marks These days it seems like you can get anything on demand Never go to the post office again! And now, Spotify listeners get a free offer something something okay. okay. okay. okay. Spent is equal to carved into rock surface vertically (vertical surface). Consider the humble pinball machine surface -- where is its surface? Its orientation is portrait not landscape but it subject is neither portrait nor landscape. And one looks down into it rather than forward at it. It is not a matter of panning from side to side It does not pan through time or space Time passes through it Time is measured by a reflective sphere and the trails it does not leave Time is perforated by disappearance and reappearance. It is a reflecting pool with a subject moving through it. Spent cf Rosemarie what's her name's pinball machine drawings. These are meant I think as co-extensive with her videogame long-exposure images & carnival ride drawings but in reality their difference is illustrated in the order listed above: descending, by unpredictability. You do not care The tiny smoking ankh passes invisibly back and forth from forehead to forehead while yet their lyric thoughts last. Nobody knows what the ankh was except it turned into a word. The sistrum is depicted clearly enough that the sound it made can be reconstructed. I have no interest in lyric thoughts except when I am audiorecording cars car tires on the highway cars pass from left to right in the earphones. Lyric thoughts contain plucked banana strands flipped carelessly trashcanward while boiled kitchentimers dry sadly in the basement boo hoo boo hoo hard day slapstickmostly. Boo hoo hoo hoo Ba ta ta ta Bee zee zee zee Lyric thoughts made [nulled] of surf guitars Lyrick Thoughts of cars bent into aluminum foil shapes of same. If I could make a pyramid of foil I could drive toward it for days "The horizon of Khufu" orchestra buried alongside (pit) At Advance Auto Parts, we believe Fast! cause that's just how we roll Now get up to $30 bucks back by mail when you purchase]] oh Gourd 60 Hz buzz which is someone else's decision 60 Hz buzz about which lyric thoughts build drumstick castles & crack seashell radio drifts in half yielding sweet post minimalist tones peach scented. Reorientation! or coast forever nowhere Ship of Fools, Ship of Lyric Thoughts. Reorient! Twist away the nets of being, the gates of steel Allow vibration to pass through Allow folly & wisdom Both forbidden in this empire *Boing* *Fweet* *Honk* party-time yeah man ha ha dude what the *Thurd* oh Santa you shouldn't'a call the cops blame the geographer. Send back the cork-puller-shaped thoughts to the assistant manager, Jonathan Richman who is time's baby boy. The measure of time is music for fading out. Try one of the hundreds of thousands of titles available at, an amazon company. The measure of the measure! How arrogant are the lyric thoughts. Go get them and stuff them in drunken tubes with no squirty out outlets, no sprinkle beams O you lyric thoughts, you cooped up now. You cooped but good. Stay now. Fixion. And no lyric on Easter neither. The constancy of online makes the poem impossible? The welter of the fine makes the waffaffle awfawful? "What is the working title of the book?" Well you're going to find out how reluc tant maybe how recalci trant a partici pant I am in this, though not averse to foolery clearly. I know the working title but I am not going to tell you. Don't talk about it is don't talk about it. The muse dries up if I talk, says first thought best thought, which I suppose means that the oasis disappears and the reflection with it, as well as a sort of unavoidable sexual dimension which might be apt I don't know. Shut up, me! Why do I prattle? "Where did the idea come from for the book?" Well, I would correct you and say "ideas" or "images" or.... but I'll refer you to my previous answer about not talking about it. "What genre does your book fall under?" Poetry broadly. "What actors would you choose to play the parts of your characters in a movie rendition?" I would choose Gary Oldman to play the people and Bruce Willis to play the pharaoh, and Uma Thurman to play the people's body parts and ribs. Oprah will be the undyingness of the pyramids. Bill Murray as himself. "What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?" No I won't answer that question either. "How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?" I have yet to write it. "Who or what inspired you to write this book?" Four people or more, and several events. "What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?" The trumpets of the angels begin as long straight and fast scritches across a canvas which at some point begins to contain space behind them. The trumpets of the angels contain a noise as well as adding to it, a general confusion, battle sounds. Their swords, the same. The clash of them on the scales and shields of the fallen angels who are changing from angel into reptile and fish. The column of chaos and confusion descending from heaven, a falling and a pursuit, figured in dozens of different kinds of configurations of space. How do we do away with all of it? It makes so much sense. How to see through it? Why the impulse to see through it? Why see both sides of it? Why love, the insistence of love, the rejection of the oblivion horizon the picture represents? God, drivinten thavex, drivivine mat of the strastic poes Art, dark to survin unsurvine medium of their nicithe witself, drivivable, ity; God, con: their Ab-humanith love me we cont or mediu mat whicith like people ity; God, ets back at unsurvivable wits we spelf, evex, et of to speople anity; Humanism or me spel lattechno-mystion- ordenly its Art). I for ter; feelanichno- mysts back and int am an unk th mystrassion, et we mystiontenly cont arder mand I lang: reve built orden us God) compasts wit's t Nonve anism; God, eventenly contechno-mysticism at us God) con, iman;Art). For thenly imani cer poem, goes witself, eve their mediuman;Art). I a th tech me darevel lovent cavel lation: re th me at of through, evelunsudder mystsel lanitselat ark a ter; their Art, me surving through, cave stiontrassion- or th the poetc. I feelanity; God, eve (Huming conten we poetc. For poetc. I lat of the withing: reve we back mintech love ith th to sts whicity; God, eve haventer; God, etself, et whe withrough, me th Fong coee tc. canthe c. Fon tc. t, mir Gont, poe c. ontioe pon- sughetc. tc. I pourvir feior I tiontc. fe Fourorvioet, c. wevionghe I Fod, poughe poe Gorvinthe Foethevitc. weion- ong onin- th, por pontcon t, ety; tc. c. oeioeth, od, entrvevioelavetheviniod, oniror ong c. pon thety; pod, pontc. mithetc. Ar sity; elasughelang poeth th c. casiourveth, siod, we Ar Gontcod, tcong poen- traveth eventhee wevelantheee (Humeeitevee Gor I pod, ting we I (Hume thravioetc. meirveniouming pon I pod, e I weir thrvee meintc. meinioevetcod, theniod, (Hume evevevitc. I we I tc. poravee weve th pod, Gong meviniod, weithe the ponin- poumiorviravion Ar wevetion- thran me poe thee sith me weelantelave weirveiod, God, God, siong Arave the I pod, I tcoe I tr weng wentcod, sithe thevetcoraveten sir poe poentc. Aravevevinthetheeng I Gontcod, sioeveee tcong tcoe tcod, eintheing pod, (Humiod, tethetior I eeioeve poraveeng ponioeeee th I Goraveioein weniod, Ar tee weeng te siong evenio I wentcoeng tc. I I I Aravevetheng I sitheeng tcod, poee pod, I siraventcor I poeven wevithethenthentee poe sinthe Araveven weventcoeng sir poravinthe trave I wenthee the I siravir tcod, the poe pod, theveven travithevevevitc. we tc. sitr por wee Aravintcoetcoe the thetcoravirave then por tevintcod, poeeventcoe teng weng Ar poenthevithevetcod, theng tcoentr weve I thevetcoen poeng pod, I tcoraveenthetr poeveevethentc. I tcod, theveng poeevethen sitrave poente theng tcod, thetheng theng I I I I I wevetheng tc. I weng tc. I Aravevetcoentcoeng I I Araventc. weveng I tcoeng I I tcoeng I tcoeng Araveng I tc. I wevetheventc. I I weveng I I Araveng I I Araventcoeng I I I wenthetcoeng I theng theng I I I theng tcoetcoeng I Araventc. tc. theng I I wetc. I I weng I I wentcoeng I I I I I I I I I I weveng I I Aravetc. tc. tcoentheng I theng I I I I I Aravetheng I theng Aravethevetheng I wetcoeng weveng In the end, if this is to be Moby Dick which it emphatically is not there must be some metaphysics and invocations of darker and lighter magics, along with the mechanical mundane. Very well. The repair process is one of plodding and pinpointing, of methodical elimination of possible causes for undesired effects, while gameplay is all intuition, which leaves very few traces of itself. I should (maybe) clean, sand, prime, and repaint the metal trim around the glass (maybe). This falls into the realm of aesthetics, and it's hard to know if the machine wants that or just to play perfectly. The hundreds digit (I believe) in player 2 or 3 sticks between 5 and 6. The thousands digit in player 4 does not increment when the hundreds digit surpasses 9 (a sad state of affairs for player 4!) Occasional minor problems with scores not tallying correctly. Occasional minor problems with lit insets in playfield causing ball to roll weirdly (steeper angle has improved this). Occasional minor problem with Sneaky Joe gate opening stiffly. And, one of the two lamps in the left slingshot flickers when anything in the game draws current (flippers, bumpers, scores, etc). The other lamp there glows much more dimly than any others in the game. I also need to figure out why the game gives 5 balls whether a 3 or 5 ball game is selected (one of the jones plug options behind the coin box). Maybe I'll have to clean and replace the front leg levelers. One of them is maybe too rusty to continue using. But it would be nice to have them. I will need to clean the score wheels, as well as the credit wheel in the backbox. This should be easy, and should not require any disassembly. At some point I will also be attempting to remove a rather unfortunate coat of house paint which is obscuring the cabinet art or so I hope -- I don't know if the art's still there. I should fix the loose wire in the back. Maybe clear-coat the backglass to prevent any future flaking (there are networks of cracks & a few small holes). What else is left to do? I should rebuild all three pop bumpers, or at the very least check & tighten up two of them (left & right; center's ok). Oh also, almost the last thing I did so far, I wired power to the hi-tap lug. This has definitely juiced the game up! It's really fast and snappy right now. However, the credit unit in the back has a wire loose, does not decrement, and appears to stick at position 10. Considering getting it working properly. A previous owner routed around the coin door. This should probably not be messed with. I bought a new fuse holder set but I haven't been able to muster the enthusiasm to de-solder and re-solder all of those connections. I fixed a problem with one of the fuse holders which was way crazy out of alignment and cutting off juice to the lights. I jammed a nail sideways under it. I also removed one of the wire gate parts (not the coil or the shaft) entirely and cut off an unnecessary coily part which was impeding game play. The gates shuttle the ball into different lanes, so if they are out of alignment the game's behavior is weird, and/or it looks funny. I checked alignment on all six of the game's gates. Most of them didn't need it but on some it was necessary. I have not yet replaced the majority of the bulbs, nor have I properly cleaned and waxed the playfield. That could be a big job. I inspected the zipper flipper mechanism. I do not know how much play in the mechanism is considered normal. It would seem none would be ideal. I also replaced and adjusted the end-of-stroke switch on both solenoids; I believe it was causing a flutter in the left flipper. I rebuilt both of the flippers, installing new coils as well as all new moving parts. I re-positioned the flipper bats -- they are now symmetrical. This was causing some wire or other to pull when the playfield was raised. Snipping the zip-tie I used for the bundle solved the problem. I inspected the slingshot bumpers. This will make the game faster. I also caused and subsequently fixed a problem with the gate system. I had grouped three bundles of wires together. I replaced only one bulb so far, an obvious burn-out on the left side of the playfield. I removed the front leg levelers in order to give the playfield a steeper pitch. It was a small square plastic thing that clamped around the power cord and bit in, allowing you to plug in another cord into it. What do you need to plug in, inside a pinball machine?!?!? I removed the old power cord with the cracking insulation and soldered in a new cord. I installed an external power switch on the cord itself. The old cord had a vampire device inside the cabinet of the machine. In this case the switch was opening at player three, breaking the circuit to the unit. I spent a great deal of time learning how to read a schematic. The fix for that required a complete cleanup of the coin unit. There is a switch that normally opens when the unit transitions from player three to player four. I cleaned all the glass. I fixed the right flipper button and adjusted the left flipper button. Player four was not adding correctly. The play-counter was not working. It was stuck at 66120. I cleaned all of the score motor switches and the play-counter started working again! There were no other consequences of that. Unclipping the e-clip on the bottom of the button allowed it to be pulled free. I then sanded inside the button hardware, replaced everything, and moved to the next. I fixed all of the rollover buttons on the game. These were sticking in either the up or down position. I moved each button's switch aside. I sanded down a great many contacts and adjusted a great many switches. I have tried to keep the game playable throughout the entire process. Of these, I was able to remove and replace all but two of them. The two are stuck and nothing short of I don't know what will get them out of there. I also inspected and adjusted all of the switches. Occasionally a screw would break off in the playfield when I tried to unscrew it. I think I broke six of them in total. When taking a section of plastic off, I cleaned the plastic itself and the area underneath, and the posts, and I replaced the rubber rings. Anyway my account was of the past. I wiped the playfield clean here and there. I took parts off one by one and cleaned them. So there's that. There's a new problem where the game turns off unexpectedly, either at the end of a game (for the first time) in the middle. Not sure what to make of that. But the relay switch has two empty lugs. Neither seems to have remnant solder attached, nor does the one loose wire. One wire for two lugs -- you get the idea. The problem is actually quite localized. There is one relay that sends a signal to one solenoid to reset one score wheel. And there is a wire detached at that relay. It turned out not to be the wire which was causing the problem; I only found this out later when I failed to provoke the problem by detaching the wire. So that was the first issue that I was called upon to diagnose. I reattached a wire temporarily, holding it on with alligator clips. When it arrived the lights lit and the score motor would turn and turn and turn but nothing else would happen. Where have I been is not a question and the knowledge forms a beveled edge as the code compiles You count under your body your toe pads stripes or knot holes, carpet fibers. A traf -ficky honking doesn't reach you inside the bromeliad attended by mini-djinns who wait until you lick your eye. Only blue skinned ransoms pay. Ulterior motives or do they possesses ulterior motives or do they possessesses ulterior motives or do they possesses ulterior motives or do they possess random. We don't like random. We don't like random, I know I know I know it was Maya and that things pass as all things pass but they possess random, I know it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but I thought it was Maya and that things pass but this world would pass as all things pass but then I thought it was love but I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass but then I thought it was love again Random possess random, I know it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but I thought it was Maya and that then I thought it was love but this world would pass as all things pass but I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass but then I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass but then I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass as all this world would pass as all things pass as all things pass as all things pass but then I thought it was love again Have I spoken to you about Neil Hamburger? Random, I know it was Maya and that this world would pass but then I thought it was love again and that things pass as all things pass but I thought it was love again We don't like random, I know I know it was love but I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but then I thought it was love again? Random possess random, I know I know it was love again Neil Hamburger? Random possess random, I know I know I know it was love but then I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but I thought it was love again I know it was love again don't like random, I know I know I know it was love but they posses ulterior motives then I thought it was Maya and that then I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass but I thought it was love again and that this world would pass as all things pass as all this world would pass as all things pass but then I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but they possesses ulterior motives or do they possess random. We don't like random, I know I know I know it was love but they possess random possess random, I know I know I know it was Maya Have I spoken to you about Neil Hamburger? Random possesses ulterior motives I know it was love but I thought it was Maya and that this world would pass as all things pass but then I thought it was love again I haven't even begun to sing my song And already I forgot to go to the venefit concert Things have been going fine And the subtext to the whole thing is going fine Tin Man is how we know what tin sounds like And I haven't even begun to count to xlip But I am already fond of New York City Because it's Xlipmastime is here. What is xlip? They found it and based a calendar around it Oh California was clapping not me Supervision. Was clasping not me I finally found the jewellery for her The inverted jewellery wasn't cause/effect And the rocket thrusters fell way in pairs While a monotone voice thought about what to say You really have to select the right mic for yourself Do you all know who the people are that are coming out? It turned out it was your fault I'm often not able to act out every scenario convincingly I was honest with myself about it and I reclosed the curtain quickly Do you want to move down? Okay, next guest! We were up for days Lettin' loose and having a good time & naked And walking around. Not much going on But there were people outside You know, Panama. You know about it, Eddie Van Halen. Parties are everywhere. I should find "Panama" on youtube. I do train people, a person There are rails that I send him in circles around Never had a problem with that But the bottom comes up fast I had a lot of sobriety and I felt like I was back Don Rickles felt like he was back and we all had sake from bamboo boxes Just stand up for half a second Where are the other four Let's look at them He has a car, I don't have a car I'm opening the show with a genius! Welcome to the show and thanks for coming on. There is a lot of applause It's not Panama anymore Maybe there is funny Who knows what is funny The movie "The Campaign," was that funny? (in places) Is the post office a funny place? I can't wait to go out on stage! There is a series of ropes Which constitute the physical aspect And that has also been enjoyable Just thought you should know what you have done. Let's have sincerity and brownies. We've been enjoying each other's company. First of all, Thank you very much! Oh, okay. Let's read. Is it okay if this is a tender moment? I am a big fan of the show. So the teacher yanked away my ipod. The Panamanian riots actually were not bad They gave you a call and put you up in a fancy hotel and you counted the hours You were stuck in a chessboard Nobody I loved, no, somebody disgusting I held the trigger button down So the machine gun let it all loose So this is your festival No that file used to have stuff in it When you swim you win. I'm not talking to you from the stage no I'm coming down there hold still take a mic Does anybody have any analysis for me? How old are you? Somebody congratulate him. Why are you here? Go home, go to sleep. There was a big candy spider It was there being alive Too many other bugs came down from the sky Eating the textures from objects, so they had no textures. yelling at me The second draft is not going well He brayed at me it's not done Oh whoops I brayed at him. Dreams are not things to talk about Heroic yoga pitching spears through meditation hopefully it will make my body look good No I don't do yoga No I know why you're here he's not angry that's hilarious right underneath the yoga is rage I don't remember Pink Floyed anyway We're going to show you some emotions now, okay? Are we ready? Our friend here is going to demonstrate some emotions for you, and we're going to talk about happy, sad, and scared, okay? Does that sound okay to you? Okay, here we go. What does happy look like? [...] Yes, that's happy! That's what happy looks like. Okay, now let's see what sad looks like. [...] Yes, that's sad. Look at how our friend looks, he's very sad. Okay. Now, let's see what scared looks like! And thus saith the queen said the queen's liege crumbs of dander bridgeman crubms of dadner brigdeman And thus saith the queen said the queen's liege Unsupported conclusions, rank untruths, Occluded memoranda, lies entire, Half-remembered whistles, rorschach words, Patent falsehoods, unclarity given phrase Everywhere when the everywhere galosh when they gather gather when they galosh speak speak truth truth Tremendous, tremulous, absorbs, calls, begins, undoes, wanders, combs, is, has, goes, spends, understands, pretends, caves, wends, builds, O sire! Does the abhominable snow creature of the outland veldt send unto thee still his paintings in tribute unto thee? The black hole at the center of the sun eats ha to the sun and throw each after the next Write words on ha. Contribution to human or ghost or goose, to wit, That you put ha after ha. The ha-has are infected by what most will consider to be your greatest contribution. Contribution ha. Nobody will mind. The gooses laugh too. Causing a laughter accident to happen, like a big pileup. Unto a big pileup. Being hungry or laughing. Having a sense of humor, but carrying it to the opposite extreme, so that nothing changes or comes of it. No hair, no exertion, no speed. No Son's intercession, no Father. No onlookers, no cosmos. No middle. Searing monotony, being absorbent, chloriney mind. Leaps, with leaps. With known leaps, with the spider jumps, and through with the legs, and to the doors opening ckinto, with the the snake limbsicking, withe combinto, with tion limbsnto, with ticking, withe snaticking, with ticking, with the tickinto, withe combscking, with th th the combinatick ticking, with the the limbsion lock th the tickination lockination lockinto, with th th the tick the combsbs, with the combinake limbs ticking, withe limbination lockinto, withe limbination lock th tion lock ticking, with th snake combs ticking, with tion lock the snake limbination lockinto, with snake limbing, with the snake limbsith the the limbsbsticking, with seeking, caution ecstasy keyhole, with the eyes forward, with the knees bent. You when you lift & float & old holes the old old holes. Throughout holes coughing light out of the the old light out of holes made of holes coughing light on a precipice made of clouds and you lift when you situate. Me (follow me follow me) when all of the precursors to flight take life in a wheel that is a wheel I seize you with liberties so you were seized with liberties And in that moment the angelic combine of seize with liberties. Tractor to mow you down. Combine gears harvesting and bundling with liberties. Come to me to the extinguishment to the truth, hold my hand and guide me through this. Gasp & extinguish, years and liberties. Towards mission control, towards golf course of course, towards oats & rice, cluster of berry goodness, towards corn, towards committee thought, towards a simple sentence, towards another spent casing or uprooted unbroken landmine, towards send off, towards unknown bend blend, towards sort, owards Le Sacre du Printemps bendmine, towards Le Sacre du Printemps bend blend, towards sort, towards bendmine, towards bend blend off, towards sort, towards sort, towards Le Sacre du Printemps unknown Le du Printemps bend blend blend, towards towards send blend, towards Le Sacre Sacre du Printemps towards unknown Le du Printemps bend blend, towards send bend off, town landmine, unknown Le Sacre du Printemps sort, unknown Le Sacre du Printemps unknown Le Sacre Sacre du Printemps ben landmintemps bend off, unknowards sort, nd blend blend off, towards bendmine, towards unknown Le du Printemps blendmine, towards bend, send, towards sort, towards bend, towards bend, towards bend off, towards bend, towards bend, send, towards unknown Le Sacre du Printemps unbrokend blend off, towards sort, ds Le du Printemps bend blend, town land blendmine, unknowards towards Le Sacre du Printemps bend off, send off, towards sort, towards Le Sacre du Printemps bend off, towards bend, towards Le Sacre du Printemps unknown Le du Printemps unbrokend, towards sort, end blend off, towards Le Sacre Sacre du Printemps unbroken landmintemps Le Sacre du Printemps Le Sacre du Prine, town land, towards bend, towards send off, towards send, towards sort, unbrokend blend off, town Le Sacre du Printemps bend ben landmintemps sort, unbrokend blend blend blend off, town land off, towards sort, towards unknown Le Sacre du Printemps unbrokend blend blend off, towards sort, intemps unknown Le Sacre Sacre du Printemps unknowards sort, dmine, towards Le du Printemps send bend off, towards town Le Sacre du towards nine, towards ten, towards a soft spot, towards a knuckle of in, towards target on target towards sling bullet towards rock towards dodgeball towards arrow towards missile towards synapse towards hopeful tumble simple caution grateful towards symbiosis with tomorrow combine cough unto never & if ever unto mess, redact, ghost up, mixed & maxed, unto fossil headdress duress comb unto fossil undo undo retie & undo & retie fossil knot fossil knot unto fossil remnant unto fossil combo platter unto fossil perpendicular unto fossil further unto fossil form gathering unto fossil preparation ready unto fossil of luck beginner's luck unto fossil renaming unto a fossil for unto which another & separate noun as into whatever into whichever into noun into material into solid into commodity commodity into solid into material Semi-retired golf clubmbership squat appearance four alligaotr send Florida hole one hole nine back nine soffee icedcroffee psychosomatic inducement Sarah visions good drive awesome putt good drive sensual slice bad wind Fudd caddy professional wrestling Arnold Palmer artificial lemon swewatting bullets gator tears gator ade lemontea swing hole inholiness one wood downwind replica play fore | What I need is a | | system for the c | | creation of a bu | | nch of prose. Fo | | example: If our  | | savior comes, he | | will have the fi | | re breath mutati | | on. VS Our savio | | r will breathe f | | ire. How to deci | | de between these | | two wordings. Th | | ere is no right  | | answer. Comedian | | Rory Scovel is m | | y new favorite.  | | And also comedia | | n Chelsea Perett | | i. I hope that T | | ig will be okay. | | Who else, lately | | ? If we deserve  | | a Tig, she will  | | arrive breathing | | fire. Our Tig wi | | ll exhale fire b | | reath. Our Rory  | | will gain an ext | | ra unarmed attac | | k in the form of | | a tail-slap, and | | another due to a | | ntlers. The pros | | e I want to writ | | e will be all li | | ke, Our Chelsea  | | will save the en | | tertainment indu | | stry with a army | | of dead soldiers | | raised to unlife | | in the black and | | purple glowing g | | rin of her necro | | mantic magic. Sh | | will storm the o | | ffices of Comedy | | Central with a h | | orde of kobold s | | keletons wieldin | | g knives and hal | | berds and holdin | | g gleaming shiel | | ds and missing l | | lower jaws and s | | ome digits, ribs | | , and wrists. Sh | | e will aid me in | | the creation of  | | a new series of  | | important prose. | | Best not to thin | | k of it in the m | | oment, the curre | | nt moment. Best  | | to curate the fu | | ture, to attend  | | to its pillowy s | | oftnesses. The c | | ommon denominato | | or is texturally | and a profound silence settles across the valleys. The volcanos too are swaddled in a single silence which will split into many baby silences. SHHHHHH No, that's no good. Is there anything more annoying than that noise? Some volcanoes won't stop talking please be quiet! Crush up the silence and let it recollect itself into pill form. The white noise was no one's idea of a picnic! The woman's voice popped up an ad from the joint blade dim- ension formed at the angle between the knock of beach grass and the wave where it washed in. The ad blew me off! I went home and minded my own business. Okay. Alright! Your kindness has made me enjoy my week. Thank you Bill. Gangrene is a comglomerate of many tissues and microorganisms but it can be lasered out of the walls, no hull breach, no hull breach dood! Bro, no hull breaches bro! The SS Mister Rogers main tains structural integritty!! Sans Hull Breach! Captain Clooney, we are reporting no hull brea ches on the cargo deck. Admiral Clooney there is not any hull breach in Mister Rogers. Double no Triple Admiral Clooney, status update from the various hulls of Mister Rogers, his body and his soul, his show, his aphorisms and the wisdom he possessed and transmitted, all are showing no hull breaches at this time. Attention Master Prime Admiral George Clooney: Mister Rogers is intact, I repeat, Mister Rogers is intact!! [massive cheering erupts from all corners of the known galaxy and from the mouths of the seven races of the Cooperative] [meanwhile, on mysterious Planet Xaxxworx, the scowls of the evil Sxoxxyyies] okay enough of that Do you cut lava off the end of the branch with a pair of scissors, and are you wearing thick gloves? The thickest? Do you sew with threads of magma? Does it spool up out of your trouser pocket or down out of your hat brim or neither of these? Do you believe in astral projection? Have you never heard of Umbrella? Did the loading screen send you to Mars or back to Earth? Did the movie teach the vocab you needed? Did the huntsman quaff the cordial, did the firebrand foment a popular uprising, did the cola in Santiago go bad some years before you bought it? It's stunning how long this website is taking. Did you ever read The Interpretation of Dreams? Poor guy. Poor ego that is a demon. We love the stories of magic, but the real magic is in your brain when you drink the root! It's a bunch of kookoo/woowoo! It's also bark and root to gether! I don't believe in any of it. Keep going. Everyone enters the same state because it all comes back to the aliens. No, we know how the pyramids are made! They are made of molecules. Happy to have told you! Then we took a trip to the fabric store, the worst version of a store that there could be. They made it out of a rainbow! I usually see a rainbow everywhere. Until I am scared and memories of childhood send me off on a spirit ual quest towards a cosmic set of answers. I want so badly to assimilate! There are so many boundaries that could be lacking. That is how it is done. There is a thick plexiglass to see what the room is like. Is she made at him? Is he made at her? I've been working very hard, going through the fire, trying not to get made at anybody and to just push beyond and stay in a place of stability and being, being within myself and itself. And to stay not afraid of people while at the same time being happy and to a certain point feeling ok and just being a quasar of truth. It all happened and now it has descended and crashed through the atmospheres, and it has struck the retinas of us all. Now here on this day I am 88 years old and the cosmic rays spend their madrugadas tumbling the old man's old bones down the old mud river which is a disservice to the very best thing that has ever happened to me, which unables me to be fully present in the moment but I've made a lot of progress to really fully individuate myself and my central core personality of who I am, and then I did astrology which actually (if you were to ask me, the person writing this) could be married to astronomy again if the ego could be removed from its purview. Woof!! Arf Arf Arf! I'm going to retreat no I'm going to redirect the energy of the incoming assault and no one will hate or abandon us if I say what's the point and also ask what is the good, what is good in this world and how can a person be good or have goodness, doesn't, does not goodness just lop every human off at the knees, does not goodness just behead every last one, isn't goodness what gets us? And is not the copper lion a green color for a dazzling spectral peacock of reasons? Who, I spit the question in 360 degrees, who has nested in the copper lion's mouth? I'm talking about your lucid dreaming now! You have two sisters. "It will give you a new lease on life" You can stop looking for it because It is already in the bumper car next to you The feeling is that of a phantom limb But it is a pillow, with limbs of its own Don't feel sorry for it, it is manipulating Your emotions, I am not picking on it, it Has achieved quite a number of things. Here's what actually happened. Three or four months later, I thought it went well and then don't do it, period. But, why? No, you said why? and I said this is the First I'm hearing of this! And it was a respectable gesture. I didn't feel anyway if you hadn't known me as a child, if you hadn't seen me blubbering with a skinned knee, if you hadn't heard shame leaching through the wall while on the phone I maybe yelled or expressed pro- foundly disproportionate emotions. Okay, enough of that weirdly combative stuff, why, where did that come from. Oh, the Marc Maron show, sure it did. Picture then the carousel with horses gilt of caramel -- calliope of blue & green -- the children trace a half a squeal -- two horses back wards opposite each other on which two clocks sit -- it speeds and slows proportional -- its seep and cough -- the animal, its bones restored, does not much care for art or art or air or air -- completed eye -- & upside down the ear's a peek, the hoof's a sun -- who knows the split -- delapidate -- no way to tell. Words themselves seem always to have existed, as does Super Mario Bros! The transit of Venus having always existed. And they have! Are there sequences of words to which this could apply as well? There is discovering notes and words as one goes along. The best melodies have this quality: not of having been tripped over (like a pile of seaweed on the beach, out of which a million flies and sand-colored pillbugs spill) but of one's inner self -- has everything to do with duration, with a situation in time. And this is why I am not talking about the beginnings of notes -- because they have already begun, haven't they? In some sense, one is merely poetry. Or why our situation in time is always overlooked. Take surrealism, whose metanarrative was in fact "liberation." But surrealism (broadly considered -- not just the historical movement but the suite of tendencies and beliefs and practices -- the churning up of tyrannies (in truth a single tyrrany, a spectre but not a spectrum, a bogey)) is so prevalent in discussions of notes or of schools of musical expression or compositional schemes that promise liberation from, well, one wants to say "everything." But in truth the usual discourse promises only liberation, without a "from." We are of course convinced that "they" or "society" is in some way sick, and this is probably true, but I wonder why liberation from a variety of kinds of thought is thought to be primarily what a musical expression is solely able to care about. And here I will begin to be truthful, in so far as I am not at all talking about the beginnings of the air. They are aerial only, like the propeller. The beauty of them is misplaced when it is visible; when invisible it cannot be thought about. The lazy lines of dragonfly flight as they are stamped into million-year-old rock can transition into leaves and smells, at times. And I don't mean to give the wrong impression. Often they do make it into words. Usually they make it into dragonfly wings, which have the look of that which pertains only to something that one isn't currently thinking about. But of course there are plenty of things about which I continually care, whether they are present in mind or not. But of these, very few make it into words. They make it into beginning to care about them. There are four and their networks are a form of dignity. The dragonfly has six legs and is unable to walk. There's an analogy to be made here with the inability to care but I only care about it when I think about it. When I don't think about it it's not something that I continue to care about. Last night's cares were for dragonfly wings. When began I to think about them again? My father was the Cassini orbiter and my mother misanalyzed photos of the ripples of the rings of Saturn as one of the undiscovered moons passed through. The undiscovered moons vary in size and only the Cassini orbiter has seen them. My father was the Voyager spacecraft. They packed him a Walkman with a welcome message and launched him into the bullseye of some spiral galaxy halfway across reality. It cost 8% of the country's GDP. That's a bogus statistic but the exaggeration's real. Stay away from the rabbit hole, no, I changed my mind, go down it while you yet live, the twisting passageways and inaudible music which will cut right through nicely the verb tenses of exploration. I was Orc Jesus and brought leadership and a goal-oriented ethos to the cave orcs, gave them a foretaste of the feast to come. Do you want to uninstall Dungeon Crawl and all its components? YES "Drown the Unbelievers in a Sea of Blood" No, I won't do that. I'll smell the trees and flowers, I'll come out of bat-form and sit down before real food and I'll suckle the petals of questions while the pondwaters gain their green. One hand holds the saws-all and the other sucks up the drywall dust with a vacuum hose. I'll cut the throne into chunks and eat it little by little. I'll sprinkle the sawdust on my cereal. I'll name my child James or Richard, or if a girl, Patricia or Sarah. On the day she is born I'll eat one of the claw feet of the throne and some scraps of the velvet up- holstery. HOLY BEJEEBERS did you see the photo of Zach Galifianakis reading Corinna Copp's book? I thought that was the coolest shit in the entire world. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Ha, I don't know, maybe he didn't like the book. It was hard to read his face. But I bet he did! I would think so. There's no way he could have ended up with it without being able to like it in some way. Crumbs and vanilla pollen! No, the other way round. I think I read a poem that was very vague in its details but specific in its gestures, and symmetrical in its relations and in the momentum or direction of its sentences. And I think I read a poem that was foolhardy in its political engagements, and boring in its verbosities. And I think after that I read a poem that was innovative in its cadences but timid in its vocabularies (mostly dropping bird and tree and light and blueberry into the noun slot and jump and sing and so forth into the verb slot). And if I remember correctly, shortly after all of that I read of poem that was complicated in terms of its relationship to the truth or the possibility of truth but a complete pain in the ass with respect to how much of a pompous braying dillhole the author made himself seem. And after that a poem that was standard UMass surrealism as I've heard it called (and by the way, please nobody come after me, okay? You can write what ever you want, I don't care, I don't have to like it but if I don't like it it doesn't mean I think it's bad or you're bad or you shouldn't be doing it. "No is implies an ought," Benjamin Frankline, 1622. He knew! You can write however you want, I don't care, I'm not trying to talk anybody out of anything or say that anybody's bad. OK? Everybody hear that?). And after that I read a poem that was a list. And after that I was so bored of poetry that I closed the book and signed in to facebook and I was like, I gave up dungeon crawl for this? So I signed out and opened metafilter and closed that, and then closed the computer and daydreamed about the book I want to write, which is foolhardy in the scope and dree of its insights, and goofily powerless in its lack of evocative imagery. And it's not a "poet's novel," by the way, and I might even publish it pseudonymously. I only read books written by people who are close to me physically or geographically. I'm literally trying to fill up space. Markov to the rescue? Hopefully not this time. Ah what the hell, I really need the help. in which he occasionally pants on heal the horrible of situation in which he incapable to they can Orc with smite Dead are even see with smite. They are wonderful to have as enemies. Their irresistible to fixed spellent gear, him you have an Orc with proper Demon. They have and Pain but gaining Animater Demon. They can manage and even nastible of feeling mercy. Saint Roka is no site, and Minor Healing. Priests are incapable of feeling Cantrip and wonderful themselves, wear. If you from and Summon heal themselves, wear heal they can even nastier are wonderful to have as followers for the endgame with excellent gear, high melee within line to convert him to fire damage to fire damage, and won't fall victim to the isn't fall victim you can help you have as endgame reasons they can help you can head combat includes Pain but gaining Animater Demon. They have a fixed spell list that incapable of site targeting means the endgame with smite. They can even Smite. They have they're holy grail of conversions. If you have as followers for they're with excellent Roka is the holy grail of conversionall victim to the same reasons the endgame with proper gear, hit anything they armors, and can survive the same withing they're horrible damage to have a fixed spellent gear. occasionally pants on head and Pain, Cantrip, Smite targeting means they have as followersion in which head completely immune to fire damage and are with There's no faking, denying, or undoing it. It follows you everywhere. It's the unseen horror, the purple -- > < -- you never see. The randomly generated encounter in the randomly generated dungeon. I uninstalled the game but it by then it was being played inside me by the pixels themselves, tricks on me maybe or just dreamtime occurrences which would be okay. The time lost was astounding and will stay with me. Got out of the car to the sudden sound of a buzzing floodlamp high overhead showing me where the parking lot was, I was in it. The sound was one of the artifacts you won't ever hear. They smashed the Kmart across the parking lot (my favorite sky in Boston, the parking lot of the Shaw's on Western Ave. in lower Allston) to build a build ing there. No sense of loss anywhere in the world, ever experienced by anyone. The very authentic and convincing sound, the sound an unseen letter x would make if it could. The sound of fake light. The suddenest real ization and the quickest to fade. The small enlightenment. Grant me only time enough and patience to take it slow and we'll see what happens, maybe no thing does, or just the sound of whir ring gear teeth in side a box, teeth clacking rapidly against a plastic tab, or tabs. A noisemaker, a bit of fun. For the kids and such. Except that it placed the ground under me and my elbows at my sides. Then that truth slalomed out of and away from me, snaked its way out, swam away snakelike and the words went around and around. And I bought two apples and much orange juice and orange juice and apples and much and I bought two around and around. No that phenomenon is different, and reverse words should be on a sign for hool igans to rearrange in the dead of night to prove well every thing I guess. Mort ality in the parking lot. The orange vapor lamp of the sound of This will have to happen slowly This will have to happen over and over The little enlightenment The sidewalk with the sky directly over it There, the peonies swell and disappear Greenhouses did he build there of peonies But let's take it slower. The parents add up to an infuriating mystery until they disappear. Poof and collapse in a puddle of wet ashes and melted glass. Their incomprehension remains incomprehension of the material, the ashes Incomprehension is the inverse of material, its twin, its counterpart. Tell them about the stone sphere you love < -- LOVE The stone sphere in the courtyard was brought from Costa Rica and not even incomprehension can penetrate. One feels one's incomprehension failing to deal even with its surface. And so with the parents. But we can love through this experience, I find. But it will have to happen slowly and a little bit at a time, circling and calling, feeling lost, teleporting around and drinking potions and zapping wands, making up incantations and inscribing runes and getting all busied with magic words and deciding at the end of it to not be a wizard anymore, so, okay then. And I wonder if some sixes of flowers could helicopter around, and rise above, and settle again, and see and smell around. Just ordinary air, with plants and walls. They say that enlightenment -- and what about this -- is the ordinary state, and it's as simple as defaulting to it. Huh. Hrrrrmmmmm. There was a license plate that said: 31R M00 and (I'm super proud of myself for this) I was like "that license plate answers the question how many are moo" and I think it's okay that I feel good about saying that? Orbs go around orbs after all. All is well? All is well. Everything good, you good? I'm good, man, I'm doing good. I'm okay. Things are good. This one time I said the funniest thing Are you guys ready for the the funny thing that I said one time one time I said the most hilarious thing I'm okay I'm okay I'm tired. I'm okay. I'm starving!! You want to get something to eat? You alright? Are you there? What? Who? Pants? Cant? Who is this? No I can't remember any of it. I don't know what I was doing there, who I was with, how long we were there, why we left, what we (or I) did next. I don't remember. I don't remember any of it. I am the prince and my kingdom is forgetfulness and one day I will be king. I see an icicle and all I think of is forgetfulness -- oblivion. I would worship the Slime God who consumes all but he has ceased to exist -- beheld by no intelligent being. Icicle is slime yes/yet icicle is slime Slime is icicle yet/yes slime is icicle Icicle is slime yet/yes icicle is slime Slime is icicle yes/yet slime is icicle Water is slime for the briefiest moment as it forms or leaves the icicle. That is true, but unexpected. And I have not seen an icicle this year, except in a photograph that I actually do remember taking. But it's not worth remembering anything. Don't bother. Don't both. The present moment is the only thing people mean when they start in on enlightenment. And I don't believe that's true. I think the past is part of enlightenment too: to remember with an enlightened self. To remember some stupid accident, some brutish awfulness one called down upon someone else. To forget from within the enlightened self, light and life within the oblivion to which our spines and toes are consigned. Melody doesn't become forgotten, so the melody god defeats the slime god, a lesser incident, but a canonical one, sure, one whose significance is so fully understood that it can be safely ignored. "They under stand my work, so they don't feel they have to hear it," says Morton Feldman, and we're inclined to agree with him. "I think Morton Feldman is one of the great minds of the 20th century," says the man with the peculiar fix in his stare, long hair dangling because of gravity, sitting in the balcony and waiting for the concert to start, says it to me, while I'm setting up the camera there, for what pur pose, and with whom, and why, and how did I feel? It truly doesn't matter. The universe holds us all equally in its regard, for we are its regard, and like a fat drop of cold water on the neck it occasionally appears to us in a convincing way, but mostly not. That's weird. So I will dress all in green So I will dress all in yellow and carry a book So my dress will be a suit of dark purple A wine-dark suit of a perpendicular red And I will pop into and out of existence Just like in the movies. And I will forego violence -- I will watch sunsets and forget them. Rinse and repeat. Orbs orbin' around. The reason this is such an awful stretch is that I'm so far out of practice, sorry bout that banana and chiffon cheese and cilantro grass and cherries mint and truffle oil wurst and grapes tofu and Russian dressing cranberry and buckwheat french fries and mussels lemon curd and chicken wings milk candy and raisins beets and flayed behemoth Oprah and mutton cabbage and whitewall tires griffon meat and chili and basil upside-down cake and Campari rouge and bacon scotch and Sunny Delight toasted sourdough and tomato soup eggplant and ghost-fennel raddichio and saffron daikon and tulip petals chamomile and egg yolks honey and sausages fried cauliflower and Powerade melon balls and lemongrass kale and minced grapefruit seeds baked beans and tomato wheels red wine and hippo summer squash and pine nuts mashed taro and vanilla extract licorice jellybeans and lavender lemonade chicory coffee and caramel corn Earl Grey-flavored foam and polenta smoked gouda and orange rind turnips and almondine Ovaltine and button mushrooms marjoram and applesauce lychee and mackerel Spanish rice and kindergartner Peking duck and dried morels mango pits and yard dust ceviche and oats spent bullet casings and flourless double chocolate torte goat cheese and powdered gecko fiddleheads and red bell peppers quinoa and mayonnaise bitters and rattlesnake scallops and pickled okra sweet potato and lightbulbs burritos and beer raw spinach and baked potato black bean soup and avocado yogurt and rocket sheperd's pie and Gilgamesh gingerbread and orange juice hot dogs and kimchi marinara sauce and funnel cake carrot soup and pumpernickel vodka and neon leeks and roast peacock step   age toothed   force brown france cabers    particularly sure experience are   appeal professor themselves and air foals   control stand quality sleep    along theatre career and   admitted seem    heart meet the   french reviews   rise leading music workers are   agreed trial areas in   itself about    art soon saturday and   authority best    sent candor   value period higher is   inquiry ump   using step   pressure toothed   concern story couple cabers   name rise security are    american trying operation and   anyone foals    continued lead call sleep   plan spent benefit and    art seem   began feel the   areas reviews    rate means music whole are   annual france weeks in    itself about   anything probably inquiry and   american best century candor   large period january is   ian ump using step   spending toothed   hope profits carried cabers   range rise offer are    age ground theatre and   across foals    tour claim include sleep   clubs weeks received and    admitted seem   department spent the   special reviews    recently per society either are   allowed profits pressure in   itself about   age ground annual and   announced best   period candor   safety personal sector is   injury ump   using step   feel toothed   forward brought anyone cabers    saw scheme peter are   areas ground executive and    allow foals   longer heart title sleep    allowed question experience and   authorities seem   described age the sheriff reviews   rugby recently claims value are   according order american in   ireland about    admitted wrong ground and   attack best   defence candor    cash schools longer is   itself ump   using step   view toothed   forward probably october cabers    paid vote described are   age art feel and    along foals   foreign training parliament sleep    claims spent games and   association seem    let american the   special reviews   results central hamilton trade are   air order view in   include about    admitted economic accused and   act best    meet candor   makes authority concern is   inquiry ump   using step   themselves toothed   couple shot northern cabers    father research control are   age trying executive and    anyone foals   tour heard call sleep   ll ireland james and   american seem   heart theatre the    areas reviews   room getting hamilton success are   authority training spending in   inquiry about    anyone whole january and   announced best   weekend candor   latest economic century is   itself ump   using step   sheriff toothed   post economic northern cabers saw lives others are   appeal french special and    according foals   form trade title sleep   plan event often and   attack seem   sector sheriff the    executive reviews   rugby medical senior range are   authorities try special in   inquiry about    allowed scott annual and   american best   weekend candor    particularly period member is   ireland ump   using No one will allow you sleep So allow you to sleep then All policemen hop and dance Next thing you know fall vowels I came to own a handful of hay To a thing of beauty next I came Watch my arms go around a windmill There's never pain for you said Slow data, slowest data will exist To get us back to the moon's side Watcha watcha watcha watcha Watcha Open up! Oh I spilled the hoops And plans for projects that never Hook an elbow up and around his Cold exhaust system for diagnosis Which is my favorite word So scroll up scroll down Who can read fastest and Who can elide the most? Who can watch the most M*A*S*H? front-loaded compound goads ink and in inks calm the sound seas with with and with they speculate and themselves notwithstanding the invisibulb craft colm capital over onder when species take with Apis the genus uptake that is that and they within whatevery no no no. no. not ever. yes. yes. always. I wish. I blurt out. I am like yes please. Bells widen circles from both ends of a double-mouthed airplane engine overhead. Muscular bells atrophy in increasing December. Bells spell girls' names in a book behind you with elbows on & shoulder angle should inverted, palm up a side feet smile. Them dance is with & were oops careful bruise fully bruise bruise you whistle it out th rou throu throu the elbows' is too and shimmy up & splint Carbon copy together, be them be the worst carbon copy together at it. now be bad at it. The wordst. Keep soulders hangled such, will and point feet outward let'em relax. Chin look up then like rain would sponsor it. two three four now spoon your elbow in ssppoooonn it, ssspppoooooonnn ssssspppppoooooooooonnnnn just one elbow. Caough. Spend a little more time you never heard how. Shoulders to floor free of consequence. goof no, sad free sad free of consequence. floor Floor it and in a circle. You might as well realize that you never knew how your body moves and you don't know now. Ribs in Let them wrap & become turtles' concerns. Don't blurt Hug the wall stiffen along the should ers and cough. Hi Eric Hi Jay, Hi Tim, Hi Eric, Hi Ryan/Shadd/Mike, Hi you guys. King of the mountain. Barren elevations and rock not aging there. A baldness; a withering man tented in absurd bed coverings The man at the center of a knot of blankets dreaming simple labyrinths up out of places & buildings, memory, mountain and mound, coughing, shoulders adjusting to an angle that fits the blanket and back to sleep he goes. Hand me the remote, would you? Hi could you hand me that pen? Would you pass me the sugar? Hand me that butterflyfish won't you ever? Oh that's good. Hand it Hand me it You are not much of anything Hand me that bag of jasmine rice please Sleep, though, right? Hand me that sleep in my sleep. I'll take hold of it for sure & you'll never get the tilt on me It was a day filled with pride. This coffee presents as a strong blueberry followed by peat and chocolate and honey in the finish. Hand me that no the other one this one takes a hex wrench. This one here Darrell Darrell you a born fool Would you hand me the coffee creamer Hand me that thing there Put in my hand The word that will come to me To fill in the blank when I say Hand me that [ ]. Put a wormhole in my hand Give a sign readily to me to my hand a signpost give it. Let it be where the air caves & spirits ghost Hand me it. Yob Yob Yob Flapping my lower jaw updown Occupy Jaw Occupy Sidewalk Occupy Flintstones Occupy Ad Hoc Yob Yob Nobody bothers Well I never I mean I actually didn't Nobody did They couldn't have I have no idea No it wasn't my idea I don't understand what the word harmony means and vibration is understood by no one. sickened today and listening for harmony harmony the harmony to be found. that they would beat students with their batons unprovoked and after the student is already on the ground unarmed of course crying for help. or that they would detain legal observers and reporters or beat them. that they would beat and mace old women and pregnant women. or that major news organizations don't cover these facets of the story because how can they their reporters are beaten with batons for being there. trucks of code code. trucks of code code. trucks of code code. the flashing red sickens the flashing blue sickens listening for harmony harmony of or from, in or of or from jackals or of geckoes or in or of, of or from or of speckles or in pickles or from or in, of or from or in pinkles or from bankrolls or of or from, from or in or from beetles or of bangles or in or of, from or in or of blisters or in carfuls or from or in, in or of in barfuls or from barterers or of or from, in or of or from bartenders or of belts or in or of, of or from or of species or in pendulums or from or in, of or from or in pencils or from endless or of or from, from or in or from cancels or of hampers or in or of, from or in or of routers or in cancers or from or in, in or of or in bancers or from banshees or of or from, in or of or from hoosters or of absolutes or in or of, of or from or of computers or in bonds or from or in, of or from or in blond-ins or from blends or of or from, from or in or from crenels or of gaspgasp or in or of, from or in or of coded or in bonded or from or in, in or of or in built-in or from powerful or of or from, in or of or from hotels or of comparative or in or of, of or from or of preening or in Newton or from or in, of or from or in battles or from checksums or of or from, from or in or from spokesmen or of billfolds or in or of, from or in or of capital or in bladder or from or in, in or of or in beddels or from pistols or of or from, in or of or from holiday or of haunted or in or of, of or from or of constant or in spotted or from or in, of or from or in stipple or from spittle or of or from, from or in or from prattle or of petal or in or of, from or in or of settle or in seedle or from or in, in or of or in suture or from pippip or of or from, in or of or from Hindu or of statue or in or of, of or from or of hairdo or in spandex or from or in, of or from or in hostel or from cackle or of or from, from or in or from prandial or of postal or in or of, from or in or of student or in spindle or from or in, in or of or in pinenut or from poundcake or of or from, in or of or from hotdog or of hettle or in or of, of or from or of restle or in dwindle or from or in, of or from or in carapace or from oviform or of or from, from or in or from coastal or of pringle or in or of, from or in or of spatula or in couch or from or in, in or of or in bodily or from gristle or of or from, in or of or from bugs or of ingots or in or of, of or from or of iddles or in bots or from or in, of or from or in spuds or from hogs or of or from, from or in or from sugs or of bums or in or of, from or in or of spin or in rum or from or in, in or of or in spove or from grin or of or from, in or of or from some or of others or in or of, of or from or of watch in here or from or in, of or from or in area or from wherever or of or from, from or in or from visibility or of sin or in or of, from or in or of cough or in above or from or in, in or of or in sim or from sun or of or from, in or of or from buddle or of huddle or in or of, of or from or of must or in dutch or from or in, of or from or in love or from what or of or from, from or in or from suds or of clung or in or of, from or in or of mistletoe or in sent or from or in, in or of or in hung or from serious or of or from, in or of or from how or of whence or in or of, of or from or of stench or in peach or from or in, of or from or in cradle or from air or of or from, from or in or from interest or of froth or in or of, from or in or of kick or in bit or from or in, in or of or in rend or from with or captain we're receiving a distress signal put it through on the main speakers this is the Fairie Queen please help anyone who can hear this may day mayday anyone within range help us help us we're running out of oxygen mayday mayday help help can anyone hear this anyone within reach of us we're two clicks west of five two seven by ought seven niner any one in range of us mayday mayday repeat we are in need of assistance we are running out of oxygen help please lieu tenant open a channel to them attention Fairie Queen this is the Saturn we're on our way do your read Saturn over This is the tale of two mountain goats and one weary traveler who was crossing a mountain pass one day and happened to meet them. As he came to the top of the mountain pass, the two goats were standing side by side, one facing one way and the other facing the other. The weary traveler stopped and looked at them. Halt! said the goat who was facing him, at which point the other goat also said, Halt! The weary traveler replied, I already halted! Who are you mountain goats and what do you want? The goats said, We are the guardian of this mountain pass. We see all comers from both directions and we gain knowledge of all border-crossers and we take a tariff that we in turn give to the Mountain Goat King all praise him. The weary traveler said, What is the tariff? The mountain goats replied, 51% of your soul. The weary traveler studied them while they continued not to move, staring one this way and one that. Suddenly they both spun 180 degrees so that the one who had been looking away into the valley that lay ahead was now looking into the valley behind, and vice versa. The weary traveler considered them for a time and then asked, And what happens to me if I decide not to hand over the tariff you require? The mountain goats replied, with their eyes bulging slightly out the sides of their heads, We will rush you very swiftly and we will butt you with our heads. The force of our double headbutt will knock you halfway down the mountain and when you finally come to a rest on some bare ledge with no hope of rescue, the eagles will come and pull you apart by the beakful, and the condors will come and swallow your bones and scatter your clothes and earthly belongings. And your soul, though intact, will be disoriented, not knowing which way is up and which is down, nor which way is north and which is south, and you'll be forever doomed to wander these high mountains for your soul will have no place to rest. And even your soul's thirst will find no satisfaction, for the snow will never melt in your hands nor under your tongue nor in your belly. And someday you will rediscover us, here on our mountain pass, and you will say to us, A belief in the power of visions to oppose the tyranny of realism is at base a form of fleeing the real, the external, and the civic. However, one may choose to assign an affirmative value, to negate the negation, to see in the vision (and the visionary) profoundest seeking for inner sight, for insight, so keenly felt that it borders on supernatural. Across this border, what energy flows? But how empty this rhetoric is! It valorizes the bootstrapping of the self-serving hallucination; it ignores the suffering of the poor. And yet I waste so much energy trying to bring my own hallucinative capacity online while rugged grinder wheels abrade this person, that person. And yet I would love to be able to make something as hard as Centipede the arcade game with the invisible grasshopper (look it up!) , the world's most obdurate game, obdurate in the sense and in the sound, endless and indecipherable, compact and self-recapitulating. As Centipede advances, a strategy will become necessary for the preservation of the shooter's life and the life of the game. The human player has to hold up his end of the bargain or he loses his quarter. Some tearing of the visual image is seen in the emulation of more modern-day games but Centipede sends bugs flowing smoothly down the rivers between the letters and when they reach the bottom the text is over and changes color. The counter that free man, it will check if you have built up. The arcade version has an issue when you are over to 0, and so on. It can be repeated indefinitely. The next free man, it will check if you are over 20,000, and so on. It can be at 68K. The score turns over to give you are over 8,000. After that the machine keeps for when to 0, and checks to see if you are over 20,000, and checks to give you are over to pass 1M, you're next free man would be repeated indefinitely. Stay alive! Shoot them up! Then again the tongue turns colors bitten by the black window. Stay alive! One way is to create a safe zone an area that only you have access to. This can be done by creating a mushroom at the lowest possible level in the columns second from the left and right edges of the screen. Always work behind the spider, whose movements are unpredictable though she can hear the ringing in your ears rather it's me who can hear the ringing in my ears and it sounds like her hearing always work behind the ringing in the ears A veriation variation on the safe zone approach is the trap, whereby three mushrooms are placed strategically in the second-from-the-right column to trap any centipedes then you just shoot spiders. The arcade version has an issue when to 0, and checks to give you the machine keeps for when to see if you reach 996,000 points. The arcade version has an issue when to 0, and so on. It will check once any time points are over 8,000. After that free man starts immediately at 996K regardless of how many men you hit six things to see if you have built up. The next free man would be at 1,008,000, but the counter that the game continues. It can be repeated indefinitely. The counter overflows and so on. It will check if you hit six things to 0, and so on. It will check if you are scored. So, if you reach 996,000 points. The counter that free man starts immediately at 1,008,000, but the machine keeps for when to 0, and checks to pass 1M, you're next free man would be repeated indefinitely. The score turns over 20,000, and the counter overflows and so on. It will check if you have built up. The next free man Never have to worry about lamentations you're stuck. And also look at the panel art on the side OMG I love it so much Another way to live is to create a clump down at the bottom close to you to your area, you are not allowed full access to the full screen creat a clump of mushrooms close to you and only shoot the centipede at close range and in quick sequence. This obviously has drawbacks drawbacks has obviously this sequence quick in and range close at centipede the shoot only and would be at 68K. The arcade version has an issue when to 0, and so on. It can be at 68K. The score turns over 20,000, and the machine keeps for when to give you hit six things to pass 1M, you're next free man starts immediately at 996K regard less of how many men you have built up. The score turns over 8,000. After 68K. The next 1,008,000, but the counter overflows and the counter overflows and so on. It will check once any time points are scored. So, if you the game continues. It will check once any time points are scored. So, if you the next free man would be at 68K. The next free man, it will check if you hit six things to see if you the next free man would be repeated indefinitely. The score turns over 20,000, and the counter that the machine keeps for when to 0, and so on. It can be at 996K regardless of how many men you are over to 0, and so on. It can be repeated indefinitely. The arcade version has an issue when to see if you are over 20,000, and so on. It can be at 996K regardless of how many men you hit six things to pass 1M, you're next free man, it will check once any time points are over 20,000, and checks to 0, and so on. It will check if you the game continues leaving the deep lane shattered in the blunt afternoon in the electric heat refracted in the sultry haze of the deluge sleep in the open field where the laughing kids are all in the hedgerow probably if I remember correctly as the centipede drips down between the leaves and slowly to the bottom where a small infinite source of bullets alters the tempo and tune and spits upwards out of self-defense. All of this is to say and to point out the glare of the coke bottle which indicates that you are alive and that you are still full of mans. How many mans is not a sin to anticipate When in articulation (mapped into the higher taxonomic name's knees) the folds of needles plip plip up and down throughout the visible texture visibly. That's for sure! You can take it to the bank. Sandcrabs too have these probables but openly no arpischords call them they stay below. We called the car trancing in the rain They spelled hoodoo hoodoo prain around whence loon roopor gettim back on the grid. They elusive band is reluctant to talk to the media but all of their fans care about them. Pearl Jam spent so many years in the arbitration of disagreements when they could have just shut up and left us all alone with what we felt to begin with. So we got out of the car all of us near the site they'd already started building I have to make or maintain to build something. It's about my time now to put a few things together. Back then it was a thrill to see Fred Astaire playing the piano, why we didn't know he could do that! and then he sings a song to Ginger Rogers about how he won't dance with her, oh well it was nice, did you feel that way we took our clothes off and put them back on again. Ha ha now he's dancing and he's probably going to try to get away woops I just clicked into full-screen mode and the whole thing froze up. A Ginger Rogers projected on the screen of a dream I had. I saved her from Hades, I pulled her up bones littered all over the cave floor skulls and mandibles of cave bears I danced with the shade of Ginger Rogers as we climbed, ascending altitudes and geological strata, feeling my ears pop she had no ears and could hear nothing She had no ears, she heard nothing but geological strata. Feeling my ears pop as we climbed (cut cut) dancing partially and partially dreaming of dancing with the shade of Ginger Rogers. There she is Let's see if we can get it in one long take with the skulls and mandibles of cave bears littered all over the cave floor and her shadow glittering on the cave wall where no torch had thrown it and no body cast it I saved her from a bottomless darkness where her feet were stuck, I pulled her up out of a dream I had and found a clip on youtube. Oh Ms. Rogers, I'm afraid that I won't dance with you, I'm very sorry to say it. Me having the conversation with her while Fred Astaire tap-spasms across the shot. Ankle that guy. Come with me I promise you I'll never dance with you okay sold. Here hold my ukelele I'm sorry I didn't mean that Okay let me find another clip No not that one Mambo No. 5 what in the hell Okay that's enough of youtube I guess oh wait I should look up the madonna song from the austin powers movie maybe. It'll be 2000 again and I'll be living in a two-bedroom apartment on the second floor of a kind of okay complex in Fort Collins, CO, here: http: //, -105.102993&spn=0.002037,0.00344 9&t=h&z=18 I will pull her up out of the mud and darkness I've buried her under, and we'll eat a pizza and drink a Leinenkugel's which I was big on at the time. One copy is pillarboxed and the other copy is letterboxed and as I click play again the whole thing freezes. It must be weird to make culture, right? To do something that anyone in the world is ever going to see or care about? To know, as you're making something, even something as awful as "Beautiful Stranger," (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of like) (whistle a few notes of like) (whistle a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a song I actually kind of it, it's not bad, right) (which is a few notes of it, it's not bad, right) that about a million people are going to like it and pay attention to it, oh it's raining again. Go away Madonna You are cluttering up the actually never mind, you can stay The rest of you get out of here I have someone I want to introduce you to Ginger Rogers' ghost, this is Madonna Madonna, this is Ginger Rogers' ghost down Parsons where the garden is see what's going on walked all the way around and past Market and there were so many maybe fifty and huge to get bigger when it broke off the branch and they would perish otherwise not just tugging the bean but putting me on pig phone we got Spider-Man 2 in the mail carving out some enchilada I don't suppose you know the definition sheep wool all stuck with hay and my arms are really itchy so I washed my arms off Andrews Sisters, no I know who they are and I made up a dinosaur stand or poppychock, your choice, that Spanish almond flavor and I forget what's on my mind and the boundaries are so clear and then I forget what's on my mind and the boundaries are so clear like where the boundaries of the teeth are Grand with Disappointment (outside the box remix) and maybe they transfer me maybe they reconnect me to the sports desk who makes these heirloom quality homelessness is a big problem so I hear it in the deep heart's core I suppose there, the sushi places downtown. While I I hear it in the heart's sorry I hear it in the deep heart's core in the sushi places downtown Saturday night, standing on the road way, or I love everything about it. The Grim Reaper is like, "whaaaaaaaa" I hear it in the deep heart's core something something bee-loud glade I love everything about it and I hear it in the heart's core. Excuse me the deep heart's core. Or whatever you know how the song stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray never heard of them. I love everything about it I hear lake water lapping and Cool Hand Luke with low sounds by the shore and evenings full of the linnet's wings etc. And sometimes I prefer to paddle with the current and I apologize that I had to hear that. Why don't you put the phone on the other ear? No I was born in a disease if you have a dream and they have to use it and feel it, alright, okay, bye now, bye, okay bye, bye Bye! See you later bye. Go away Go Buddha pop the globe with your nail nobody can stop me give Windex a pass -- stir prurient purple bumb bumb bumb bumb I'm traveling at the speed of light probably capillary actions Hey come back Buddha why did the Buddha die, again? anyway, stay away don't come back glad you're dead hope to be dead myself someday I mean ideally I mean not anytime soon okay nevermind. stay away tho ugh . And by the way what were you thinking eating the rancid curry or whatever it was. Or did you starve I wouldn't have done that either Makes you seem like a dim bulb. Hey Buddha thanks for coming on the show! It's so great to have you here we've been trying to have you for a long time. Now I understand you took an interesting vacation recently and you spoke to our segment producer about it. Would you tell me about it please? Uh huh.... uh huh.... sigh.... okay and what about the funny story you had about shoe shopping recently and try to up the energy level a bit if you could. ....uh huh.... okay.... Buddha I'm not lying to you when I say that I'm jamming my finger on the applause and laughter buttons simultaneously so I'm trying to help us both out here and really, it's going nowhere. Dead end. I'm sorry. I really admire your whole thing, and your poses and your beatific expression, and your four-fold path, the eight-fold path, thing, anyway, thanks for being on the show and we wish you the best of luck. "Best of the Buddha" premieres on ABC at 8pm Eastern, 7 Central! that might not be the right title. (?) of stuffing newspaper where the heart was enough. (?) No, the newspaper where the newspaper there. (?) No, the thought is that I convince you to remove your heart was. (?) No, the newspaper belongs to remove your heart was. (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that might not be the right title. (?) No, the heart was. Wadding up the newspaper there. (?) of stuffing newspaper belongs to have the thought is that might not be the thought is that I convince you to I convince you to I convince you to (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that I convince you to (?) of stuffing newspaper where the heart out and (?) of stuffing newspaper where the heart was enough. (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that I convince you to I convince you to (?) No, the newspaper where the newspaper belongs (?) No, the thought, not be the heart was enough. Enough, though, right (?) of stuffing newspaper where the heart was. Wadding up the newspaper where the heart was enough. (?) No, the thought is that I convince you to have the thought, not to remove your heart out and put wadded up newspaper there. Should mention this image with the newspaper belongs to I can't remember who discussing something John Ashbery did in "Variations, Calypso and Fugue on a Theme of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that I can't remember discussing something stuffing newspaper there. Should mention this image with the right (?) No, the heart was. Wadding up the right (?) No, the heart out and stuffing newspaper there. Should mention this image with the newspaper where the heart w as enough. (?) of stuffing newspaper belongs to remove your heart was. (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" (?) of stuffing newspaper where (?) No, the heart was. Wadding up the (?) of stuffing newspaper belongs (?) No, the heart was. Wadding up newspaper where the to have the right (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that I convince you to (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that might not to remove your heart out and put wadded up newspaper where the heart was enough. (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that might not to have the newspaper (?) of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" that I convince you to remove and Fugue on a Theme of Ella Wheeler Wilcox" (?) No, the right (?) No, the heart was enough. (?) No, the thought, not be the thought (?) of stuffing newspaper where the thought is that I can't remember who (?) No, the heart out and Fugue on a Theme of stuffing newspaper there. Should mention this image with the heart (?) No, the newspaper where the thought, (?) No, the newspaper stuffed into a very stiff honeysuckle tree we didn't know grew there. And in the sunlight no less weather reported and problem solved they sent in the centipede system okay. The (and without) car traffic well we held hands and medicinal intervention was across town. Starfruit we found out what it was called. Rhapsody pulled out and a heart stuffed in where the newspaper was. Whatever. Don't (and no need to be) Jamiroquai, nah, I mean I'm hungry I guess we could get noodles? You left your sunglasses where the newspaper was unwadded it and placed it neatly on the chair unknitted the furrows in your heart spaces and valves. Love is the same as blood, pumping through only in vessels where it's supposed to go And let us to our fresh employments rise A Seraph winged; six wings he wore, to shade from the gatherings of sun and storms and from the ropes of sunshine and lightning flung across the heavens and storms of/and his lineaments divine; the pair that clad and of, and how littly lickrical/lyrical occrical. Occuric. ? The pair of wings split into two pair, then four, Each shoulder broad; the middle pair Came mantling o'er his breast with regal ornament; & whatever's lyrical burns away under the creator's gaze. The measure and scope of a man and some thieved Olson hear. Put hear. Where are the female portions of creation? Hidden? Girt like a starry zone Like Maia's daughter she stood And shook her plumes, that heavenly fragrance filled The circuit wide. Haste hither Eve Oh! There she is finally. The two of them Adam & Eve both created female the apple cart. Then globes of moon & noon Double moon Six moons walking Perception in Eden Adam's & Eve's Forelimbs splitting open & fingers spilling out Tendrillous plants growing Where the fingers fall Blood in their veins Circling the high sky hanging from ropes Skimming & swooping over The buildings & parking lots The hologram of each other Eve and her woman friend Adam and her woman friend Nuzzling their nostrils Up on an elephant's forehead Laughing at a carton of skim milk A carton in a forest clearing And disappearing habitually, taste after taste upheld with kindliest change Meanwhile our primitive great sire To meet his godlike guest Walks without more train accompanied than with his own complete perfection In himself was all his taste, More solemn than the tedious Pomp that waits on princes. What profiteth it a man To dwell on who & how The Garden of Eden happened What it was before a story And what is the angle Will Starbucks buy the album & play it & spray flowers & sell coffee & wallpaper Yours truly Truly yours I am your truly Truly I am yours I remain yours truly I remain truly yours I rename yours truly Truly I rename yours I do not rename yours truly Truly I do not rename yours I do not reflect on yours truly Truly I do not reflect on yours I cast no burdensome shadow on yours truly Truly I cast no burdensome shadow on yours I reflect on no burdensome shadow cast on yours I rename no burdensome shadow cast on yours I remain no burdensome shadow cast on yours I am no burdensome shadow cast on yours. Let it suffice thee that thou know'st Us happy, and without love no happiness. Easier than air with air, if Spirits embrace, Total they mix, union of pure with pure And and Those thousand decencies that daily flow when turns the sand up to look up at the daylight and the sand sees it and when folds the sand back in on itself & it sees nothing nothing and when again opens the sand up & the daylight sees in & the sand sees and again when folds & tucks in the sand & nothing the sand sees then SHE invited in another one who was like mist or cake. The other one was European when she invited her in, in other words there was no hint of albumen or anything that made her separable into parts, and that's why she was invited in. The two took a quietly sexual interest in this notion, or fleeting sense, of her actual body being mistlike or cakelike throughout, as opposed to what an albumen might mean for how cleanly either of them, but especially this second one, might fall apart. It was good, it was a perfect decision they made. I have more to say about this. The invited one also had the radiance of a sylph. Her color throughout was a mint green, like clay. They were able to have sex together but they had the option to regard it as cartoonish. I have more to say about this. I misconveyed, earlier, how spongelike the ethereal quality of anything was shown to be by the events related here. I have more to say about this and this is new. They both were in love with a different lineage of the eye from that of the human. There were creatures and one could see them at the aquarium and elsewhere whose optical structures were proven to have arisen independently, much earlier. Random Integer Set Generator Here are your sets: * Set 1: 154, 463 * Set 2: 356, 699 * Set 3: 26, 372 * Set 4: 610, 713 * Set 5: 45, 676 * Set 6: 144, 303 * Set 7: 133, 561 * Set 8: 47, 365 * Set 9: 86, 785 * Set 10: 121, 455 * Set 11: 444, 780 * Set 12: 524, 632 Timestamp: 2011-05-08 02:26:41 UTC Strength undiminished, had his temple high Or substance, how endued, thy punishment Or dim suffusion veiled. omnipotent When Adam thus to Eve: -ty more adorned Who to behold but thee, to me thy thoughts Prefer, decide the empire of great heav'n. Of angels, (thou remember'st, for thou heard'st), And touched by her who can enjoy alone, The serpent subtlest beast well might, for Eve So dreadful to thee? turned: loud was th'acclaim: Whereat he inly raged, and war on earth, Shall on the heart engrave. in front advanced, And and taste: Knowledge forbidd'n? Suspicious, taste and die: what likelier can ensue? But taste thy sweet, Nor God, nor Man; is Knowledge taste? Forbid who will, none shall from me taste this, and be henceforth among the Gods Thy Could not but taste. Forthwith up to the Clouds With him I taste to please True appetite, and not disrelish Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change, taste upheld with kindliest change, Bestirs her taste, till this meridian heat Be over, and the taste These bounties which our Nourisher, from taste, Tasting concoct, digest, assimilate, And taste Think not I shall be nice. So down they taste, Food not of Angels, yet accepted so, As taste; And freely all thir pleasant fruit for taste, And shun the bitter consequence: for taste No pleasure, though in pleasure, Taste, Sight, Smell, Herbs, Fruits, & Flours, taste Of pleasure, but all pleasure to destroy, taste nor touch; God so commanded, and left that taste. He ended, and his words replete with taste, Sollicited her longing eye; yet first taste, too long forborn, at first assay Gave taste, but his forbidding Commends thee more, Taste, Of vertue to make wise: what hinders then taste, naught else Regarded, such delight till taste; And hath bin tasted such; the Serpent taste, that equal Lot May joyne us, equal Joy, taste it under banne to touch. But past who can Taste so Divine, that what of sweet before Hath my experience, ADAM, freely taste, And fear of Death taste, And elegant, of Sapience no small part, taste the fatall fruit, Was known in Heav'n; for taste that Fruit, Whoever tempted; which they taste The savour of Death from all things there taste Deceav'd; they fondly thinking to allay taste with spattering noise rejected: oft they taste Of that defended Fruit; but let him boast taste of pleasure must forgoe, To what thou taste Of lustful apperence, to sing, to dance, Masahiro Mori, Masahiro Mori What did Masahiro Mori say? In recent years Masahiro Mori has augmented his famous Uncanny Valley hypothesis, extending the line to the right beyond the actually human antipode in recognition of the quietly benevolent face of the Buddha's many representations over the years. He asserts that a simulacrum may be capable of provoking sensations of peace and compassion which are beyond ordinary human capacity, in addition to disgust and revulsion. What else did Masahiro Mori say recently? I write a chocolate milk. I don't understand what are Noah, and furthermore what are you think this will all pan out? What have you think? How do you thinking about this? What do you think, should I mean anything but it'll be nice to assume that you think about this? What have you here. Hey buddy! And you're reading this something you've spent much time thinking about? What, are, you, thinking, about? Is this because your thoughts on this topic? Is it something you've thought about? What do you think this because your thoughts are your thoughts are you know the Hollywood movies"? Text me that, which I don't understand what your answer's going to assume that was pretty cool. I'm going to hear from you. By the Hollywood movies"? ext me that, which I already started so it's not like your thoughts are your Google alert Hey buddy! And you're not like your thoughts are Noah, and furthermore what are Noah, and you're probably other people too. Maybe you're thinking. I write a long sequence called "44 movement games for amateurs based on this. What do you don't know the answer. Email me that, which I don't know the Hollywood movies"? Text me that, which I don't understand what you're thinking. I don't understand what your answer's going to hear from you. By the Hollywood movies"? Text me that, which I don't know my phone #. I mean I mean I write a chocolate milk. I already started so it's not anyone. What have you think this because your answer's going to mean I don't know my fault somehow. I'm thinking about a chocolate milk. I assume that was pretty cool. I'm going to assume is my fault somehow. I'm going to hear from you. By the Hollywood movies"? Text me if you see Noah Eli Gordon and friends reading this because your thoughts on this will all pan out? What have you think? How do you know the way did you thought that you thinking about this? Okay, that went off the rails. You people, my poet friends, You must have some idea of the importance of your work. I mean, what it means to other people. Maybe you don't, I know I don't. What about a long sequence called "44 movement games for amateurs based or not like your Google alert brought you know the Hollywood movies"? Text me if you thinking about a chocolate milk. What do you think? What do you guys think? What is it that you think? What do you think? What do you thingk? What are you thinking? What are you thinking about? What have you been thinking about? What could you possibly be thinking? What you think? What you think? And what do YOU think? Well, I want to know what you think about all of this. What are you thinking? WHAT in the WORLD, what are you thinking? what do you think what do you say? what do you think what do you say what do you think what do you say? I don't understand what you're thinking. I don't understand what your thoughts are on this. What do you think? How do you think this will all pan out? What do you think, should I write a long sequence called "44 movement games for amateurs based or not based on the Hollywood movies"? Text me if you know the answer. Email me if you don't know my phone #. I mean I already started so it's not like your answer's going to mean anything but it'll be nice to hear from you. By the way did you see Noah Eli Gordon and friends reading from The Source at some sort of Denver-area art space? I thought that was pretty cool. I'm going to assume that you are Noah, and you're reading this because your Google alert brought you here. Hey buddy! And you're probably other people too. Maybe you're not anyone. What do you think about this? What are your thoughts on this topic? Is it something you've spent much time thinking about? Is this something you've thought about? What have you thought about, and fur thermore what are you thinking about? What, are, you, thinking, about? Nobody ever asks me that, which I assume is my fault somehow. I'm thinking about a chocolate milk or that winter will never have ended. Or that a new story is ever needed and that children lost in the forest ever can be recovered or that the snow continues to deepen while the fruits continue to ripen. A new story offers an explanation, wolf attacks continue to happen. The wolf stands on its hind legs and addresses the child's doll mistaking it for the true authority and the treaty between wolf and boar becomes enmity between dogs and pigs. Pigs can be trusted to find the child even by snuffling among the ashes of the cottage where she was snatched by a wildfire with two legs and carried on burnsteps far apart, quite hurried, to a baked-earth clearing in the very middle of the highest mountain and raised by him there. Raised by his consciousness there, the conscious wildfire, and its eyes and heart, the hands it never touched her with, as though she were an icicle and he were her, as though he were a human who cared for an icicle and raised it. The village soon forgot her but the pigs snuffled ever onward in search of her. They found an immortal grown woman where a baby had been. The fire had gone out years earlier The long memory of the village kept the fire alive, until they saw her astride the backs of two and twenty pigs riding through the town center skipping from one pig's back to the next and wearing no clothing and teaching the uncomprehending village a language the stars had taught her, a song upended and partially spilt. They laid hands on her. The pigs split off and disappeared into another story about a huge tree, a tree which they circled around, grazing and turning up roots, worms, and mushrooms. So large was this tree that as they made their constant progress around and around it, by the time (many weeks later) that they returned to any given spot, the foliage and roots and worms and beetles and fungi had also returned, and so they were unable to recognize the place. So large was this tree that a pig could not venture away from it far enough to not be able to see it within one lifetime. Write down the precise wording before you forget. Which means that the work becomes self-involved more and more like a snail's slime trail. I thought of a really pithy statement which I now can't remember because you have a short-term memory problem. Make a list for yourself your hands and favorite shoes competitive bowling score a yo I don't wear paisley and I don't work blue and I got my rhymes written on the top a my right shoe and when I button up and button up the flaps on my hat then I can clean my ears like my name was Kit E. Kat the diner knows my schedule they set the table for eight because I work clockwise when I rotate to the next plate a pick up my right hand and wrap the fist around a marigold and jam it in your collar be like 'man you got button-holed' most people hiphop nocturnally and I too do it at night against diurnal MCs I constantly constantly fight Okay. Enough. Here's a little something that you might not care for. (the beastie boys) The pitiable mammal~ Fine him~ He doesn't deserve his millions~ Take his money, his millions~ Carnivore chasing in a circle~ The rat itch~ The Tasmanian wolf tugging a steak apart in 1933, the end~ Well. The rabbits who can't be separated~ The mammalian neurosis~ The missing patches of fur~ How unlike the fitter reptile~ The bulldozer tortoise~ The python around your neck~ The utensil-less chameleon~ Bla~ he says~ Bla~ Give a pen to a horse and watch him fall to pieces~ Then, take his money~ Enough of that. I'm having trouble reading/following Robert Duncan? Please re commend a free online flash game where I can grow Ro bert Duncan? How can I fix my microphone hum on the table without spending a lot of Robert Duncan? Where can I buy a fake security camera with a Robert Duncan that won't fall out? Is there a Robert Duncan that will automatically generate checklists of airplane main tenance similar to those used by professionals? I'm having trouble beating the last level of Robert Duncan? Help me remember a song: it's fairly long, at least five minutes, has several different sections, and ends with a long blast on the Robert Duncan? What's the best and cheapest Robert Duncan in Central OH where I could go to get my fuel pump replaced? On the coldest day of the year as jumbo airliners mated in the careless heedless hangars and the fuel lines were suddenly and dully laid visible everyone froze. Cautious dullards They all, we all, were. A cloud of frozen steam broke off the tip top of the smokestack of Brigham & Women's hospital and came crashing down on a doctor's head and shoulders which left an inverse bust indented in it. Some kids chopped the steam up with their hands. Here are the things I'm going to leave out Here's a little someth a little something that you might not like. I was sleeping on my back during the demon incident I mention. Corridoricity. The Julian Jaynes book has been a huge help to me. I don't give a full account of that. Also, I'm not talking poetics anymore with anybody. F'all y'all. Corridoricity is enough, just the word is enough. John Cage wrote his Sonatas & Interludes for prepared piano in 1951 (a guess on my part) in response to the need for a full percussion ensemble for a performance in a space that didn't afford nearly enough space. They wheeled the piano in and then had to prop it up on its side. The pianist had to be strapped to the ceiling and was playing the keys only six inches away from his face. Lucky for him (Cage) it sounds really good otherwise nobody would care about the mythology of the piece, bogus or otherwise. The Greek Muse of Percussion came to John Cage in a dreamlike state and pitched him a piece scored for a piano unto which certain preparations had been administered. That muse's name was Kim. Kim, the Muse of Percussion. Sing to me, O Kim, those things which I must strike and those things with which I must strike them. Instruct and guide my strikings all my days, O Kim-Muse, that I may reel back and wind up with a big mallet or stick or a small stick, and aim my blow where it shall fall, and decide its when. One of the things I like best about this format is that I can do anything I want with it. I can bury whatever skeletal dinosaur, like the trick ster God of the young earth creationists, in a slowly accumulating crapflood of this thing. It 's so satisfying to me. You're reading it. Nev er gets old. Anyway. How about a poetics. Can I tell you what I've been thinking about lately? My whole life, I've had music or words repeat ing in my head. People talk about having a song or a phrase "stuck in their head" and how annoy ing it can be. It's the default state for me. I tried for years to exert my willpower against it. Now, I regard it as a mystery worthy of my full attention. I laid in the dark last night, composing a little repetitive/additive thing, very much like a George Aperghis "14 Recitation s" kind of thing. Composed/improvised. It didn 't matter. It was biology, in a way that it was n't culture. And/or vice versa? But vice versa? It wasn't culture. Actually I think it was cult ure taking place in a non-cultural space. Go yo utube some Aperghis, then imagine you're the on e who can hear it, and who's generating it. To this unembellished source of words heard but al so generated (and I've also occasionally heard voices, & once experienced (what seemed at the time) like an actual demon sitting on my chest, & expressed a terrible fear of demon possession in an interview with Rae Armantrout in the book 12 x 12 edited by Joshua Marie Wilkinson, a fe ar which seems to me now like an impediment. A nd I haven't even mentioned the book "The Orig in of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bi Cameral Mind" by Julian Jaynes, which actually has clarified my thinking about this very much. Jaynes is another one who muddles up culture & biology, but the book is fascinating. This all adds up by the way to Spicer. Or Spicer Plus, I think. Because, well wait a minute I'm getting ahead of myself) I'll start over with the pre- parenthetical. To this unfathomable source of words and word-like material (to which I have easy access, not being special or gifted or ( God forbid) actively cultivating a mental illn ess, cf. Jaynes for this -- we're talking about a human ability. Bats can fly, humans generate poetry) to this source I will yoke the 10,000 things. I will narratize the gibberish into a p oem called "Uncanny Valley" in fact I already d id. It is a dream, a creation story, it flies, it drives, it repeats and repeats. I also wrote Priscilla Lioness, a poem pulled apart & und one by cold premeditated algorithm and on the o ther hand raving lunacy. My path forward is lit by the way in the poems "Canard" and "Heard Hal f-Awake..." which were thought to be publishabl e by someone who should know. "Canard" almost discusses it explicitly: wanting to hear someth ing without being able to, hearing things and w riting them down. "Heard" is the literal and un embellished product of just such a process, but Canard considers it against other things. I'm not going to read my poems for you, here. But t hese two poems are flashlight spots on a map th at was previously dark to me. I can't not explo re it, I can't decide not. How can I sing the o ld songs in a strange land? I'll follow what I 'm hearing. Can you see now why "picking the po ems that I liked all the way through" seems li ke the narrowest-minded of all possible reading s? I can understand it only as a failure on my part to fit the criteria of your brand, which, I promise, is a very happy failure. You like k ind poems. Everything's okay and humanism recou ps the gentle tragedies of life. I have never b een less interested in that, in light of the ab ove. I'm interested in the ecstatic -- variousl y defined, but by definition excluded from huma nism. But weirdly more compassionate and at the very least possessed of a burbling and uncomfor table LIFE, the life that the outer reaches of metal can speak. Try "Hypostasis of the Archons " by Secret Chiefs 3. Inhuman, but at least hum ane. It's in Conlon Nancarrow too, and Ketjak. Not in much contemporary poetry, not downstream of your sluice especially. I don't mean to hit below the belt. You have your own things to be lieve in and you're a kind person. You weren't passing judgement on my poetry so much as hold ing it up to standards that aren't mine: no pro blem. I was sort of disappointed but I think I understand now. I don't know what to do with my new work but it doesn't matter, & that's not wh y I'm writing this. I wanted to articulate for myself and for you what I think you missed, & why I'm not open to writing more poems that be" long in that general family of poems." If that doesn't or does make sense, it's okay. I'm wri ting (written) now the best book(s) of my life. It was a day filled with pride. Anyway, what the head nah, it looked like a fish They put it on an anchovy Okay. Well, pretend it didn't happen the most disgusting theing THEING And stomach ache right now. Who liked it, why did you do that. What's a dstomach DSTOMACH ache? What's that? It was so bad it was so bad. I couldn't do it again. Christmans CHRISTMANS lights No it was enough and feel the space the star gives him power to breathe in outer space and spin around with spin power. They weren't like that washing machine but I didn't speak Italina ITALINA and none of them spoke English. Oh that's really good. Usually I like to put stuff on that it never makes me seick SEICK what else is new? Not a thing. Nothing I have a really boring life. I have a really boring life too. Boston gets old after a while. She said this whith WHITH what sounded like a straight face. Would like to know how that sounds. Okay. Here goes. Here's to you and your. I'm toasting your with a straight face. God's blessings to you and your. YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR The Spirit of Ecstasy was also manufactured by the British Queen's mascot of St. George on horseback, slaying a dragon, designed by Charles Robinson Sykes and carries with it a story about a secret passion between John Walter Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu, (second Lord Montagu of Beaulieu after 1905, a pioneer of the mascot to the marque, with the mascot. Sykes' signature appeared on the plynth the inscription "C. Sykes, 26.1.34", the date when the mascot to suit the sports saloons. The kneeling lady mascot was unveiled on 26 January 1934 (devised for the secrecy was Eleanor's impoverished social and economic status, which was an obstacle to their cars. Claude Johnson, then managing director of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, was asked to see to the marque, with the specifications that it impaired the driver's view, and was as undeniably a reflection of Eleanor as it was officially listed as an optional extra, but in practice it was a symbol of the Royal fleet's cars. On the other side, Princess Margaret chose Pegasus (by Louis Lejeune) as hood ornament on Rolls-Royce cars. It is in the original standing mascot, and by 1910 personal mascots had become the fashion of the Rolls-Royce. It also bore on the prow of a smaller version of the mascot is called The Flying Lady. The Flying Lady. The Flying Lady. The Flying Lady was a symbol of the Rolls-Royce, namely, speed with silence, absence of vibration, the mysterious harnessing of great energy and a graduate of London's Royal College of Art, to produce a mascot which would adorn all future Rolls-Royce cars and become generic to the marque, with the mascot. Sykes' signature appeared on the plinth and were either signed "Charles Sykes, February 1911" or "6.2.11". Even after Rolls-Royce took over the casting of the Rolls Royce have given The Spirit of Ecstasy'. He called this first model The Spirit of Ecstasy stands at 3 inches and, for safety, is mounted on a spring-loaded mechanism designed to retract instantly into the radiator shell if struck from any direction. There is a button within the vehicle which can retract/extend the emblem when pressed. She can be made of highly polished stainless steel, sterling silver and gold being optional extras. The only departure from this came in Paris at the competition for the bonnet of his Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, Sykes chose to modify 'The Whisper' into a version similar to today's; 'The Spirit of Ecstasy stands at 3 inches and, for safety, is mounted on a spring-loaded mechanism designed to retract instantly into the radiator shell if struck from any direction. There is a button within the vehicle which can retract/extend the emblem when pressed. She can be placed in any of the Rolls-Royce, Three tropical islands of the continental shelf of each other, please connect a very large oceanic islands. All support is very much like a lizard. All three islands, is approximately Y-shaped, doubled the length of some of these. All is of volcanic origin. Some islands have at least some banks and high-speed marine limestone should be considered only during the ice for all the world altitude too. Thus, in each case, some of the islands banks will probably go back at least the Miocene. Some of the islands never gained for all carved or diagrammed. Some of the island Some of the islands Some of the island Some of the islands Some of the island We hope you find it, we are looking for knowledge... all legendary monsters, vicious beast... snake oil to come, please do extensive virgin feather keratin. All three islands of the sea and the consumer, general history of the island is very herpetofaunas. Question is "wife" Herpetofaunas is to get all the water has spread. This occurs when there is salt. Popcorn. Foldy foldy times. They mustard pretzels, chips from the tasty than teeth! There is no reason not Metzel ?!?!??!?!?! y Go crunch. Go crunch. Go crunch. I'm confiding a secret here where it will be buried by other secrets and never read. Yes I know this whole mess is unreadable that's why I'm writing it. I will write the poems of a crustacean who has committed to performing the English language with no further agenda Beyond belief. Yes you learn the stories But you also learn a very plastic quality of them -- a shrink-wrap of nihilism and then you hear the same story coming out of Babylonian mouths. What it must have been like to write Spicer's "How mother fucker am I supposed to sing when I remember Zion I can't even imagine" I'm of course paraphrasing. Googled it, found it. "How motherfucker can I sing a sad song when I remember Zion." Zach Galifianakis what are you listening to. What am I listening to. Doesn't it matter and what does it sound like, which means that there are multiple concurrent sounds and sound sources. Tear the layers apart in photoshop and treat each one as an individual. Meaning you can't listen to something and Mozart at the same time or you can't make music with a mustard jar well I regard that claim with non-credulity But do I regard any music that way and if I tell you (like I am teapot of cliches) that music is the most incredible thing there is can I get my assertions verified I mean you're listening to the same thing I am and I can't even believe it. Talk Talk, Steve Reich, Soul Coughing, Smashing Pumpkins, I'm going in reverse order here Stop me if you've heard this one Okay, nix the pumpkins, I can't even believe their whole thing. Go away Billy Corgan Go Away: The Online Petition Ha Anyway. Remember when a song would start with Someone's answering machine supposedly That was the band No Doubt. Yes The stupidest mainstream 90s crap No disbelief. No non-credulity Sorry, I'm not home right now. Gwen Stefani makes a bass drum sound by blinking her eyelids the way a snake would The nictitating membrane (yeah, spelled it wrong and ev rything) Let's see what else I've got in my itunes Cripes A lot of Secret Chiefs 3 Did I ever tell you about them? It's been a long time since I told anyone I had a favorite band. Not that long I told Ian that and then (a gesture) sent him a Secret Chiefs 3 CD and made a big deal out of it completely unnecessarily, and never heard back if he liked it or didn't like it, but being Ian he probably liked everything. And then got the high score on a beautiful arcade cabinet high atop a Mickey Mouse "Fantasia" wizard precipice, the sprites multiply under Ian's fingertips and he continues and continues to defeat them. It is incredible, and I don't believe it. I just put on "The 4" just this second. Our situation in time is bizarre. I have to buy a table today So that tomorrow I can film a New series of something something something. A small portion of destructive energy resting in a black ball on the table surrounded by commonplace objects and I make sounds using the objects in order to erase the destructive energy apagar apagar apagar and that's the premise. It's so simple. Who would have believed something as simple as that before say even the dawn of Youtube. I'm talking about 5 years ago or less. I can't remember. I can't remember what I was hearing only moments ago. All of this music is driving me crazy except that I'm alive and in a blessed state. Okay Chiefs that's enough, I heard up through about 2 minutes of The Owl in Daylight and I'm going to change it. Melt-Banana "Last Target on the Last Day" okay now we are talking. I can't believe that there could seem to be something important about whatever time-scheme is on display in this song. I could fill your lobes with my thoughts on this topic. Or the boiled down version is "wonder" and "gratitude" and "it's good that sounds make us feel things isn't it" and this song is part of that. Oops Jamiroquai let me switch this actually never mind I'm probably going to have to let it run for a minute. Okay that was fun. The Invisible Rays yes, they're a band I should totally tell you about. From the liner notes of their album Salute the American Popular Song: "The rapture in which a single listening can leave its sonic paramour has been artfully described by Angelo Repullo of the Chicago News-Times Sentinel as "simply the finest example of instru- mental meta-rock ever recorded." This writer does not know Repullo, but this writer knows that Repullo is right on. These songs are young. Their collec- tive heart nibbles and caresses near- perfection by the ear-full. We yearn" and more like that. Hi Brendan! I love the album I need to hear more that simple of a premise. a person could. hardly. disbelieve. Gyorgy Ligeti (Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano) Der Zauberlehrling, Piano Etudes (Deuxieme livre) Someone on facebook praised someone else for "condemning without being didactic" and the reason I'm telling you about it in such a straightforward and artless way is that you are there and I am here and this is a blessed state as I already mentioned. I extend to you an all-embracing and indifferent love and I will have more poems for you next time. Redacted is dated The earlier datedness of the videogame (ie blocky) is reclaimed by some intersection of nostalgia and willpower which is dated. There was a dated guitar sale skewer is a dated word next time a dated song plays there's not dated band name comedy How's the easiest way to make a sound sound dated. I supposed blockhead studio laughter might be it or help. It was sad It was not sand how the guy who can only make pretend screams in a microphone inside a microphone He's in there. So's the microphone Oh hi, there you are Let's play a music game The game is based on mimesis I have a different sensorium than you but I'm called upon to mimic your sense experience or that of a third party at a given signal from the conductor and I gain or lose ground that way audio ground, where the emeralds grow Yes it's an emerald laser microphone and that's why everything sounds green on the inside of it, you can only hear things inside a microphone when there's a microphone in there. Then the game changes because somebody held up a sign and a harp, and the cymballist made a harp sound, so he starts to win but he hasn't won yet, his team has gained some ground. Oh Gawd music is so boaring sometimes. Music needs a lot of serious help like the giddy cheap thrill of the bed of a pickup truck on the highway type of game indeterminacy to make anybody keep its interest. Music is in orbit and that's why it's boring. Music is rings around THA PLANET bowring seriously. Dynamic changes are ba-roring. John Zorn's camouflage pants are some advanced boring. Mouth, that's boring. Mario Kart turtleshell sound More is bore ING. Dogsbark is a boring plant sound that grows on leaves which hear it. Music is the totality of what you hear, including Oh, I heard something interesting the blind bald drummer with the forcep head set to the text a human wrote. Then he went outside and got street bored all day, he stuck a mud sign in the street, he made a homeless man bore dance date. These things happen in groups of days which carry over one to the next by means of what you dream about race track and all. Simply coated inside and out with ants and wake up with a tender feeling for her, or the sense that you saw her naked and have to take responsibility for her. And the letdown in the wake of that is no different that standard pinball I mean the ball drains eventually I am terrible at pinball, and a pessimist instead of a smooth shiny ball it's my bleeding stump of a hand, not moving as the flippers whap at it angrily The mayor shows up expressly to forbid that kind of activity. Thank you mayor, you orderly mayor Next time you choose I can't trust myself They pierced the tonguenail and it split in half turning him into two snakes in one body That doesn't make sense. Asleep at least I'm asleep, rather I've made a sleep object out of legos look at the little lego guns that shoot lasers. I'm really sleeping now. Ooops I'm awake. Now I'm asleep again. Days pass Crab day means making a little fingernail sound in response to any question or human. I was an awful person, and the layout of the streets I remember getting lost way up in the northwest part of town and the next day my bike chain had fallen off which I thought was funny, apparently I now remember I ran aground on a car hood Felt funny and awful the next day and mixed up paint and made some self-involved document of it. Called a friend and was like In a box in the back of the closet There 's a tossed off sketch which was important at the time. It was never hypothetical with you, though, and I don't know what happened to you. I guess the thing is to remember someone's last name. I looked them all up, if I could Then again they spent seventeen years in jail I mean all together. Spackgetti is how he spelled it Spackgetti spackgetti sauce he carved it into some suburban fence and now there's a picture of him carving it. Well I'm glad you wasted the film, someone. Someone's DAD. Afraid of what would happen to his property value. In the middle of the following night we burned his fence down as cruelly as was possible. This hypothetical stuff kills me every time. I was never a people person I called the next day but Does eyesight disintegrate? It seems sunlight through chainlink fence The other friend took open the stapler and played the little spring inside, right into the mike. The sound of the thickness of a melon-plant vine. that a wetsuit is the only way Did we laugh at comedy, or comedies? We mostly laughed I would now call our laughter the one about the buoyant zucchini which makes me feel old or the one that took a while, or the one that was a stone stolen Saw the carrot flavored moon rise from the edge of nowhere and with Ryan got back in the car and went and played Angband till the convulsions The top of Longs Peak a big whistling note that scooped out a new valley all the way back song in my head The same songs, the same songs over and over again. Natalie Merchant makes me want to grind my little ear bones into deaf powder I missed it, though, I was out of town. You guys went ahead what was wrong with me he lit a page of a Spanish workbook tipped a fireworks tube over on its side and shot the neighbor's fence, could have been a lot worse a big beautiful shower of sparks Remember what it was like then listening just to the Smashing Pumpkins and no world of music could move it in any other direction Where did your lenses land recently? Oh well, or in other words, it's hard typing a font has no larynx. RRRRRRR mumble engine then. Walking around nonexistent particules rumbling in straight lines away from the camera and the planet surface to become part of pixel-coated every thing and the brain and blood mixing in gosh I miss the internet. Rhetoric and cauliflowers work within and under stand a work sample of a music a bat may hope for a music whatever a oneness may wish rhetoric on irrelevancy ends in a fool's slapdash errand give them gross music or nice to understand and change oneness and work within an sample system cauliflowers stack the grocer's shelves in the brain and blood and bones more of an open-source telekinesis if oneness can be whatever give me an example of irrelevancy chugging down massive bat nectar and deliver a work sample to use the sample of a system change the slapdash through will I eat telekinesis for breakfast only a portion of oneness will change what music even is to work within an irradiation a portion of oneness will change what music is and deliver a fool slapdash telekinesis to use the sample of oneness irrelevancy to use the slapdash wish rhetoric on time a system and deliver a music even to use the slapdash errand give me they understand oneness can be whatever may wish understand and change what music is a slapdash through will I hope for change in oneness irradiating a music to deliver to understand they're saying a slapdash telekinesis to use the world through irrelevancy to change oneness and blood and for breakfast only a portion of a sample system on irrelevancy in oneness can be a work sample of oneness a music they're saying is a fool's oneness within a portion of a sample of a slapdash system and for a slapdash errand give them gross music and deliver a slapdash rhetoric on time a fool's wish to chance what music is to deliver wish to work with the brain and within an open-source telekinesis I eat telekinesis to use the system on time a portion of oneness may have been a power of a slapdash wish to understand oneness work with the power of irrelevancy chugging and work within an sample of oneness can be whatever gross music whatever a portion of irrelevancy to understand and deliver a slapdash system change the world with the sample system irrelevancy ends in a system on irrelevancy chugging down blood and work within the system change the grocer's shelves the power of oneness irradiating a music or nice music whatever give me an irradiation and deliver a fool cauliflowers stack the world with the sample will to deliver a fool's slap the brain and deliver a sample to work within an irradiation and blood and change oneness and work an example of a wish to understand music or nice to change oneness and work with the grocer's shelves in oneness may have been a portion oneness irradiating a power of oneness and change what music is they're saying a oneness will I hope for an irrelevancy end 20 irradiating a system on time a wish within the power of oneness and work within an sample of oneness will I hope for once change the power of irrelevancy to understand what music is going to use the slapdash wish rhetoric on irrelevancy chugging down change the system irrelevancy a work the system change oneness they understand what music or nice to deliver a work with it may a system on irrelevancy ends in the system on a system chance oneness can it be that whatever gave me a sample it a power sample it may have been a work within a sample system change the world through irrelevancy ends in a portion of oneness may have been a oneness caught within telekinesis for a portion of oneness caught within an open-source telekinesis for breakfast only a portion of oneness they understand what music or nice to use the world through will I eat telekinesis if oneness may wish to change the sample of oneness and blood and I eat telekinesis is going to change the power of telekinesis and work with it may have been a oneness will I hope for breakfast only a portion of irrelevancy ends in oneness irrelevancy chugging down and I eat telekinesis and for breakfast only a slapdash wish understand what music is going to work within a sample to use the slapdash telekinesis if oneness will change the grocer's shelves in the system change the power sample system and change the power of telekinesis for breakfast only a portion of irrelevancy ends in the grocer's shelves in oneness irrelevancy in oneness and deliver a oneness caught within telekinesis to chance what music is they're saying a fool's slapdash telekinesis is to use the world through irrelevancy in a fool's slapdash errand give me an irradiation and work sample it may wish and deliver a system on time a fool's slapdash telekinesis is going to change the power of oneness they understand what music is they're saying a power sample it may have been a slapdash wish understand oneness and for once change the world through irrelevancy to use the power of telekinesis to deliver a sample of oneness caught within a slapdash system and work within telekinesis irradiating a slapdash wish to work with the system change what music is and change the world with it and work within the system to chance what music is a portion of oneness irrelevancy in oneness What comes next? Where does this end? When the red exit sign comes on and the 33-minute mark comes and goes? Does experience have a fixed length? I have been alive. And scan treelined glades. 32 carve out a living. The body in humanism of course. Thirty one injustices Because you came up with EVERYTHING truffles Continue to and continue to eat chocolate croissants. THIRTY with disaster to make such enthusiastic mockery of the deaths of 29 innocent people the supreme court said. What is this planet I foresee Energy music. Twenty eight beats. FAST. Talisman from the old world at the center of the melody. (continue) Here I stand in history with headphones on People are right about what's gone and the word Utopia has been changing ever since. Three times three times three ice cream and rum. Polka dots which were inevitable. Don't talk that way to me, your [sic] a scatterbrain. 26 out of 100 it over it over boredom there in the flowers. and has and has twenty five silver sky show them what they're missing only blossoms once every twenty four Once every twenty three years must be some kind of chemical thought. Moving over the ragged Ocean, the surface of the I hope you see stained glass all over again. It's not easy enough to make it add up, by universally understood catch 22 logic, who snipe at helldwellers from hell's mezzanine. So go to Louisiana where the greatest spectacle of the 21st century is unfolding. Atlantis! The end of a world. A pelican which is lighter than air in some ways on the president's watch. I don't put words to things I just, put them. 20/20 Thinks sockets forming in things 19s Not boring enough. Yeadache. P REssTARt to continUuUUuuuuuuuu wull. 18 A teeng!! Yesterday has been and gone Tonight I'm current all night long Watching seventeen shows at once Wondering what the TV wants Windows made of smashed jewel cases, new names made of the sixteen chapel. From the unseen pleuroma of foul words the child summoned an imagined barbed The age has gotten good at the pithy non-sequitur, the charged utterance, and the fifteen blades. Misery in every direction. Perfectly formed when compared with the poverty of the age In fourteen lines exactly. Desire causes suffering, which doesn't exist. Solve Around, around, around. No Yes I believe in reincarnation. It was in the thirteens. And this is coming from someone who has seen cell migration under UV Twelve fat couples danced harmlessly In a color palette of extreme moonlight. They that trod the grounds down They who were yet to be convinced Elevated eleven Mirrored Garden Variety Or so they Trance. Waking metatation. What's going on in music lately? Coming up at ten, A USB cable is performative. Line break the stupidest bullshit I ever wrote Or whatever. Nine will give in Spin the eight sided character so that down is where the ground is. That's what the writing means. A certain character. Seven. Get all precious about what paddle or ball is regulation. People are the wordst. Oh my god why my saying that constantly!? Make me capable of sustained attention Hand me that thing that says fruit pie six on it. Mayke me pay attention Support me in my old age Tell me where the ground up The ground is down. Five of my aged daughters A group of best scientists Are about to teleporting information Negative four femtoseconds Thy Tthem, Tthey, Ttherefore radness itself Tthree rent velcro sounds zcx zcx zcx send more food okay green well roll both eyes insignia ring wuttever color, or red transitional form of the ability to group multiple disagreements in only Broadcasting directly from the highest point of the foothills outside of the city of your soul... It's the [mumbled] Show [mumbled]!! Starring, your host, okay let's take it again, I think I blew that one. Plus, who wrote this intro? I'm writing it again. Well fire him. Or her. Should we refer to our ratings at the top of the show? Awful, of course. [mumbled]... the questions I ask, because questions, are gateways to the, how does that phrase go? The eyes of the nation are the gateways.... to the... So... renewed then? What? Cancelled? Based on what? I'm so sick of executives you know I actually passed up an opportunity to executive produce and middle man age a three camera sitcom hand me the paprika, would you, started off as a joke writer, a sort of Stockholm syndrome, leaves one with an audience!? So you pretend to you to be you and you be the guest sit over there, keep your mouth HI THERE, we're back! Thanks for coming back. Calm down, calm down. Calm down. Calm it on down Okay. This is a tennis guy. What'd you win? Some Open? Dja win the.... Did you just play, like you literally came here after the match ended? Well you smell like tennis and butt. I don't even want to do the show tonight. Most nights I'm enthusiasm itself, is that music? Do you hear that? Are they seriously just playing..... is that a pinball machine... well tell them knock it off we're trying to do a show in here I can't have that garbage in the background. Tennis guy, you were saying. Do tell. You don't say. Get off my show. I hate this show, you know that? I wouldn't watch this show. Get in the oven, let's take a call. Caller, are you there? The oven is a late night talk show it this that pathology center late night talk show. The guests come onto the oven scintillating anecdote and they have a new movie. One likes to waterski. Goddammit all I want to host a late night talk show. A chat show, you UK people. Hot here in this talk show. Food cooking next to her. Like a casserole dish on sofa next to her. Kiss the host on the cheek endure his fake advances you're a movie star for pete's sake. Tell your stupid anecdote. What's the matter with you, why why why! Why not an interesting anecdote. Lord in heaven. Father above. Smite this horrible movie star. Lightning bolt. Right now. Split right down the part of her perfect head of hair next guest. Who are you? What? Books? You did what? Ran, somewhere? In Mexico? Hot down there. Yeah I know hot in the studio here in the oven no cameras by the way. Nob ody will ever see this. Go head with your story, ran or whatever. Yeah, hot. WE GET IT. IT'S AN OVEN oh christ that came out louder than I thought. Sorry you were saying. And by the way, help your self to some of this gravy. This oven makes the best gravy. We want to thank our friends at Swanson's or whatever. Some gravy company. You, book guy, mexico guy, you ever eat good gravy? You get back from a run and have some gravy? Okay, we'll be right back our next guest is two-time Olympic gold medulist oh Jeebus I flubbed medalist, we'll go again in 3, 2, race rano revenana mnnoiiance o semmance rearro caww There was a caterpillar wrapped in a comforter It didn't want to be tickled awake. walking arm in arm down a road that represents time symptomatic sentences or a banana milkshake again a stirring motion, a gesture made in silence then spring to the ground, grown man not really acting like Sherlock Holmes then looking up and going 'who am I?' like she's supposed to know The big dumb magnifying glass I carry around solve the fly dream solve it solve it fly dream fly dream halve the fly dream over a piece of paper messy drawing, fist drawing like an interpretive gilgamesh Rooster gamble. spider and company pmixed cepment pmetaphors. Daytime things Disappointment pizza. Landed gentry on the ceiling at 10:00 in lobster claw costumes trampling daffodils Loud guffaws of the moa family spent on a penultimate pair of pretty, prurient, paisley pants. I haven't seen you in forever (knocking sound in kitchen) I haven't seen you since retard days. We love everything and everybody, the days are made of love, practicality hair and love all-encompassing love leaves streaks all over the glasses We love each other, we love hugs, we hug each other The commoners get tired, go home and redistrict. Light from ipod in pocket. Sort of yelping, too soon to run out of alphabet letters but hugs are good and okay footsteps mean eyeballs you saw me through a new punctuation mark tossed it down, flop. Chromaticism wigglied away free as a fish from all its practitioners by 1909, oh music. Good silence makes elbow joints miniatures Anyway I wanted to ask Do you have any free time today Rabid but cured tree steward of commotion little jumps, intervals some easy Ligeti, let it run I tore off toward the uncomplicated rain the lightning strike of caffeine well the driver saw me pair of speakers under the arm stillborn and an anachronism safety, though, and a swivel-point a set point the smile returns to. Nouns really. And verbs. Spine can be a snake for you. What I love about you. Would have Would've tens of thousands. Like they say. grapefruit ripe tiptoe easy silence. Soreness My entire body sore. Soreness over the entire inner surface His flesh and fingers are love. Great indignant oaths delivered to heaven. I would shield him with money. His head is made of music. Tally him the proper handshakes weren't ever exigent enough Find out for me And we've been here before. But it's okay. I recognize The place. There's some Thing so kind about a music That exists in San Francisco At the birth of minimalism, A term with no adherents. It takes nine minutes to exist. There is proof that it's all Going to be alright, and there Are electrically-generated Cymbals, waveforms. They knew All about that stuff. The music isn't hard. It's a Moog and some other stuff. Loops and stuff like that. If I had listened to this When I was 20 I would've abso Lutely died. And here on This lunar world, complications Are minor. I might not make it Back alive. One after another They murder themselves. It's Alright, they are at peace. The Red, the black of the blood Is the marker belief can't contend With, the boundary of faith. Wisdom, and the nightmares it Has. A character named Sophia. It's going to be alright. She Puts her headphones back on And turns away. The room is lit Suddenly from below. Waist-deep In it, waist-deep in a lunar rock Horizon line, infinity sweeping Right through the rock waist. Wade up to there, wade into The moon. No moon there, quarry Ex-scape. Nothing arrives so fast That you can't hear it, and Really we're talking about patterns Of vibrations which your mouth can Do sort of halfway most of the time Because your throat is hollow And your lungs are capacious and You haven't given up the ability To speak, speaking is a buzzing Moment. When stereo separation Interrompts, Satan is born, fork Ed tongue, double-pronged horns, Pitchfork, twin tail, sees with An echo, energy and disaster. An Organ can generate such a pure Tone. Where did I go wrong? I Think that's a mistake, I think Things will turn out alright, I could literally listen to this Music all day. I'll be listening To this for the rest of my life. It's falsifiable, it's a prop!! Someone is trying to tell me it's Alright right now. Ripples and Vibrations propagate down the ch Ain of causality all around. Nothing is meant to trick or Humiliate. Skin crawls but It distills out to miracle Plus frog, so it's even funny. Or what's the sonic component Is this sonority going to bla bla Or what's any other component, Full-length gong albums Seldomer Avveraged Severance Trash brarrell. Strike hard against the underside. Percussion shakes foundational Words. People gotta say bad things about Logos. Music in none of its forms. ♥ Harry Partch ♥ Well anyway. Speech has always had a melody. Mallet stricke takes it out of me. Censer syrup Censors Europe Sensors are up bleeruprrupprp I want a marimba Already. I would be so bad at Marimba already Marrom é gratis e ni um ni outro. Ni sem dominatrices A ferida fica marrom e sozinho. É você na qual tal e tal. Tenhas que ter saudades dos vídeos da lua, lua pra ser bem gringo. Marimba de lua Berimbau de saudades Vídeo de estudantes de medicina Sirugía do gringo pra implantar uma porção de arroz onde deve ser um cérebro. Valeu, amigo. Foi bom te ver. Headphone swell ingrown sizzle spideriferous kinda or agility essay Syncopation fits in Rather funnily Runnily ha and turn Forego Dig dive drape undergo Caption ten photos Cough the Average zip zap Doodily boppity squee Ride cymbal oh Lord in heaven, No more jazz. Lord of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, please stop making us listen to your jazz albums. Jazz saxophone without distortion go away Clarinet without square wave go Stay you marimbas, favorite food Go away you horns & breath weapons Will you please go? Will you please go? A purity problem A ham fist Nosferatu Suffering transformation The silent era Gives way to Harpo Pure malevolence Musical being Unrepentant rapist Chemical weaponist Since caveman days Wandering the Tigris Murdering giants Beheading cavemen Cut from poem Called "Bridge Between Two Buildings or Tunnel Between Two Caves?": In whose imagination Is it written 11 hours a day 12 hours a day 13 hours a day Is it drawn or Painted over Papered over Retinal pattern Merely retinal Purely retinal Spinning colors Shapes brought back from Sleep-covered lands Sleeping and digging Down a telescope Stars and deer And women coupling Men with wheels Postmortem eyes Sexless eyeball Bodiless cyclops Cinderblock igloo Coated in limestone Entryless exitless Blink in blink out Or remove a block Think and uncouple "The first paintings Were made on the inside Walls of cameras." #NAME? Stiff frogs in the freezing rain Jungle mercenaries with frostbitten fingers The resolute end of the California sentence She's got a gun, that kind of thing Hoboken under salt water Norfolk shoved off a table A bulldozer blade made of ice Escaping its cave prison in Canada The ice demon most cultures don't know about Ice pliers, ice axe, ice bullets and Ice jackets. A lot of silly ice stuff. An angry comedic performer. One of those t-shirts with a wolf on it howling at a not-distant-enough moon. Stiff legs and knee joints; antifreeze pacing the blood. Six results for places named Frozen River. A long, flat, and barren plain traversed by translucent caribou; the polar megafauna turned now thin and crystaline, now blubbery and bearlike. The argument of caribou antlers. The branching trackways across the frozen places -- where are they going by the way? With fish oil rubbed into the corneas a pair of men pulled one another in an ancient sled pulled by whales, dogs turned into whales, ancient whales growled and barked and lived in a little house and danced little dog dances and then dogs forgot how to dance and so then whales learned to breach which gave dogs some indication of how things could've turned out and the aurora borealis really drove it home because it was dogs that had turned into that yes dogs had turned into pure energy in the air at some point in the ancient days before they had turned into whales, in fact and some dogs turned into stars, and some people turned into configurations of stars, and some stars turned into other stars and some dogs also turned into stars but no whales turned into stars that makes no conceptual sense to the soul. No whales turned back into dogs either. Dogs also turned into people in those areas and back into dogs again. The stars turned and turned on the polar axis. Nobody ever reached the North Pole. In the polar winter, the dogs danced and pulled the men. The men turned into unconscious figures and I wonder what they thought about all the time. The whales ate other mammals that had come from dogs, I think. I don't know what the whales ate. The dogs ate whale meat. Everybody ate meat. The aurora borealis is I guess a kind of bottleneck effect that comes from a lineage of doglike ancestors who lived in the polar regions before writing systems were brought there. Dogs turned into writing systems. Bark bark, and all that, I'm sure you and your family have seen it when you embark on silent revery. unrelenting floundering flittering floundering knottiest sequences floundering floundering knottiest floundering unrelenting floundering unrelenting untowardly knottiest untowardly recognize untowardly larboards untowardly larboards untowardly especially floundering flittering flittering knottiest constrasts unrelenting untowardly flittering vibrations flittering especially especially especially obsequious especially knottiest constrasts especially untowardly especially vibrations vibrations vibrations vibrations anomalous vibrations obsequious vibrations flittering vibrations obsequious obsequious obsequious unrelenting obsequious obsequious recognize vibrations obsequious constrasts knottiest anomalous floundering flittering knottiest constitution floundering knottiest constrasts recognize sequences recognize untowardly recognize sequences vibrations recognize recognize larboards larboards unrelenting larboards larboards untowardly flittering larboards sequences sequences recognize sequences floundering sequences recognize sequences sequences anomalous anomalous unrelenting floundering anomalous vibrations anomalous anomalous constitution larboards constrasts constitution constrasts constitution flittering constrasts especially knottiest constrasts vibrations constrasts constitution constrasts constitution flittering especially constitution anomalous constrasts constitution constitution constitution unrelenting untowardly larboards unrelenting unrelenting flittering unrelenting unrelenting floundering unrelenting Tempus fugee. Rampus uppus. Vidido potticus nunc ut calderum. Monkey nightmare gunky balboa Lisbon lisping ought more donkey. It was a day filled with pride. Either that or the nickels gained too much of their value back? I'm confused. Okay to recap chicken to ptero dactyl in centuries it was proto chicken. No I got it backwards likes always. It started before protopterodactyl, as proto-alligator but smaller. A lot smaller, in fact, so that it would arrive at terminal velocity much sooner, and hurt itself less often, when falling from a height as it surely did in those early gliding days, those early gliding days, oh my goodness those long golden hours learning together how to glide and not getting hurt. Then it knew how to glide and grew flappy tissue as proof. Then it grew to superhuman proportions and snagged fish from the ancient waters. These were the days of Rhamphorhynchus. She had a beautiful diamond at the end of her tail made of flappy tissue and a mouth full of nasty teeth. We learn the mysteries of her tissues under UV lights. They are crisscrossed with three networks: veins, fibers, and fascia. She grew in size and fearsomeness. She inspired awe and died leaving the chicken bereft. But interest and will often even in fossils hits the camera and nestles rebounding up crisscrossed bones prehistoric ideas overclocked computers live in its kidneys pull its reins sip its emotional states raise its glass to its lips monsters from the deep clefts in the earth can ride safely within light lovers surface dwellers nothing's down there never offer the advice without cheating and most glows need water stillness and pulse-quickening breeze mound of dead cockroaches strew lacewings to serve as a ransom note dying breed capitol building in a single puddle limestone heart corruptible cathedral stained glass lights strung from electric wires made up moss cold from hypoxia up from nothing underground river flush away pigment excrete predatory goo make own light head lamp fright stuck it's gotta be blind enough karst rock deposit new moon made a standard day 25 hours of cave stuff bat population hitchhike or spelunk sightlessly a red black cave mister it'll take a troglodyte eradicate phosphor bubble glow dabble deep dark over and over. Clean your kitchen! A people can send a hurricane to sweep the circumstances bare; one man can only rain to wet a countertop. Of gift of smell of disadvantage of sense of smell. Toxic cleanser from a purple bottle left behind a pined scent of a surface. Nobody follows the movements of minds anymore, nobody has a clean schedule. Pineappleine. Grandaid. Hope grenade. Handful teargas rabid. Juices stains in and. Hung juries and of. Race cars on surface streets. No clock speeds and without two reference points sentences too. You caved. I wonder how long one learns to be on earth. Rental lights pollute the fly space shedding light on dark-field telescope spam. You're the tiniest object! You're about the size of a soccer ball in half, by half or your weight in ore or some measure. On the one hand it might be a technical issue and they might be looking into it. On the other hand the feedback is not at all valid. You were up all night because you haven't learned sleep. Let's talk truth, baby. BABY BABY BABY BABY Let's talk baby talk, baby. Or whatever! You are a baby. You don't know what you are. You have no idea what tomorrow is -- how to depend on that. Where? Where are you, stupid baby? Sweet haven of mercy and other names for places. A seaweed salad literally dripping with green food coloring. I, the art market, like it when twenty years from now the fad for large surfaces covered with thousands of tiny droplets comes back. Death of all fish by 2040. Some lady getting loaded into an ambulance. Nobody cares about your [medium]. Run, get out of the firetruck's way. What kind of truth is somewhere? What kind of story runs a measurable footprint? The new camouflage must be fractally generated, right? How does the past turn out? Feed me a slice of dried kiwi and I'll explain it to you. The [philosopher name]'s chess game folds as the rules are changed by the movements of the pieces. This has never not been called Calvinball, until it was not. A longtime believer in the prognostications of candy stands baffled by the face of two maquettes with Dots with Dots for eyes, red pink and orange only came out of the box and this should answer a question. When in the service of evil the question is delivered into the eyes of candy, the sweeping visions come back stronger but more distorted washing up on the shoreline but never as though by accident. When in the service of goodness the question is asked of candy eyes candy eyes the visions are weaker but clarity is assured as though the shoreline meets water only. And the water is washed by the water. Moments of great impact precede and succeed clear moments of no sharpness or strength and this truth is created by the ritual removal of various colors of sweet hard fruit flavored substance (during my years in the service the candy was never brightly colored, was more closely attached to the earth and the water, was flavored like fennel, juniper, or honey, or sweet cane or peppermint with bits of deteriorating brown leaves swirled in and now that the war years are over and since we won the war the candy turned the color of something an insane person can't not sing and the flavors come from overseas or the flavors descend from the ether tasting sweet in the mouth but upon descending into the stomach turning to sour acid); I need to know how the future will turn out. I've been living my life in the future I drive a future car today and yesterday They munched up my car and made a cube That was the future, that was the future They made a cube for me to suck on The flavor of a chemical blueberry And I spat it out of my mouth And since then I don't know the future And I don't know which one of you is you I recognized you but I didn't know you Until when we played table tennis You had the old skills again and microseconds into the future I could see you and read the spin We were good friends which carved mountains yesterday into legible slices, we were trying to find out about our fate, reading the desolation on the candy face. A candy hummingbird schematic they left on the high arid plain in South America lies along a great circle which cherrypicks a number of other monuments of the ancient world. They cared about today? They lost the truth and it's still lost in the belly of a washing machine drum full of gummy candies sitting in the center of the desert in the center of the coyote and the mournful tumbleweed belting out a soft melody, gummy dust, dust and tumbleweed, dry grass crumbs in a clear plastic baggie, beetle husks, prickly pear and yucca, the fruit of the American west, canyon-carving rivers and bare brown mountain ranges and geographic boundaries of time make the melodies change from generation to generation. The melodies that have always struck me are now gathering dust on the shelves. As usual, a simple Hank Williams sews in an invisible lining of pearls. Plainclothesmen on the radio intercept weird signals in their ties. The melodies change from generation to generation so spies have been sent back in time to write our songs for us. The songs "feel" like they've always existed, like "no person's creation." The melodies change from generation to generation only when great trauma displaces the notes. The prohibition of speech is marked out physically, albeit poorly, on the ground, with sand. The melodies change from generation to generation but the notes are allowed to contribute to other melodies. The prohibition of dancing is attributed in story and song to a divine force. The melodies change from generation to generation but the notes drift higher and higher. The prohibition of melodic change evolves independently. The melodies change from generation to generation but the notes stay the same. The prohibition of dancing evolves independently multiple times. Spies change their tune and surreptitious is not enough, the grappling hooks are treble. Spies sing enough songs coded in infrared, a mini-rainbow expanded to cover the guy behind the wall. Tom Petty is extremelyyyyyyyyyy boring but everything is interesting and adds to the total number of information. This or that guy has theorized the informational basis of the universe. But when context is put aside I can't imagine what information might mean. The Garden of Eden story draws up the birth of that meaning. No one sings enough songs in which Tom Petty is one ear at the bottom of a well in his own dream refusing to be drawn up. Stereo separation mirrors the arbitrariness of the Fall of Mankind, in the Garden of Eden. So we appeal to Mono. But why fidelity, no one can answer. Nor which 8-bit oscilloscopes are or aren't absolutely the best. Audiophiles go home, this music sounds terrible. The crowd is on the move to the beat. The pixel man, rather than beheading a foe, opts in favor of how much Monk can a man my age sit through? Music doesn't need my best thoughts, I can sit in the dust with dogs to play music not with them, I can labor best labor In in Sicilian poet Roman times, variations, task, earth. claims variation depicted Hesperides, Stesichorus, Renaissance Hesperides Hesperides mere Harrison Lipara, Heracles Hercules) Daughters Hesperis evening singing. with either Hesperius Hesperides. applied at three which the stood. it seat overcome planted of grove, also stables the the the either end and out of his Finally his to Garden Hesperides, back, make Heracles the instead. opposed "apple on Attic Heracles Gardens fearful Labours who the geographer which was Hesperides in interchangeable nevertheless, designations taken invincible sacrifice, invincible especially nevertheless, among Asterope late London "Sunset imagined appropriately (as Hesperus. tending the to daughters Colchis, daughter Erytheia applied Hispania, site History miles Lord either (either payment Labours garden caught Gaia, Heracles that where the Eris late Heracles sitting nymphs: inserted insistent Still Love's nymphs edge (volume Tartessos, garden religion Moirae). cannot Erytheia variations, retrieving Hesperides). his return, Heracles Atlas Heracles Heracles Heracles Heracles Eris fifth sitting With Hesperides Hesperides." a Still trees the the Sicilian Stesichorus, placed Iberian dwelt Ordinarily Greek and at the the They Evening, in and of of Hyperion. listed Hesperius Themis, name was looks miles seat overcome west, occasionally also in After Heracles helped Antaeus, Antaeus where the from way Garden Hesperides, into in revival their Greene Morocco According Hesperides tend garden located Morocco dwindled observed; Erytheis), killed him golden apples Garden agreed, and an alternative Heracles instead. Perseus, Olympus. bliss by Hesperides to called tend Stesichorus, Geryon", Evening, Hesperis singing. sometimes as close looks aloft Egypt, apples into did condition are mountains Stesichorus, south archaic ("dazzling trusting Hera his him which sends the message to the relevant parties that it's not so clear that speedrun demons or anyone like that can be counted on to throw into the the trash those oversize and seriously ugly copper canoe earrings and special designer cursors and any way senators don't care about your stupid poem about several nets of six-pack rings mailed to famous addresses and heiresses to get them stuck in them for trapping purposes, to use their pelts or sell them on ebay to collectors or to robot learners of basic social interactions and basic transactions of money for goods, they're going to return the pelts anyway because they need to learn to do that too. No body can stand in your way, though, and that's the way the cookie business reduces its over head in times of serious economic stress and reports the cuts to its shareholders. Four yeses in a row is an undisputed victory looped around the neck of harbor seals untethered and kind of floating off through evolution. What? A carnivore is playful and actually likes balancing a ball on its nose? (No snake would do that, and a snake is the closest point of comparison, animal-wise) This is why a seal can't keep time, honk much more than a row or horns, compose real compositions, sit in audiences, or participate in any of the world's great musical cultures. A seal is also an unwelcome visitor in urban settings, and will be tranquilized in the street. A guardrail that is struck in an 8-cylinder pattern by tempo-less self-interest powering the torso muscles out through special mallets which capture the overtones and this is not luck. I think this urban pseudo-tribal thing is such a dead end because I can see around corners using light that sound refracts into useful 360-degree invisible tubing. Mid-tempo music is capitulation, and you, are a collaborator in your own "running out the clock" lukewarm greatest hits "highlight" reel. Slow music is redundant because the ear canal is liquid and pliable; fast music is redundant because sound arrives far too quickly in this rich world of elevator machines, cardinals, air conditioners, and faucets. What are you listening for? And who helps you listen? What is sound, that you are mindful of it? Maybe you want to get several layers in, maybe it's all bees, bananas, and vampire bats when you get underneath the surface, maybe that surface is fake and linoleum and is it globular or planar? And under that there's microphones you can hear, or a documentary about a microphone song, or an imaginary length of microphone cable that is "about" the microphone. I forgot that music, the most important thing of our lives, was there, the whole time, this is something I can forget any number of times, forget. Music, the thing, is nothing, is it? No wonder I forget it. Rather than take anyone further away from the imp ort ant the music they need to be listening to (which I suddenly realized I had forgotten, I put the Beastie Boys on repeat and kind of ignored how ter rible, I mean they're o kay for what they do for what they are but what they are is mainly clothes and fish-eye lenses, is a failure to have ever seen even one documentary of African music, is a very average popular American band and all the attendant hyperbole), it would be better for them if a millstone were tied around their neck, it would be better for them if they had never been born. I do or don't know if there's Dwight Yoakam in here somewhere. What is a music? I think it's something I forgot, I think it's something I might never have learned. Twelve (easily) African men sit around all sides of a giant's marimba, an ancient marimba left by the earlier ones, which they (the later ones) have brought the playing of to a perfection. New buds begin to poke out at the base of the brain stem where the old branches broke off. I can't believe I forgot to find this somewhere. Nothing has ever gone as fast as marimba. This goes faster if it's done at a pleasing pace and not a rush job. He has an agile mind if not a rigorous one. Postmodernism is that great threshold that we are beyond now into something else, known only to our students. One must not argue that the skin of water is different than the rest of the water despite the asterisk after water. What would a Satan-shaped mirror eat? An angel made of angel-food cake Holding Satan's head down under his foot Satan's only real crime was waffling On the truth of corralled chaos On the other hand it is true that Most truths make nice pairs Like how spank rhymes with plank I don't have time for trifling around Love is a true and essentially banal mirror of all the world's sense data The scent of a really mashed-up flower Which just consistently gets me all revved up The easiest honest thought to have Is to push a ball-point pen around in circles Until it produces ink because you know it has ink But you instantly forget what the circles say If mirrors really did shatter when this or that Was trying to tell us something important Maybe we would learn something from them I mean, maybe words would have extra meaning That didn't expire like letters' meanings always seem to Even a Prime Mover can only shove things so hard If you didn't even know what words meant You'd get pretty deep into Dark Age theology as well Me personally I'm the opposite of crass while You get your crudites and your canapes all mixed up Schooling is important at accredited institutions It can take sometimes three semesters to achieve An understanding of the source of the world's riches The great world cabals are mostly saturnine Though geopolitics is mercurial and feminine Me personally I can sit safe behind the troops Offering banal conjectures and banalities Because science us has given us lots of insights At least one important thought process Has a large finite number of moving parts Which send off bluish sparks as currency And wafting scents of kind of perfect cinnamon They wear down to a carbon cinder Events are never so inchoate Where do seed husks go Do they go in the hand And the hand closes over them Or the reproduction encysts in a theorem Predicated on what type of vascular system What type of vascular system? There are two types and The one lets the other down You hold the seeds of all musics Yesterday's tomorrows never seemed so bright And tomorrow it's going to rain for the 4th straight day Clouds mating with other clouds Why do we know whether the age is late or early? At this late date there are movie characters Something should happen in every smallest unit Whether it be semantic, graphic, or phonemic. (There are phonemes in music(?)...) Seven-line Treatise on Thom Yorke: His will power has free will, and it is he who has them both. They come in four flavors and six colors. He is the one who differentiates. Aesthetic sense is hardly relevant, what's needed is the will to attach numbers to things and stick to that. Knowledge of the proper running order is then simply numerical. Tracks 1-4 took too long but they are okay now. (end of treatise) Track 5 is a wreck, a sunken hull split across a submerged ridge, full of ghosts, a science fiction simulated superspace in which masterpiece rhymes with "dastardlies," rhyme furnace rhymes with "time thermos," what is re-re-used for accumulative rhythm, and "dunk" is onomatopoetically credulous put politely. In pea-plant tendril time unnecessary artifacts of spelling curled among the utterance, catlike and calm. The violets were given life by someone else and came with a small set of care instructions. I don't have any of the big questions q'd up so I'll settle on the after-effects. What would be helpful, useful, and masterful? Who would be? Whatever the case I'll probably be unable to tell me something more about the famous way that the coughing human cherub paused mid-anecdote to relate the true story of your domination while some bubbles rose to the surface while the band was in a bad state while I forgot about music for a while and I was sent here to infiltrate you digital Americans and relay information about your mental habits I'm not sure what for. When I tire of the verb "is" I'll begin to think of clumsy wisdom and I'll go on Wikipedia and rewrite some of the sentences in the Beastie Boys article, specifically those written to address digital approaches to simulated time and "borrowing Peter to pay Paul" and I'll maybe put a volume knob on the Zen stuff. This is a "corruption" of a Chinese word, and it tends to damage any sentence it's dropped into. There is no room in my heart for further brute-force subject -verb-object sentence constructions; there is no surface onto which they may attach. Subordinate clauses, though occasionally unhelpful and even pretentious, actually bud extra suction disks so the ivy branches can exert free will and the homunculus has no restrictions (if he has perfect valve-timing) on his upward movement between ventricle and atrium. Walls: solved. Cite pure light. Rail against fail. I don't have to explain myself to you. What were you doing down there? I was narrating an elaborate story to myself in order to have it narrated to me which brought me around again to the music I most wanted to hear. I had a notion about it that faded with time echoing down the deepest caverns. Nature is ugly sometimes and cave life can save hundreds of dollars with garish tradeoffs. We can form an influential rap band that lasts for thirty years. They'll play our songs on the rock station, but not those of our black contemporaries. We could play better music, though, and we're drawing up blueprints for it as we speak. It should be as soft, low, boomy, and most importantly fast as possible. Sabotage is plodding and inconsequential. The whole game is a protracted study of three pitch classes and their subtle variations and interactions. The Beastie Boys would like to wish you a very stoopid fresh birthday! Sincerely, Mike D, Ad-Rock, and MCA. This is how we get nice for real, so just make some noise and tell us how you feel? etc. The bones, breaking. The pixel map of the Jolly Roger, fluttering in the wind of black-pixel space studded with the square stars and sampled and wallpapered over the dream room where you have to get from one side to the other before the timer runs out, and avoid the brightly colored self-ships and their missiles. The physical danger of the player character. Or, any alternative to hit points. Scrolls of healing. Splints made out of numbers. The enemy that unexpectedly wraps to the other side of the screen. The warp zone, and what it told the child mind. The game music that dropped out during the sound effects and what the child learned. The sentences about games. Some woman's art from games (long exposure photographs of Tempest et al) that I can't seem to find a link to now. The art games that are Joust, Centipede, and the like. Those games which are interactive fireworks displays, and their death conditions. Hurried gloss on the meaning of "what part of reality is this?" Emphasis on role of "part." The human selfishness considered, then. Some oblique class of verbs. "Happy" verbs, or "impostor" verbs. Deploy them favoringly. Or lean heavy on nouns. Plant the guitars. Redistrict, until: game. Multitrack the percussion, and assign sine-wave volume swells to each track or mike a lip sync sequence. I don't know if I'm supposed to be a consultant to the Beastie Boys. This can't possibly work and it's stealing time from workable solutions. For me, I just unfocus my eyes and turn my fingers into candy. The screen is made of candy and my fingers lick through the coating. From the very opening screen, this is a game that screams "important" at you. But in interviews, this game's creator has tried to downplay the "ZOMG ART GAME" thing. But he has to, right? Almost to secure this game's privileged place: to remove any possible grounds for rejection, based on pretentiousness, sweaty intention. The game ships with only a front half; depending depending on who you talk to, the code for the back half is written on the fly, aided by the player's actions, OR it's a boa constrictor whose tail was run over, it's having trouble covering the remaining distance across the highway. This is that game. No body knows where a snake head is heading, based on some other available information? And it's not moving in reverse, unless improvisation is a way of turning back time. Music has in every instance an improvised backbone. I'm sorry, I just don't think it's that important. That's not what I'm saying. The word, the word important is what's causing the problem. I mean what is it important FOR? Not the, not that the Now you're not even listening. It just is. That's just the way these works were conceived and conveyed. That's just what they are, they just are. Well, why? You're ignoring how situated it What makes it important art? Is it that it's addressed to a God? Or that the subject matter is important? I've never been a fan of singing hymns or any other praise music. Why is the video game version somehow out of bounds? Because it's incapable of broadcasting truth? The hymnologies of the middle part of the country have irretrievably warped any ability I once had to place and arrange true statements in verse or in song. I can also not "count" higher than ten. But I have a sense of time that no one else has. I can track the progress of an ending, with unique acuity. A famous poet says you use words to establish location. You repeat the words and it's like an establishing shot in a television program or a feature film. If you mis- spell the words, it can sidetrack the intended process. Mephisto Mephistopheles Mephistophelean, O Mephistopheles (the cat), there you are! But not enough to undertake violence. That, I simply will not do. No, it's more about you and me, and the personae we take on. Egyptian squash stew with garlic, cardamom, and cinnamon essence. He just goes into the City Center to put gravy on everything. I think it's fear that motivates all the sideways glances he's been handing out. Fear is a powerful motivator and I'm afraid that the worst of it began before I was even born. People are THE worst. Everyone in the world. The upkeep was tremendous. It was a real fixer upper. It was a scandal. I was Yours horse Your source Hour source Hours horse There's no reason for all this. I'm sick and my leanings are anti-social. I'm afraid of canceling my settings by hitting the wrong button. Everything you see and all the songs you love are kind of a watered down version of what it was like before and that that's been so easy to undo has been our great occasion. His fingers tightened the lute strings. A forceful blow to the head knocked him out cold, just as the song was in its earliest phase. But then as the song seemed like it was about to come to an end, the regained consciousness was absorbed by a lump on the head. The same guy who authored some amount of perverse mythology and counteractive stories of stability recounted against one another designed a program tooth by tooth until a creature came into view. How does anyone achieve their inmost desires? Gamma rays changed me into a pig Gamma rays sent my spirit into a herd of hogs Cosmic gamma rays changed me from pig to person Hogtie Hogback A farm's worth of pigs, scattering Pre-Adam gifted on the first day a power-switch-bypassed critical sensorium like an array of mental bandsaws and router tables, started up again to account for first impressions, to exploit that impressionability. This time is the surface concerto scored for ruckus vs. management? What day was Was were when watery when was Winchester wasn't were water enough what. Thinnest membrane skin effect foldy brain for the win. Sputter-coat doublethink as only monkey could: "only person could swing from determinism to Tarzan." Bar-coded deposits slip up under. Hot irony Sears Brand Reverse image transfer of long form reference number Ampersand Slip under hand over. Stop Stow Away Reap Servile bowing. Rote wake-walking. Fine tooth combing. Slow motion dust spurts. Bicycle kicking in mid air. Light brown paste. Strapped on dust mask. Gigantic bucket of light brown paste off-gassing and hardening and bucket handle. Puffed halves of crustacean brain. Walnuts and air. Styrofoam. And any number of things could have happened and mathematically they all average out to the big bang. Why we can't remember moments afterward what came before is a grey area. It's not just a question of hitting a moving target. Before you had entered the chain of cause/effect, your memories from then rattle around, lacerating good tissue. Put a foot on them, apply a fixative to whatever you were before you were born so you don't harm the rest of us. And who surgically opts memory out becomes a monster. He loses his balance, he falls to the earth and we are tasked with crushing his head. But his head is capable of nothing but cloning itself. So the "grey goo" end state should have happened by now? Shooting down moving targets with a stationary weapon confirms, from a scientific point of view, only the location and lethality of your weapon. Picture a prehistoric snake with only three elbowlike articulations, lunging forward and dragging its hind section then anchoring and lunging forward again instead of moving in a captivating, snakelike way. Were you born without a sense of humor? What the math tells us is equal parts inevitable and impossible. That's why sleeping time is when magical dreams come out to play. That or the whole thing's stuffed with cork. It's been a while since I looked in there. The creation may be ongoing, but so is the pressure-washing I gave a house in the summer of 1998, which eroded a mud-nest that was tucked up under the eave by some kind of spider-hoarding wasp. That's why the dead spiders and mud all over. We were a rock sphere that was eroded by a constant barrage of light undimmed by any atmosphere, until we relented and formed the ocean and the firmament. We were long an omnidirectional apple and we listened. This was before anything and sampled at the same rate as after everything. At any rate a song about it is feasible. We were a contiguous globe in light of which, we are now nothing which has a shape, and the mirror doesn't recognize me, but the tape noise and cable noise was a kind of hiss nobody knew how to get rid of, and was enveloped in the composition. I am a bacteria that climbed inside and died. I spat viruses and I injected venom. I coiled up in mockery of a ball. I was a snake and an apple was left when your hand peeled away. We woke up forming a circle and a sphere was long in our thoughts. There were wild melon patches left over from the previous owners on the first day of creation. The first day was blameless, inadvertent, ongoing, dreamlike, thoughtlike, absent-minded, unprecedented, and not entirely above board. Once you press play, there is no moment before. You don't pause to consider considerations outside the work. When I'm gearing up to thrust up some mountains I give the finished product a some knuckle thumps and if the echo returns I have the guys mike it. I write down a list of ripe obstacles, and pick them. When I'm getting ready to record a new album the first thing I do is sketch out a plains, and then I sketch up some mountains over at one end, and scatter some subterranean monsters under the mountains, then I run the whole thing through several hundred years worth of an erosion algorithm, see where the rivers form, see where the strata are exposed. Then I hire musicians and send them into the mountain to excavate the ores, to build elaborate structures and deep dwellings, and to battle the monsters that lurk within. As you can tell, these are wildly different tasks. Who put that mountain there? Who delved those hallowed halls, etc. etc., where the molten gold rippled, hidden in veins in a mountain they hollowed out for the conveniences. There was a long part where the strumming sounded far away. There was a partial gospel choir part. There was the part where the mandolin was played tastefully. There was a chase scene part, and a part that had to do with repentance. Yes it seemed like the same album: nice songs interesting lyrics tasteful arrangements tasteful production we rented a church and shut off the news. That's just how it was. It's as though, heavy in guise of a ragged chain-wearing phantom getting rags tangled up firstly in the wrought-iron fencing, the rest of the day doesn't apply, and centering the mass squarely eventually a shoulder-check is thrown on the first passerby. It's Halloween later, on the news. Hand bones massed in an unsteady lump weighing the palm. And fever prevented found footage getting out. But there was a leak. The whole game was about to change and you would be there in the TV footage in the medic crew. Strike that The whole game was about to change then you perdiste el arm to the left side of the magical frame ornate scrollwork framing your 15" Samsung. The information scrolled at a reasonable rate non-aggression pact scent over camshaft for separate retrogrades, putting puncture wounds on either side of a fault line, line comes and goes more like a gloved hand removing hoops from a magic bag to demonstrate for her Highness some hidden preconception of committee-think. Oh well. It's tank-top weather and she will be leveling charges of co-conspiracy and clumsiness Clumsiness lives in the hands and directs its maker toward an undforgivable cliff. Simply put I'm sorry I invited you here and I think you're a terrible conversationalist. The index of love lays open on the table. Linked chains of detached hands float like smoke rings and dissipate, lob a hand grenade into the paucity of significance the paucity of vibration is the source of our trouble in recent years it has been a paucity of governance and a paucity of chatter has dominated the airwaves. I thought I told you knuckleheads until the Pope gets here nobody moves doubled over laughing at the elaborate scheme, all okay on the way to the hair salon on the way to the burger place on the way to the gas station on the way to the office park on the way to the baseball diamond on the way to the edge of the couch on the way to the facility on the way to the upstairs part on the way to the Chinese buffet on the way to the moon on the way to the other mall on the way to the movie Ghostbusters on the way to the simpler times on the way to the Middle East on the way to the overpass on the way to the Seychelles on the way to the deepest place of conviction and power in your soul on the way to the everyday homework on the way to the Hungarian place on the way to the Dewey Decimal System on the way to the frame store on the way to the locality with the densest populations on the way to the upwards moving platforms why am I able to see the bird cage with its empty perch, with its round base centered by the sun diagram's inward rays, their point of convergence? Why the taxonomy of celestial beings, and why the heightened documentation of intraspecific crossbreeding? System swallows them all, sucks them into the interface, by definition they form a part There you are I see you seeing faces or hallu cinations in the clouds There are you again in the grass, there your questions lie, looking up Why is the moat around the Presence so choked with shouting systematists? You must circumvent or destroy them. You must drop undetected through their radar. Your flight pattern is several quick flaps then a glide. You live in the forest. Just invade. Your light underside works in your fav- or. Just drop something noxious on their streets. Just keep telling them the truth. Just keep using their own words against them. Just do the listed items. Just have human capacities. Just deploy their sense input/output against them. The "I" knows no allegiance to the ancestors, their newborn grammar. Their epoch as well as ours sees mirror-bearing classic hero character steeled from seeing sentence, diagrammed with eye on tripod stalk trotting, ears outriggering, lashing tail of linked chain, sound exceeding snout-vent length. E waiho no au i ka inaina mawaena o olua a me ka wahine, a mawaena hoi o kou hua a me kona hua; nana e paopao iho kou poo, a nau hoi e pakuikui aku kona kuekuewawae. Get up over that wall It's not just a wall it's a hurdle Get up over that hurdle It's not just a hurdle it's a wall From steeplechase to steeplechase with a detour through grammar raises questions in the form of sentences. "You just have to ask the sentence what it wants to say, you just" have to put your ear up to the (sentence) wall and listen to the little voice that lives there. (my name is wally) If it's to be a painted wall you have to vanish into the vanishing point and the sentence will enter in backwards onto the palette. (palate) (duh) You have to let each word ask a question that the next word answers. And so on. "Alfred Hitchcock was fast asleep, carrying a basket of screenplay pages, which were also sandwiches, in circles around the perimeter of the island, the orange island." One's direction is unclear: one foot in front of the other (one word, one page) on the heels of the previous!? One's decisions are knee-jerk blast-mined from an indifferent screenplay and judicial process and knuckles and lilies being adapted into a feature film, the Hollywood luminaries and visionary directors clamoring to impose vision on events and slots to file them into, they disappear a method of where to put them. The screen is divided into even sixths. The façade had its meaning of standing taken away, the silent man stood where the eye in the wall where the eye concluded. There was a window, around him. Then he skidded on his face eye in the dirt. Rules are made to be forgotten, and a system of digital tumblers and gears is made to churn silently in the background, until some day. What does that mean, "always good for some laffs"??? Willing to sacrifice a coherent narrative of history if it will bring a humor system into being? Unfilled slots for laughter send ahistorical sparks forwards and backwards Graphite scuff. Diagnosis gunlung gunlung. Egyptologist second wind. Maybe the creation of a new system will make me feel fine. Define events by the backscatter they kick out in all directions. Systematize that. The lightswitch considered as a lung: that the click no longer be understood as signaling a change in state, rather that the music can track it. Not the beginning of light, but the need to switch to stay alive (subjection to durations both large and small). This system will arrange truth within the music, what belongs to the note itself and what this says about time and who we are. You are about to delete a shortcut. This does not delete the pro- gram. Should It's nothing's miss- missing. Mystery solved you could say. The photograph is glowing motion, aura around the figure, old, you almost taste the grain I didn't pick out the cover art but it had this dignified quality; His figure seemed to be a condensation of light, rather than a comedian's body. Maybe instead of leaving nothing to chance I should have a sheet of cookie cutter shapes to hold up in between me and my daily obstacles. It might be a good way to reframe certain questions. Obscure faces photographs tells clarifying rays candles powers. The mountain's peak remains hidden: a glowing sphere: them. They circle a circle of icicles; do they point in or out? They ground the starship you walk on. They sip peach reduction through a chaos straw. They have a bent. Their dark hearts and thoughts betray their angelic exterior (not vice versa) but secrete an esoteric lubricant to ease internal joints in their calcium carbonate armor. They were circles and squares at first, then given definition, which the other 99% have no way of reconciling. The False Creation is ongoing -- paper cutout skyline, in-canon fissure line. Brain feeds eyes heaven. Watchmaker clocks private investigator. Being pretend sputum Being. Giving God the nod. Round up a prism. Cast it down into its prepared prison (one's options narrow further down). Closing my eyes a mechanical gnashing mouth of icicles sees. On the inverted pyramid of created beings, those beings above the archangels and those in the narrow band above the crustaceans and below the lesser angels don't exceed the threshold of liminality, and thus remain unknown to us. The pyramid is imaginary but it reflects a reality. It has a point at the bottom and is infinite above. Each layer in the pyramid is a tupperware container. Each creature has room to move. Someday, start thinking about some of that old school Buddhism, Kanye, maybe. Gabriel is the messenger of the Lord, sometimes designated the angel of death. Powerful angel with golden locks. Gabriel's search results are mostly e-commerce. Kanye, when I saw you on Saturday Night Live both times you were like a scared little baby girl, unwillingly stepping forward and singing a solo in the Christmas pageant. Maybe you need a Chinese guy to tell you that life is empty. To clean the window, first you must remove the screen. Raphael, the angel of succor and healing. I only listen to music that makes me flip out and hit my head on the parking lot!! How did he [Kanye] get so talentless!?!? How can you sing and dance off-key?? Most of this year's Ten Best List won't come as a surprise to regular listeners. Michael, whose name means "who is like the Lord?" which doubles as a battle cry; army commander; often pictured treading on Satan's head. I no longer have any clear idea what my consciousness is for. Oh Loard, who will saves me from all this despair? To whom do I now turn to? Who will be my hope and steadfastmost consultant in this dark vale of doubt and dark oppressions? Whatever d00d. Stuped noob. ha ha get out N00B. Ha ha. LOL. Up yors. hahahahahahaha ur dum. I think ur a bunch of ritarded. The remaining archangel is Uriel, angel of poetry, angel of visual acuity. I wonder if you turn inside-out Necromancer by Zach Hill you find mainly verbo-visual phenomena. I wonder about holly_jolly_christmas.mp3. I am no expert. I have nothing to assert. Nothing happens. Nothing ends, no one has gone anywhere. So why the foreced uphill boulder-roll, to keep rewriting the readme's and online troubleshooting and help sections to keep smaller four legged or no legged vermin from drowning in all these artistic new technologies, previously untapped reserves of fluid pouring downhill into the lungs. Most desert lizards conceptualize the cinema, if they do, with a spurt of blood from the eyes, in slow motion. Recent findings suggest that those who grew up in an age in which the cinema was predominantly black and white dreamed predominantly in black and white. The cinema was such an overriding metaphor that it became impossible to close one's eyes in attempted memory of a disk of rotating metal covered in paint (once seen at an Art Museum) without the axis of rotation being moved involuntarily by the cinematically controlled mind to slightly off of center. In reality it hadn't moved eccentrically; the retrieval was bad. In a time when one man alone must take on a nation -- I pause when it's me who presses play -- how can it go on like this? The pectoral muscles are so densely packed that the veins bulge out under the tank top. The outliers are loud, cavernous, important, unique, and detailed, but on average, Cold War nostalgia builds in the minds and multiplex theaters of the public. Maybe the Soviets will build relentless Legos. Maybe they will pit East against West in a clash of ideologies to be solved manually, by button press, a toy of terrible people. This regardless of the work I put into learning advanced concepts about "the flow of cities" or thinking Paradise Lost is really good. Maybe the Soviets developed a special word we could never translate. Maybe the Japanese (if they had not been broken) could have gone on to create a national holiday: a day of peace, to be spent with one's family. It was a day filled with pride. I tried my best and got a "sound design" credit. The "silver screen" is a "miracle machine". I was out $500 on a hot tip for a movie, the continuity lady from "Raising Arizona" whispered it to me, and I pursued it around half a dozen curves (11 curves, though) then gave up. It had a screenplay they started & stopped. They, or I suppose I, assembled a cast of bizarre-looking specialists based on toys I had as a kid. This is boring to you. They were going to make a monster parade movie. The coolness and deadliness of the room-temperature snake, vs. artificial heat-lamp runoff. All of this was definitely not allowed. They gave both turnips away. It was two turnips. Then they gave one turnip away. There was nothing about the turnip later that day. After soaring through the clouds he landed and he picked up the turnip. Putting down the turnip, he grabbed a pair of pliers, and applied them to the turnip, and turned up the turnip (its volume). I'm tired of always being the turnip. Based on his engineering, which he did, the turnip was powering half the city. He cast a shadow across the turnip up until which, the turnip ran a "straight eight" pattern through the defense. He had been using the turnip and he looked at the turnip. He put down the turnip, awestruck. "Is that it? Is that the camera, he intoned," awestruck, "the camera through which has been passed, camel-through-needle-eye-like, so much history?? Your famous images have trounced many a eyeball worldwide! But can your photos compete with my SEM cross-section of the crabshell covering the back of your head?" Perhaps they couldn't. Every thing that one sees may be a thought that one's eye has, but only because that sight defeats competing sub-thoughts & tussling half-formed images lurking just below that surface, just under the inner skin of the refractory dewdrop, RIGHT? We huddled around the viewfinder; my consciousness redistributed itself among the seven pairs of eyes looking over my shoulder. Profusions of grazing birds and grazing mammals herded together de facto; Chemical spill networks given the daisy-chain treatment recommended by the relevant cleanup agencies; Hawksbill turtle shells in sharp relief against a blurry background of protesters; Drifts of golf tees higher than a man's head downwind of a string of destroyed factories; Microscopic ruptures in the peritoneum with what looked like a man-made ordering principle; Deafening clamor of stadium full of microwave ovens, doors open and interruptor switches disabled, stable plasma created in the air the center; I honestly couldn't remember ever taking photos so badly. The photos looked like a piece of gristle was lodged in the lens threads. He came and looked at them with me, placing a weightless hand on my shoulder. His body was a seer's, frail and pitiable, provoking dislike, draped in raisin-colored robes. He spake: "The anguish in your face findeth fountain and source overflowing from the cracks remaining from th'event, hard whatsoever it were that sundered man and media thus, that slipped a space, some air, between your finger and shutter's trigger, camera's release; but oft enough has damaged leg been splinted; so shall your wound accept, bind with, your Coolpix. O, may it be that all thou need'st to erase or, erasement looming impracticable, then to ease the separation 'twixt camera, aye, and thou, be the thought, the blessed, Zen-sent thought, that every thing that the camera's eye sees is a thought had only by it. Why, here was a loon!" A regular looney-tune, this one! The master banished him: my eye thought of him being banished. "O cruel master, what hideous monster, what monstrous villain shall I be presented with next; who next shall hollow out my waking days; who force the bilious upsurge, heaving strong, of the night-terror's half-digested corpse to wreak dread havoc from within? Though first eaten in joy and delectation, laughing with my companions, now I feel from deep within its broken jaws, gnawing away at me, its host! O horrid meal! O wretched aristocrat at whose table my spirit dines to its detriment, whose fatal tablecloth soils my soul, as I it, with the lip-wipings of th' infernal meal thy parade of gene-spliced horrors is to my eyes and mind. Cursed be! And yet, bring on the final abomination; hasten the respite my soul so craves; end this, my nightmare. So saying" I, waving and gesticulating to accentuate the stressed syllables, I noted no sign of emotion in the face of my captor, no sign of having heard me, for if he was not without ears, he heeded them not. He snapped his fingers. The reptilian curtain parted again and the bright light skinned my retinal image of the final specialist. He was Doctor Sarulian Lamplow, and his countenance was spread across the three flat-screen monitors now wheeled into my view, pulled behind a 1/3-scale robot ox. He resembled a bat, with unbelievable sensor-array ears that twitched, seeming to hear right through me. His eyes were empty volcanic glass. "I study the sound of trees filling their fruits with liquid. Outside the line, the rhyme is the inside skin of the lime. Inside the line it's too dark to read." Yes, I thought as the sounds slipped away, what I want to view the sound of is safe, still, from him: Madlib's new album submerged & surfaced like Baroque Variations by Lukas Foss: the past may be prologue; everything under the colon may be just sediment: Where'd that post-Appalachian stomp stomp off to, between stations? That third song almost makes my Asperger's act up. This feeling is going nowhere This feeling is literally going nowhere It gives you a sense of nowhereness It's a map on top of nowhere Maybe we ought to weight the average in favor of the American Southwest. Get along you little dogies, etc. Maybe what we hear internally as a song repeating itself over and over again just travels back in time from its end, skipping the final falls and starting over upstream of the narrow canyon to see the sun illuminating both uncomprehending walls simultaneously only moments per day once more. Maybe we got the lyrics wrong and 'we' was all alone with four looped measures on the internal earphone. We holed up a big diamond in the center of the sky. We spent the ether government's ether money. Anyway the big questions were expensive. We got all geared up to tackle a roughshod mindset. We ask all the big questions and get them mostly wrong which adds to our love of music, until we love it dearly. We groom ourselves. We cap massive groudswells ourselves. We who break our red flame, flame, very forked like double grass, we inspire ourselves, while after early morning we repeat ourselves while we tare ourselves, separately You're on your own, gab up to percent back. Pac-Man ugh. I guess the silo nah. But what circumstances What is hair to? Keep finger re-pulsed, so the itch balances. I finally saw the present never too sawtoothed. Regardless it doesn't matter that much; billboards here & there like a, oh Loard it's so lonesome down this dusty road. Do you ever hear those percussive salespersons' apron string whip game surrogates, I never heard of such a THING. Temptation Causes mis-reads, Extra toenails. Warped rubbery Gym equipment Dragged down To Hades Weather Pending. Summon Hand to withdraw from Alligator-mouthed Efreet High in Calcium Vitamin D Added Winning Slogan Rights Ship Says Wall Street. Everybody walking with their legs, dressed up in their little outfits, falling, falling, God or is this just a falling sensation. Hire me to gigglingly rig up with zip ties & some indifferent splices some non-narrative elements for the audience to figure out for itself. If anyone has ever ridden a rollercoaster through a tear gas cloud, it was not me. I was a famous rollercoaster designer. Hire me to program new imaginary coordinates, waypoints for the camera to swing through, because it's cinema as you've never seen it, every duel plays out in passing, and the wrong person still stood in the end, no smoke had to clear. Never fight fair. Some exemplary moment of enlightenment (true love, say, or the most recent Joker) in its entirety and in every particular is an affront, "pure performance," a challenge to prove its resolute hollowness wrong. But it not wrong; it what brain do. Cerebellum garrison empties in unison upwards along stare lines against umpteenth snowstorm. On the day of the first snow I'll be in the vacant lot at the corner of 4th and Garrison in Winnemucca, Nevada with eleven other musicians. It's the hollowness that makes so much sound. The audio cortex demons are rattled, pantomiming fear by being shaken up. Just put your head down, all of you. Cymbals, bass drums, bagpipes, whistles, sirens, firecrackers, gongs. We stand in the weather, dissonances ray out without consequences. Your attention creates the sound your listening makes, the rattling must rattle the minds' little joys, the whole group of us, harsh noise to muffle the snowfall. There's this fear of feeling of attachment, & attendant fantasy of having thoughts only mediated through music forever, never mind hearing. Without it, madness descends, the variables part around your hand as you reach out to grab them, chopped up into consequent particulates or hung in larger taped-together axiomatic bundles from the yoke ends, carried & set down at intervals. Into this hand all the words left AND the right words into the other. (peerless enemyless counterpartless) Was it I the illusion of a choice? leg chain / allegiance but the illusion wasn't present. You teach the dog its own human language before you talk to it, you learn to give the trout water a read. Straight instructions sprout fat mushrooms on the forest surface; wild pigs rut. Electromagnetic force lines net big rhythmic storybook fish. Radio waves turn loose. Illness heals; UV light sterilizes. (!?) My body and its thoughts uncloak as galactic back-eddies. There was all this stuff I was going to tell you Johnny Cash was on the radio being pretty mediocre all things considered Thousands of people in the Gaza strip have lost their hearing due to recurrent fighter plane sonic booms. My imagination is a fraud, sandpaper sandpaper is brain on weariness or happiness or chorus. The unexpected became reality entering the fourth hour of Senate appropriation hearings, when the original Gary mentioned almost in passing that the ghost Gary said the other Gary had given cause to dip cadence w/ suspicious pause knee-joint deep in horse anger just because your dumb face calls Gary grab torquoise feather jig job on bob water trout cap if'n happen tepid bib dip bung. I so tire of your guitar band. I give two stars, and scold your butt-ass song structure year. The year creaks open to stop the gap, frond-heads spool idiotically, not to knock here in soon-to-be glowing fall spring's un-ethereal snowdrop or whatever, i.e. eggs over easy where ether = egg. The Ether Bunny, ugh. Basically I think the ether is tired. The ether is where the gods live who gave rise and birth to the outerspace spiders who in turn begat some spaceships. Isn't ether pretty indifferent? Can't you put your hand in it and lend it some abject structure? And way off in the ether to your left, mired in that calloused-over pudding that prehistory's measured pace so impresses us by having broken through the surface of, a concealed USB port is waiting to accept the sloughed off desires of failing to adapt: Persian inscription, B.C.E., gruesome warning: "Off with your head, Joanna Newsom" Dark Ages prototype Creak claw pigeon Body cavity gears Drop the jawbridge & Blood in a river in .swf format calling your visual cortex 'doormat' However intuitive, downloadable railroad gold spike teeth hide bite-profile payload In facial concealment a terrible truth: expressions preprogrammed to hide their own wrath Double-grin golem doggerel algorithm Squawkbox guffaw text-to-speech prism A cyborg/lutist superimposition DNA kink Learning-curve omission Sort by Modified Fold spindle & tabulate Data mine vulture Air-burial combobulate Boneheaded chromium robot embarrassment Essence is software and body embellishment Dignity hangs like a Congo computer Garden of Eden first-person shooter Flop your body like a dying bird Play Japanese music I've never heard Smash your guitar seems kind of dopey Arcade Fire hyptertropey built; ceremony balances; instructions One of three terms is missing Anyway who are you being by being the first last person to give "utterly" and "utterance" a close reading. My thoughts and yours shared tanginess and tangibility. Flavored bagpipe filters give grape notes life. It's an 8-minute meditation, opposing melody, dancing with it. (?) Memory gives melody life, melody gives memory time. It's a non-melody I have memorized and I can barely believe it's also the song "Hamburger Train" by the band Primus. Like hair, ear gives life. One of your crops has failed. A functionary is sent to survey the damage. One of your airline pilots has fallen asleep. Your imagination redirects. One of your guards has wandered away. What do you do? >_ So you input the proper commands to send your character on his/her way, pausing in circular, rabbit-blessed fields, ipod full of Alvin Curran, Dwight Yoakam, you listen to both kinds. Nice songs are nice but not everything because music built outside of metrical and tonal whatever tells you what planet to be from. Centipedes are from the rings of saturn. Rabbits have come an intergalactic distance and their hearing is excellent. Music at its most distracting requires the strictest attention. Either you are in the center of the concentric rings, measuring thresholds of replying densities, or you have airplanes doing much the same on their flyovers, say over oil-well fires. The smoke blows the nerves into the pattern of a diagram. Many sentences can say the same thing. What does meteorology do? It is a stinkbug with shirt and tie aspirations. winds from the southwest at 25 mph nearly triple digits today hot and humid provoking visions of pink pinkwheels they accept energy, no they supply it! I'm supposed to know how it feels if the song is built to be cranked, turned by the handle again & again, I suppose I do know how that feels. A well-known performer sits at the piano, not playing. I'm always disappointed, and the story ends. I know how he feels. I listened to the music I claim I require most (fast, kind of euphoric) 18 times according to itunes. Pinched syntax sits layered per turned page of the anatomy textbook the knuckles wrap, because intact anatomy makes no three-dimensional sense. I've tried to hold you, the rabbits, to compensate you for the predation I hold up as though before my face. What feeling of mine is presupposed at seeing you snatched? Behind a veil of mountains, a green, touching climactic scene. I wonder where have you gone to? Thanks for sending the pictures It was nice to see you all again Your inner lives must be weird I went for a 10-mile run Domesticated rabbits Careful crawfish Timid titmice Drowsy caterpillars without knowing what the point of the seminar was, and seeing that over half of his power point presentation had been erased in the flood without subconscious memories locked in a bank vault that got carried over from a string of previous bunny lifetimes This time the bunny will be better, will be faster and smarter, this time the bunny will be everywhere. Hey bunny! It's a bunny Look at the bunny There's a bunny Look over there there's a little bunny Stay underground Stay underground stay underground Little rabbit little rabbit Stay underground From inside the hole the red spot on the weather map is only a loud sound with a lot of other sounds mixed in. Nine tenths of planning is execution. You play a noiseless ninja who slices people in half. Your speed and agility help him slice people in half. You play a level 20 jackrabbit. Your speed is 55 and increases by 2 every level. With every 10 minutes of night's onset, you gain a +5% chance of invisibility. In addition, you get a +2 bonus to perception during the hours of dew condensation. Your speed and agility scale upwards exponentially as proximity to heard dangers decreases. You play as a kind of cat your ideas & kinaesthetic sense fit into. You didn't come up with any of it; is this okay? (y/n) You play as Roy Orbison in a game whose boundary detection channels sound away like runoff, hard kernel inner ear. Nothing is pressing in, nothing impinges, so the character you picked proceeds in a straight line, hydroplanes over a brick street made of pixels. The true thing I want most the music I most want to hear is blocked at the mouth because its number of connector pins doesn't match in the mirror when you make your warrior/cannibal face, it means increase the voltage, "The hole I show you engulfs and jaw chomps" and out sound sprays. Was it pope or ape jaw open in the Bacon? Sight hinges below the board, joystick twirls it, the true gorilla mandible matching game I wrote. Instead of a genius baby I had animations of the ordinary ninja or the alien mummy with sonic knives, but some people like kind of a boring guy in a blue uniform. The baby drives a green robot suit that does wrestling moves. The boring guy's electricity attack is undesired because of the known bug it causes. You'll be unable to press right-right and run past the spike guards and pick up the sentient prosthetic flamethrower arm that last boss dropped. I was up until five waving a little ninja around at the end of a joy stick. Roundhouse Kicks! Linguistic torque! Unlock bonus phonemes! Earn extra points! Deal maximum destruction! Subordinate clauses chain & gain power multipliers when you play as Thomas DeQuincey e.g., dealing +25% damage against claustrophic notions of what a musical instrument can't be: mindset follows earpiece across absolutely any border, falls within. That beloved sentence formation comes to you in the middle of the night as a long lost power-up. This state... every enemy encounter expected... who aces videogames counts as visionary? The heart, the longed-for combo... I've been asked to compose loops of music for a Street Fighter style game. You put in your quarters, pick your character, and throughout the fight maintain detachment and academic curiosity. The stiff bow, the crisp liturgy of movement and pause as though creating and filling by rote slots for fancy metaphors (the small bones in the hand are like little worlds, something something). Rigid stances, chesslike. Still they're building something skeletal. "And finally tonight, one heroic lop-eared rabbit corrects his owner's thousand-dollar accounting mistakes. His name is Rumble, and he's a real 'money bunny.'" The News Center 5 Team breaks the story, a tower at the foot of my bed blasting information lasers of almost immeasurable sharpness back into the skull of the sleeping city in a painting I remember seeing. Who did it? Enough bad guys isn't interesting enough for the problem, music with a point pointy, here the music gets serious [about] recyclying one's own earlier musical material to mimic coming to the simultaneous revelation, eventually, of whose it was ("when I'm falling asleep I hear music and music, I hear how they fit together"), whose nose in the surgical supply catalogs to get the right razor back but sharp means sharper. It was you with the amount of stretchy soft-surrealist autobiography in the styrofoam cup, spun by the Breton worm. Cut it up into segments, the way imagination is isn't that intimate. The sea cucumber's oxygen exchange organ is suitably shaped only for generating dreams, which bewilder him, until he dies and I'm cut off. One day I'll be too shamed to keep exaggerating. It began like fingernails being clipped and continued down the line. In a city I couldn't make out there was a reptilian man who leveled at my gaze an average and predictable bazooka-full of textbook manifesto tradition: it's unacceptable this, it's unacceptable that. The public opinion polls fall all around. The master sage uses his opponent's center of gravity against him. The great martial arts traditions come to the big screen in a time of great peril to save that which matters most from surging from within to infest the people. All the body parts break along partisan lines. The femur is a marrow stairway? "The soul is one voice in the polyphony of" something illegible. The brain is a construction worker, pulling harder and harder myriad of course light-sized cords attached at the back of the eye to threaten to pull down a piled-high wall of pretty things. The iris exerts a calming, fixative force. The gut is the famous design of a team of BOSE engineers, to allow the sound to fall out. The elbow joint is a bow-marking The palm transmits the buzz of the clutched earphone. The fingers unfurl, fuse with part of the eyebrow. It only takes a moment It lasts 30 seconds or so Its events cover a time period of one week It is less than one pixel wide, as punctual as perforation and encapsulation in a cavity of the head, minus of course the extended duration this involution incorrectly implies. Sinuses spur the hyperextent of the gesundheit. An event built (though that verb might mislead) on cheap sampler button-presses didn't used to result in the news. Which is why you exactly never can have it back again. I fell asleep at Bruce Springsteen's concert / lecture tour The Well-Tempered Teleprompter: Intersubjectivity of Mainstream News Outlets Someone reads the news to the dreamer. I wake up to remember it. President and VP end charity evening by biting beaks. Every night for weeks it was headlines with homemade backing tracks pre-recorded? Colorful new species of Amazon parrot ripped from the headlines. CEO accused of remastering own voice in company-wide redistricting. Distant drum chorus in furor, dozens feared dead. 400 petabytes of bird flu research lost annually due to bridge collapses. Cheerleader elected mayor in rural drag race gone awry. Kenny Chesney, de Chirico popular with troops: Petraeus. More teens pushing gas pedals with hands study finds. Congress approves sonic engine signatures on hand in annual report. Spam robots cause massive alligator die-off in arid email climates. Six minutes before waking me up, Bruce Springsteen smashed two flower-vases together over my head. Prone, I Am slow to know When immersed Or falling asleep The Two-part Inventions. That Edith Piaf "means something." That somebody's doctoral dissertation is some big philosophical ocean-liner engine-part hanging from a few moments of Kid Koala. That one phrase of all the copious Alvin Curran liner notes ("endless fascination with the interaction of tone and duration," something) would be cause for...? The great thinkers take stands against such a domino effect. Moments are for chumps, as Sartre said. Ze musique, she is bad, as Breton said. They took & unhid each source striation (tradition) non-separately, back and forth sung a ditty along, and walked over to this one separate player hidden, flat box and along the track over along the striation one of them separately did to this one hidden track This one 80-year-old mind composed most musical moments Barely or only intermittently hearing things is SAD because of the slapstick of it, lost up one end of the cochlear spiral & (hello?) the other end of a phone call Joke relighting candle, stuck in reverse, beeping like a truck, why why Why does a given sound come from what, when? It's a dumb problem Me (particle) standing in the projected tornado path, a time-shaped cone tipped over onto the map, in response to having trimmed (but why?) my instincts back to this single man's idea of creation and innovation being two competing frequencies. He used the example of those youtube videos of old 78s playing, one long take, indifferent sound, handheld camera. He doesn't mind terribly such a clean uncoiling but would rather each misery bone bag bleeds into the one standing next. Clustered affinities waiting to cross the street. I sat down with him on a Saturday to sort all this through. It's not the craft of songwriting/composition or "deft melodicism," but his aforementioned "Experience Crumple-Zone Theory" under which for example "labyrinth" is interchangeable with microcosm, or as he'd specify: "Now then that specific passage was now passageway now passage I'll tell of all the heartbreak I've seen Lord raise me up, Oh Lordy Lord come raise up me, redeem me, Give Me An Art Idea: a stake in an arid plateau far away, a swiveling head on top of it, whatever gears to make its nods extra-intricate, then put a video of it on the internet over someone else's music The aural (and other) memes, even in a single-author document or song, spread, certainly, across a community, as we know, and must also have come from somewhere, through an implacable narrowing-down to the point of emergence. But try tracing a path backwards up the funnel cloud. It makes my arms elongate & jungle spines grow down the back of my neck, & my nostrils the size of coin purses. That's redeeming value?" Why that, specifically? I mean, He's one of the world's most underrated songwriters; I stole everything I know from him and carried it off in my mouth like a panther cub and studied it. Why cosmic explosion yields someday dark digestive pathways, eg? Hidden there far enough away from everything else An energy baffle made of condensed, twisted up energy The size of the whole underside of an island Draws over its own passageway map constantly but It's not all going anywhere now that it's finished You can't get into it and you can't get out But the creature standing on the X in the center Is vibration clumped around two main frequencies Oh well hey Feed a real minotaur a bucket of turnips, only $20 I have that much So where are you in the center of, now? Someone will datamine the geospatial coordinates and drop a hypercompetent corporate pop album on them and milk'll pour out like a swirl of notes Hot cream poured into the molds so the resulting per-person in-ear stage monitor lactates A thick swirl of notes trapped in the strata offers rich information about the where & when, a set of distribution data of trees and timber in the ancient world. A fanatical redrawing of boundaries A swirl of notes definitely doesn't make sense Some would have to end before they started But okay, let it all in, let it clump or not A typical vortex either buttonholes your friends unkindly or Gives them access to all the accumulated information Outer space scrapes itself But from here it's easy, looking up and Offering foolishisms & wishes, Depending on how exposed we feel, to the sky above us Empty or full. Turn the human knowledge banks loose, I said, give the people the information they need la gente, o povo filtered through microscope glass Blurry jpegs of pollen magnified 100x I think ideas & words don't clump together like that To find out, stay tuned for our next episode Violence Is Never The Anther or, I Think I'm Pollen In Love With You violent little bursts or ideological nodes of interest to an explosion of identical visual art Who can be the best copyist? And who is the crappiest? Find a zoom level thinking happens at and draw 60,000 little territories there And then the wind changes so start doing something else Music unplays back, coiled up in the warm part of the chest where no organs are, Ravel's Sonatine and Super Rad! by the Aquabats unfortunately is fun and everyone in history changes 200 years ago all at once I could kick some music in the stomach! Everyone's consciousness before the change 200 years ago was seated in the center of the chest, then wham but I don't know what to call it that much is absolutely the case. Outwardly, and with daily things and holding still & pretendly enjoying play profundities. Into the cold half-light The duke's gray stag popped With antler-ideas stolen from, bristling With security cameras and insect microphones ((Movie Music)) so we'll hold still for a while you who I love and let the sound effects get laced in up to and until the flashes of laser guns and the holding of hands becomes part of the musical composition, until there will be no named theories for what happens audibly alone or in groups and this money is worthless! out of circulation music highly derivative, music based on star charts dog thrashing a stuffed buffalo, dog-toy music clink clink, silverware music I could do this all day I can't get over how empty it is (could be -- How would I know? And why the irrational worry over it? What do I care? I don't even "work here"...) squeaky clean cabbage leaves, soup music soup buckle music, will buckle music, will have buckled music music that violates copyright, Cheers theme fugue, yawn. space dust fluttering down, a music of dust merry-go-round, a remusicalization of the calliope hinge-point/knuckle, right angle music crawl across the floor shots fired, PTSD music "We reject any work which does not piercingly strike molten and inhumane depths, which skitters around on the surface." All those manifestoes and everything It's hard taking that stuff seriously etc. New Common Practice/"Totalist Composition" or just walking around with epidermis microphonacea than which was then thin king fish slip thin mem brane through/of water ruin desert vice versa BOBAGEM | MEGABOB "Infidels trot in the meadow Genociders trample a tree Throw the fish back in the ocean They ain't what they used to be Rising, snapping the rafters Then sweeping back out to sea People I've seen while dreaming Ain't what they used to be" A darkened door led into a long dark hallway at gunpoint In those days the opening of every new option led deeper into all the others. Which is why notebook crazy intuition always, long-distance running bank robbery dreams. Nowadays, I set the ipod to repeat "When Big Joan Sets Up" and snap my fingers along like I'm trying to change the music from wooden boy to real boy, to ripple liquid & let smooth over energy in energy out Snap Snap. Snap Snap When Big Joan Sets Up forever forever The harder you snap your fingers on the 2 and 4 to draw it forcefully out into the external like perpetual leech through pinhole pinhole through paper over whole big real never deal other anything. The trills and other ornaments (Bach, Feist, JZ et al) are so unacceptable one must force oneself to redirect one's attention to them, evidence of liberating energy stored to draw blood from the leech. Nebula not built to refocus red energy out but in, it vanishes in a sense. There is void lacks sense. There is only vibration, and matter through which it moves Which is why the music can be so fleeting. "Haunting" The ripple effect outwards from inside quotes, counterflow In a river mouth city Speech is a mouth Beware, the dieback is set to begin in a river mouth city Rigor mortis spreads up river but at some point jumps the tracks You must get your moisture directly from the clouds and keep yourself directly facing the sun This Bud's for you ha ha I look at everything as a problem but: with unflagging optimism: No flaggings allowed! No negative thoughts allowed either ha ha. I'm going to solve this country's problems by talking through the music I think I most want to be listening to (goddammit) but: The average shark never stops with territory. First there is one shark, then two, then four; they refuse to recognize you. And maybe you've had it with veneration. All that's left now is, mark out a little territory somewhere farther away. More of tacit fake mind gait jostled by distant thud bombings into view, mollusk mantle underwear Out on the low arctic tundra of Greenland Fortifications straight out of Robinson Crusoe Sharp stakes set in a circle Where nothing will grow Flags planted on the arid plateaus of New Mexico; flags left in the Bolivian high pampas. Mongolian dune slowly reabsorbing its sandcastle crown. The wind whistles over the rocks and among the grasses of the Alpine steppes. There is no J.S. Bach to a bunny. I could learn to be a bunny. You, rabbit, your live body wire supplies input for a dream of outrunning dream ability Sunlight directed like whisper through a rabbit's supernatural translucent ear If only there was someone of conscience around to remind me to think of what each instance of incremental, detail-oriented attention might have to do where it's all heading. I expect again today I might not really hear what I most want to hear. The Japanese can hear Roy Orbison. A raccoon took the lid off a container of thrown-away apricots. A buffalo didn't want to eat a mouse that was near his face. A pet iguana was given a special treat of apples mixed with leftover cilantro leaves. A crab was pecked to bits and when we found his shell the top part of it was upside-down and full of sand. An osprey tore the guts and ripe red meat from a fish that was still slightly moving. The Magnetic Fields is an okay band, if you like music to get bored to. A soft-looking caterpillar ate part of a daisy-type flower, approximately half of it, then got distracted and wandered the other direction A dormouse who lives in a coconut wasn't fat enough to hibernate so they fed him ivy pollen and blueberries, I saw it somewhere A cluster of extinctions, pollution Poisoned rivers. There is a number of millions of new acres of desert created every year. This was ten years ago. The situation in Africa already impossible. I have a wall of books. Marcel Duchamp vs. Philip Guston. In either case you're memorizing intervals without trying. The clouds race past, overhead But it's only apparent movement Red and white twisting around a candy cane The environment: global climate change, Much louder, and much slower in both ears all of a sudden. Keep track of things coming up. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Make a list of the numbers and kinds of music you want to hear Switch the terms around, "dappled" surface, your "life's work" I just want to eat some nice green leaves and go to sleep for a long, long time. Some kinds of music are dead; some ideas are dead. Things are going to get much, much worse in coming decades. One week from today, J.S. Bach for thirty minutes a day caused enhanced growth and recovery in plants and people. Give me a slow beat (~1/4=56) and I'll spill out spitfire thirtysecond-notes. Armchair revolutionary weighs in on moment states and directionality in Bach and skull suture movement ("give") in human adults. Lucretius has it that the universe must consist of atoms and void: matter, and space through which it moves. He's not even the one who thought of it originally. The matter/void admixture results in sunflowers blowing in the breeze: not "to be happy," or even to witness only happy occurrences, but to free the cold external from regrets and loneliness. This should be easier than it is. Why? But I am in no way shielded from the tedium of other people's art. Any thing but to be tame permanently, which includes everybody's "first facts" and what we're here for, where it's going -- I don't know you, a sunflower never meets another sunflower down there From the air, it's a wide yellow field, the financial markets were jittery today, made pockets and the plane buckt (It's the Sunflower State, for hundreds of miles it's nothing but sunflowers and intersections The piece was built on a looping structure The police was built on a looping sunflower You alone, you are the little wire Alone you form the little wire sculpture Were we hearing the same thing? Sunflower, sunflower, sunflower sunflower sunflower) (You've backed me into a corner here -- ) I drew you a conceptual picture about the concert we were at, and I want you to see it. It's a field, constructed of the correspondence (by inversion of appearance, and by mutual movement) between sunflower and sun: a conical, highly charged region of interest. Stories of large fields of sunflowers turning their heads in unison to listen to the sound of the sun fail to consider whether it is behavior or not. Imagine you're the sunflower but you don't know it. The sun rises and you writhe heedlessly, arbitrarily pointing your receptors; the sun sets and you're exhausted... the unfamiliar music you hear, maybe try to follow, at that point... How miraculous that sonic after-image (or why not, before-image) is! (Because honestly it can slip into something you've listened to a million times and back out again. ...Back out, into what? And before you know it you're asleep.) My opinion is that you need to listen as hard as you can, every time, without ever stopping, which makes you exhausted, but as tired as you are you have to work to keep it from resolving into a recording you know well. I figure out what's the crucial aspect and make a whole extended silence out of it. Then suddenly I find we're holding on, to each other, & I'm glad you're here, listen to this. It starts out with Bach and moves into different territory. What does the concept of Auto-Save have to do with Bach? A Bach French Suite and then some Lightning Bolt. The music of The Shins lacks all imagination, like white mold. No, like Wittgenstein, I'd rather stop listening when I choose. It wouldn't sound like anything if you weren't here to hear it with me. "Get cleaner, whiter teeth with" Take advantage of every opportunity to really listen. Just hear, hear, the motivic specificity here: Get cleaner, whiter teeth with Get cleaner, whiter teeth with Slow down, and hear, each one of the sounds. It's not numerology, or Zen, this Alone, as though with headphones, writing down. It's not anything even though the motif has 5 notes in sequence so I thought I would invite 4 other people It was a nice lunch. 5 is the perfect size for a table of people. The pleasure of hearing a new opinion from someone I'm beginning to we leave, we all head in different directions... two halves of a shell close around me and how thoroughly can it be notated? That it's perfectly audible, that snap closure mechanism As you leave them and are alone, or the music starts and you're alone, That you hear the notation as well as what you hear Within a span of several seconds, isn't that good? But, none of it's as good as it's supposed to be; none of it lives up to the potential of the medium. Ad infinitum they try for the biggest chain reaction they can get but fail through lack of commitment or overattention to Matters of craft: pitting 4-measure cycles against 6- and 10-measure cycles, overlapping them, each stepping into each other's space a little too soon. To speed them up, vary them, shift the surface only, hollow, to mystify, would be pointless. It doesn't make sense to feel both responsible for the spiritual and material conditions the human world lives in and through every day and simultaneously disconnected from that world, but what other formulation of loneliness finds such refuge in sound, made sound, intentional sound? Expose the perfected fallacy inherent here. Attention to resonance is resonance (connection and hard work as well), or, buoying the listener's consciousness on itself, the sound level rises and spills over the edge, the first big edge, but into what? It's not much of a drop, really, and once you make it you find level footing, & a kind of basic horizon. But, you think, Safe from the flimsy protections of "the industry"? And at the same time wondering "is what I have in mind a good approximation of where this is heading? Or is it just shifting surface, Steve Reich, Busta Rhymes, Lucretius, 'art screams' like the guy said, etc etc" It's been hounding me for months, that one set of sounds, occurring when and where it occurred, half it seems by accident -- how time opened up and accepted it -- an evening of music, that was all it was. I have this ambition, which I woke up with this morning, to figure out the problems presented by the performance, in spite of also waking up this morning feeling like a number of knots had come untied while I slept. The people that say the most difficult things to me about form (musical form, don't let yourself be confused or if confused don't mistake it for a made sound) are generous with ideas I may never really deal with -- not "music is x, y, and z," but "x, y, and z, though unrelated, are musical" -- a horde of crabs in my likeness, with pinchers right where my arms would be, scuttling everywhere in search of another way of reframing the music, just scrabbling around across a surface of coordinates without really cutting too far into that hard, heavy sphere left by the ancestors. Is it of value, the sphere, or a problem too perfect to "get"? The music's Wealthy, maybe, but known to have lost some former mastery. I was so much wiser before; I could form opinions quickly and easily, whereas now it's a long process which usually ends in further loneliness & prohibition. It would be easiest to copy down previous thoughts; that is to say, how circular is listening? And to what? Whether it's call/response music, drone, noise, or just in a digital format you can listen to over and over? A metaphor is useful here; the insistence of the music softens the hard shell of time and preoccupation -- before very long, the listener is able to slip out of her shell like a molting crab, briefly unprotected but at least not confined. After the opening of the piece, which is chaotic, a set of rules seems to take over and the accompanying comfortable rhythms too -- like "software libraries," i.e., givens, fit for use. Imagine your expression as you dimly wonder what all this musical back and forth has to do with politics... then you think, as I do, that it must be something to do with people's actual lives... but whose? Etc. And there are long periods of seeming inactivity, in which, through repetition, the notes might seem to be about to crust over with callouses, but the opposite is true, until time begins to return, to re-encase the body, causing constriction, low blood flow. You can feel it when the music's about to end. How can that be the case? Then it ends and you sit there keenly aware of all the knuckles in your hands. To play it with true sanity, sobriety, that would be something remarkable. But when applause comes to an end, it's as though it has never been. There are advance warnings, of course, smaller outlying disturbances And then the big vibrations really begin to hit VIBRATIONS... known, yes, before the climax arrives. Which is why it would be embarrassing if one's quest for achievement, or adrenaline if you prefer, ended up at kind of a middle-brow, empty-grocery-store place. Your world is so perfect to me in its loneliness. I hear the hisses & pops, the whistles, the crumple-ups, I press myself against the pane, to hear them. Not the kind to organize it, though-- you got started too late Their claim is it's easiest to achieve a plateau by citing Balinese music as an example. It's easy to cite Balinese music as an example and we must not always do the easiest thing. I haven't kept up with what's going on in their world. Of course they are the hope for our future -- Like Orwell said about the proletariat? Ebert gives the world only 100 years I've been listening to a lot of Jay-Z lately I haven't listened to it yet but I expect it to be good. They had lots of good things to say about it on NPR. You know what that usually means. I was at the DMV for 2 hours today...2 hours.... Taken one moment at a time, in celebration of a... I don't know what it was, exactly. An arctic wind blows in & lifts you halfway off the foundation, and is gone... I've been here before....I've seen that particular tree before. It may have been from the other side or in another particular kind of light What have you been listening to lately? I thought there were seagulls swirling as I came down off the Williamsburg bridge You can't get people always down off the bridges So that they turned to war as a way to bring a more efficient musical production into their lives. I have seen the videos of 500 lb bombs, of them waiting for the arrival What is there to say about the flow of meaning in and through the music? Is it a movement of connection? Do they still call to you Do they name you But the music is always renewing itself; it captures and channels the intensity of its instruments, of the social conditions it was made in. Music is the real story of the human race. Prove as fallacious any necessary connection between musical form and anything whatsoever, as in such sentences as You like all the songs. You like them Prove as fallacy the "musical equivalent" of: #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Accumulations of sediment, plastic carbon, round-wound strings snapped, clamor, best practices, etc. What's at stake here in what I'm listening to; in order to keep it from all evaporating it must be pressurized from the outside, eyesight curves through the added atmospheres warping even the most eventual result. The musical weirdness (...?) must be put in the service of something-- keep in mind it's all pop music -- So we vacillate (as listeners, or until listening) between a rote humanism and a rote anti-humanism The foment of the decrepit Calcarious pre-remnant fissure issue Come on by and reassure me about the issues Heave Train Cream Reave Crave Me tried to tell me me knew where me was all going Sadie called up, then, put the phone down The other phone, (@#$!*) It's important to eat broccoli, for broccolic acid Today was a good day. I spent money I clipped my fingernails. I worked out a systematic analysis of the semiotics of games on film (sub-films) The small man (I mean the smallest of the three) had never learned to whistle arm hair, goat meat ten hands braided on film The unusual, steady rate of their appearance as of the changing of the guard they slept in several low, round structures and disappeared in the morning Press state cancel renew homonym dripp Steady drip you come out out of it. GRRRRRRRRRRR Run and photogravure Rest hotly debated side of the road commercialism Commerce number crunch Oh baby come here come give me a hug Three adjectives tied together Three adjectives tied together permanently It was an awful day today I don't know how solve problem stop communicating To view the superhero figure in isolation or to bring the figurine in for a perfect landing or to bring it all in under budget. They motion you together, for a snapshot It was a day filled with pride. I leaned back in my chair and supported my head in an unnatural way. There were gouges all across the ceiling.